Call for Proposals – #EcosexualLove @ Lolia, Hawaii – Nov 1-6 – Respond by Aug 31

Dear Earthlings–

How does it feel to practice #EcosexualLove in Hawaii?  Did I hear fabulous?  If yes, then, please check this out.  It may be the occasion you’ve been seeking.  The Call for Proposals comes from our team-member, “Your Portland Poet” Karen Hery.  She’s organizing the 1st Annual Gathering of #EcosxualLove at Lolia Place, on Nov 1-6.  We are seeking proposals.  You can be part of the program.  The Call expires on August 31.  What is Lolia Place?  An up-and-coming intentional community home of conscious sensuality and welcoming to #EcosexualLove.  Here’s Karen’s invitation letter to you:

“Dear friends and fellow #EcosexualLovers–

It was a pleasure be a presenter in Puerto Rico for the UPRM Symposium “Practices of Ecosexuality,” organized by Dr. SerenaGaia (aka Serena Anderlini). It’s also a pleasure to get back in touch with you with one more piece of exciting news.
Dr. SerenaGaia, Saffire Bouchellion and I are now collaborating together on a FIRST ANNUAL GATHERING OF ECOSEXUAL LOVE at LOLIA on the big island of Hawaii November 1 – 6.
We are super excited about this project and opening up this event to you. I am one of the people in charge of the process and am writing to encourage you to contribute to the event’s program. It would be an honor to include you in this gathering as a presenter/participant.

Free from the more formal structure of a university setting, we are looking forward to even more expanded experiences of ecose
xual practices at Lolia Place, a clothing optional, conscious sensuality focused eco-village. We encourage you, when you consider responding to our call for proposals, to think beyond lecture-and-listen style presentations and expand into the arena of interactive discussions, experiential workshops and visual performances. We are excited to hear back from you. Please check our Call for Proposals. It’s open till August 31st.  Thank you!

For this first year event, we are looking to gather 20-40 people–with a limit of no more than 60 people–to live on the land together.  Some of us, including Serena, will be continuing on in the Lolia monthly intern program.  You are welcome to consider that for yourself too, if interested.  The program’s description is available.  Please check it out at this link.

While at Lolia Place, we will be eating vegetarian foods, many of which are grown on the land, while staying in camping style accommodations in small, and comfortable shared cabanas.  There will be a mixture of planned structured activities and free time to enjoy the land, the surrounding places nearby on the island, and each other.  We look forward to possibly sharing this magical time with you.  Let us know if this feels like the right thing at this time for you.

This community gathering is self-supported by all the people who are gathering together to live into the change we want to see in the world.  Presenters and all participants will cover their own costs for travel plus $500 for food and accommodation at Lolia.  No presenters will be paid for their offerings, keeping the cost down for everyone in attendance. We will provide travel and lodging information and appreciate your willingness to fund your own trip.

I’m linking the call for proposals , the Lolia general event brochure, and intern program description.  We plan on organizing an exciting program in September.  So we strongly encourage you to submit as soon as possible, and by our closing date of August 31.  Please send 300-word descriptions plus a brief bio to me at  I look forward to receiving them.  Thank you!

To recap the access points:
This is the link to our event page on the Lolia web site:
This is the link to the Call for Proposal that closes on Aug 31st:
 This is the Facebook event for sharing in your networks:
 This is a Facebook group for participants to be communicating with each other.
This is a link to more information about the monthly intern program:

For more context and info:

Lolia is a 45-minute drive from Hilo International Airport and a 3-hour drive from Kona on the other side of the island (car rental recommended from this location)

Submissions to this call for proposals will be reviewed by the four-person organizing team for the event, including myself, Dr. SerenaGaia (aka Serena Anderlini), Saffire Bouchellion, and Walker O’Rourke. They should be sent to me at in 300 words or less with a 250 word or less bio. The closing date for proposals: August 31st. Please direct any questions to me. We all look forward to your responses.

It would be great to hear from you and delightful to receive a proposal from you. Please also help us to spread the word about our open call. Consider submitting with a partner or collaborator or two. Please also share this event info and call for proposals with colleagues and friends who may be interested in attending. Thank you!

With love of the journey –

Karen Hery

Your Portland Poet”

Dear Earthlings–

Thanks for listening to Karen.  We hope to hear from you soon.

aka Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Erstwhile Professor of Humanities and Cinema
Convenor of Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium
Fellow at the Humanities Institute, University of Connecticut, Storrs (2012-13)
Project: “Amorous Visions: Ecosexual Perspectives on Italian Cinema”


Sent Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Warmest greetings from the Caribbean. Here at 3WayKiss we have good news. Is nature inspiring the arts of love in your life and amorous communities? Are you making love the ecology of your life? Ecosexuality is SerenaGaia’s latest collaborative project. Its release is very recent. It is in this joyful occasion that we reconnect with you. Welcome to more spicy news from the Ecosexual Movement and the beautiful “spice” that have transformed our beloved ecosystem, Playa Azul. Stay tuned for special buy dates and click here to get your copies immediately. We are very excited about the book’s release. Thank you!

