8 of 8 – Snippetts of Eros – Disciples, Mentors, Lovers

Dear Earthlings:
The year of wonders is what 2012 is supposed to be.  Yours truly offers snippets of her favorite books.  All on yesterday’s forbidden themes.  Let’s see if their mysteries are revealed.
Eros is a story that staved the loneliness of her first years in the Caribbean, when she was missing her former Matrias,  California and Italy.
What is mentoring?  Who are our mentors?  Who are our disciples?  Is this way of learning based on love?  That’s one of the main themes.  Mentors and disciples have fallen in love with each other since time immemorial.  Yet the very question has become a taboo.  Why?  We love ourselves in another that comes to resemble us as a disciple whose knowledge we’ve mentored.  We protect that resemblance, we protect that love.  Isn’t that a win-win?  A world where it is safe to learn is a world where it is safe for disciples and mentors to love.
Here are yours truly’s reflections back in 2007.  Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves, has the full story.
Eros Cover“And so when I arrived at the university I was looking for a mentor, an interlocutor who would also function as a portal to the worlds I did not know. . . . I found what I wanted even though I sometimes wished I had not because the challenge was often too strong.  Gnosis is a mode of knowledge based on love, and it sometimes demands unconditional love.  It is often practiced in response to the dysfunctional medicalization of love produced in mainstream psychotherapy discourse.  I received the knowledge I wanted and found the self-knowledge I was looking for, even as I learned to surrender to this practice in the process” (79).

The narrative continues as Gaia proceeds to become a mentor in her own turn.  Oh blessed be!

Dear Earthlings:

Education is the heart of democracy.  And that includes education to love.  It comes in many forms.  Including learning about Eros and journeys of multiple loves.

Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves was a Lambda Finalist in 2007.  It is now being considered for translation in to Spanish by a press in Madrid.  Access to this memoir would be a great gift to Spanish speakers across the globe.  If you agree, leave a comment and we will let the publisher know.  Gracias!  

Did you enjoy the post?  Let us know!  Yours truly appreciates your attention.  The comments box is open.

Come back!  And stay tuned for more wonders.

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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Be Appraised of Ecosex Community Project PostaHouse 
Become a Fan: www.facebook.com/GaiaBlessings 
Author’s Page/Lists all books: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001JS1VKA 
YouTube Uploaded Videos: http://www.youtube.com/SerenaAnderlini

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7 of 8 – Snippetts of Eros – Translation as Love, Love as Translation

Dear Earthlings:
The year of wonders is what 2012 is supposed to be.  Yours truly offers snippets of her favorite books.  All on yesterday’s forbidden themes.  Let’s see if their mysteries are revealed.
Eros is a story that staved the loneliness of her first years in the Caribbean, when she was missing her former Matrias,  California and Italy.
What is language?  What is translation?  What makes one cross the language lines, become a transcultural person?  What’s the measure of love in this inclusive discourse?  How does language define how we understand the world?  Imagine its transformation?  Language makes people fall in love from time immemorial.  Yet the very question has become a taboo.  Why?  Language is knowledge, knowledge love.  Isn’t that a win-win?  More languages, more ways to love.
Here are yours truly’s reflections back in 2007.  Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves, has the full story.
Eros Cover“I was determined to push French and Italian out of my inner landscape.  The combat of one subconscious against the others was driving me crazy.  Blocking the music of my first native language out of my mind eased the pain of losing my baby.  My French lover exited with the second.  I was striving for the inversion that would allow American English to envelop these other languages and make their rhythms accessible.  It was torture for my inner space. English was never spoken at home . . .It was the colonizer’s language, and making it my own would help me reconquer my soul.  A colonizer brings women the scent of emancipation  . . . and [as a teenager] I used to spend time  . . . deciphering lyrics [from the Beatles and Rolling Stones]” (63).
The narrative continues as Gaia becomes a translator and facilitator across cultures and languages.  Oh blessed be!

Dear Earthlings:

Education is the heart of democracy.  And that includes education to love.  It comes in many forms.  Including learning about Eros and journeys of multiple loves.

Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves was a Lambda Finalist in 2007.  It is now being considered for translation in to Spanish by a press in Madrid.  Access to this memoir would be a great gift to Spanish speakers across the globe.  If you agree, leave a comment and we will let the publisher know.  Gracias!  

Did you enjoy the post?  Let us know!  Yours truly appreciates your attention.  The comments box is open.

Come back!  And stay tuned for more wonders.

