A Vote of Power

Fellow Americans and all voters in the US system:

A vote for Hillary in November is the only vote that guarantees another election in 2020.

Neo-fascists don’t believe in elections. Let history be the teacher. The last election in pre-fascist Italy was in 1922. Then Fascism came. The subsequent election was in 1945!

I want to vote again in 2020. That’s why I’m voting for Hillary. Bernie knows this all too well, that’s why he shifted.

American democracy may be rigged just like most other systems. Still, this primary season we’ve seen a momentous display of diverse political perspectives and positions.

Do you value this? Protect it for next time!

A vote for Hillary is a vote for tanacity, a vote for resilience, a vote for wisdom in women’s golden years.

It will be the first time that an empire of the US magnitude is lead by a woman ever in human history, and we cannot estimate what that might bring.

Hillary has many virtues.

Including not flinching when she could have played victim of cuckoldry.

Including allowing Sanders all the room he needed to build the progressive movement.

Including galvanizing Republicans who take pride in the legacy of Lincoln and break away from traitors of this legacy.

A vote for Hillary is a vote for women proud of our wrinkles and the wisdom written one the face of our golden years. 

A vote for Hillary is a vote of power for all of those who believe in the wisdom of love!

I have to admit that my ecosexual dream would have been to see Hillary AND Bernie run together on the same ticket. That would have been a front populaire, French style fascism-prevention move. The Kaine move can break the GOP and be effective too.

Let Meryl Streep make the point better than me!

Sexual Freedom in the Age of Ecosexual Love

Sexual Freedom in the Era of Ecosexual Love

The new sexual freedom we need to invent is the freedom of Ecosexual Love. This freedom is predicated on a shift from fear to love. Sex-positive education is key. And it needs to understand itself as something wider, more powerful, more planetary, and more significant than the fears of infection it was born to assuage. Sex-positive education is a wonderful way to bring joy to people as they reinvent the arts of love in the aura of the divine feminine and its infinite capacity for pleasure. It’s a great way to invite men and people of all genders to embrace the divine feminine within as their Kundalini awakens. In the Era of Ecosexual Love, sexual freedom will also be a way to honor long-term HIV + survivors as heroes of self-love. Allopathic and holistic practices of health manifest love in different ways. These perspectives can unite people today in a process of societal healing that brings the human family back to love. The ecosexual movement is an inspiration to practice sexual freedom as we share in natural, fluid, and inclusive practices of ecosexual love.

I practice safer sex and recommend that it be practiced to the extent that is required to ensure full consent from all those involved. I also educate people in my circles about barriers, risks, and the exchange of fluids. I include awareness of multiple theories of sexual health and reports about long-term survivors of STIs. But not as an excuse to overlook risks. Rather, as a way to instill hope in a future where people may enjoy sexual freedom more fully some day. I am not a “victim” of conspiratorial thinking. I am a responsible amorous player with a wider perspective of ecosexual health. I trust in the love of the partner we all share: the Earth. And I believe in empowering amorous players to be in charge of their own health in natural, intuitive, holistic, and time-tested ways. I have been successful in exporting the health and beauty of ecosexual practices of love to communities in the Hispanic world. In most areas of the world, people have their own time-tested medicine styles and practices of health. Their participation in the digital sphere is limited, yet they do long for sex-positive education. For example, in the Hispanic world, Conquistador behavior has produced machismo, and many women’s groins still clench in fear. Wherever I bring my wisdom, I invite respect for dissent and am excited about the infinite and abundant ways to practice ecosexual love that are virtually risk free. Expressing appreciation for dissent is compassionate and inclusive. This inclusiveness empowers those who have overcome fear with self-love and is a great contribution to sexual freedom and the science of love.

If we want sex-positive education to be relevant, to expand, to reach out to world-wide communities, we need to model respect for a diversity of perspectives and points of view on what health is. We need understanding for a wider spectrum of modalities of health that people can access from their communities. We need good listening for people options to be communicators and participants in the digital sphere. And we need compassion for people and the ability to embrace them where they are at in their evolution.

The world is on the verge of an Ecosexual ReLOVEution and this ReLOVeution is a way to reinvent the freedom of ecosexual love.

