Ecosexuality 3/3 – A Cuddly New World

by Selva (Michele Galasso) from YanezMagazine

Cont’d from Ecosexuality 2/3 – when love goes 100{a9d64f7890d157e71e6efcce19e215a5f853c7f4151cde0b7bf7aada464173f6} bio

Even as American citizen, a few years ago SerenaGaia decided to try and recreate a base in our beautiful country. I recently visited her in Vidracco, in the Turin area, where she now lives. It’s the seat of Damanhur, a controversial eco village where she has been a guest, even though she’s not an integral part of the spiritual philosophical community called “the people of Damanhur.” An English couple was visiting, with their children, the underground temples that were built here. They invited us to a non-religious circle of celebrations and songs at their home. We entered their cozy bedroom, in the attic of a finely restored cottage they were renting through AirBnB. The floor is decorated with cushions, candles, inspirational books, and musical instruments. We are joined by few other friends. In the sacred circle that is created we all sing, pray, celebrate, and open our hearts and minds, as we connect to the cosmos. People pronounce words such as underground, nature, breath, a flapping of wings. When my turn to speak comes I feel quite high, full of love. I hear myself talk about how sensual it can be to walk and wander through hills and tree-lined ridges. While the shade becomes cooler and cooler, and a suave stream flows that gives life to sweet melodies. The image is that of soft open thighs where to penetrate to meet one’s pleasure.

I decide to share one of my experiences; a vision; a feeling. One day I almost cut half the tip of my finger. Without medications or bandages, I allowed nature to take its course. I was in the Canary Islands, in the middle of a rocky cove where overlapping geological layers were visible. I was amazed to notice how those piling up layers were incredibly similar to those I observed on the healing skin on my finger. For a moment I imagined myself being a tiny, invisible bacterium in my finger’s hollow. What appeared to me as immutable rock was only an insignificant moment in the course of a thousand grandiose mutations that the earth has lived in the past and will still live in the future. Perhaps that bacterium saw my finger and thought it had always been like that, just as I had forgotten that those rocks I saw were only a snapshot of a land that also changed, but with another rhythm. It grew and cracked, it collapsed, erupted, and became submerged, before humans even put a dent to it.

Who knows, perhaps even bacteria in our bowels wake up and wonder what life choices to make. Aren’t we simple bacteria in a plant’s reproductive system? Basically we are simply called to eat their juicy fruits so as to defecate their seeds at great distances. Eat, defecate, breathe, reproduce. Simple bacteria: this is how we look from the eyes of the organisms that host us. Probably one day a comet brought the first water to earth where bacteria used to live. The comet impregnated the earth with these seeds. Bacteria, the real aliens that speak to us from the stars in our guts, are nothing more than the oldest inhabitants of this planet. And they love us.

Perhaps with other visions, Eco-sexuality too speaks about this. It speaks of an ecological relationship with our own body, of sex-toys made from recyclable materials, of nature as an erogenous space where to make love, of dialogue and sharing in dual relationships, in threesomes, and in orgiastic situations. And SerenaGaia empowers those who decide to undertake a journey that leads to the awakening of one’s consciousness through the liberation of one’s body, in union with the planet and the cosmos. A real activist of sexual liberation.

She is involved in the organization of national events by the Italian Tantra family. She has recently returned from the Angsbacka Tantra Festival, 2019, which was held in Sweden. (Tantra, an ancient mystery discipline, is about opening one’s chakras in connection with another.) She participates in and holds Cuddle Parties, which got to Italy many years ago, at least in major cities. They empower people to open up to each other, based on rules that help one feel at ease. She participates in the ISTA, International School of Temple Arts. This organization “facilitates sexual healing and a healthy attitude towards sex” through mystery and shamanic rites that place men and women in a spiritual relationship with their own bodies. She attends swingers events, and other places where one can practice free sexual expression and naturism. She does love herself, her own body and is not the very least ashamed of it.