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

Join Our Mailing List
Follow us in the social media
Poly Planet GAIA Blog: 
Be Appraised of Ecosex Community Project PostaHouse 
Become a Fan: www.facebook.com/GaiaBlessings 
Author’s Page/Lists all books: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001JS1VKA 
YouTube Uploaded Videos: http://www.youtube.com/SerenaAnderlini

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6 of 8 – Snippetts of Eros – Crossing the Color Lines

Dear Earthlings:
The year of wonders is what 2012 is supposed to be.  Yours truly offers snippets of her favorite books.  All on yesterday’s forbidden themes.  Let’s see if their mysteries are revealed.
Eros is a story that staved the loneliness of her first years in the Caribbean, when she was missing her former Matrias,  California and Italy.
What is “color”?  Who are our ancestors?  How did our genetic pools get all mixed up over time, journeys, and generations?  People of different colors have fallen in love with one another since time immemorial.  Yet the very question has become a taboo.  Why?  Loving oneself in another is how that other gets to love the other one hides within.  Crossing the color lines is how we produce love.  Isn’t that a win-win?  A world where it is safe to cross the color lines is a world where it is safe to love.
Here are yours truly’s reflections back in 2007.  Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves, has the full story.
Eros Cover“Cynthia had been my first African-American friend in the UCR compound, her daughter, Sharma, was Sara’s favorite playmate.  Cheryl [her sister] was extremely handsome, with an elegance, LA style, that matched her proud deportment.  [We became housemates.]  At my department, colleagues, all male and white, asked me about my housing arrangements and I soon realized that none of them had ever shared their living quarters with a person of color.  The janitor of the building was an African American and . . . when he was in the elevator, I was the only one to share the ride. I wondered why his eyes would remain lowered, and later learned t was a Southern custom. Lynching was a memory that loomed still large, and a black man would not be found looking a while woman in the eye” (56).
The narrative continues as racial crossing becomes a staple of Gaia’s practice of love.  Oh blessed be!

Dear Earthlings:

Education is the heart of democracy.  And that includes education to love.  It comes in many forms.  Including learning about Eros and journeys of multiple loves.

Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves was a Lambda Finalist in 2007.  It is now being considered for translation in to Spanish by a press in Madrid.  Access to this memoir would be a great gift to Spanish speakers across the globe.  If you agree, leave a comment and we will let the publisher know.  Gracias!  

Did you enjoy the post?  Let us know!  Yours truly appreciates your attention.  The comments box is open.

Come back!  And stay tuned for more wonders.

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

Join Our Mailing List
Follow us in the social media
Poly Planet GAIA Blog: 
Be Appraised of Ecosex Community Project PostaHouse 
Become a Fan: www.facebook.com/GaiaBlessings 
Author’s Page/Lists all books: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001JS1VKA 
YouTube Uploaded Videos: http://www.youtube.com/SerenaAnderlini

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5 of 8 – Snippetts of Eros – Fear of Love and “Infect” Mythologies

Dear Earthlings:
The year of wonders is what 2012 is supposed to be.  Yours truly offers snippets of her favorite books.  All on yesterday’s forbidden themes.  Let’s see if their mysteries are revealed.
Eros is a story that staved the loneliness of her first years in the Caribbean, when she was missing her former Matrias,  California and Italy.
What is AIDS?  What mythologies have been created around this epidemic?  How have they contributed to the criminalization of love?  To the impoverishment of nations?  How can the world be cured of this fear?  What does authentic science say?  And to what interests has institutionalized science prostituted itself?  These questions are on the agenda today, as the ecosexual movement reinvents natural ways to love.  Isn’t that a win-win?  A world where it is safe to love is a world where it is safe to live.
Here are yours truly’s reflections back in 2007.  Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves, has the full story.
Eros Cover“We didn’t know exactly what to be afraid of.  I remember once at an overseas conference in West Berlin, the typical place where one would for sure get laid, having played the game as usual, and having found the right guy to take to my bedroom.  And then, the paralysis: was kissing okay? How do you get your juices going if you can’t even touch the other person?  Yes, our condoms were ready, but how do you get there when bodily fluids can’t be exchanged?  It was the first time that I felt powerless in the game of sex.  I compared myself to those people who are rendered frigid by religious upbringing or repressive education.  The paralysis ended in a nonevent, which threw me in one of the worst hypoglycemia crises I ever had” (36).The narrative continues as Gaia becomes an expert safer-sex educator and eventually a convinced AIDS Dissenter.  Oh blessed be!

Dear Earthlings:

Education is the heart of democracy.  And that includes education to love.  It comes in many forms.  Including learning about Eros and journeys of multiple loves.

Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves was a Lambda Finalist in 2007.  It is now being considered for translation in to Spanish by a press in Madrid.  Access to this memoir would be a great gift to Spanish speakers across the globe.  If you agree, leave a comment and we will let the publisher know.  Gracias!  

Did you enjoy the post?  Let us know!  Yours truly appreciates your attention.  The comments box is open.

Come back!  And stay tuned for more wonders.

