2 of 8 – BiTopia: Bisexuality’s Meanings and Contexts. Read Intro to BiReCon, Cont’d

Bi ReConNaissance:
An Introduction to BiTopia, Selected Proceedings from BiReCon
Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio

Bisexuality: Meanings and Contexts
As public discourse manifests around bisexuality, the meanings of bisexuality gradually weave together into a multivoiced discourse where they become symbiotic with one another, as in a permaculture garden.  At the same time, the contexts, disciplinary and otherwise, where bisexuality manifests, become more diverse and widespread. 
In assessing the work of this volume, my wish is to interpret BiReCon as the portal to a BiTopia, a brave new world where loving love is fine and binaries do not apply.  When the meanings of bisexuality are memorialized, one finds how they defeat oppositional logic on many counts.  Is bisexuality about sex or love?  Is it about the potential or the act?  Does it divide or unite?  Is it about the body or the psyche?  When we introduce the trope of bisexuality in cultural discourse, we find that we cannot ask these simple questions innocently any more.  The questions bisexuality brings up simply correspond to the binary logic that binds modern thought to an old cultural paradigm.  It takes the work of many teams of interdisciplinary scholars and researchers to generate the energetic field of interconnected minds capable of debunking that binary.  A significant amount of that work is being accomplished in this volume and the convergence of events it refers to. 
@ BiReCon w/ Regina Reinhard & Robyn Ochs
Bisexuality is a modern word for expressions of the erotic among humans, expressions that are as old as human life in general.  The word is modern in the sense that it is based on the notion of sexuality.  This notion organizes what was known in antiquity as the arts of loving under a scientific aegis.  However, the practice of love among humans, and other species with a digametal, male/female system of reproduction, precedes the modern era, and transcends gender boundaries.  Love itself starts with unicellular life, where gender does not apply.[1]  As long as there is no evidence of the superiority of monosexuality, there is no reason to accept cultural constructions of “nature” that marginalize bisexuality.  In other words, bisexuality is “natural,” no matter what semiotic perspective applies.
This semiotic function of bisexuality as a hinge between eras and cultural paradigms, is what produces variance in the meaning of the word across space and time, and what grants its complexity a significant function.  For example, when referred to antiquity retroactively, the word indicates the fluctuations of erotic desire that were considered integral parts of a person’s development into adulthood.[2]  In classical Athens, one learned about the arts of love from older mentors of one’s gender, one practiced with other-gender partners.  When referred to early modernity, bisexuality indicated the performative aspects of gender that were typical of that era.  On the Elizabethan stage, for example, young men played women who played men, in a triple entendre that allowed to eschew the constraints of Christianity that labeled same-sex love unnatural.  This allowed Shakespearean actors, all men, to “play” with other men, on the stage, and–sometimes at least–behind the wings.[3]  In modernity, the b-word became associated with androgyny, a 19th century style of gender performance that enhanced the intertwined character of feminine and masculine traits in humanity.  Orlando, in Virginia Woolf’s novel by the same title, is a woman who is a man who is a woman–a transgender person as androgynous and bi as the author ever was.[4] 
It’s only in the 20th century that the current emphasis on desire became emphasized.[5]  Yet, when we see bisexuality as a portal to BiTopia–the brave new world where the energy of love circulates beyond gender binaries–we understand that the force of bisexuality in discourse is the complexity of all these meanings combined.  When we think of BiTopia as the energy of a global paradigm shift from binary to inclusive, from linear to complex, from erotophobic to erotophilic, we see that bisexuality functions as a portal, not a divide.  When we imagine the world beyond this portal, we appreciate this complexity as an asset.  Love, beyond that portal, is not a need or an instinct, but an art.  In this context, bisexuality is the subtext of a bouquet of imaginative styles of erotic expression that virtually live beyond the divide, including bi, trans, poly, swing, pan, omni, gay, lesbian, goth, BDSM, metro, eco, and many others. 

The venue that hosted the three combined events, UEL Dockland Campus, is a public university that serves many of the new populations of London’s extended metropolitan area.  The venue itself is significant in this context.  In England and the world today, the forces of democracy are defending public education as a foundation for the practice of democracy.  Yet basic human rights are continuously being violated precisely because not enough reliable knowledge is publicly accessible.  Sexual freedom is one of these basic rights.  In a world still dominated by the homo/hetero divide, bisexuality is an expression of sexual freedom whose significance is enhanced by the divide.  In hosting three Bi events combined, UEL accomplished its mission of auspicating democracy via public education.  The practice of bisexuality is a way that sexual freedom becomes expressed.  The study of bisexuality is a way to understand what this practice is in its multiple aspects.  When we memorialize BiReCon in this volume, we produce reliable knowledge about bisexuality and practice democracy in the form of making knowledge that is both academic and transformative accessible to the public.