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Plural Wedding of Ecosexual Love Sets Hearts on Fire – An Amorous Visions Calendar: Feb 22-March 6, 2014 in California

Dear Planet Lovers,

It’s the night before the flight that starts a traveling period of about five months over several countries.  I only have a short time and I don’t want to take off without the promised follow up to my newsletter announcements back in December.

Oh well . . . . where do I start?

The wedding: we did it!  The first plural wedding of ecosexual love in the Caribbean.  It really happened!  iI’s done.  And it was a success. More: it was magic.  With everyone in the group listening to the invocation ministered by Heather Anne Trahan, and taking the vows to be Playa Azul‘s “spice.” Wooow!  We were so amazingly diverse, yet united by this declaration of love for an ecosystem that I sincerely call my nurse, doctor, and lover.  She is very compersive and not at all jealous.  And now that we all share this lover we are all “metamours.”  Lovers of a partner we share.  And since that day the shift in the energetic field all in and around the beach itself, ourselves, and those who come to enjoy nature, is just momentous.  We all share a lover, so we are all collaborative.  We were completely spontaneous and everyone was eager to be on camera. 
For me, and others I hear, emotions were high: to experience a “wedding” as freedom, peace, inclusion. When all feel part of it: more people, more “spice.”  What a turn around!  Marriage? It’s for everyone, ecosexual style.  Puralizing this institution: making it open, fluid, vibrant.  Acknowledging ecosystems as equals: as partners.  Thank you Playa Azul for choosing me 16 years ago and for keeping me safe, healthy, happy, at ease, and vibrant.  As an added bonus, when in the throes of this template production, an amazing team jelled up.  Our director, Shaison Ouseph, was on his first visit to Puerto Rico from Mumbai.  He learned all about us and got really enthralled, as you can see from the trailer he put out.  Many others pitched in, acknowledged with gratitude.  If you like what you see, let us know.  You can also join the conversation on the FB event page.  We are ready for the next episode in the series Hearts on Fire.  And we can bring the Hearts on Fire right where you are.  We we’re taking calls and getting booked up! 
If you can’t wait to hear more about Hearts on Fire, we have something coming up.  On Saturday, February 22, Hearts on Fire officially invites to a preview of Te Amo Playa Azul I Love You, at the International Conference on the Future of Monogamy and Non-Monogamy.  we start at 4 PM, at the Clark Kerr Center, Building 14, UCB, 2601 Warring St, Berkeley, CA, 94720.  It’s a unique opportunity to preview and discuss the ecosexual art movie that will document the first plural wedding of ecosexual love in the Caribbean.  We’re happy to present the project, share more trailers and photographs, and take questions.  Including: “how do I bring this healthy, and safe, and happy, and easy practice of ecosexual love to my families, my ecosystems, my communities?”  We look forward to being with you there.  Share with friends and invite.  Thank you!


This big wave of ecosexual love also helped congeal the energy of “Amorous Visions,” the cinema studies project that brought me to Connecticut last year.  With her warm sunshine, caressing waves, clear waters, and blue horizon, it was easy for Playa Azul to attract, in one
day, some 15 “spice” (plural for the word “spouse,” poly style).  No wonder she’s an ecosystem conducive of such abundance.  We make movies about ecosexual love.  What if we interpret cinema as a study of ecosexual love?  Turns out the motion camera can really find out what happens to the energy of love in ecosystems toxic with fear.  The health and vitality of ecosystems does affect the quality of human relationships.  And yet, even when fear is rampant, love finds a way to survive.  Love for love: the code for this energy encapsulated in a virus, surviving for a better time.  This became the focus for UC Irvine and UC RiversideAmorous Visions: Sex, Genders, and Ecosystems of Love in Bertolucci and Cavani.  Talks are asfo.  Monday, March 3, at 2-3:15 PM at UCR.  Room HMNSS 2212 (English Department Conference Room), hosted by John Ganim for the auspices of the English Department and Queer Lab.  Wednesday, March 5, at 2:30-5:00 PM at UCI.  Room HG 101, hosted by Jonathan Alexander, with auspices from the Writign Center and the Gender and Sexuality Program.  These are al free univrsity event, and they are fun.  I promise.  All details and directions on the FB events page.  Join us.  We want to take your questions and practice inclusive democracy, ecosexuality style.