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

Join Our Mailing List
Follow us in the social media
Poly Planet GAIA Blog: 
Be Appraised of Ecosex Community Project PostaHouse 
Become a Fan: www.facebook.com/GaiaBlessings 
Author’s Page/Lists all books: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001JS1VKA 
YouTube Uploaded Videos: http://www.youtube.com/SerenaAnderlini

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4 of 8 – Snippetts of Eros – Health, a Form of Love

Dear Earthlings:
The year of wonders is what 2012 is supposed to be.  Yours truly offers snippets of her favorite books.  All on yesterday’s forbidden themes.  Let’s see if their mysteries are revealed.
Eros is a story that staved the loneliness of her first years in the Caribbean, when she was missing her former Matrias,  California and Italy.
Does health emanate from love?  That’s one of the main themes.  Hypoglycemia is an emotional disorder that results from isolation, loss, absence of love.  Are other diseases a result of the same problem?  A very old question, and new.  Love, the ecology of life, is the source of health.  Isn’t that a win-win?  A world where it is safe to live is a world where it is safe to love.
Here are yours truly’s reflections back in 2007.  Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves, has the full story.
Eros Cover“I returned to the center where they were reluctant to test me.  I told them I would not budge until a test was scheduled.  I did test positive for this dangerous nutritional imbalance, which, accidentally, as I was told, caused Virginia Wolf’s suicide.  Hypoglycemia is a syndrome few conventional doctors understand.  It is a prelude to diabetes, as well as its opposite, since the production of insulin is accelerated.  A naturopath was called, and he told me what I had, explaining how the condition had to be brought under control by an appropriate diet and eating style.  Meals had to be frequent and small . . . .” (31)
The narrative continues as Gaia heals naturally and becomes a holistic healer herself.  Oh blessed be!

Dear Earthlings:

Education is the heart of democracy.  And that includes education to love.  It comes in many forms.  Including learning about Eros and journeys of multiple loves.

Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves was a Lambda Finalist in 2007.  It is now being considered for translation in to Spanish by a press in Madrid.  Access to this memoir would be a great gift to Spanish speakers across the globe.  If you agree, leave a comment and we will let the publisher know.  Gracias!  

Did you enjoy the post?  Let us know!  Yours truly appreciates your attention.  The comments box is open.

Come back!  And stay tuned for more wonders.

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

Join Our Mailing List
Follow us in the social media
Poly Planet GAIA Blog: 
Be Appraised of Ecosex Community Project PostaHouse 
Become a Fan: www.facebook.com/GaiaBlessings 
Author’s Page/Lists all books: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001JS1VKA 
YouTube Uploaded Videos: http://www.youtube.com/SerenaAnderlini

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3 of 8 – Snippets of Eros – Knowledge in the Feminine, Knowledge as Love

Dear Earthlings:
The year of wonders is what 2012 is supposed to be.  Yours truly offers snippets of her favorite books.  All on yesterday’s forbidden themes.  Let’s see if their mysteries are revealed.
Eros is a story that staved the loneliness of her first years in the Caribbean, when she was missing her former Matrias,  California and Italy.  
What does knowledge in the feminine fee like?  Is it ecological?  Sustainable?  That’s one of the main themes.  Since time immemorial, women know each other independently of men.  We love each other independently of men.  Yet the very topic has become taboo.  Why?  Women’s knowledge has been regarded as ignorance for too long.  Women produce knowledge when they produce love.  Isn’t that a win-win?  A world that reveres women’s knowledge is a world that reveres love.
Here are yours truly’s reflections back in 2007.  Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves, has the full story. 
Eros Cover“Sara and I were positioned at the edge of a university system which treated women’s knowledge as ignorance.  Knowledge was modeled on war, an invasion of the field or body to be searched or conquered by the knowing mind.  But our presence brought in our sense of economy as subsistence, of ecology as balance in the energy field between beings.  We were a site of resistance to the mechanistic concepts of learning, justice, and well being generated by the prevalent masculine epistemology.  I remember Sara being always happy, healthy, and full of energy.  She had very few toys but was always busy.  Later on . . . I kept thinking back to this blessed time when ecological frugality was the measure of a child’s freedom and happiness” (20)
The narrative continues as Sara follows her destiny to become an Italian girl raised by her dad. Oh blessed be! 

Dear Earthlings:

Education is the heart of democracy.  And that includes education to love.  It comes in many forms.  Including learning about Eros and journeys of multiple loves.

Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves was a Lambda Finalist in 2007.  It is now being considered for translation in to Spanish by a press in Madrid.  Access to this memoir would be a great gift to Spanish speakers across the globe.  If you agree, leave a comment and we will let the publisher know.  Gracias!  

Did you enjoy the post?  Let us know!  Yours truly appreciates your attention.  The comments box is open.

Come back!  And stay tuned for more wonders.