Dr. SerenaGaia – aka Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio

Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, June 23, 2016


Biographical Note

Dr. SerenaGaia is the sacred name of Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD, editor and author of, most recently, Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love. Dr. SerenaGaia believes that “love is the ecology of life.” Her prophetic books, including Gaia (2009) and Eros (2006) have inspired readers around the world to open up to the glories of our amorous life on “wide-bosomed Gaia.” Artfully weaving together ecology and eroticism, Dr. SerenaGaia revives the vibrant, prehistoric connection between nurturing Gaia and mischievous Eros, envisioned as a primal force that “blows the breath of life into all beings.” She is the author/editor of many books about Love, including Bisexuality and Queer Theory (2011), Plural Loves (2005), Women and Bisexuality (2003). A renown public speaker, Dr. SerenaGaia teaches Humanities and Cinema at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. She convened the first academic symposium on Ecosexuality in 2016, and was a 2012-13 Fellow for “Amorous Visions” at U Conn’s Humanities Institute. She is working on exciting new books. www.serenagaia.org

Yay! May Day and the Experiment of Teaching Justice – “Debts” and Humanities First Hybrid

Dear Earthlings–

Rejoice with me!  Today, May 5th, 2016, I found out the requirement has been waived.  My two first hybrid sessions of H-Humanities 3112, Humanities and Love, are now being offered to all interested UPRM students.  I hear they filled up in a flash.  They’ll start in August.  I’m really happy to offer this service and learning opportunity to students who love to learn online.  Yay!

Read more about the saga below:

Today, April 30th, 2016, marks the first anniversary of my lynching by the Department of Humanities at UPRM.  That was really a very traumatic time.  I felt so bad I wanted to retire.  What was the big fight about?  Teaching in a part-online modality called “hybrid.”  The gory details are in two affidavits filed with the authorities of the campus.

A year later, my priority proposal has been approved of.  Woooow!  It’s H-Humanities 3112, from early modern to present time, with a focus on love.  The historical content– all freshly produced from what I call a public-private alliance between my 3WayKiss non-profit and the UPR–is all online.  It’s now a gift to the creative commons for those who believe in knowledge as love.  Enjoy it here! 

The Department even listened to the Proposal for Revitalization I designed, called “Action.”  The Prezi I made for the occasion is really fun.  You can watch it here: it’s public.  Colleagues listened carefully and a bunch of intelligent questions came after. What a great sign!  The gift economy is rich with imagination, and I do hope new life emanates from this proposal study.

However, as it turns out there is still a caveat.  Apparently, the Office of Academic Affairs now wants me to run a human experiment with my newly approved hybrid modality.  I think it’s a bad idea, and have expressed such.  Why?  Well, for any given course, a presential session must run parallel to any hybrid one.  That’s for purposes of comparison, authorities claim.  But the reality is that when teaching in a hybrid modality, to keep comparable standards and obtain comparable results, one must run a much more complex battery of tests and exams.  Memorization is not what does it.  Appropriate online tests are designed to train students in activating their minds and in thinking about what they’re studying. The tests are super time consuming and could never be run in class.  They really engage students who love to learn online.

So basically the human experiment Academic Affairs recommends is on in which one has to treat one group different from the other.  Now, I’ve never cared to be known as an easy-A professor.  But there hasn’t been a time when students have not found me to be very competent and just.  The hybrid modality I designed intended to alleviate their experience of learning in a degraded environments like our building, infested by dirty air-conditioner filters, fungi, asbestos and rats.  Something from which they suffered just as much as I did.

Now, if I did what Admins recommend,  I would probably risk my reputation as both competent and just, while I would also lose the best students’ trust.  What’s more, this human experiment would probably result in turning young minds off the desire to learn that spontaneously arises from their loving, enchanted minds.  Ouch!

One can certainly tell that the rules for online teaching modalities have NOT been designed by those familiar with the practice.  I can very well teach all my H-Huma 3112 sessions as hybrid next semester.  Students will be delighted, and that’s why I asked.

In a Puerto Rico crumbling under a debt much of which was fraudulently acquired, one would hope that common sense would prevail. There’s plenty of past and future session in the conventional style for comparison.  Wouldn’t this be a great time to support one another, and make the best of what little we have left?

