Welcome to The Alchemy of Ecosexual Love.
The Alchemy of EcosexualLove combines practices and principles from Tao, Tantra, amorous inclusiveness, and sexual fluidity to empower participants to reconnect with their natural gift to love.
This weekend intensive is for people with the desire and courage to love fearlessly and unconditionally. When you overcome your fear of getting lovesick, of being rejected, of being consumed with jealousy, and with pleasure, what will keep your loving nature from becoming fully expressed?
This introductory training helps to dissipate these four major obstacles to love. We welcome diversity, appreciate consent, and support all forms of amorous expression. Join us as we transform fear into love with the Alchemy of EcosexualLove.
This bilingual edition is a space of encounter for diverse people in both Italian and English. Our translation resources are abundant and we will make it easy for all participants.
The stunning location for this intensive is Suncave Gardens, a retreat center in the verdant hills of the Roman countryside. The center is only a 30-minute drive from Rome’s main airport, Leonardo da Vinci (FCO). It serves organic meals made with local products. The amphitheater and the ancient Etruscan caves are equipped as enchanting activity rooms. The center also offers the amenity of a biolake naturist pool.
Feeling called to participate? Our super right-on-time option is open. A two full day intensive for only € 167! Space is limited. Book your spot now! Offer expires on June 15, 2018. Reserve your favorite accommodation and meals also now here.
The weekend introductory program will allow you to be come familiar with the opportunities of the course. Joins us at The Hill of Oaks (Il Colle delle Querce) for this new and special edition, May 24-26, 2019.
Become and alchemist of ecosexual love:
Get rid of the fear of lovesickness
Get rid of the fear of being rejected
Get rid of the fear of being consumed with jealousy
Get rid of the fear of pleasure
The alchemy of ecosexual love is composed of a synergy of various elements. When combined, these elements allow one to practice love as an art, and to generate all the love a person might desire.
These elements are the following:
- The Tao, a practical philosophy from the Orient that allows one to harmonize the elements of one’s personal ecosystem, treating one’s organs and other parts of the person like members of an expanded family,
who function well when they get along.
- Tantra, another practical philosophy from the Orient that combines amorous expression with aspects of the sacred, sacred, allowing aural and energetic connections among people who wish to love each other with respect and reverence for their respective vital energies.
- Amorous inclusiveness, which allows one to expand one’s ability to love in a wider horizon, beyond exclusive and monogamous norms.
- Sexual fluidity, which allows one to perceive and appreciate amorous energies regardless of the gender of the person they emanate from.
The weekend will allow you to get a taste of and practice these freedoms, with the possible option of going more deeply later if you so desire. The introductory program is complete and empowering in itself.
The program begins on Friday at 4 pm, with arrivals and settling in. The timeline is orientative. We will evolve together with ease and latitude, while being present to the energies in the room.
Introductions. There will be an introduction time where participants will be invited to introduce themselves, and to share about their motivation to participate.
Appetizers, soft drinks, juices, water
Theory. Introduction to the Alchemy of Ecosexual Love
- The Ecosexual movement
- The Earth as the partner we all share
- Reconnecting our metabolism to the metabolism of the Earth
- Knowing and loving the ecosystem called Thyself
- Allowing it to emanate love to others
- Meeting others as “metamours”

- Sexual and amorous expression: an art of healing and loving
- Also in nature: plants and their admired genital parts
- Ecosexual love: the love that reaches beyond genders, and numbers, and orientations, and races, and ages, and ethnicity, and origins, and species, and even biological realms, to embrace all of life as a partner with equal rights.
- Gaia, symbiosis, love, and ecosexuality
Promise of full presence and awareness until the wedding ceremony.
Tao Practices:
Tantra Practices:
Two people speak. A third person comes close to them. Opening up and welcoming. Apologizing and requesting privacy.
No. No with redirection. Yes, with direction, guided touch, mudras.
- Oxytocin group hug
- Sharing about experience, discussing
8-9 PM: Vegetarian dinner with vegan options
9-10 PM:
- Contact dance
- Oxytocin group hug
- Screening of short film Playa Azul I Love You
SATURDAY, morning
8:30-9:30 AM: Breakfast
9:30 AM-1:30 PM: We start our deprogramming for the weekend
Let’s make love the ecology of our lives
Let’s consider three elements of ecosexual love:
Knowing and loving oneself
Knowing and loving our host planet: the Earth
Knowing and loving those who share this partner with us: Humankind
Practices of Ecosexual Love:
- 10:00-11:30 AM Workshop # 1: Know and love the ecosystem called Thyself
- 11:30 AM-1:00 PM Workshop # 2: Know and love the lover we all share: The Earth