Speaking of which, UCSD choose a talk on Ecosexuality, and that’s happening on Thursday, March 6, at 4:3-6:00 PMEcosexuality: Notes for an Orgasmic Earth, is the title for the in-the-works collection about ecosexuality I’m co-editing with Lindsay Hagamen.  We will be announcing this amazing collection of writings, and introducing the
Elizabeth Stephens and Annie Sprinkle’s Ecosexual Wedding
online platform for the book launch.  Teamwork here too. Go to to find out who all is in the line up.  We will also introduce ecosexuality as the practice, theory, art, and activist that reveres the Earth as a lover and acknowledges her ecosystems as partners with significant and enduring rights.  We will focus on the practice of ecosexual weddings to ecosystems and forces of nature, as initiated by Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens in the seven-year project LoveArtLab.  We will explain the relatednes of ecosexuality and modern Tantra.  A don’t miss.  Room: LGBT Center at UC San Diego.  Hosted by Pasquale Verdicchio, with auspices by the Literature Department and the LGBT Center.  All details and directions on the FB event page.  From wherever you are, this is worth a trip to La Jolla, San Diego.  Join us!


Finally, after March 6th, time for a break comes.  Here it’s time for acknowledgements to all those who contribute to this calendar.  My hostess in Oakland, Spring Friedlander, with her

healthy, amorous, and inclusive community house.  My host in San Diego, Adam Paulman, whose inclusive amorous gifts are well recognized.  All the auspices and organizers, 

including my Deans, Manuel Valdez Pizzini and Felix Fernandez.  the administrative assistants at UPR Mayaguez who spent endless hours “comprobando” (=corroborating the evidence for) expenses and funds.  The teams of Te Amo Playa Azul, including film director Shaison Ouspeh, production coordinator Lloyd Sparks, emcee slash translator Maria Virginia Sanchez, liaisons with campus and organic farms Paola Pagan and Ricardo.  High priestess Heather Anne Trahan, who invoked the natural forces on the speaking of the vows.  All the “guests” and participants in the three workshops who were eager to be filmed as spontaneously as they came long.  And who embraced together the shared spouse.  All the inspiring minds in the 2012-13 Fellows group at UCHI, and its Director, Sharon Harris.  The students in Ecosexuality, including Adam Kocurek and Alexandra Mayer, and the WGSS Chair, Nancy Naples.  Please please please help spread word of upcoming events and invite your friends.  Thank you! 
If you want to catch up with me or invite me in and around the West Coast and the Bay Area, April is your chance.  My calendar is open.  Travel plans proceed with visits and rest in May, plus getting to team up more deeply in view of future plans.  Alessio, my oldest grandchild, turns 10 on May 15th.  He’s an amazing student.  Thanks Paola Coda for bringing him up.  And we plan to spend it together with family and friends in Rome.  Visits to Cap d’Agde, France, in late June, and guests from Portland, Oregon, at PostaHouse in early July.  For all these programs, there is a place set at our table, if you choose to join us.  We have extra rooms in the chalets and camping room in the garden.  space is limited so let us know in advance.

More announcements coming as projects evolve.  They have a life of their own, and I, the “inspiring force,” am only the conduit ever rushing to catch up with them.  So I hope you will forgive if this letter reads a bit rushed.  Oh well, I have a flight to catch.

Sending much love and all good wishes to all of you and your loved ones.  Thanks you for listening and opening up.  Stay tuned for more coming.  With all good wishes for a happy end of winter, spring, and summer.  Thank you!



Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD

Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love 
Professor of Humanities, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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Ecosexy Updates from 3WayKiss: Join Us Online, in Portland, and Big Apple City