May Day tomorrow is a time when we the people of the island  prepare for gathering in front of the Capitol, in San Juan, to reclaim our right to be treated like citizens.  I have my body sign ready.  It says: The people of Puerto Rico negotiate the debt.  Yes, the people and the land count.  More than whatever mess was engineered by financial capital and is now called “debt.”

A public university has the responsibility of behaving in ways that honor its commitment to knowledge, impartiality, and justice.  Beyond any ill fated or poorly conceived regulations.  I hope the Admins in question model this with their practice.  My right to be a teacher that’s competent and just is sacrosanct.

I have a request out to the Dean of Academic Affairs.   I hope the response comes fast.  Citizenship is a way of being one acquires when one stands by the principle that the laws and rules are made for the people and not vice versa.  Let’s practice that now!

Colorado’s First Black Woman Pot Entrepreneur on Edibles, Incarceration & the Industry’s Whiteness

A big wooow for this plant. Love of plants is a form of ecosexual love. And it’s good to love many plants that heal and bring joy in different ways. I’m so glad the industry is flourishing. It’s great that the shadow of criminality is being lifted.  One sad news is that people who’ve been arrested for pot are now barred from getting into the industry. How could this be fair? These people often gifted others with their pot and took all the risks, including the extra risk of structural racism if they were black. They might have been mentors and initiators. NOW that it’s legal and profitable, the road is closed for them. That’s NOT fair at all!

It’s an interesting industry for one to get involved in.  Where I get my info?  The Democracy Now! segment is available at this link.

It’s a GO – First Hybrid/Blended Sections of The Humanities and Love at UPRM

Dear world–

The proposal below was approved in April 14th, 2016.  It is for a hybrid/blended edition of the course Humanities 3112, thematically organized as The Humanities from the Point of View of Love.

Two sections of H-Humanities 3112 have been opened for the August 2016, offering.  They filled up quickly.  A third section was opened later, and it filled out as well.  This makes me feel they respond to a need and I’m very happy.

20160818_151641The Fall 2016 semester just started and I feel very happy that students in my courses can actively choose a hybrid/blended modality.  They are very excited to study the Humanities from the Point of View of Love.  My intent for the semester is that in the context of the new modality, the theme and the experience of being in the course align in more effective ways.

It is great to have one’s academic freedom returned.  It makes me love my job again.

I am also very happy about the new administrative stability the department has found under the directorship of Hector Huyke and Jeffrey Herlihy.  This happy resolution and new homeostatic balance was the work of a considerate and tactful colleague, Roberta Orlandini.  I am very grateful to her as well.

Proposal’s Documents–

My Proposal for a Hybrid Edition of an Existing Humanities Course at UPRM is coming up for evaluation.

It required the preparation of a Proposal Package composed of documents and online course materials.

It is the first time that a proposal like this is on the table.  Therefore I am making the whole package accessible here.

Proposal for a Hybrid Edition of Humanities  3112 at this link.

Hybrid Humanities 3112 – Template Syllabus at this link.

Conventional Humanities 3112 – Template Syllabus at this link.

Narrative Comparing Hybrid and Conventional Editions at this link.

Letter of Collaboration from CREAD at this link.

Online Course Content: Nine One-Hour Lectures on Early Modern and Modern History at this link.


A Final Comment–Let’s Stop Discrimination against Bisexual People

This process started three years ago.   I believe it took so long to get this approval because my department and university are aware of my bisexual orientation (from my research) but not aware of how bisexual people are discriminated in the workplace.  So inadvertently they treated me differently from non-bisexual people.

An article I published in BiTopia (2011) indicates very clearly how bisexual people are typically treated in the workplace.  This type of discrimination is very different from that experienced by most monosexual people, for example, gays and lesbians, who are often oblivious to it, if not inadvertently complicitous.

In most workplaces where awareness of this kind of discrimination is not present, bisexual people are typically considered both “unpromotable” and “unreliable” because they are interpreted as people in-transition, confused, and unstable.  No matter how inconsistent that interpretation may be with reality, bisexual people are discriminated accordingly.  Bisexual people are the largest group in the LGBT spectrum.  We are a large group made to suffer in silence a lot.