The combined events were a unique opportunity to get a sense of what bisexuality is today, of its transformative potential as the third millennium comes into full swing.  Nobody knows what the future brings, and yet, we do know that the future of bisexuality is in the hands of those with the ability to think together about a third millennium where oppositional reason gives way to symbiotic reason. Symbiotic reason integrates both elements in a binary and honors the infinite diversity of the in-between, the infinite complexity of life that loves itself and sustains itself.[6]  This future will be ushered by those with the ability to respect the experience of bisexuality as a source of knowledge.  They/we have affirmed this identity and transformed it into an epistemic portal to a future without binaries.
To be continued: 3 of 8 – Cluster 1: When Bisexuality Enters the Third Millennium.  Watch out for this exciting section in a few days!  Includes comments on keynotes by Robyn Ochs, Serena Anderlini, Eric Anderson, and on event’s genesis by Meg Barker and other organizers. 

Copyright and Prepublication Notice:
© Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, transferred to Taylor & Francis for upcoming publication in BiReCon, a selected proceedings issue of the Journal of Bisexuality.  Prepublished here courtesy of T & F.  Stay tuned for volume and buy it online!
Read the Journal of Bisexuality online, the only peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the study of all aspects on bisexuality.   Check out our latest: a provocative special-topics issue on Bisexuality and Queer Theory!

[1] My sources are Margulis and Sagan (1991 and 1997), passim.
[2] My source is Cantarella (1992), passim.
[3] Significant sources include Chedgzoy (1997), and Garber (2000), passim.
[4] For bisexual paths to an interpretation of Woolf’s fiction, I refer to Marshall (2010).
[5] For more on the history of the word bisexuality, I refer to Storr (1999).
[6] I discuss this at length in Gaia and the New Politics of Love (2009) often also seen as a manifesto for ecosexuality. 

1 of 8 – BiTopia: Is Bi ReConNaissance Happening Now? Read Introduction to BiReCon 2010’s Proceedings Volume

Bi ReConNaissance:
An Introduction to BiTopia, Selected Proceedings from BiReCon
Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio
We decided to call BiTopia this volume of the Journal of Bisexuality.  What is BiTopia?  It’s the utopian space where bisexuality is real and present, and also where it is the vanishing point for all the imaginative forms of amorous, erotic, and sexual expression that make life healthy, creative, and fun.  BiTopia is also an appropriate way to memorialize the bi utopian space created by the convergence of three Bi university events in the East Dockland area, site of London’s traditional harbor.  The historic wharfs of the world capital of modern coloniality are being redeveloped as financial districts.[1]  Public universities serve the children of new migrants.  Bisexuality produces knowledge that is transformative and academic at the same time.  This introduction is meant as a recognizance tour of that BiTopian space, with Bi Renaissance as its wish and double entendre. 
Bisexual communities in the UK and nearby regions have come together annually for almost three decades in a stream of conferences known as BiCon.  2010 saw the 28th edition of this event, simultaneously with 10 ICB, the international bi conference.  They took place on August 27-30 at the University of East London, Dockland Campus.  BiReCon 2010, an international day bisexuality research, inaugurated the convergence of bi energies and minds, on the 26th.  This momentous combination, with the added bonus of travel and research funding from the American Institute of Bisexuality, the welcome of BiCon’s well-tuned organizational team, the proactive work of a cluster of UK-based bi researchers (including Meg Barker, Christina Richards, and others), and the congenial public university venue, made BiReCon 2010 a really unique and historic event. 
@ BiReCon w/ Regina Reinhardt & Robyn Ochs
It is an honor to be introducing one more special-topics issue of the Journal of Bisexuality.  This issue is dedicated to providing access to the knowledge production generated by BiReCon 2010 and making the spectrum of research projects, areas, and finding related to bisexuality accessible to the public.  As a speaker at the event, a contributor to the volume, and guest editor who originated the idea for this project, I am proud to introduce its contents.  There is always a major difference between flesh-and-bones events and their memorialization on paper.  Regardless of one’s efforts, there is no hope for a proceedings volume to offer anything anywhere nearly the intensity, momentum, and excitement of the conference itself, or even the memory in one’s mind.  However, the intent of this volume is to offer what is possible in that way, with the added bonus of the cognitive and epistemic reflections that turned presentations into contributed articles.  I am indebted to Brian Zamboni, Editor-in-Chef of the Journal of Bisexuality, for his valuable collaborator as a peer-reviewer in this project.  His offer to share the effort is really appreciated. 

To be be continued: 2 of 8 – Bisexuality: Meanings and Contexts.  Watch out for this exciting section in a few days!

Copyright and Prepublication Notice:
© Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, transferred to Taylor & Francis for upcoming publication in BiReCon, a selected proceedings issue of the Journal of Bisexuality.  Prepublished here courtesy of T & F.  Stay tuned for volume and buy it online!
Read the Journal of Bisexuality online, the only peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the study of all aspects on bisexuality.   Check out our latest: a provocative special-topics issue on Bisexuality and Queer Theory!