Eco Clit, courtesy of Mocha
Dear Earthlings,
here at 3WayKiss things are happening so fast that we barely have time to think.  But we can’t wait to let you know what’s jelling up and how you can participate.
The Ecosexual Movement is swerving in the social media and the biosphere is beginning to feel it.  
EcoSex Summit.  Anyone can participate in this.  Just activate your digital system.  John Overton and Yours Truly interviewed for the EcoSex Summit, a series of conversations with EcoSex voices produced by Farhana Goga and Alan Styrdom in Cape Town.  We explain how to bring ecosex into your personal and planetary life and the benefits of it.  What’s the PostaHouse project and how does it relate to the ecosexual vision?  Find out from the Interview.  It is accessible, free of charge, until Thursday, May 24, at 4 PM.  Don’t forget to sign up for updates and “like” the Facebook page.  More previews coming soon.  The series of 18 interviews will be for sale when the Summit is complete.
EcoSex Symposium.  Portland, OR, June 29-July 1st.  This one does require traveling and for those who like that it will be a memorable full-immersion experience in the creation of ecosexuality, what it means, why it needs to exist, what it can do for people, the planet, our amorous lives, our sexual expression, and the relationship with our most compersive lover, third planet Earth or Gaia. 
It’s now time too sign up, donate, get perks, and volunteer!  You can do this all in one stop: HERE!  Check out the exciting keynotes and workshops.  What’s Yours Truly’s title?  “Ecosexuality: The New Orgasmic Revolution on Plant Earth.”  Exciting?  There’s much more!  “Fluid Bonding,” “The Pleasure of the Other,” are some of Yours Truly’s themes.  And many others will facilitate and teach.  “Saving the Earth is sexy,” as organizer Gabriella Cordova explains.  Ecosexuality embraces life fully.  Sign up for the whole thing or event by event.  We will launch a book project and you can submit your contribution!  From out of town?  Ask for assistance with housing.  All details, contacts,  guidelines here.  The place to be!   Oh, and for those inclined to express ourselves as wordsmiths, there will be a call for contributions to an anthology of miscellaneous writing about the ecosexual experience.  Access the Call for Papers here!
Next are reminders for Bi/Lammy events in New York City.  Is the big apple ecosexual?  Taste the forbidden fruit and tell me!  In any event, we are meeting for the “biggest bi culture event of the year in NYC.”  Bi Lines.  On Sunday, June 3rd, at 6:00 PM.  Catch all the details, program, presenters, attendees.  Get a ticket and mark yourself as attending here!
Or, show up on the corresponding Facebook Event.  Only $ 8.00 at the door.  The Nuyorican Poets Cafe is waiting for you! At 236 East 3rd Street, NY 10009.  Tel (212) 780-9386.  Meet Mirta Garcia visiting from Puerto Rico and other friends.  And learn all about the latest bi books, including Yours Truly’s Bisexuality and Queer Theory 
Next is the big night for Lammy finalists.  We’re all winners.  But who actually gets to take home the distinction?  Who do I root for when Justin Bond, Susie Bright are finalists too?  Suspense, suspense . . . And all is revealed at the Lammy Awards.  Monday, June 4th.  Find out all details in the Press Release.  Join us for the ceremony.  It’s a bit expensive.  But it’s great to become a donor for Lambda and all of LGBTQ Literature.  Without our imagination, what would we be?  Puppets.  Mere tools.  It’s art that makes us real.  Ecosexual art that is.  Love, the ecology of life, is the art that makes life beautiful. The Awards are at 6:00 PM at CUNY Graduate Center, Proshansky Auditorium (365 5th Avenue, NY 10016).  The Gala at nearby Slate (54 West 21st, NY 10010) follows at 9:30 pm.  Come out for the big night in New York City.  You deserve it.  Life is beautiful!
Get your tickets here and become part of the big ecosexy apple‘s literary scene.
Cranac, Adam & Eve
Yours Truly is gifting herself with a Residency in Brooklyn.  St Andrews Plaza.  May 27-June 25.  In preparation for the big year of research as Fellow at U Conn, 2012-13.  For more info about that, see the Press Release.  Wish me well with this breakthrough project.  I will be sorting out things, looking for housing, car, other needs.  Seeing old friends, making new ones.  Participating in events, lectures, conferences, debates, parties.  Learning.  Experiencing.
There are many apples in New York City, one more ecosexy than the other.  Cranac knew it. Can you see?  Connect with me.  We might explore together.
Tantra Meal

Ecosex is jelling up also in Western Puerto Rico.  Tantra comes to Gaia’s Temple on Playa Azul thanks to Allen McPhee and Laurie Handlers.  We are dancing with the waves, practicing sacred sex, and enjoying tantra meals.  More events in July.  A beloved local community.  Stay tuned!

Let me complete with two tips for online stores of ecosexual products that can make your sex life healthier and more fun.  Ecosex and Good Clean Love come well recommended by Tinamarie Bernard, legendary modern love muse.

Remember: life is beautiful.  Expand your love and you’ll feel it.  Love, the ecology of life, is the art of sharing the most compersive lover we have, third planet Gaia.  Love yourself in another today, and you’ll do your part.  

Your attention is appreciated.  Thanks for reading.  We hope to bring offerings of your choosing.  You are loved.  Join us in what is accessible to you!


Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love and many other books
Professor of Humanities
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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3WayKisses from Gaia – Summer & Fall Calendar in the Arts of Loving

Hi lovely Earthlings!
Gaia sends 3WayKisses and warm wishes to all of you!  Happy spring, summer, and fall seasons!
In the midst of planetary transformation, we have been navigating the shift on multiple helms.  The ecosexual movement is picking up steam, and we are honored to be part of it.  Let’s treat Gaia like a lover, hostess, mother, we respect and revere!
Teaching students about the arts of loving as practiced in the early modern and modern period has been a joy rewarded with the good fortune to complete the academic year.  Veronica Franco and Giacomo Casanova are always big hits.  This year we also got in Ntozake Shange and bell hooks!  Remembering BiReCon and orchestrating BiTopia, the volume that collects its proceedings, has been another reward for yours truly.  Bi is “kewl”!  Bi Social Network interviews.  Listen here, click April 20.  We wish many more bi conferences in the future and were asked to celebrate 10 years of bisexuality with an occasional piece.  What recognition!
Gaia’s Shore, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico
Defending human rights and and shoring the assault on the public sector in Puerto Rico has been a priority as our university bleeds some of its best and most qualified people. Aprum and its allies have been helpful in supporting this.  With our livelihoods under assault, we’ve been keenly aware of how ugly greed looks when it’s desperate with fear.  Meanwhile Gaia tends its shores with the sweet waves of the Caribbean.  The oceans have not inundated beach communities, and the dry season has been unusually cool.  Gaia’s patience is admirable in the context of human ingratitude.  Fukushima’s radiation sears complex organisms with the Petkau effect that stores toxicity in our tissues.  Perhaps Gaia is waiting for ecosexuals to soar and teach the arts of loving that can shift planetary consciousness to manifest an energy field that can heal nature from human abuse.
Annie and Beth