I wish this kind of discrimination to stop, for all those it might affect, including myself.  Therefore I am making this article accessible in its pdf form here.

The research was conducted by Heidi Bruins Greens, Nicholas Payne, and Jamison Green.  Blessings to their efforts!

If you’re not aware of discrimination patterns against bisexual people, here’s a great opportunity to educate yourself.

Thank you.


Revised August 22, 2016


Innovation and Renewal at UPRM – Getting to Know the AGB Report

Dear students, colleagues, friends, collaborators, administrators, members of the expanded UPRM community–

This letter is an invitation to study the Report that the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB) has prepared for the University of Puerto Rico.

In a conjuncture where the best and most peaceful option we have is a wisely negotiated bankruptcy that will wipe out debts and keep the island’s assets in the island while suspending credit for Puerto Rico, this proposal for reform is like an extended hand that offers a lifesaver to  those in a sinking boat.  It is wise to appreciate life savers when one’s boat is sinking.  They can make all the difference!  I’ve had a bankruptcy.  I learned one of the greatest lessons of my life: Serena, live within your means!  Now I have assets, not debts.  The same could happen to the UPR and all of Puerto Rico.  It i my wish in writing this.  Thank you!

The document and what it proposes matters to everyone a great deal.  It recommends many things that we all know should have been done gradually over the years.  We have been mired in what is often called inmovilismo, a fear of change that ultimately causes more problems than it can ever fix.  Now is the last chance to finally get to those changes!  Are we going to take it or miss it?

I propose very ample discussions about this proposal in all administrative and teaching units.  Departments, faculty, administrators, employees, students.  We all have to get in sync so that we can collaborate eagerly for the common good.  Can we do it?  I hope so.  Please consider.  Thank you!

“You can’t always get what you want,”  as Tina Turner says.  But there is a lot we can do when we become honest, upfront, direct, and sincere.  Unashamed.  For any process of renewal, self-knowledge is key.

This letter makes the AGB document available.  It’s very important to study the project with keen attention, an open mind, and in the spirit of analytical observation.  Knowledge is key.  What does the document say?  Do we really know and understand the content before we take action about it?  Any action devoid of knowledge is ignorant.  I have invited all my students to do what students do: study the document.  Find it at this link:

Building a Sustainable University System

For open discussions, there is some forum already in place too.  A series of open meetings has been organized by the Comite de Autonomia.  They’re at the Hora Universal.  I went to the one on March 10.  The next one is on March 15, in Stefani 113.  Then on March 31 in Anfiteatro de Enfermeria.  We need many more of these, at different hours.

There is plenty of room in these forums.  That’s where it’s good to be.  The more people participate, the more we can prove that we are capable of renewal and of welcoming change as a community.  The more the renewal project the Report proposes becomes doable.  The more our chance to save the life of the University of Puerto Rico becomes real.

Let’s get started right now!

Hope this helps.

Enjoy the week!


Practices of Ecosexuality @ UPRM: First Academic Symposium Speaks – From Day One in the Caribbean

Dear Earth Lovers–

It’s been a joy to convene #PracticesOfEcosexuality@UPRM, the first symposium about #Ecosexuality hosted at UPRM, an academic institution located in the region I’ve elected as my third Matria, the Caribbean.

Day One was Thursday, January 28, and we were in the Teatro Figueroa Chapel, a beautiful amphitheater at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, whose air conditioning system needs urgent refurbishing for calibration and sustainability.  It was FREEZING!  Despite the balmy temperatures and caressing breezes of the dry season in the blessed region of the Islas Maravillas, we had to wear coats and sweaters to resist the low temperature air conditioning.  The university contributed performance spaces and technical skills, with Dean Gilbes’s special blessing.  Speakers donated their time, travel funds, and expertise.  Volunteers donated their organizational skills.  My non-profit, 3WayKiss funded the necessary hospitality and publicity.

