Dear friends from social media families and tribes.

Dear friends from social media families and tribes.

I have a beautiful announcement that I feel inspired to share.

The School of Ecosexual Love offers alchemic journeys for those who wish to support and participate in sacred spaces where the energy of ecosexual love can expand and thrive, and where we share the earth so that she’ll keep us well and in good spirits.

This is so aligned with Gaian values that I feel strongly about sharing it here.

Thank you sisters and brothers for allowing me to do it.

I will share a trailer, a video, and some links.

Our offers are fun and educational. For 2020 we are in the Rome area in a magical exclusive location. Dates to be saved in July: 3-5 for Alchemy (intro path), and 5-11 July for Symbiosis (advanced path).

We are a management team that highly appreciates your values, and we hope to fertilize each other with our respective energies!

Curious? Here’s a trailer to visualize the atmosphere.

Here’s a link to the sign-up and info pages:

I’d like to add a few words about current needs of our groups. These are in fact some of the best opportunities for qualified interested readers.

Current needs:

2 priestesses or priests, possibly with experience in decorating, caring for and supporting temple spaces for tantric events.

1 or 2 people with linguistic talents and consecutive translation experience, Italian-English, Italian-French / Spanish, so we can welcome people with different native languages.

Are you there? If the challenge inspires you, it will be a very formative and resourceful experience for you and for your own groups.

Conditions for these roles:

–Course fee: free.
–Cost of stay to be paid by those who qualify (Eu 50 per day all inclusive).

For those who are interested and feel qualified, do not hesitate to contact us, here or on whatsapp at 39 329 4779406 (Serena Anderlini). Call in the afternoon from Italy, in fact I am now in Puerto Rico.

I will be super happy to hear from you.

To complete my announcement, I’d like to also remind you that, for those who want to participate without team responsibilities, early bird registration is open for the whole month of people in love (February), with the intro course for only Eu 127 (plus food and accommodation to be paid on arrival).

Take advantage now if it inspires you. Thank you!


I also wanted to share this important information with you.

The journeys of the School of Ecosexual Love integrate the values of expanding and sharing the energy of love with others, with ourselves, and with our hosting ecosystems, with a series of modalities that converge in creating sacredness, love and respect for nature and for our own nature, for our fluidity and inclusiveness.

They are offered in a programming spirit based on non-profit principles, that is dissemination, experiential education, sharing, and inclusion, as is appropriate for my “non-profit” called 3WayKiss.

At the School of Ecosexual Love we love beautiful and welcoming ecosystems. We appreciate the magic venues that host our groups in exclusive. And they reciprocate with beautiful gifts. Check out this video of the inner-cave jacuzzi our location has installed for the joy of its upcoming groups!

Thank you for listening.

Questions? Clarifications? Ready to join? Go to our sign-up page with info:

Interested in our advanced course, The Symbiosis of Ecosexual Love (July 5-11)? Go to its own event for more info

You can sign up for the Symbiosis as soon as you’ve signed up for the Alchemy intro. You can also sign up if you took the Alchemy in a past edition.

Sign up for Alchemy:

Sign up for Symbiosis:

Do not hesitate to contact us here.

All these events are 100 percent bilingual.

Thank you!

#schoolofecosexuallove, #alchemyofecosexualove, #drserenagaia, #suncavegarden, #July2020

Letter on Behalf of Tracy Elise – Save the Temples and other Schools of Love

Hi dear Earthlings!
Tracy Elise
The spaces of sacred sexuality and of education in the arts of love are under threat.  The police has raided various temples and schools of love, with many practitioners still in jail.  Tracy Elise, founder of the Phoenix Goddess Temple, is one of them, with bail set at $ 1,000,000, as if she were a premeditated murderer.  How can we possibly accept this?  At a time of such rampant injustice and greed, when the people are outraged enough to occupy Wall Street, can we sit still while the judicial system takes it out on those who teach love?  In response to the situation, and on Tracy’s invitation to send letters of support to her attorney, yours truly has drafted the following brief.  
You might feel so inspired too, and in that case, direct your brief to You can find out more details about Tracy’s situation from herself, at
Yours truly sends her warmest wishes to all those who love love enough to take the risk of teaching it.  
Dear John Vigileos:

I am a scholar in the Arts and Humanities who has focused on sexual fluidity and inclusive styles of love.  I owe my own education in the arts of love to the many temples and other spaces where sacred sexuality is practiced, and to the many schools of love where the arts of love are taught and the whole person is educated in the multiple ways to practice these arts.  Interpreting love as an art has roots in ancient cultural traditions, including Tantra in India, the ancient cult of the Goddess in the Mediterranean, and some Native American traditions.  I have taken many workshops and courses with practitioners of these arts and I believe that their educational value is of the highest quality.  Societies where people are educated in the arts of love are typically more loving, considerate, and peaceful than societies where no such teaching is available.  Whether this education is offered in a temple, in a school, in a cultural center, or any other such space devoted to this purpose, the content of the teaching is usually very valuable and formative of the whole being.  People who benefit from such trainings often become sources of love for others in their lives and communities as well.

