Dear Earthlings–

How does it feel to practice #EcosexualLove in Hawaii?  Did I hear fabulous?  If yes, then, please check this out.  It may be the occasion you’ve been seeking.  The Call for Proposals comes from our team-member, “Your Portland Poet” Karen Hery.  She’s organizing the 1st Annual Gathering of #EcosxualLove at Lolia Place, on Nov 1-6.  We are seeking proposals.  You can be part of the program.  The Call expires on August 31.  What is Lolia Place?  An up-and-coming intentional community home of conscious sensuality and welcoming to #EcosexualLove.  Here’s Karen’s invitation letter to you:

“Dear friends and fellow #EcosexualLovers–

It was a pleasure be a presenter in Puerto Rico for the UPRM Symposium “Practices of Ecosexuality,” organized by Dr. SerenaGaia (aka Serena Anderlini). It’s also a pleasure to get back in touch with you with one more piece of exciting news.
Dr. SerenaGaia, Saffire Bouchellion and I are now collaborating together on a FIRST ANNUAL GATHERING OF ECOSEXUAL LOVE at LOLIA on the big island of Hawaii November 1 – 6.
We are super excited about this project and opening up this event to you. I am one of the people in charge of the process and am writing to encourage you to contribute to the event’s program. It would be an honor to include you in this gathering as a presenter/participant.

Free from the more formal structure of a university setting, we are looking forward to even more expanded experiences of ecose
xual practices at Lolia Place, a clothing optional, conscious sensuality focused eco-village. We encourage you, when you consider responding to our call for proposals, to think beyond lecture-and-listen style presentations and expand into the arena of interactive discussions, experiential workshops and visual performances. We are excited to hear back from you. Please check our Call for Proposals. It’s open till August 31st.  Thank you!

For this first year event, we are looking to gather 20-40 people–with a limit of no more than 60 people–to live on the land together.  Some of us, including Serena, will be continuing on in the Lolia monthly intern program.  You are welcome to consider that for yourself too, if interested.  The program’s description is available.  Please check it out at this link.

While at Lolia Place, we will be eating vegetarian foods, many of which are grown on the land, while staying in camping style accommodations in small, and comfortable shared cabanas.  There will be a mixture of planned structured activities and free time to enjoy the land, the surrounding places nearby on the island, and each other.  We look forward to possibly sharing this magical time with you.  Let us know if this feels like the right thing at this time for you.

This community gathering is self-supported by all the people who are gathering together to live into the change we want to see in the world.  Presenters and all participants will cover their own costs for travel plus $500 for food and accommodation at Lolia.  No presenters will be paid for their offerings, keeping the cost down for everyone in attendance. We will provide travel and lodging information and appreciate your willingness to fund your own trip.

I’m linking the call for proposals , the Lolia general event brochure, and intern program description.  We plan on organizing an exciting program in September.  So we strongly encourage you to submit as soon as possible, and by our closing date of August 31.  Please send 300-word descriptions plus a brief bio to me at  I look forward to receiving them.  Thank you!

To recap the access points:
This is the link to our event page on the Lolia web site:
This is the link to the Call for Proposal that closes on Aug 31st:
 This is the Facebook event for sharing in your networks:
 This is a Facebook group for participants to be communicating with each other.
This is a link to more information about the monthly intern program:

For more context and info:

Lolia is a 45-minute drive from Hilo International Airport and a 3-hour drive from Kona on the other side of the island (car rental recommended from this location)

Submissions to this call for proposals will be reviewed by the four-person organizing team for the event, including myself, Dr. SerenaGaia (aka Serena Anderlini), Saffire Bouchellion, and Walker O’Rourke. They should be sent to me at in 300 words or less with a 250 word or less bio. The closing date for proposals: August 31st. Please direct any questions to me. We all look forward to your responses.

It would be great to hear from you and delightful to receive a proposal from you. Please also help us to spread the word about our open call. Consider submitting with a partner or collaborator or two. Please also share this event info and call for proposals with colleagues and friends who may be interested in attending. Thank you!

With love of the journey –

Karen Hery

Your Portland Poet”

Dear Earthlings–

Thanks for listening to Karen.  We hope to hear from you soon.

aka Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Erstwhile Professor of Humanities and Cinema
Convenor of Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium
Fellow at the Humanities Institute, University of Connecticut, Storrs (2012-13)
Project: “Amorous Visions: Ecosexual Perspectives on Italian Cinema”

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