ThiPES-SusanKeynotes was a day of ideas.  A little too cerebral, considering the excessive air conditioning.  The really hot gift that made it all worth while is Dr. Susan Block, who came with her husband, Captain Max, all the way from Los Angeles to educate people in our region about the inspiring behaviors of our kissing cousins from the primate kingdom, the Bonobos.  Also known as Dr. Suzy, Susan Block is a renown sexologist and sex educator who devoted her energies to studying these gentle creatures who evolve peace through pleasure.  Students had been lining up in the Lobby to sign attendance sheets.  I rushed them in so as to start on time.

The theater was full.  Our speaker was absolutely charming.  She spoke ad lib presenting her BonoboKiss1 copyfindings on a background of eloquent videos where the diverse amorous behaviors of various Bonobo communities could be admired.  These include kissing on the mouth, intercourse while gazing into a partner’s eyes, various styles of pleasure, inclusive sexual play with partners of various genders, respect for the wisdom and experience of older females, and solidarity among “sisters” when annoyed by male insistence.

What a nice place to be!  I want to sign up for Bonobo camp next summer.  I’ve been called PES-SerenaSusanbonoboesque before.  But I bet I can learn a lot more too.  Dr. Suzy eloquently explained how, if inspired by Bonobos, we humans could find ways to use our intelligence more efficiently than we do today.  We too could evolve peace through pleasure instead of endangering terrestrial life with our cruel weapons.  Yes, I agree!  That’s ecosexual intelligence, or ESQ, right, Dr. Suzy?  And I’m so happy that the public could feel validation for these practices and ideas.  A whole batch of student reports was due this week.  Dr. Suzy’s keynote was a big hit.  Some students felt an alignment with their own way of thinking.  Others were exposed to entirely new ideas.  Many responded with enthusiasm.  Others considered Dr. Suzy’s proposal seriously.  All response were equally significant.  Some of these reports will appear on this blog in an upcoming series.  Stay tuned!

Lunchtime was a great occasion for community members, students, and volunteers to intermingle with speakers.  Tables were organized with attendance sheets, books, and foods.  We served Sancocho, a specialty of the Caribbean that brings out the richness of local ingredients.  It was made with love by our volunteers.  This tasty soup is healthy and complete, revealing the ancient culinary wisdom of the region.  Dr. Suzy was so eager to answer questions about her book we had to remind her to eat her soup.  People’s ecosystem absorbed the love found in the food.

Marsha1 copyThe day continued with two favorite presentations.  Marsha Scarbrough, from New Mexico, focused on the Orishas, these African deities that reside in elements of nature and remind us to sacralize what sustains our lives.  An onstage dance made it all more real.  Another favorite was the self-revealing tale of Maria Virginia Sanchez Cintron. a bilingual worldMaria copy traveler, social worker, and musician in Mayaguez.  She revealed how ecosexual love can work for people seeking openness in relationships, and especially for Latino women who experience sexual expression on a continuum.  This presentation was a favorite with attendees.  It was very spontaneous and reached to the heart of many bicultural people’s experience in our region.

As the program unfolded, an audience formed that continued attendance, well beyond any required hours, which is what makes symposia real.  It was great to see such diversity in attendees: ages, colors, attires, genders, origins, disciplines, interests.  It was a true manifestation of the motley nature of the Caribbean.  Speakers had been asked to be cognizant of bilingual needs, and to leave 25 percent of their time for open questions.  It was a great joy to me to notice that we always had more questions form students and other attendees than speakers had time to address.  Participation was eager and real!

Next was my presentation from my brave co-editing experiences.  As some of you know, I PES-SerenaAudienceam the co-editor of #Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love, published by 3WayKiss in 2015 here in Puerto Rico.  I wanted to share about the complexity of this collaborative experience, where I worked elbow to elbow on a par with with a number of people spread world wide and all willing to go on record as ecosexual authors.  What a great adventure it was!  And a major joy in it was the evolution of a loving collaborative alliance with my faithful co-editor and mentee Lindsay Hagamen.  She appeared long distance from her community in Washington State.  This was a technological feat.  It all worked really smoothly thanks to the careful technical assistance of Antonio Ramos and Pepe Garcia.  I did not perform to the best of my abilities.  I was a bit too overwhelmed with production and emceeing responsibilities.   But it was great to read poems by Yemisi Ilesanmi and Kamala Devi, and excerpts from the book, along with Susan Block and Lindsay.