The summer and fall calendars have now firmed up with a series of events devoted to the arts of loving consciously and inclusively as an ecosexual path to world peace, joy, health, and well being.  Are we going to succeed?  Time will tell, and in the meanwhile, let’s bet on our own duly acquired, time-tested wisdom.  Read what Modern Love Muse thinks!

Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
The first event is approaching soon.  Ecosexual Unite for an Ecosex Symposium & Art Exhibit, says the press release Coming up on June 17-19!  Ecosex artists extraordinaire Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens produce at the new Center for Sex and Culture in San Francisco.  What an honor to be invited to speak! Ecosex Symposium II & Art Exhibit is where art meets theory meets practice meets activism.  What synergy could be more complete?  Yours truly with her new persona, Gaia Gilf will be reading from the preamble of her new book, What’s Ecosexual Love? (G is for grandma–or nonna, as they say in Italy–because Gaia, the third planet, is old enough to be a wise and seasoned teacher in the arts of love too.)  Interpreting love as an art is key to a culture’s ability to generate inventiveness, joy, creativity, and wisdom.  Ecosexual love is what cures nature from human abuse.  The ecosexual movement is the tidal force of that cure.  Time to join in! Don’t miss a beat: The symposium is up and seats are limited.  Get yours for only $ 35!  For ecoliscious lunch add $ 15. Find out more and sign up immediately when you click this link!
Fakistra beach, Greece

Next in line is yours truly’s trip to Kalikalos, Greece, the holistic community that hosted her seminars on “Gaia and Amorous Resources: What’s Holistic about Poly?” last year, with Bonobo Coaching sessions to follow up on the epiphanies that ensued.  I sure don’t know what it is, but when a culture is replete with such ancient wisdom, the dualisms of modernity don’t seem to make a big difference.  Things are all so integrated, so symbiotic it’s not even worth mentioning that we’re all part of the same living ecosystem.  If sharing resources is what creates abundance, why not go the poly way and figure out how to share resources of love too?  Kalikalos is an inclusive international community held together by host extraordinaire Jock Millenson, an admirer of Zegg and scholar of intentional communities.  Kalikalos hosts great facilitators, including Brad Branton of Radical Honesty Rag.  Check it out here.  This summer the trip includes yours truly’s beautiful daughter Paola and her two wonderful children, Alessio and Leonardo.  We will be there June 25th to July 8th.  Sign up for a holistic vacation during that period and you’ll find out how to make your love life more holistic, with the added bonus of Bonobo Coaching open to you.

Five days of Ecosexuality in Italy with yours truly and Robert Silber comes up right next, July 16-21.  This is the first multilingual course on this theme, with an experiential and theoretical curriculum.  When Conscious Sensuality meets 3WayKiss things can become quite interesting.  The ecosexual arts of conscious loving become real.  Translator extraordinaire Veronika Reizner, also a holistic healer, joins the team from Austria too.  Participants come from as far as Turkey and New Zealand and everywhere in between.  We will be in the heart of the Alps, mountains of pristine beauty.  Enjoying the taste of Italian cuisine.  What could be a better setting for an ecosexual consciousness about to break lose?  A few slots are left for those with a strong interest.  Check it out here and grab one immediately!  The cost goes up to full price on May 31st.
Zegg is next with its Summercamp week, July 22-29.  In the heart of Germany’s eastern region, this intentional community models open relationships and shared living in ways that are exemplar and unique.  Summercamp is their holistic-organization week.  The core groups opens up to visitors.  “Eros and Community” is this year’s theme. Yours truly signs up to peak in.  Her chance to learn how to organize expanded families based on sexual fluidity and amorous inclusiveness.
Toronto, Canada
Last and by all means not least is a trip to Toronto, for the fall Canadian edition of the ISTA Conference, the International School of Temple Arts.  The arts of loving are sacred to Gaia: they are the source of all life, creativity, consciousness, healing.  Accordingly, the Toronto team has secured the Bathurst Center, an educational space in culture, arts, and media.  The team is gang-ho about ecosexual love too.  Yours truly will be leading workshops and keynoting on her favorite theme.  What an honor to be invited to speak!  Toronto is vibrant with intellectual energy applied to the arts of loving and healing.  Yours truly has mobilized all her friends, acquaintances, and co-leaders to participate in this.  It will be a path-breaking experience, an epiphany for healers and artists of love to synergize the planetary consciousness that allows ecosexual love to heal nature from human abuse.  Join us and be part of the paradigm shift to the world we need.  Love of love is sacred and the art of teaching it is revered.  More on this as things evolve.  Stay tuned.  Follow our blog for updates, join our list, and “like” the Gaia page” on Facebook.  It all pays off when you get to hear what intriguing things we’ve been up to!
On this note, we wish a joyful summer to the entire planet and all of you.  The masses are in an uproar in the Mid West and the Middle East.  Meanwhile, the new rich of the digital era hide their billions in secret vaults based in Treasure Islands where tax is moot.  What kind of politics is this?  We at 3WayKiss have solutions.  The new politics of love we propose is ecological and sexy too.  Vive ecosexuality!  Stop third planet abuse!  As a summertime resolution, can we pledge to practice love and respect for our lovely hostess?  Let’s hope Gaia finds more patience within.  Meanwhile, thanks to Annie and Beth for their lovely pictures.  Get more here!
Namaste,Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love and many other books
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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3WayKisses from Gaia – Will the Chrisalys Turn into a Butterfly Soon? Reflections & Season’s Greetings