I absolutely urge the courts to protect the temples as schools of love that meet significant educational needs in our society.  I look forward to a successful progress in this case toward the shared goal of setting a legal precedent in support of education in the arts of love.  Please let me know if I can answer any questions or be of further assistance to you.


Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD

Author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love, North Atlantic Books, 2009 (a Nautilus Winner, also on Kindle)
and of Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves, Routledge, 2006 (a Lambda finalist)
Co-Editor of BiTopia (2011), and Bisexuality and Queer Theory (2010)
Editor of Plural Loves (2010), and Women and Bisexuality (2003) Routledge, New York
Professor of Humanities
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR 00681-9264 (USA)

A Letter about Myself – What Is Success and How Is it Measured?

Hi lovely Earthlings!

Last spring yours truly took a human potential course called Personal Passion Formula.  It’s a way to push oneself to play out of the box and redesign one’s life to suit new interests and inspirations.  

Students had to evaluate their current level of success and determine the values based on which success was measured for themselves.  

These are always somewhat sensitive moments and the value of these trainings is mainly introspective.  They force one to look within more closely. 

Here are the values that 
came up for me:


Interesting, no?

Then students had to combine these values in a narrative that explained them and connected them together.  

This is the narrative yours truly came up with:

Success in my life means that I always consider others part of my family.  The differences and distances only create more unity.  People are part of my family because they are part of the human and planetary family.  The legacy I want to leave to this family is one of foresight and every action I take in the present comes from the perspective of a peaceful, happy, and abundant future.  This sense of purpose makes me a beacon of wisdom that radiates with knowledge and patience, forbearance and open-mindedness, insightfulness and compassion to those seeking a life that is creative, out-of-the-box, and free.  

This new design excites me a lot.  And some of you might get excited with me as well.  I am putting this out there with the intention of accepting the gifts life has in store.   
I look forward to hearing from you. 
Thank you!

SWATS Units in UPR: 74 PR Scholars in the US Write Attorney General

Never Thought it Would Get This Bad!  Thanks to all those who’ve signed!

Copy of Signed Letter to US Attorney General Sent via E-mail and Certified Mail

December 16, 2010

Honorable Eric H. Holder, Jr. Attorney General of the United States The United States Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001

Dear Mr. Holder:

As Puerto Rican scholars teaching in the United States we have decided to write to you in order to express our deep concern with regard to recent developments at the University of Puerto Rico (UPR). For the past months, the University has experienced a continuing conflict that began last semester with a call for a strike by the students in response to an increase in academic tuition and related to fears about the future of public higher education on the island. Unfortunately, university administrators, professors, and students have not been able to negotiate a satisfactory agreement. The whole process has recently culminated in the intervention of Governor Luis Fortuño and the deployment of a massive police presence on the main university campus at Río Piedras and on other campuses in the system, including a private security contractor and fully armed SWAT units.

On December 13, Chancellor Ana R. Guadalupe banned all meetings, festivals, manifestations, and all other so-called large activities on the Río Piedras campus for a period of thirty days. In our view, this represents a clear breach of fundamental constitutional rights. The justifications given by the Chancellor are that this measure is required in order to keep the campus open and to return it to normal operations. Furthermore, professors and workers are being asked (under the threat of punishment) to continue working despite the intense volatility caused by the police presence on campus.

We remain very concerned that such use of force may in fact increase the potential for violence and continued tension, especially if the guarantees of freedom of speech, association, and assembly have been revoked. Both the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico guarantee these rights. Moreover, this week the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico (which, without the opportunity for serious public debate, was recently restructured by the government of Luis Fortuño in order to ensure a clear majority of judges in his favor) declared, in a disturbing resolution, that strikes will be prohibited at all UPR campuses effective immediately.

We the undersigned write to you as scholars and citizens because of the potentially lethal conditions that we have described and that prevail at the UPR. That is why we urge you to intervene in order to:

1.    Guarantee the constitutional rights of freedom of speech, association, and assembly as stipulated by both constitutions and to see that the conflict is conducted under the strictest observation of human and civil rights for all parties involved.
2.    Procure the immediate withdrawal of all state and city police, private contractors, and other non-UPR security personnel from the University of Puerto Rico system currently under occupation.
3.    Call all parties to meet and have a truly productive dialogue.