Linda RodrigPES-Lindauez is the brave colleague who became involved in the project from the beginning.  A graduate of the UCLA PS-EmilySchool of Film, she staged a scene from her film script Children from the Sea.  It was exciting to see the stage filled with props and performers in this in-progress staged reading.  While listening to Linda and watching the stage business, one could really understand the secrets of script writing techniques.  People could really relate to her theme and their questions were very interesting.

Last but not least for this day of ideas was Taber Shadburne‘s active learning exercise on the Tabertheme Spirituality in the 21st Century.  In half one hour this Master Trainer from Oakland, California, got everyone to speak out and loud about their most hidden secrets.  His simple sentence: “I pretend to . . . . but I really . . . ” worked its magic as people started to fill out the blanks with what’s in their heart.  Participants lost their fears and shared their intimate thoughts.  What a relief!  Impacting the whole person is a significant goal in teaching.  Education is a voyage of personal transformation.  And it is through practices like these that we can achieve it.
The day ended with the screening of two films.  Playa Azul I Love You PAILY-Flier2is a short film about the first Plural Wedding of Ecosexual Love in the Caribbean, performed in 2014.  It’s my first and I was very shy when introducing it.  It’s co-direcred and co-produced with Shaison Antony.  It is still incomplete.  But was good enough to show to a supportive audience.  The second films is a classic of Ecosexual cinema, Goodbye Gauley Mountain, by Beth Stephens with Annie Sprinkle.
GGMPoster copyBy the time of the screenings, most people in our audience could not stand the cold any longer.  Many braved the adversity and stayed anyway.  But it was a small group.  Some of the feedback I received on my film is that it requires more drama.  Its accented English was amplified by the large screen.  Gauley Mountain is a favorite in my courses and was appreciated here too.  In a future edition, I would place films at a more favorable time in the program.
PES-SusanWorkshopThis is my report on Day One.  I want to thank all the speakers, volunteers, facilitators, organizers, technician, and attendees.  Collaboration was at a very high point, with everyone staying tuned and willing to pitch in.  There was a lot of peripheral vision.  Students enrolled in Huma 4996-001 did a great job of manning their teams, bilingual/hospitality team, attendance team, technical team.  Everyone was very responsible and present.  We met many new people willing to help us power events like this.  My beloved assistant, Paola Pagan, a UPRM alumna, was as appreciated, organized, and attuned as ever.   Thank you Paola!  I was, at times, overwhelmed with trepidation about how all this would pan out.
      This big Day One was a big challenge for me.   And I sometimes became bossy and bitchy as a PES-Danceway to fend off tension and cope with things.  I apologize to anyone who might have been in the way.  I’m glad I can think back to this experience with calm and wisdom.  Firsts are a way to gather stronger teams.  And when we do another edition we will have more calibration, delegation, and wisdom.
     Thanks for listening.  I hope this was useful.  If you find this report interesting, please share with your networks.  We will post more on Day Two, the in-the-body day, and, eventually, on Day Three, the spice-on-the-beach day.

Ecosexuality: What Does It Evoke in You? – Book Review by Robyn Vogel

“Ecosexuality: a word unfamiliar to many. What does it evoke in you? Curiosity? Perhaps it’s a bit titillating? Regardless, it is an attention grabber! And if you’re ready to embark on a quest of discovering what it actually is, well then this is the book for you! Welcome to the heartfelt compilation by SerenaGaia Anderlini-D’Onofrio and Lindsay Hagamen – the perfect place to start your journey.”

Here’s Robyn Vogel’s Book Review of Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love

Ecosex-FrontCover-Revised2“From philosophical discourse to practical applications, from self-awareness to global awareness, from the spiritual to the physical, from the intellectual to the sexual, from the weightiness of the threats to our planet’s survival to the lightheartedness of flirting with trees, this is a wonderful resource for those new to the concept of Ecosexuality; also for those who are familiar and ready for a deeper dive. The good news is that no life vest is needed, for diving in deep is life sustaining.”