Hi lovely Earthlings!

Gaia sends 3WayKisses and warm wishes to all of you.  Happy Solstice, Eclipse, Holidays, and 2011!
We are amazed at the forces acting on the transformation of the third planet.  Will the chrysalis turn into a butterfly soon?  Many feel that today’s coincidence of solstice and Lunar eclipse begins the paradigm shift.  Watch it tonight at 2:40AM EST!  The current crisis could be just an opportunity for opposites to meet.  Eros and Gaia, matter and energy, the Earth and the sky, water and fire, sex and love, humans and nature, the Sun and the Moon: aren’t these just mental energy fields that come together in a sensual communion the minute we accept the interconnectedness of all being?  More at Gemini Astrology, Hawaii

This Means Everything to Me 5 – Toby Mott

The power of knowledge keeps moving yours truly.  At this time the very existence of the institution that has sustained her for the past 13 years is in question.  The University of Puerto Rico is under siege by a new governor who wants to sell it to those who fund his career.  Yet yours truly has never been as excited to be in class as this year.  With students’ awareness enhanced by the strike last spring, teaching has become more in-the-moment, more real!  Their appetite for knowledge makes up for all difficulties.  Now it’s time for professors to be in action about the accreditation of the institution.  Rallies, meetings, negotiating solutions, reviving organizations are our daily activities.  You can get a peak from our videos.  The situation has resonated across regions.  Many US-based scholars originally from Puerto Rico have pitched in.  Their letter to the Attorney General is moving.  It bears seventy-four signatures!  Full text here!  UPR is not alone.  May this be the tip of a tidal wave that honors the desire for knowledge honest people harbor within.
Winter Solstice is a special time for hostess Gaia.  She remembers the Saturnalia, a festival of joy and abundance that celebrated the Reign of Saturn in ancient Rome at this time of year.  In the age of Titans, when the forces of nature reigned supreme, Gaia, the earth, and her lover Uranus, the sky, conceived Saturn, the state of being sated, abundant  He presided over the happiest age in the life of our species.  This Golden Age was known as Saturnia Regna in Antiquity.  It was a time when pleasure was an ally of nature and sexual abundance was revered.  Gaia would like to see us revel as did our pagan ancestors this time of year.  Join yous truly in wishing the third planet a joyful holiday season.  When you prepare your gifts, make sure they align with your most authentic beliefs.  Want a new age of love?  We provide the politics–the practice is up to you!  This is the best time for 3WayKisses! You can donate here!

At the October ecosexual gathering in LA, yours truly’s latest opus found its true crowd.  Ecosexuality is in!  On the 23 and 24 of that momentous month, it was amazing to feel the vibration of this new style of love where pleasure and nature marry each other.  The occasion was the 3WayWedding of a highly Saturnian couple, ecosexual artists Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens, and Gaia’s favorite satellite, the Moon.  Befitting HoneyMoon was the world’s first Symposium on Ecosexuality.  The brides shared wisdom with a crowd of imaginative Earthlings gathered for this momentum meeting.  Is nature an enemy, a mother, a lover?  Imagining the Earth as a lover can bring lots of fun into the global ecology movement.  But Gaia is a hostess too!  Shall we learn to respect her before we begin to woo her?  Yours truly was invited to deliver a Message from Gaia.  She gave the Symposium’s Opening Remarks too!  Her featured book, Gaia, resonated with authentic meaning in the neighborhood of this inspiring group.  The quest for the meaning of ecosexuality is open and many voices are pitching in.  The movement swarms with the Saturnian energies of the season.