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

Join Our Mailing List
Follow us in the social media
Poly Planet GAIA Blog: 
Be Appraised of Ecosex Community Project PostaHouse 
Become a Fan: www.facebook.com/GaiaBlessings 
Author’s Page/Lists all books: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001JS1VKA 
YouTube Uploaded Videos: http://www.youtube.com/SerenaAnderlini

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2 of 8 – Snippets of Eros – When a “No” Becomes a “Yes”

Dear Earthlings:
The year of wonders is what 2012 is supposed to be.  Yours truly offers snippets of her favorite books.  All on yesterday’s forbidden themes.  Let’s see if their mysteries are revealed.
Eros is a story that staved off the loneliness of her first years in the Caribbean, when she was missing her former Matrias, California and Italy.  
Can a “no” become a “yes”?  That’s one of the main themes.  Many a “no” has turned into a “yes” since time immemorial.  Yet the very question became taboo.  Why?  If we respect a “no” that becomes a “yes,” we will respect a “yes” that becomes a “no.”  Isn’t that a win-win?  A world where love can change our minds is a world where love abounds.
Here are yours truly’s reflections back in 2007.  Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves, has the full story. 
Eros Cover“Campus culture was increasingly aware of rape, and Stephane and i could not help but notice that the rapist was always male, the raped female.  . . . “There must be a way in which a woman can rape a man” I commented.  And that’s how we came to see our erotic performances, especially those in which I was the initiator, as examples of male rape. . . .
But when a man’s voice says no, his body might be saying yes with a flamboyant erection.  In this case, the man’s voice and his genitals make two opposite statements.  “Which one is more correct?” we wondered.  In the past, rape had been a crime against the woman’s family, often repaired with the rapist marrying the girl” (17).
The narrative continues as Stephane and Gaia bask in their amorous erotic play.  Oh blessed be! 

Dear Earthlings:

Education is the heart of democracy.  And that includes education to love.  It comes in many forms.  Including learning about Eros and journeys of multiple loves.

Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves was a Lambda Finalist in 2007.  It is now being considered for translation in to Spanish by a press in Madrid.  Access to this memoir would be a great gift to Spanish speakers across the globe.  If you agree, leave a comment and we will let the publisher know.  Gracias!  

Did you enjoy the post?  Let us know!  Yours truly appreciates your attention.  The comments box is open.

Come back!  And stay tuned for more wonders.

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

Join Our Mailing List
Follow us in the social media
Poly Planet GAIA Blog: 
Be Appraised of Ecosex Community Project PostaHouse 
Become a Fan: www.facebook.com/GaiaBlessings 
Author’s Page/Lists all books: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001JS1VKA 
YouTube Uploaded Videos: http://www.youtube.com/SerenaAnderlini

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1 of 8 – Snippetts of Eros – What’s Erotic about Learning?

Dear Earthlings:
The year of wonders is what 2012 is supposed to be.  Yours truly offers snippets of her favorite books.  All on yesterday’s forbidden themes.  Let’s see if their mysteries are revealed.
Eros is a story that staved the loneliness of her first years in the Caribbean, when she was missing her former Matrias,  California and Italy.
Is learning erotic?  That’s one of the main themes.  Students and teachers have fallen in love with each other since time immemorial.  Yet the very question has become a taboo.  Why?  Love produces desire to know.  Knowledge produces desire to love.  Isn’t that a win-win?  A world where knowledge is loved is a world that knows love and reveres it.
Here are yours truly’s reflections back in 2007.  Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves, has the full story.
Eros Cover“As a teacher and student of many years, I know that, no matter what sexual-harassment policies say, learning is erotic since it activates the pleasure of discovery by putting brain cells in motion, and stimulates the body-mind by opening up vistas and possibilities to the imagination.  The erotic energy emanating from this process is what keeps people in schools–it is what keeps us engaged in the learning process, be it as students and teachers. . . .  I was not fully aware of this when  . . . I was going to become my student’s teacher of language as well as love” (4).
The narrative continues as Stephane and Gaia fall in love.  Oh blessed be!

Dear Earthlings:

Education is the heart of democracy.  And that includes education to love.  It comes in many forms.  Including learning about Eros and journeys of multiple loves.

Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves was a Lambda Finalist in 2007.  It is now being considered for translation in to Spanish by a press in Madrid.  Access to this memoir would be a great gift to Spanish speakers across the globe.  If you agree, leave a comment and we will let the publisher know.  Gracias! 
Did you enjoy the post?  Let us know!  Yours truly appreciates your attention.  The comments box is open.

Come back!  And stay tuned for more wonders.

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

Join Our Mailing List
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Poly Planet GAIA Blog: 
Be Appraised of Ecosex Community Project PostaHouse 
Become a Fan: www.facebook.com/GaiaBlessings 
Author’s Page/Lists all books: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001JS1VKA 
YouTube Uploaded Videos: http://www.youtube.com/SerenaAnderlini

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