“Not easy to define, Ecosexuality is the polyamorous celebration of love including oneself, partners and all beings and things of this place we call earth. Sustaining ourselves and our environment is the cornerstone of Ecosexuality. It’s about loving all will equal vim, vigor and respect.”

“So often sustainability is associated with sacrifice – in order for x to be replenished, y must be relinquished. For years I have been working with my clients to help them to identify those things that replenish them, and those things that deplete. My intention is to bring to light that self-replenishment is the first step in global sustainability. It begins with the individual.”

“From a place of fullness we can then share with a partner. In my practice with couples, I start with each person developing self-sustaining practices, and then partners incorporate that with each other from a place of generosity. Ecosexuality promotes the strength of this energy, consciously integrating that which is a natural phenomenon: the procreative energy of sex and the natural evolution of the world around us. Imagine the possibilities! This brings us back to the core of our existence – the interconnectedness of all life and all energy forms on our planet instead of the separatist view which has flooded our globe, oozing into crevices and nooks.”

“When we acknowledge ourselves as part of rather than apart from our environment, our intentions and actions foster the healthy interdependence that results in sustainability. So how do we get there? How DO we achieve symbiotic relationships within our bodies, with each other, and with our world? Through this book, we learn of the philosophical basis and practical applications of Ecosexuality. We learn that the life force of sexual energy has the potential to go beyond producing children and may very well be the answer to saving our planet. We learn that for all beings to survive we must acknowledge our basic need for partnership not simply for social interactions, but to create the abundance of love needed to thrive.”

“Anderlini-D’Onofrio’s and Hagamen’s “Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love” may just be the blueprint the world needs in order to shift the tide from competition for diminishing world resources to the truth that only love is truly real and is therefore, the deep well of infinite resource we are all seeking.”

Review by Robyn Vogel, MA, LMHC, Psychotherapist and Intimacy Coach, Puja Leader Extraordinaire

Connect with Robyn at www.ComeBackToLove.com


Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love

        A collection of writings edited by SerenaGaia Anderlini-D’Onofrio and Lindsay Hagamen.  Puerto Rico: 3WayKiss 2015.

With its beautiful revised cover, the book is available at Amazon.com for only $ 16.50.  If you haven’t ordered your copies, this is a perfect time to do it.

At CreateSpace you can get your copy at a $ 6 discount on the listed price.

Click on Add to Cart, then insert the Discount Code EWMBLB2D.

Press Release – Dr. Susan M. Block’s “The BONOBO WAY” to Keynote at UPRM

For Immediate Release:
Contacts: David Rossi Phone: 310.568.0066 Email: Bonoboville@gmail.com, Serena Anderlini: Phone 787 538 1680, serena.anderlini@gmail.com

Dr. Susan Block to deliver “BONOBO WAY” Keynote at UPRM ECOSEXUALITY Symposium

Los Angeles, California: January 7, 2016 — Susan M. Block, Ph.D., a.k.a., “Dr. Suzy,” internationally renowned sexologist and best-selling author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure (Gardner & Daughters Publishers), will deliver the keynote address for the first Symposium on Ecosexuality in the Caribbean, to be held on-campus at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez (UPRM).

Block’s keynote, “The Bonobo Way: An Ecosexual Paradigm for Humanity,” poses the question, “Can we learn to make ‘peace through pleasure’ from our Great Ape cousins?” Inspired by the real bonobos, it presents these fascinating close genetic cousins of ours as a new primate model for humanity in terms of sexuality, war, peace, gender equality, community and “ecosexuality.”

“The ‘killer ape’ paradigm, based on competitive, male-dominant common chimpanzees, has long been used to explain and excuse human violence, rape and war,” says Block. “Bonobo apes are at least as close to humans as common chimps, but rarely rape and never kill each other. Instead, they utilize consensual sexual activity, sharing resources, female empowerment, recreational play, hedonic kindness and lots of hugs to diffuse violent tension before it descends into murder. Can we humans learn to ‘make like bonobos (not baboons)’ and live in harmony with each other and the Earth? At this turbulent point in human history, it’s worth a try. Perhaps, if we learn from these amazing creatures—as well as save them from the seemingly imminent extinction that humanity’s bad habits have forced upon them—we can crack the bonobo code of ecosexual peace through pleasure.”

