New Paradigms # 7: Gaia and the Commons, or, Supporting Public Education…

When we invest in prisons, we produce criminals, when we invest in public education we produce people with college degrees. What practice will yield the best pay off? As Schwarzenegger, governor of California. Students at the University of Puerto Rico also seem to know: they have defended the UPR system in a two-month strike that saw all the 11 campuses united in a sustainable effort to protect public education from Fortuno, a governor that wants to auction public assets off. Regenerating the commons is part of the effort to generate abundance out of scarcity by sharing resources. Resources of knowledge, or, in gnosis, resources of love.


You’ve watched Segment 7 of 8 from Keynote Address at the 2010 World Polyamory Association Conference, Harbin Hot Springs, California, June 25th, 2010.  Leave a comment on the blog and let us know what you think!
For the gracious auspices of Janet and Kira Lessin, conference organizers extraordinaire. Video and clips courtesy of Steve Hoffman, of Healing Greens, Oakland, videomaker extraordinaire.

The Kindle edition of Gaia and the New Politics of Love will be available soon.  Ecovillages and intentional communities are adopting this book as a model of holistic living in the realm of personal and amorous relationships. Now you can get your copy without wasting a milligram of wood from a single tree!  We welcome your contribution to generating bestsellers for the people and by the people: September 26th is the official date for massive buying of this new, paperless edition (or the paper one).

If we get to be 100th or higher in rank, we can say to have reclaimed bestsellers as creative people’s activism rather than a corporate initiative.  Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 26th, and hop to the link to make your purchase.  If you choose not to spend money on a Kindle, we completely approve and suggest you download the FREE Kindle for PCs software here.

Oh, and if you’re ready to find out how it did happen that my life became the experiment from which came the theory, don’t hesitate to get all the juicy details from the memoir Eros.

a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
author of Eros, A Journey of Multiple Loves
and many other books

New Paradigm # 6: Gaia and Amorous Resources, or, Poly Planetary Consci…

When we share amorous resources we generate abundance from scarcity in the realm of love. Why isn’t there enough to go around in the ways of love? That’s because we appropriate lovers, we turn them into our private resources when we enforce monogamy. Spontaneous, organic monogamy is just a version, an instance of polyamory. When we share ourselves more, we make ourselves available as amorous resources, resources of love. That creates abundance of what Gaia, our gracious hostess, needs most.


You’ve watched Segment 5 of 8 from Keynote Address at the 2010 World Polyamory Association Conference, Harbin Hot Springs, California, June 25th, 2010.  Leave a comment on the blog and let us know what you think!
For the gracious auspices of Janet and Kira Lessin, conference organizers extraordinaire. Video and clips courtesy of Steve Hoffman, of Healing Greens, Oakland, videomaker extraordinaire.

The Kindle edition of Gaia and the New Politics of Love will be available soon.  Ecovillages and intentional communities are adopting this book as a model of holistic living in the realm of personal and amorous relationships. Now you can get your copy without wasting a milligram of wood from a single tree!  We welcome your contribution to generating bestsellers for the people and by the people: September 26th is the official date for massive buying of this new, paperless edition (or the paper one).

If we get to be 100th or higher in rank, we can say to have reclaimed bestsellers as creative people’s activism rather than a corporate initiative.  Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 26th, and hop to the link to make your purchase.  If you choose not to spend money on a Kindle, we completely approve and suggest you download the FREE Kindle for PCs software here.

Oh, and if you’re ready to find out how it did happen that my life became the experiment from which came the theory, don’t hesitate to get all the juicy details from the memoir Eros.

a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
author of Eros, A Journey of Multiple Loves
and many other books

New Paradigms # 5: Gaia and Paganism, or, Making Nature Sacred

With Paganism, the sacred is pluralized again. We create many deities. Why were we ever taught that monotheism is superior? When we become polytheistic again, we relearn to respect all the forces and elements that these deities represent. And if monotheism is not more evolved than polytheism, where is the evidence that monogamy is superior to polyamory?


You’ve watched Segment 4 of 8 from Keynote Address at the 2010 World Polyamory Association Conference, Harbin Hot Springs, California, June 25th, 2010.  Leave a comment on the blog and let us know what you think!
For the gracious auspices of Janet and Kira Lessin, conference organizers extraordinaire. Video and clips courtesy of Steve Hoffman, of Healing Greens, Oakland, videomaker extraordinaire.

The Kindle edition of Gaia and the New Politics of Love will be available soon.  Ecovillages and intentional communities are adopting this book as a model of holistic living in the realm of personal and amorous relationships. Now you can get your copy without wasting a milligram of wood from a single tree!  We welcome your contribution to generating bestsellers for the people and by the people: September 26th is the official date for massive buying of this new, paperless edition (or the paper one).

If we get to be 100th or higher in rank, we can say to have reclaimed bestsellers as creative people’s activism rather than a corporate initiative.  Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 26th, and hop to the link to make your purchase.  If you choose not to spend money on a Kindle, we completely approve and suggest you download the FREE Kindle for PCs software here.

Oh, and if you’re ready to find out how it did happen that my life became the experiment from which came the theory, don’t hesitate to get all the juicy details from the memoir Eros.

a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
author of Eros, A Journey of Multiple Loves
and many other books

New Paradigms # 4: Gaia, the Sacred and the Material

When we separate the sacred from the material, we come to delude ourselves that matter is inert, that it won’t react against our tyranny, our abuse, that we won’t be held accountable for disrespecting it. But is matter really inert? Hasn’t science taught us that matter is energy in a different form?

You’ve watched Segment 4 of 8 from Keynote Address at the 2010 World Polyamory Association Conference, Harbin Hot Springs, California, June 25th, 2010.  Leave a comment on the blog and let us know what you think!
For the gracious auspices of Janet and Kira Lessin, conference organizers extraordinaire. Video and clips courtesy of Steve Hoffman, of Healing Greens, Oakland, videomaker extraordinaire. 
The Kindle edition of Gaia and the New Politics of Love will be available soon.  Ecovillages and intentional communities are adopting this book as a model of holistic living in the realm of personal and amorous relationships. Now you can get your copy without wasting a milligram of wood from a single tree!  We welcome your contribution to generating bestsellers for the people and by the people: September 26th is the official date for massive buying of this new, paperless edition (or the paper one).

If we get to be 100th or higher in rank, we can say to have reclaimed bestsellers as creative people’s activism rather than a corporate initiative.  Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 26th, and hop to the link to make your purchase.  If you choose not to spend money on a Kindle, we completely approve and suggest you download the FREE Kindle for PCs software here.

Oh, and if you’re ready to find out how it did happen that my life became the experiment from which came the theory, don’t hesitate to get all the juicy details from the memoir Eros.

a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
author of Eros, A Journey of Multiple Loves
and many other books

Keynote – BiReCon, London, UK, August 26, 2010

BiReCon, London, UK, 1:30 PM, August 26, 2010, Univ of East London, Dockland Campus
Keynote Address
Gaia & the New Politics of Love: Notes for a Bi Planet

In the new politics of love that enables humanity to make peace with our hostess planet Gaia, love is an art, not a science, a cure, not a disease.  Bisexuality is a portal to practicing these arts of loving in a gender inclusive manner.  When we understand love as an art, we feel the affinity between the arts of loving and the arts of healing.  The practice, awareness, and theory of bisexuality are key to the paradigm shift that will usher in this new global culture.  The world revolutionized by the arts of loving will be a “world where it is safe to live because it is a world where it is safe to love.”

Best opportunity to connect with Bi communities locally and worldwide! 

BiReCon Online Registration 
August 26-30, 2010

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio gave the keynote address at the 2007 Loving More and World Polyamory Association conferences.  She has been interviewed on Italian public TV about her books on practices of love that include bisexuality and polyamory.  She is an academic, an activist, a writer and a healer.  Her numerous books include Gaia and the New Politics of Love (2009), Lambda finalist Eros (2007), Plural Loves (2005), Women and Bisexuality (2005), and Bisexuality and Queer Theory (2010).  She leads workshops on Gaia, Eros, & the SacredShe has been published in and peer-reviews for several journals.  She is a professor of humanities at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, and lives in Cabo Rojo, Western Puerto Rico.

New Paradigms # 3: Gaia is Gay!

Why should anyone believe that nature is heterosexual? Where could this belief possibly come from? The word Gaia means ‘gay’ in Italian. It means cheerful, happy, playful diverse. Isn’t that the way our planet is?

You’ve watched Segment 3 of 8 from Keynote Address at the 2010 World Polyamory Association Conference, Harbin Hot Springs, California, June 25th, 2010.  Leave a comment and let us know what you think!

For the gracious auspices of Janet and Kira Lessin, conference organizers extraordinaire. Video and clips courtesy of Steve Hoffman, of Healing Greens, Oakland, videomaker extraordinaire.

The Kindle edition of Gaia and the New Politics of Love will be available soon.  Ecovillages and intentional communities are adopting this book as a model of holistic living in the realm of personal and amorous relationships. Now you can get your copy without wasting a milligram of wood from a single tree!  We welcome your contribution to generating bestsellers for the people and by the people: September 26th is the official date for massive buying of this new, paperless edition (or the paper one).

If we get to be 100th or higher in rank, we can say to have reclaimed bestsellers as creative people’s activism rather than a corporate initiative.  Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 26th, and hop to the link to make your purchase.  If you choose not to spend money on a Kindle, we completely approve and suggest you download the FREE Kindle for PCs software here.

Oh, and if you’re ready to find out how it did happen that my life became the experiment from which came the theory, don’t hesitate to get all the juicy details from the memoir Eros.

a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
author of Eros, A Journey of Multiple Loves
and many other books

New Paradigms # 2: Gaia as a Force of Nature

Ancient Greek mythology teaches us that certain forces of nature are more powerful than any human can be. Gaia, the earth; Aeolus, the wind; Uranus, the sky; Chronos, time; Eros, the force of love. This power has been in our face with the oil spill in the Gulf. A good time to relearn the lessons of mythology: why fight battles that cannot be won? The mythological aspect of Gaia theory connects us with our own very nature as well. Another good reason to encourage poly and other ecosexual styles of love.

You’ve watched Segment 2 of 8 from Keynote Address at the 2010 World Polyamory Association Conference, Harbin Hot Springs, California, June 25th, 2010.  Leave a comment on the blog and let us know what you think!
For the gracious auspices of Janet and Kira Lessin, conference organizers extraordinaire. Video and clips courtesy of Steve Hoffman, of Healing Greens, Oakland, videomaker extraordinaire.

The Kindle edition of Gaia and the New Politics of Love will be available soon.  Ecovillages and intentional communities are adopting this book as a model of holistic living in the realm of personal and amorous relationships. Now you can get your copy without wasting a milligram of wood from a single tree!  We welcome your contribution to generating bestsellers for the people and by the people: September 26th is the official date for massive buying of this new, paperless edition (or the paper one).

If we get to be 100th or higher in rank, we can say to have reclaimed bestsellers as creative people’s activism rather than a corporate initiative.  Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 26th, and hop to the link to make your purchase.  If you choose not to spend money on a Kindle, we completely approve and suggest you download the FREE Kindle for PCs software here.

Oh, and if you’re ready to find out how it did happen that my life became the experiment from which came the theory, don’t hesitate to get all the juicy details from the memoir Eros.

a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
author of Eros, A Journey of Multiple Loves
and many other books

Creating Poly Bestsellers: Reclaiming Book Sales Engineering for our Communities

Hi there again!
This announcement applies to action to be taken the day after tomorrow, July 25th.  It is related to Polyamory in the 21st Century, a book yours truly has read very carefully and recommends with high marks!  Here’s why everyone who reads should get their online order in come Sunday!
For a number of years now bestsellers have been engineered by the book industry.  Lots of books get published every year: in fact it has never been easier to become an ‘author.’  However, which books get into whose hands, who has access to them, who thinks they should, and who, eventually, get the wisdom of these books is another story.  With big conglomerates controlling a great deal of the book production and distribution, the public is often the very last entity to decide what’s worth reading.  That’s why the vast majority of people still believe many very natural ideas to be quite esoteric and radical and eccentric.  Like the idea that we humans can love more than one person at once and can do so in integrity!  Which is of course the very essence of polyamory and also a nugget of very ancient wisdom that has helped people whose love is abundant get by under all kinds of different circumstances.  
The so called ‘social media’ offer tools that help reclaim the ability to create bestsellers.  We don’t have to do it the way the book industry does it, namely by investing big six-digit figures in expensive bill boards that use a lot of paper and destroy a lot of trees and induce false desire to consume what others consume too. No. We can do it digitally and communally, by focusing efforts on ordering online a certain book on a specified date.  The multiple sales made in close proximity send a signal to the digital system that a certain title is highly requested.  This gets attention to the title and author, who then get the advantage of being billed as ‘best sellers’ for the day!
That way the very notion of bestseller (that which sells best) gets redefined as something that certain groups of people prefer for reasons that are close to their hart, that reflect their genuine inclinations and commitments, their thirst for out-of-the-box knowledge, rather than corporate interests. This type of community action helps the book industry realize that all kinds of books generate interest among readers, even books on topics many big publishers would consider too ‘niche,’ radical, or marginal to invest in.  So all in all this reclaiming is a way to favor the general public with a book industry that offers a wider variety of products that respond to a wider range of interests and that presume a higher level of intelligence and decision-making abilities among book buyers and consumers.  
The time has come to activate this best-seller reclaiming system for poly books.  Deborah Taj Anapol’s Polyamory in the 21st Century is coming up for its special day on Sunday, July 25th, which is also a day of very momentous astral coincidences.  So, let’s all coalesce and buy our own copy from on that very day!
Reclaiming bestsellers for our communities is a bit like reclaiming land for sustainable agriculture from agribusiness.  Monoculture is a state of mind, as yours truly learns from Vandana Shiva, author of Monocultures of the Mind, among other amazing books.  It’s a way to colonize our minds with ideas that serve interests foreign to our inherent needs.  In the mind, monocultures are just as pernicious as they can be in the fields.  Think of creating ‘polycultures of the mind’ as you place your order on the 25th.  You can do it directly from this website.    
Thanks for takign action.
Namaste from yours truly, Gaia
a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio

Explore the Future of Love on Interdependence Day! – Anapol, Easton, Anderlini in Bay Area, June 22 to July 3 – Promotions and Full Calendar

Is humanity at war with Mother Earth?  Can the wisdom of love save the day?
Three pioneers of polyamory come together in the Bay Area to share experiences with you in a momentous series of events.

Deborah Taj Anapol, Dossie Easton, and Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio: June 22nd to July 3rd.

As buried fossils from liquefied ancient forests gush to the Earth’s scorched surface, humanity realizes it is at war with Gaia, the gracious hostess that has allowed our blessed species to grow.  In science, a host and a guest are symbiotic, a form of love.  But what happens when the guest inadvertently tries to kill the host?  Can the wisdom of love help to bring this mutually destructive war come to an end?  Intuitively, we know it can.  But do we know enough about love to use it as an effective remedy?
Between June 22nd and July 3rd three wise women in polyamory will be in the Bay Area to explore the future of love on planet Earth. Dossie Easton, Deborah Taj Anapol, and Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, authors of groundbreaking works, can explain how the arts of loving can contribute to the health of planetary life.  The ecosexual movement brings this need for planetary balance to the surface.  What’s the role of Eros, the energy of love, in keeping Gaia, the planet, in balance with herself?  With a total of over 100 years of practicing, studying, and teaching poly love all over the world, Easton, Anapol, and Anderlini put their wisdom on the table and open up their store of experience to lead this epic journey into the future of love.  There isn’t a position they haven’t tried, a sexualoving event they haven’t hosted, a taboo they haven’t broken, an open relationship they haven’t been part of.  Each has been a pioneer in some area of erotic expression related to planetary consciousness.  Whether you’re a visitor or a resident, it’s a momentous time to be in the Bay Area, where they’ve chosen to bring the wisdom of love.  If you’re a conscious lover, a healer, a sex-positive person, you can’t afford not to participate!
June 22nd, Open Secret Bookstore, San Rafael, 7-9 PM

The Wisdom of Love

Double book launch for Deborah Taj Anapol’s and Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio’s latest books: Polyamory in the 21st Century and Gaia and the New Politics of Love, respectively.
A Silver Winner in Cosmology and New Science for the 2010 Nautilus Book Award, Gaia is a political theory that claims education in the arts of loving is humanity’s wisest way out of our unwinnable war against planet Earth.  These arts include sharing pleasure, cultivating amorous resources, and practicing holistic sexual health.  When Anapol read Gaia, she exclaimed: “I’m so glad Serena wrote this book because now I don’t have to! In 1992, I said that polyamory is good for the planet. Serena has done a masterful job of fully explaining exactly what this statement means.”  Anapol’s Polyamory in the 21st Century (to be released imminently), resonates with Anderlini’s intent to expand the horizon of polyamory on the future of love.  The author taps on her wide ranging travels to present polyamory as the force that can transform the practice of love across cultures and continents.  Polyamory is a movement with deep roots in the Bay Area.  The two authors are coming together from Puerto Rico and Hawaii respectively to present its wide ranging effects and transformative, ecosexual, healing ramifications around the globe.
Prepaid door charge is only $ 6 per person if three sign up.  Sign up for both the 6/22 and the 7/3 events, and you get a signed copy of Serena’s memoir Eros at the workshop (a value of $ 35). 

July 3rd, Open Secret Bookstore, San Rafael, 11AM-7PM

Three Wise Women on Polyamory Explore the Future of Love on Planet Earth

Dossie Easton, author of acclaimed classic of poly education, The Ethical Slut, now on its second edition, joins Deborah Anapol and Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio in this one-day experiential journey into love.
Through multiple perspectives of three expert facilitators, the workshop will address related questions, including:  Can we practice love so as to end the war our species is perpetrating on mother Earth?  What’s a Gaian way to be sexual, or ecosexual? Is Gaia an ecological path to the communion, the joy, the pleasure of erotic ecstasy?  How can a healthy politics of love be put into effect on a local and global scale?  How can we practice polyamory in emotionally and ecologically sustainable ways?  These are some of the question the journey will explore in practical and discursive ways.
If you’ve been to the June 22nd reading, the workshop expands your experience on a deeper level.  The paradigm shift toward a Gaian awareness has great possibilities for those with the potential to love more than one person.  The workshop brings this awareness to your body at the cellular level.  If the workshop is your first attendance, it  brings you up to speed and complements the theory with the experiential level.
Whether you are straight, monogamous, gay, polyamorous, bisexual, lesbian, polysexual, ecosexual, asexual, metrosexual, or any other preference; whether you are female, male, intersex, transgender or any other gender; regardless of your relationship status, age, nationality, trade, profession, race, ethnicity, religion, spiritual practice, this workshop exposes you to an awesome combination of perspectives on the arts of loving practiced today.  It helps to access the multiple ways that these practices can serve one’s personal, communal, ecosystemic, and planetary health.
As part of a planet whose body is alive, we humans are already always related.  Planetary consciousness corresponds to the potential of this overall relatedness.  The challenge in creating a sustainable amorous life is actualizing each potential in the most authentic way.  As Easton says, “Each relationship finds its own level, if you let it.”  The combined wisdom of Anapol, Easton, and Anderlini creates the space where your own potential can manifest.  Anapol emphasizes polyamory’s potential to design a future for love on planet Earth.  Easton explores multipartnering as key to embrace hidden yet essential aspects of our nature. Anderlini connects our amorous potential to Gaia’s planetary consciousness.  As you bask in these multiple wisdoms of love, you can surely synergize your own.
When three wise women of polyamory invite you to be part of the unique series of events that brings them together, you better treasure this opportunity coming your way!  The cost of a day that could change your life forever is only $ 63 per person.  It goes down to $ 45 when you sign up by June 25th along with two friends!  Team up with others intent in saving the planet and participate!  Please plan to be on time.  There will be a lunch break.  A healthy meal will be available on site for a reasonable extra charge.  Please spread the word to amorous communities and networks.  You can preorder your books as well.
7/3 – Full Price with 1, 2, 3 Person Discounts – Last day is July 2nd

Sign up for both the reading and the workshop, and you get a signed copy of Serena’s memoir Eros at the workshop (a value of $ 35). 

June 25-27, World Polyamory Association, Harbin Hot Springs

Deborah Taj Anapol and Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio are also coming together at this wonderful conference that combines poly and tantra.  Their talks are scheduled on the 25th and 26th respectively.  Join them at one of the most holistic naturist retreats in the world.
Registration still open. See details on WPA webpage.  Click here for discounted rates until June 20
About the Authors:

Deborah Taj Anapol, PhD, is a relationship coach who leads seminars on love, sex and intimacy all over the country and around the world.  She is the author of Polyamory: The New Love Without Limits, The Seven Natural Laws of Love, and Polyamory in the 21st Century.  Website:  “Let jealousy be your teacher.”

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD, is a professor of humanities at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. She is the author of Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves, and Gaia and the New Politics of Love.  She teaches and lectures about the practice of love and the science of Gaia.  Blog: “A world where it is safe to love is a world where it is safe to live.”

Dossie Easton is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in San Francisco.  She is co-author with Janet Hardy of The Ethical Slut, now in its second edition, and Radical Ecstasy.  She lectures and leads workshops on polyamory and ecstatic spiritual practices at conferences and universities.  Website: “Each relationship will seek its own level like water if you let it.” 

Choose the wisdom of love for your interdependence calendar!

Three Podcasts about GAIA, from the University of Puerto Rico

Hi everyone!
It is a momentous time at the University of Puerto Rico!  We are keeping the new silly governor from selling the university down the river.  A groundswell of awareness has manifested in defense of this public institution and what it makes possible.
What could be a better time to blog about a series of Three Podcasts about GAIA whose underlying research was too visionary to be done under the aegis of any other institution?  Developing a theory about the planet that hosts the life of our species, and the energy of love that sustains it, is what I had in mind 12 years ago when I came to Mayaguez to teach.  “What is planetary health, and how can we practice love in ways that sustain this common well being?” was the one-million dollar question that ailed my consciousness when I came back to academe after six years of activism in the sexual freedom and holistic health movements.
I could not have found a better place to search for answers than the University of Puerto Rico.  At Mayaguez, my soul was nurtured by a bunch of friendly, inspiring, passionate colleagues; my classes became spaces for intellectual communion and exploration of new ideas; and the most esoteric research projects were funded by benevolent administrators with a touch of the visionary.
In California I had experienced the consequences of a fatal mistake of the Reagan years: Investing in punitive rather than educational systems.  You invest in universities and you produce people with college degrees, you invest in prisons and you produce delinquents.  Which state is going to go bankrupt first?  No wonder in the 1990s California had more prisoners than Italy, France, and England combined!  Puerto Rico, I reflected when I arrived here, is smarter than the Golden State in this: It may be poor but it’s putting its money where its mouth is.  Students pay a reasonable tuition and that makes teaching pleasant.  And free.  Because I can be myself in the classroom.  Because I can really give the gift of professing the wisdom my love of knowledge has graced me with over the years.  And students know when that happens.  Because authenticity excites and inspires young people.  Even in a tough, demanding teacher like me.
Now that miserliness has taken hold of the island’s state system, an upsurge of organized, peaceful, wise, humble activism has raised in defense of the patromonio comun.  We were only teaching.  Students knew.  Their consciousness coalesced to live up to the contingency.  Now is the time to thank the university for its multiple gifts: gifts to me, for being conducive of seeking answers to that million dollar question; and gift to the world well beyond Puerto Rico for hosting una servidora as I speak publically about these answers in the social media.
Thank you, Universidad de Puerto Rico, for being so gifted!  The island-wide movement that is keeping you from being sold down the river models the paradigm shift the world needs.  Eleven campuses acting in unison!
No more privatizations that lead to “markets” where the poor get swindled.  Investments in the commons that will elaborate the sustainable knowledge of the future.  Recognition that we are in this together, as a species!  That we can only survive if we learn to love one another and appreciate our differences!
Here are my three small gifts.
An Interview on Gaia, Health, and Environmental Theory.  On Progressive Radio Network: The Gary Null Show, March 24, 2010.  Hosted by Gary Null (begins at 46th minute in 1-hour show).
Interview on Gaia, Global Heath and Ecology, World Peace, Empires that Upsurge and Collapse, the Sexual Freedom Movement, the Arts of Loving, Polyamory, the Abuses of the Pharmaceutical Industry, the AIDS Dissidence Movement, Tantric Form of Amorous Expression.  On Truther, hosted by Sean Hardin.
Interview on Gaia, Interpretations of AIDS and other Epidemic Diseases, Holistic Sexual Health.  On How Positive Are You? Hosted by David Crowe and Celia Farber.   
Thanks for listening.  Please support The University of Puerto Rico.  Eleven Campuses, one UPR System, or Once Recintos, Una UPR!  Today is a decisive day for UPR Mayaguez.  Listen to the podcasts and share with your friends.  Post your comments!  Find out more about what’s happening in the UPR system!  Follow the Huelga day after day on Planeta Educativo!  Recognizing what we share is the key to the future. 