The EcoSex course at U Conn is in process. It’s a great experience. We are reading amazing books. Thinking out of the box and across disciplines. Students are sending their responses in, with discussion questions. In class, we connect the dots: a holograph of what we’ve read together, the “required readings.” Multiple perspectives and good synergy. Here, we offer a glimpse. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio’s Gaia and the New Politics of Love was one of three cultural theory books. We got four responses: from Michael, Alissa, John, and Alexandra.
gender. I have always been confused by the body. I find it absurd that we have such rigid social constructions of gender and sex that certain individuals need to switch their biology to feel natural. Natural, however is a social construct. The feminine and masculine ideals paired with their respective sex labels dumbfound me. Still, I realize that there are a list of traits titled feminine and a list of traited titled masculine. It is not my intention to swipe away these labels, rather I would love for these labels to be independent of sex and or biology, as well as avoid mutual exclusivity. What I mean by this, is that someone with a penis should feel okay wearing a dress, and society should not be shocked by this phenomena. The biologically “male” being should not have to label himself “female” or “male” or “trans,” he should simply be able to explore what it is that intrigues him, whether that be football or high heels or both. I believe that there are infinite ways in which “gender” can be expressed. In an idyllic society, we would halt labelling genders and succumb to the fact that individuals are just that-individual. They do not have to fall into a specific category, though some will. Earth, or Gaia, happens to fall under the category “female.” I support this, for earth has many of the characteristics that fall under the title: she is perceived as loving, nurturing, and emotional. The idea of Gaia as feminine gives power to traits generally considered “weak.” I do not believe in “weak” traits. Thus, I adore the equalizing of qualities that are not detrimental. The idea of Gaia, however, extends beyond Earth as a feminine entity.
There are of course stigmas and negative connotations surrounding many of my believes. Social constructs halt self expression and love. These societal standards, however, are changing. Bit by bit, the collective conscious is shifting. There is an objective reality, but none of us are able to see it. We all then view the world though the events that have shaped us, the DNA that has made us, and maybe even the souls that possess us. We in turn, make our own realities. Therefore, if our collective consciousness were to transform, these concepts would not only be accepted but the “normal” would be disbanded. The Gaia theory can spark this shift.
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