When we meet, which happens more and more frequently since this friendship was born, we continue to chat amiably as we did that first evening in Bagniaia. By now however, after having faced together our own fears and doubts about it, it can also happen that our chatter takes place while holding hands or huddled against each other, sometimes lying down on a meadow. When conditions allow it, or we are alone in private, we also spend time naked, which we love. We cuddle, while our hands caress the beauty of each other’s scars. Our skins and bacteria meet, our hormones and pheromones dance, the oxitocin [OXT] goes up, and, simply, we speak blissfully about ourselves, about Gaia, about the stars and the world to come, which we hope will be ever more open, welcoming and cuddly.

Thanks Gaia.

you may also like reading Ecosexuality 1/3 – Meeting Gaia

#drserenagaia #GEN #RIVE #Ecosex #Ecosessuality #YanezMagazine

a co-translation into English by Dr. SerenaGaia and Selva

Ecosexuality 2/3 – When Love Goes 100% Organic

by Selva (Michele Galasso) from YanezMagazine

Cont’d from Ecosexuality 1/3 – Meeting Gaia

The Ecosex Manifesto bears the signatures of two American activists: the artist Elizabeth Stephens and her partner and wife Annie Sprinkle, a former sex worker and New York porn star. Celebrated in their awareness campaign with several colorful events, the movement basically aims at a radical change in perspectives for the paradigms that see us humans today in our relationship with Planet Earth: we basically consider ourselves its users, or, even worse, its owners. And what if instead of seeing Gaia as an object, we could see her, not just even as our mother, but rather as our lover?

To explain this, SerenaGaia talks about Metamours. Let’s say that I am in love with Michele and that Gina is in love with Michele too; then Gina and I would be metamours: we would love each by interposed person. If we love the same person, perhaps we have something in common, and maybe we could also love each other. But there is more. Gina might be able to give Michele something I can’t give him, and vice versa. If I really love Michele and I want what’s good for him, then I should be glad that Gina can take care of his happiness in areas where I cannot reach. This, if we accept polyamory, would make life more simple and would be good for all of us. Gina, Michele, and I would be united by an energy of love, with respect and attention for the others’ well being, that would bring us all together. And on this basis we could build a healthy and fuitful relationship. Gina and I could finally also get closer to each other, while we both taking care of Michele.

In this perspective then, we are all, to each other, metamours. If we imagine that Earth is our lover, we realize that no one can claim her all for themselves, and we become aware that we all already always share a partner we love and need. All of us human beings, plants, animals, spores: we all are co-lovers, all in love with Gaia herself. Among other things, as the Earth no longer is our mother, we also need to stop taking for granted that she will always reciprocate our love. Actually, like good and careful lovers, we should constantly take care of her, renew our promises and, at every moment, get her to feel the force of our love for her.

From Nature, our new partner, we can even learn a lot about love. The oxygen that leaves emanate goes into my nostrils, then passes to those of an insect, and then may return to the nostrils of my neighbor. The sun warms up everyone, without distinction: beautiful, ugly, agreeable, disagreeable. Trees and plants show their genitals gifting the world with colors, smells and beauty. A cat’s purr can heal one’s body: the cat enjoys, and their enjoyment emanates waves that harmonize our organs. To love, be loved, and to feel pleasure, to take care of oneself and of others, we discover, are not necessarily mutually exclusive things.

Another significant lesson comes, for example, from Bonobos. Based on their matriarchal structure, these primates have made sex a key to their social organization. They use it, with pleasure, and it serves also to heal and resolve conflicts. They practice with multiple partners, of their own gender and of other genders of opposite or same sex; with wide ranging erotic imagination and in a playful way. If we paid more attention to this ring in the chain of being, often considered less evolved, we could perhaps learn some good tricks about how to live in a less convoluted way.