This Means Everything to Me 5 – Detail

Gaia also attracted a whole bunch of new readers.  The big push-up back in September helped a great deal.  Thanks to all who pitched in!  Around the 26th, sales ranks rose into the 11,000 for general Kindle, 85,000 for paperback list.  They stayed there for quite a while.  Not stunning yet encouraging.  The title rose much higher in specialized lists: Up to top 4th in Feminist Theory, next to Betty Friedan, Mary Wollstonecraft, Judith Butler, and Naomi Wolf.  What a delightful City of Ladies.  How very exciting to be admitted!  Most astounding of all, the title rose to top 1 for the Mind/Body, Diseases, Aids list.  It’s still there, top 31st.  Yours truly is honored to be part of this group.  Good scientists pursue the truth even when they don’t like it.  Poor scientists are afraid of controversial issues.  Unbiased perspectives should be available to people who are able to make their own responsible choices.  When it comes to knowledge, the true enemy is fear.  Look at what’s happening with Wikileaks!  If you’ve liked the book, you can vote for it in Goodreads.  Check the Choice Awards and the Books on Love lists.  There’s a whole range of good reads from yours truly.  Look up her author’s page here!  We wish we could share actual sales figures with you.  Unfortunately, the digital giant won’t even disclose them to yours truly! 

“What about teaching?” you may ask.  Yes, we are doing it, with a Course in Ecosexuality starting at UPR Mayaguez in January.  Find out how to enroll here!  We also got a sense of how interested people are in what we have to teach from the social media, as in Facebook.  Polyamory is big hit!  And we see it as part of the arts of conscious loving.  So we are looking for a hospitable facility in Italy.  If you’re aware of one, please let us know soon!  We have a fantastic team: Yours truly, whose talk about polyamory has been a highlight of Italian TV; and Robert Silber, from Hawaii, who specializes in conscious sensuality, communication and community.  We are putting together the first bilingual course on the arts of conscious loving, with simultaneous translation on the floor as we teach!  We plan to teach it in July and will announce the location as soon as we have one for sure.  English, with its scientific specificity; and Italian, with its passion and romance.  Stay tuned for specific time and place for this groundbreaking experience!

On this note, we wish a joyful holiday to the entire planet and all of you.  The climate change summit in Cancun has not yielded great results.  But we at 3WayKiss have solutions.  The new politics of love we propose is ecological and sexy too.  Vive ecosexuality!  Stop third planet abuse!  As a new year resolution, can we pledge to practice love and respect for our lovely hostess?  Let’s hope Gaia finds  more patience within.  Meanwhile, thanks to Toby Mott for his inspiring paintings.  Check him out here!


Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

3WayKiss October Calendar – Los Angeles: 16th, 19th, 23-24th – Redeem GoK Rewards

Dear Everyone, 

We at 3WayKiss are delighted to bring a fabulous October Calendar of Events to you!  We also wish to send our very very special thanks to all participants in the 9/26th Big-Push!  That made a VERY big difference, with Gaia pushed to the top of the list for at least two subspecialties in Kindle Store, and staying there as we speak!  Plus it sparkled a whole new bunch of digital readers, an absolutely eco-sexy thing to do!  From the deepest depths in our heart, thank you!

For October, yours truly has been called to the Los Angeles area for three

Click image for author’s blog

fabulous events we are happy to bring to youWe look forward to having you with us!  Please have your Gaia on Kindle purchase receipt ready to claim your discount!  Thank you!

October Calendar, in Reverse Order

Weekend with Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens
–19th Tuesday with Leanna Wolfe

Weekend with SaRina and Robert Silber
Scroll down for details!
–October 23-24th Weekend–Ecosex Wedding plus Symposium HoneyMOON in the LA Area

As announced, yours truly will keynote at the world’s first Ecosex Symposium, to be

Click for Symposium Tickets

held Sun., the 24th, 3 to 6 PM, at the Highways Performance Space, 165118th St, Santa Monica, CA, 90404.  This unique event brings together ecosexuals from the world over to kickstart the ecosexual movement.  The event is organized by Moon brides and Eco-Sex Bi-o-neers Annie Sprinkle, PhD, and Beth Stephens, UCSC. As for yours truly, she’ll be talking about “Gaia, the third planet, amorous hostess to many lovely species, sexy mother and lover too!”  The Symposium is moderated by adult film director Veronica Heart, with relationship coach Deborah Taj Anapol, PhD, and sexologist Carol Queen, PhD, among many fabulous speakers.  

The artist brides will be HoneyMOONing from a Purple Wedding to Gaia’s lovely satellite, the Moon, to be celebrated on Sat, the 23rd, 6-9:30 PM, at the Farnsworth Park Amphitheater in Altadena.  The Wedding will be officiated by performance artist Reverend Billy of the Church of Life After Shopping.  Yours truly, duly dressed in Purple, will announce the Symposium as a homage to Gaia’s hyper-generous hospitality to our unruly species.

The Symposium is meant to be “a public forum where art meets theory meets sex education meets practice,” artist brides Annie and Beth declare.  As hundreds of ecosexuals are heading toward Los Angeles for this very special weekend, yours truly invites you to join this heady lot and help spearhead the movement.  What could be more exciting than marrying an astral body and consuming the honeymoon with a whole bunch of ecosexual people?