1:30-2:30 PM: Vegetarian lunch with vegan options
SATURDAY, afternoon
3:00-5:00 PM: Break for meditation relax
- 5:00-6:30 PM Workshop # 3: Know and love those who share this partner with you: Humankind

6:30-7:00 PM: Break
7:003-8 PM: Let’s celebrate ecosexual love. Plural wedding to the hosting ecosystem.
- For a more detailed description of the workshops and this ritual, click here.
8-9 PM: Vegetarian dinner with vegan options
Ready to participate? Our super early bird option is open. A two full day intensive for only € 167! Space is limited. Book your spot now! Offer expires on June 15, 2018. Reserve your favorite accommodation and meals also now here.
SUNDAY, morning
8:30-9:30: Breakfast
10-11:30 AM: Options for practice
The pleasure emitter exercise
The tree hugging exercise
The cuddle exercise
Possible screening of short film Playa Azul I Love You.
11:30 AM-12:30 PM: Sharing, discussion: how to integrate the training to daily life?
12:30-100 PM: Closing circle
1-2:30 PM: Vegetarian lunch with vegan options
Option to stay for the afternoon with free time to practice
Option to stay for dinner and overnight (not included)
Note: participants will have the option of arriving Friday morning and have lunch (not included), and even of arriving Thursday evening (dinner and overnight stay not included).
Visit Suncave Gardens, with its naturist biolake and the magical Etruscan cave. (Only a 30-minute drive from the Leonardo da Vinci airport.)
Dr. SerenaGaia, aka Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, is a teacher of #EcosexualLove. She is leader in the ecosexual movement and an expert in the ecology of love. A teacher, writer, activist, scholar, filmmaker, and cultural theorist, she co-edited the collection Ecosexuality (2015), and co-directed Playa Azul I Love You (2016). “Her prophetic books,” including Eros (2006) and Gaia (2009), “have inspired readers around the world,” Dr. Susan M. Block has said.
Dr. SerenaGaia believes that “a world where it is safe to love is a world where it is safe to live,” and intends to create that world with her sacred activism. www.serenagaia.org
Monique Darling, Author of Beyond Cuddle Party and workshop facilitator extraordinaire, was born on this planet with the unique gifts and soul calling to help you remember how magnificent you truly are! Messages from your ancestors, your spirit guides, your body, nature, your soul, are all called upon and utilized so that you walk away knowing how deeply the cosmos loves you for YOU, exactly as you are, so you can begin to love and accept yourself too.
YOU, you are the gift!
Monique has led nearly 2000 workshops in the past 8 years. She has taught at colleges across the US including Yale. She has been featured on TLC and The Dr’s as well as various radio shows, podcasts and magazines across the globe. She specializes in helping others reclaim their power and natural sensuality by transmuting fear and repression into courage, self-love and freedom. Her primary purpose is helping folks bring out their vulnerability, energetic embodiment and fearless relating. Learn more about Monique by going to www.juicyenlightenment.com or track her whereabouts at www.whereintheworldismoniquedarling.com
Peter Petersen has been teaching qigong for 17 years and has been a certified massage therapist for the last 15. Peter has facilitated in health clubs, hospitals, retirement villas, and several different wellness/spa resorts in Mexico and the United States, such as Rancho La Puerta, Mayacamas Ranch, and Present Moment Retreat. Peter has also been touring and teaching with Monique Darling for the last 3 years, honing his skills in facilitating dance, meditation, and Tantra Peter is also a personal wellness coach. This Qigong practice helps people ground themselves into their “now” to increase their present moment awareness of their behaviors, and find simple solutions to problematic habits such as: eating, moving, negative thinking, and sleeping. The result of this tool box of healthy information is that clients become their own health advocate and regain a sense of stability, peace, and well-being into their everyday lives
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We appreciate your attention. Feeling called to participate? Our super early option is open. Don’t miss it! A two full day intensive for only € 167! Space is limited. Book your spot now! Offer expires on June 15, 2018. Reserve your favorite accommodation and meals also now here.
Can we answer any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to serving you in your journey of #EcosexualLove. Enjoy!
aka Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Erstwhile Professor of Humanities and Cinema at UPRM
Convenor of Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium
Fellow at the Humanities Institute, University of Connecticut, Storrs (2012-13)
Project: “Amorous Visions: Ecosexual Perspectives on Italian Cinema”