Native Americans typically start their circles and ceremonies by celebrating “all our relationships.” We are connected to the heavens, the stars, the earth, to our ancestors, animals, plants, and all of this while we also give and receive. Mitakuye Oyasin (“everything is connected”) the Lakota Sioux people repeat like a mantra: this is their way of praying and giving thanks. Likewise, we could celebrate “all our lovers,” all our metamours, which in my case include my grandparents, whom I love and know that they love me in return. In the same way, I love plants and hills around me, my cells and my bacteria. These are all connected by a warm energetic wave of mutual love.

this article will continue next week with Ecosexuality 3/3 – A Cuddly New World

#drserenagaia #GEN #RIVE #Ecosex #Ecosessuality #YanezMagazine

a co-translation into English by Dr. SerenaGaia and Selva

Ecosexuality 1/3 – meeting Gaia

picture & article from YanezMagazine

by Selva (Michele Galasso)

I met SerenaGaia one evening at the summer gathering of GEN, Global Ecovillage Network. This year the meeting was held at La Comune di Bagniaia [the Commune of Bagnaia], in Tuscany. Between this event and the meeting of RIVE, the Italian Network of Ecological Villages, in July 2019, Bagnaia has hosted more than 1000 people. As a group, the “Piumani” are now a significant element in the event’s program and its organization. Since I am a Piumano myself, this year, I was happily one of the volunteers, or, as we call them here, “Volentieri,” a pun that plays on the meaning of this Italian word, “with pleasure”.

It was evening, after dinner, when this lady and I started chatting about a book I was reading. As we got closer, I discovered she is exactly the age of my mother, which out of respect for both ladies we won’t say. It was a very pleasant deep intriguing conversation under the moonlight. After a few hours we walked ourselves to our respective tents and we hugged for a while as a goodnight gift before parting. As I looked at the stars, while falling asleep, I thought “what a sweet, pleasant encounter.”

A constant image of her: curly white hair, sometimes with a purple-colored hair lock. Among that hair, often, a wreath of flowers. Bubbling smiles like an enthusiastic girl who, when laughing to her heart’s content, would not hide whiffs of healthy pleasure. Hands quick and clear in explaining concepts with gestures, as well as in caressing and stretching out energies when the vibration is high.

The next day I am with the leaders of the organization when she appears, in her most formal and professional demeanor, with a complaint about books she sent for her presentation which had been sent back by mistake. This way I discover she is one of the lecturers in one of the many workshops and seminars for which people from all over the world come to these events.

Dr. SerenaGaia, aka Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, whose Italian name means serene and joyful, holds a course in Ecosexuality, a quick taste of what can be more thoroughly experienced in her seminars on the Alchemy of Eco-sexual Love. One can also read about this in one of her many publications, to name just a few: Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves, Gaia and the New Politics of Love, Women and Bisexuality and many others. On her site she is defined as a leader in the eco-sexual movement, as well as an expert in the ecology of love. “A world where it is safe to love is a world where it is safe to live,” she claims, and intends to create this world with her sacred activism.

By all effects an American, so much so that she no longer even feels Italian is her preferred language, she has lived in the United States for most of her life. In California she became familiar with, and supported the bisexual movement (sometimes known today as “queer”), and in Puerto Rico she was for years a university professor. And it is precisely in the USA the she joined the revolutionary movement that stands “for an ecological love.”

But who are, in short, these Ecosexuals? In fact, this neologism in quite new. if you google it you could get the idea that they are, or should I say we are, mad people having sex with trees. This kind of facile humor, which also often happens in relation to topics like pranic nutrition and other holistic practices, is a natural human defense against what is not known. Potentially very dangerous according to some, these ideas and theories take the risk of questioning everything upon which one’s life is based. Therefore they are often exposed to contempt, mockery, belittling. All it takes is a quick look at the cartoons about Darwin and his theory on the “ape man,” considered absurd in his times, at the disputes against heliocentric theories, or the disbelief around Columbus as he claimed he could reach the Indies etc. Ah ah ah. Big laughs.

Yet, as the web reassures, unlike other movements, this one, albeint rapidly growing, focuses on personal pleasure and attitude rather than protests or political ends. So, basically, “it’s okay.” What’s important, always, is for it to appear harmless enough. Or maybe not so?!

Find out next week in our next segment!

this article will continue next week with Ecosexuality 2/3 – when love goes 100{a9d64f7890d157e71e6efcce19e215a5f853c7f4151cde0b7bf7aada464173f6} bio

#drserenagaia #GEN #RIVE #Ecosex #Ecosessuality #YanezMagazine

a co-translation into English by Dr. SerenaGaia and Selva