in the Arts of Loving
3WayKiss is a non-profit corporation whose mission is to educate the public about the arts of loving and their infinite forms of expression.
In particular, these arts include styles of love that are inclusive, open, healthy, joyful, and sustainable, and practices of love that are non-violent, safe, respectful, legal, and consensual.
3WayKiss supports research on love in its multiple forms of expression, including the sharing of emotional resources this involves.
3WayKiss also provides support to communities, institutions, organizations, and associations that practice these arts of loving, that study these arts, that offer education and training in them, and that disseminate information about them.
3WayKiss intends to foster a public climate where the arts of loving are seen as a domain of the arts of healing; where practicing these arts is seen as part of the global effort to create an emotionally sustainable planet; where trusting others and sharing resources is seen as the source of abundance and peace in the world.
3WayKiss achieves its mission via participation in, and funding of, public events; educational venues; open-source dissemination; digital and conventional media outreach; creative and scholarly projects; support for, and collaboration with, local/regional/global allies; and other opportunities and venues for collaboration, research, education, and information-sharing.
When you donate to 3WayKiss you promote these values and you get preferential treatment (including comps and discounts when available) to any of the events publicized on this blog. Your generosity is deeply appreciated. Pledge your tax-deductible gift now!
Pledge your tax-deductible gift now!
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