Respectfully yours,

[Institutional affiliations for identification purposes only. Please respond to primary contacts.]
1) Agnes Lugo-Ortiz, The University of Chicago [Primary contact]
2) Ivette N. Hernández-Torres, University of California, Irvine [Primary contact]
3) Luis F. Avilés, University of California, Irvine [Primary contact]
4) Aldo Lauria-Santiago, Rutgers University [Primary contact]
5) Arcadio Díaz-Quiñones Emory L. Ford Professor, Emeritus, Princeton University
6) Aníbal González-Pérez, Yale University
7) Luis Figueroa-Martínez, Trinity College Treasurer, Puerto Rican Studies Association (PRSA)
8) Roberto Alejandro, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
9) Harry Vélez-Quiñones, University of Puget Sound
10) Ismael García-Colón, College of Staten Island, CUNY
11) Áurea María Sotomayor-Miletti, University of Pittsburgh
12) Antonio Lauria-Perricelli, New York University
13) Wanda Rivera Rivera, University of Massachusetts, Boston
14) José Quiroga, Emory University
15) Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
16) Daniel Torres, Ohio University
17) Pablo Delano, Trinity College
18) Denise Galarza Sepúlveda, Lafayette College
19) Richard Rosa, Duke University
20) Eleuterio Santiago-Díaz, University of New Mexico
21) Ilia Rodríguez, University of New Mexico
22) Ramón H. Rivera-Servera, Northwestern University
23) Gladys M. Jiménez-Muñoz, Binghamton University-SUNY
24) Luz-María Umpierre Poet, Scholar, Human Rights Advocate
25) Sheila Candelario, Fairfield University
26) Edna Acosta-Belén, University at Albany, SUNY
27) Efraín Barradas, University of Florida at Gainsville barradas@LATAM.UFL.EDU
28) Kelvin Santiago-Valles, Binghamton University-SUNY
29) Víctor Figueroa, Wayne State University
30) Juan Duchesne Winter, University of Pittsburgh
31) Pablo A. Llerandi-Román, Grand Valley State University
32) Irmary Reyes-Santos, University of Oregon
33) Arnaldo Cruz-Malavé, Fordham University
34) Ileana M. Rodríguez-Silva, University of Washington
35) César A. Salgado, University of Texas, Austin
36) Jossianna Arroyo, University of Texas, Austin
37) Francisco A. Scarano, University of Wisconsin, Madison
38) Jaime Rodríguez Matos, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
39) Cecilia Enjuto Rangel, University of Oregon
40) Elpidio Laguna-Díaz, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
41) Lena Burgos-Lafuente, SUNY, Stony Brook
42) Ramón Grosfoguel, University of California, Berkeley
43) José Francisco Buscaglia Salgado, SUNY, Buffalo Director of Program in Caribbean Studies
44) Francisco Cabanillas, Bowling Green State University
45) Lisa Sánchez González, University of Connecticut
46) María M. Carrión, Emory University
47) Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey Director Institute for Research on Women
48) Agustín Lao-Montes, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
49) Jason Cortés, Rutgers University-Newark
50) Nelson Maldonado-Torres, Rutgers University President, Caribbean Philosophical Association
51) Daín Borges, The University of Chicago
52) Edna Rodríguez-Mangual, Hamilton College
53) Ricardo Pérez Figueroa, Eastern Connecticut State University
54) Licia Fiol-Matta, Lehman College, CUNY
55) Frances R. Aparicio, University of Illinois at Chicago
56) Luis E. Zayas, Arizona State University
57) Hortensia R. Morell, Temple University
58) Milagros Denis-Rosario, Hunter College
59) Víctor Rodríguez, California State University, Long Beach
60) Madeline Troche-Rodríguez, City Colleges of Chicago
61) Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo, Washington State University
62) Jorge Luis Castillo, University of California, Santa Barbara
63) Rosa Elena Carrasquillo, College of the Holy Cross
64) Juan Carlos Rodríguez, The Georgia Institute of Technology
65) Susana Peña, Bowling Green State University
66) José R. Cartagena-Calderón, Pomona College
67) Amílcar Challu, Bowling Green State University
68) Carlos J. Alonso, Columbia University
69) Carmen A. Rolón, Providence College
70) Amy Robinson, Bowling Green State University
71) Consuelo Arias, Nassau Community College

Puerto Rican Scholars in Canada Who Also Subscribe to this Letter
72) Rubén A. Gaztambide-Fernández, University of Toronto
73) Néstor E. Rodríguez, University of Toronto
74) Gustavo J. Bobonis, University of Toronto

cc: Thomas E. Pérez, Assistant Attorney General, United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division
Luis Gutiérrez, Congressman, Illinois 4th District Nydia Velázquez, Congresswoman, New York 12th District
José Serrano, Congressman, New York 16th District American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Luis Fortuño, Governor of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Pedro Pierluisi, Puerto Rico’s Resident Commissioner in Washington
José Ramón de la Torre, President of the University of Puerto Rico
Ygrí Rivera de Martínez, President of the Board of Trustees (Junta de Síndicos), University of Puerto Rico
Ana R. Guadalupe, Chancellor of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus