Participando en la Universidad – Assessing the Assessment

Dear Earthlings:
Here’s what yours truly made for her community at UPR Mayaguez.  A Facebook group to assess the assessment the government made without consulting the communities.  A space to speak up and participate in the creation of the university WE want!
Listen to the description, and sign up for the group if you are a member of the UPR Mayaguez community and have a Facebook profile in your name.

“The group Participando en la Universidad – Assessing the Assessment is a forum to assess the assessment of the UPR system presented in the document “Cambio de Rumbo para la Pertinencia de la Educacion Superior en el Siglo 21,” published on December 12, 2012, and its recommendations. 

The group is open to faculty, administrators, employees, and students of the UPR community at Mayaguez with a Facebook profile in their own name.

The document to be assessed, often known as “Golpe de Timon,” is the result of a study of the system commissioned by the Governor of Puerto Rico, Mr. Fortuno, to assess the state of the system and offer recommendations.  The group of “experts” who did the study was entirely appointed by the Governor and his administration. 

The study is multifaceted and intelligent.  However, it does not include contributions from members, participants, constituencies and sectors in the university community, nor the associations that represent them.  This is a major flaw. 

The present group is intended as a forum, an open discussion space for those contributions to be heard.  It is a bilingual space of participation in creating the university we really want.  It is a digital space for the assessment of the document that claims to assess the UPR system without the contributions the university community can make.  The idea of this open participation in the assessment of the system and design of its future is part of CUNAPU’s directive to generate the free participation we want in both digital and presential ways.This group is a forum to assess the assessment of the UPR system presented in the document “Cambio de Rumbo para la Pertinencia de la Educacion Superior en el Siglo 21,” published on December 12, 2012, and its recommendations.

The group is open to faculty, administrators, employees, and students of the UPR community at Mayaguez with a Facebook profile in their own name.

The document to be assessed, often known as “Golpe de Timon,” is the result of a study of the system commissioned by the Governor of Puerto Rico, Mr. Fortuno, to assess the state of the system and offer recommendations.  The group of “experts” who did the study was entirely appointed by the Governor and his administration.

The study is multifaceted and intelligent.  However, it does not include contributions from members, participants, constituencies and sectors in the university community, nor the associations that represent them.  This is a major flaw.

The present group is intended as a forum, an open discussion space for those contributions to be heard.  It is a bilingual space of participation in creating the university we really want.  It is a digital space for the assessment of the document that claims to assess the UPR system without the contributions the university community can make.  The idea of this open participation in the assessment of the system and design of its future is part of CUNAPU’s directive to generate the free participation we want in both digital and presential ways.

If you are a member of the UPRM community with a Facebook profile of your own, please ask to join and one of our admins will let you in quickly.  Please contribute to the debate by posting questions, adding comments, documents, and links.

If you simply would like to download a pdf file for the document, click on this link, and then click on Golpe de Timon for the download.

Please consider that the document is not difficult to read at all.  Of the 144 pages, only some 40 are analysis and recommendations, the rest is appendices, notes, and work cites list.

The same link above leads to some of the most important digest and comment articles about the document in the PR press.

Welcome to Participando en la Universidad: Assessing the Assessment!”

Did you enjoy the post?  Let us know!  Yours truly appreciates your attention.  The comments box is open.

Come back!  And stay tuned for more wonders.

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
for Junta Aprum and Conapu 
Author of Gaia, Eros, and The “Weak” Subject (1998) Award Winner with Nautilus and Finalist with Lambda
Editor of BiTopia (2011), Bisexualtity and Queer Theory (2012), Plural Loves (2005), Women and Bisexuality (2003)

Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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Escepticismo Saludable: Yours Truly’s Assessment of “Cambio de Timon” to Conapu and Press

28 de enero de 2012

Saludos companer@s, colaborador@s, y colegas!

El 21 de enero de 2012, en la reunion regional de Conapu, se prioritizo la discusion del documento en cuestion, que yo habia leido detenidamente el dia antes. Se pidio a l@s representantes de los recintos de aportar sus contribuciones a la Conferencia de Prensa que Conapu iba a tener la semana subsiguiente. Como miembro de Aprum, yo participe en esta reunion, y alli mismo asesore el documento. Escribi en seguida un email a la Portavoz, la colega Annelisse Sanchez de UPR Arecibo, en que inclui los punto que siguen. Asi que, en cuanto al documento conocido come “Cambio de Rumbo,” aqui van mis aportaciones.

“1. Es importante estar concientes de que el documento reconoce muchos asuntos queridos a la comunidad universitaria en todo y las asociaciones que la representan.  Por ejemplo el documento recommienda que: a) el porcetage del 9.6 del Fondo General del estado a la UPR sigua siendo lo mismo; b) la estrategia de quitar ingresos al fondo general para desminuir el total a la UPR se quite; c) se aprecie la plantilla de profesor@s con permanencia como recurso valioso y vital para la Upr; d) no se suba repentinamente la matricula o despidan emplead@s debido al fuerte riesgo de inestabilidad con efectos en la acreditacion.

2. Es significativo que el documento plantea integrar los dos modelos que teoriza en una propuesta de “win/win,” pero en realidad se equivoca seriamente acerca de uno, y no considera otros modelos mas comprobados y antiguos. De este error sale el mayor equivoco: que la ciencia autentica rechaza el eskepticismo. Quien conoce la larga historia de la ciencia y cultura no puede equivocarse en eso. La ciencia autentica esta basada en el eskepticismo, que hoy se conoce tambien como “pensamiento critico,” o, a veces, como “postmodernismo.” De la ciencia no ser basada en un sano eskepticismo, como podria la misma cuestionar las creenecias comunes? Cabe recordar la oracion de Galileo observando el planeta que segun la ciencia del tiempo estaba fijo. El cientifico renacentista lo dudo y eskepticamente exclamo: “y con todo eso, se mueve!”

3. El documento informa de como el sistema de escuelas publicas no siempre logra preparar bien l@s estudiantes para el sistema universitario mas selectivo, la UPR. Tanto que en muchos recinots altos porcentages de los admitid@s provienen de escuelas privadas. El efecto es que a veces familias de pocos recursos deben adeudarse para educar sus hij@s. Asi que como representantes de educadores, entendemos que sea necesario fomentar una mayor inversion en el sistema K-12 publico.

4. Las recomendaciones se prestan a interpretaciones que en la actuacion podrian resultar positivas, incluso el enfasi en la excelencia academica, en la independencia de la alta adminstracion de los partidos politicos locales, en el fomento a la educacion a distancia, continua, y por diversas edades y fines, y por fin en la autonomias de decisiones por pares basadas en el merito academico. Se espera entonces que l@s legisladores que utilicen el estudio lo hagan intelligentemente y segun su mejor espiritu. Tambien, se anima a las comunidades y los sectores de todos los recintos a que se reunan para debatir el contenido del documento y asesorar el asesoramiento alli producido.”

Lo presentado es una respuesta incompleta y de “prima facie” que ni siquera toca en muchos punto especificos de UPR Mayaguez, como por ejemplo la recomendacion que el RUM sea uno de los tres recinto de estudios graduados y investigacion, con UPRRP y Ciencia medicas. Estas pocas notas solamente desean animar a la discusion.

Espero esto ayude. Quedaremos en espera de sus preguntas, comentarios, y participacion.

La discusion continua en Facebook!  Solicite entrar al grupo Participando en la Universidad – Assessing the Assessment!

“Que viva la excelencia de la universidad libre y participativa!”

Videos of Yours Truly’s Humanities Course at UPRM, Part 1- Theme is Love
Videos of Yours Truly’s Activism for Public Education on PR

Did you enjoy the post?  Let us know!  Yours truly appreciates your attention.  The comments box is open.

Come back!  And stay tuned for more wonders.

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD

Author of Gaia, Eros, and The “Weak” Subject (1998) 
Award Winner with Nautilus and Finalist with Lambda
Editor of BiTopia (2011), Bisexuality and Queer Theory (2012), Plural Loves (2005), Women and Bisexuality (2003)
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez


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