Other Ecosexuality Symposium speakers include UPRM Professor Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, Ph.D. and Lindsay Hagamen, co-editors of Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love, the collection that brings together the voices of 30 leaders of the ecosexual movement; Marsha Scarbrough, author of Honey in the River: Shadow, Sex and West African Spirituality; Music Director Mariá Virginia Sánchez Cintrón; award-winning author and UPRM Professor Linda M. Rodriguez Guglielmoni, Ph.D.; “Conscious Communication” Master Trainer Taber Shadburne, M.A.; Aguadilla-based author Dr. Anya Trahan; Ecosexual poet and activist Karen Hery; Puppetry artist Camille Cortes and more, along with a screening of Drs. Annie Sprinkle’s and Beth Stephens’ documentary, Good-bye Gauley Mountain: An Ecosexual Love Story.

View and download a complete Program for the Symposium.  View and download a Program-at-a-Glance.

If you’re interested in Te Amo Playa Azul I Love You Two, the Plural Wedding of Ecosexual Love that follows the Symposium on Jan 30, view and download this program here.

Block’s Bonobo Way Keynote is scheduled for 10:45 – 11:45 AM on January 28, 2016, at UPRM’s Teatro Figueroa Chapel, the first event of the Symposium. She will also conduct a workshop on January 29, 3:30 – 4:15 PM, entitled, “Release Your Inner Bonobo: A Different Kind of 12-Step Program,” weaving stories, studies, theories and fantasies into possibilities and a practical path of action that enables a very personal “Ecosexual RƎVO˩ution,” deepening “bonobo awareness” of our global interconnectivity through empathy, eroticism and play.

David Rossi Phone: 310.568.0066 Email: Bonoboville@gmail.com

Dr. Serena Anderlini Phone: 787.538.1680 Email: serena.anderlini@gmail.com


“Impactful, often hilarious… wildly entertaining…

The Bonobo Way just might hold the key to world peace.”
—HUFFINGTON POST book review by Steve Karras

The Bonobo Way is sexy and fun… damn smart too.”
—”TANGENTIALLY SPEAKING” with Christopher Ryan, Ph.D.

Podcast Interview with Sex at Dawn author Chris Ryan, Ph.D.

“Dr. Susan Block has a new understanding of how to enhance our intimate relationships!”
—PROGRESSIVE NEWS NETWORK interview with Dr. Diana Wiley

“Bonobo eroticism doesn’t discriminate”
—ALTERNET Why Group Sex? by Carrie Weisman

“Adventure, optimism, and love is what Dr. Susan Block is all about… Patients become fans, and fans become evangelists.”
—CITIZEN LA Inside the Pleasure Compound I Dr. Susan Block

The Bonobo Way is a refreshing must-read for our times.”
—Dr. Patti Britton, leading sexologist & past American Association for Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) President

“Bravo Dr. Block for paving the way to a hopefully more bonobo future.”
—Vanessa Woods, author of Bonobo Handshake

“The Bonobo Way is a pleasure on all counts… fun, humorous… meaningful, persuasive and especially significant at this time.”
—Dr. SerenaGaia Anderlini D’Onofrio, co-editor of Ecosexuality 

“The Bonobo Way is marvelous! A happy book for a happy life in a happier world.”
—Xaviera Hollander, author of The Happy Hooker

“Brilliant book. Enjoyed it thoroughly.” 
—Sherry Rehman, Sr. VP of Pakistan People’s Party & former Ambassador to the U.S.

“I love every page of The Bonobo Way!” 
—Christian Bruyère, producer of Champions of the Wild

The Bonobo Way is available in kindle and paperback on Amazon or direct from the publisher. A portion of all proceeds from book sales goes to Lola ya Bonobo and The Bonobo Conservation Initiative, as well as other organizations actively helping to protect and save the highly endangered wild bonobos from extinction.

Tired of conventional sexuality experts? Dr. Block is available for comment or interview. Would you like to review The Bonobo Way? Contact us today.

David Rossi
Phone: 310.568.0066 Email: Bonoboville@gmail.com  Web:thebonoboway.com
Watch The Video: http://j.mp/TBWyouTubeTrailer