For more on this weekend check out our Press Releases!

–Tuesday, October 19th, 7:30 PM.

Reading from seminal text of ecosexual theory, Gaia and the New Politics of Love

Click image for Casa de Pensamiento Libre

, at the Casa de Pensamiento Libre, for the Sex and Culture Lecture Series, hosted by Leanna Wolfe, 14923 Marlin Place, Van Nuys, CA, 91405.  A fabulous series, check it out hereDiscussion. Refreshments.  Donation: $ 10 at door, does not include books.  Yours truly will be delighted to sign copies while supplies last.   Ask Leanna at 818 510 0225.

–Weekend October 16-17:

Conscious Sensuality; Gaia at LuvHub: Sat., 16th, 7-9PM. 

Click image for LuvHub–SaRina and Robert

Experiencing Gaia at LuvHub.  An extended evening program for all participants in Conscious Sensuality Weekend Intensive, with Robert Silber and SaRina Goode.  12712 Dewey St, Los Angeles (Santa Monica), CA, 90066.  The workshop yours truly has been invited to lead focuses on witnessing the energy of love, holding space for the magic of it, experiencing the pleasure of the other, learnign about the arts of loving and about sharing resources of love. Gift yourself with the whole weekend and claim your discount as a Big Push-Up participant here.

We at 3WayKiss sincerely hope you’ll choose to join us at ll times, at least in spirit.  Please let us know if we can answer any questions or assist you in any way.  We are a not-for-profit corporation based in Puerto Rico that intends to “educate the public about the arts of loving and their infinite forms of expression.”  Plese visit and find out all about our new and exciting Mission.  You can also pledge your donation here.  We are persuaded the events above will spearhead exciging new projects, and are extremely interested in exploring the connections between ecosex and the noosphere.  We see Big Push-Up Day as an experiment in this line of thoiught.  Two weeks into the process, we can tell it’s interesting and will follow up with more data in due time.

The LA area is a beloved Matria of yours truly–a special land that has kindly hosted her at one point in her journey. How exciting to be there soon!  Reconnecting to long-time friends from the region is a wonderful gift!  Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you are one of them.  With a full teaching schedule at the home institution, travel time is at a premium–the opportunity not to be missed!

With deep appreciation for your interest and business, we at 3WayKiss remain yours truly in devotion and ecosexual friendship.

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD @ 3WayKiss

Click image for Gaia on Kindle

author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love, a Silver Winner
for Cosmology and New Science for the 2010 Nautilus Awards,
and many other fabulous books
Professor of Humanities
at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

Science of Gaia: What Does it Say about Polyamory and Sexual Freedom?

Hi everyone!
It was a pleasure to interview with Sean Hardin, a journalist who runs a podcast called Truther. He was a terrific listener and gave the interviewee, yours truly, all the time necessary to explain the connections between Gaia, the scientific concept of an interrelated planetary ecosystem, and practices of sexual freedom, including polyamory.
The interview was posted on April 9th, 2010, and runs about two hours.  It’s roughly divided in three sections.
The interview begins with a discussion of the science of Gaia, including its implications for human life, planetary ecology, and world peace.  This section continues with a discussion of the new paradigm for knowledge that Gaia science proposes, why this paradigm represents the only possible sustainable future for humanity and why it is still considered dissident.
The subsequent section focuses on the Gaian principle that we humans, like all other parts of the biota, are already always related.  A relationships can therefore be considered a simple actualization of the potential implied in a given relatedness.  The challenge of creating healthy relationships is that of actualizing this potential with balance and authenticity.
The final section discusses Gaia science in the context of other scientific theories that are still met with disagreement because they oppose common beliefs, including interpretations of AIDS that emphasize the ecosystemic aspects of the disease.  The section emphasizes the need to verify the accuracy of a scientific hypothesis before using it as a basis for legislation and regulation of behavior.  It concludes with a perspective on social spaces where one can experience practices of love that involve multiple participants in safe, positive, and self-empowering ways.
Whether you agree with yours truly’s views or not, don’t miss this interview!  It opens up vistas for significant interconnections from both scientific and humanistic viewpoints.  Hardin does a terrific job of plugging in all the main references, including scientists James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis, humanists like Gore Vidal, Deborah Anapol, and Suzann Robins, organizations like World Polyamory Association and others.
The most curious and brightest of you will want to know more about what Gaia means for polyamory and sexual freedom in general.  The book upon which the interview based is Gaia and the New Politics of Love.  Rush to get your own copy while it’s still on discount!
If interested in the holistic health aspects of Gaia science and theory, you can check a recent edition of The Gary Null Show where yours truly is a guest speaker.  The segment starts at the 45th minute.
Last but not least, stay tuned for more information about upcoming events and features.  Please post your comments too.  It’s unmonitored and free!  Yours truly is very active and energized by all the new connections her work is generating.
In faith,