[1] For more on the history of the Docklands, I refer to Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Docklands

Polyamour | Toward a New Sexual Love Ethic – by Tinamarie Bernard

It is so great to hear Tinamarie Bernard, a muse of love in modern times, be moved by Deborah Taj Anapol to think of her own self as polyamorous. Yes, Tinamarie, we all have something to learn from Taj’s wisdom. 

“Polyamour | Toward a New Sexual Love Ethic”

A review of Polyamory in the 21st Century by Tinamarie Bernard 

“When one is young, the idea of a real and abiding love tends to resemble a fairy tale, and there is little room in the predictable lines of a storybook romance for the messy truths that adults sometimes find themselves in. That is because love, by its very nature, surprises. It thrills and moves us in ways unimaginable, and sometimes that means our heart is tugged in two directions; without any mal-intent, it pulses to the melancholic pop melody, ‘torn between two lovers, feeling like a fool…”
Once upon a time, I might have misjudged a person in this predicament as suffering a lack of moral fortitude (the lothario, the tart…must have fallen out of the cheatin’ tree and hit every branch).  But that was before musing over modern love and the provocative words of Deborah Anapol, PhD, author of Polyamory in the 21st Century: Love and Intimacy with Multiple Partners (2010).
Her insights have wrecked my notions of sexual ethics and classifications. If I had to identify myself – and the more I explore sexuality, the more I find them restrictive, problematic and injurious, but for the purposes of this contemplation will offer it up – I’d describe myself as a monogamous and heterosexual woman.  I believe in soul mates, long-term committed love and marriage, and practiced serial monogamy my whole adult life.
Thanks to Deborah, I may also be polyamorous.”
Read the complete article on Modern Love Muse, Tinamarie’s blog.

3WayKiss October Calendar – Los Angeles: 16th, 19th, 23-24th – Redeem GoK Rewards

Dear Everyone, 

We at 3WayKiss are delighted to bring a fabulous October Calendar of Events to you!  We also wish to send our very very special thanks to all participants in the 9/26th Big-Push!  That made a VERY big difference, with Gaia pushed to the top of the list for at least two subspecialties in Kindle Store, and staying there as we speak!  Plus it sparkled a whole new bunch of digital readers, an absolutely eco-sexy thing to do!  From the deepest depths in our heart, thank you!

For October, yours truly has been called to the Los Angeles area for three

Click image for author’s blog

fabulous events we are happy to bring to youWe look forward to having you with us!  Please have your Gaia on Kindle purchase receipt ready to claim your discount!  Thank you!

October Calendar, in Reverse Order

Weekend with Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens
–19th Tuesday with Leanna Wolfe

Weekend with SaRina and Robert Silber
Scroll down for details!
–October 23-24th Weekend–Ecosex Wedding plus Symposium HoneyMOON in the LA Area

As announced, yours truly will keynote at the world’s first Ecosex Symposium, to be

Click for Symposium Tickets

held Sun., the 24th, 3 to 6 PM, at the Highways Performance Space, 165118th St, Santa Monica, CA, 90404.  This unique event brings together ecosexuals from the world over to kickstart the ecosexual movement.  The event is organized by Moon brides and Eco-Sex Bi-o-neers Annie Sprinkle, PhD, and Beth Stephens, UCSC. As for yours truly, she’ll be talking about “Gaia, the third planet, amorous hostess to many lovely species, sexy mother and lover too!”  The Symposium is moderated by adult film director Veronica Heart, with relationship coach Deborah Taj Anapol, PhD, and sexologist Carol Queen, PhD, among many fabulous speakers.  

The artist brides will be HoneyMOONing from a Purple Wedding to Gaia’s lovely satellite, the Moon, to be celebrated on Sat, the 23rd, 6-9:30 PM, at the Farnsworth Park Amphitheater in Altadena.  The Wedding will be officiated by performance artist Reverend Billy of the Church of Life After Shopping.  Yours truly, duly dressed in Purple, will announce the Symposium as a homage to Gaia’s hyper-generous hospitality to our unruly species.

The Symposium is meant to be “a public forum where art meets theory meets sex education meets practice,” artist brides Annie and Beth declare.  As hundreds of ecosexuals are heading toward Los Angeles for this very special weekend, yours truly invites you to join this heady lot and help spearhead the movement.  What could be more exciting than marrying an astral body and consuming the honeymoon with a whole bunch of ecosexual people?

For more on this weekend check out our Press Releases!

–Tuesday, October 19th, 7:30 PM.

Reading from seminal text of ecosexual theory, Gaia and the New Politics of Love

Click image for Casa de Pensamiento Libre

, at the Casa de Pensamiento Libre, for the Sex and Culture Lecture Series, hosted by Leanna Wolfe, 14923 Marlin Place, Van Nuys, CA, 91405.  A fabulous series, check it out hereDiscussion. Refreshments.  Donation: $ 10 at door, does not include books.  Yours truly will be delighted to sign copies while supplies last.   Ask Leanna at 818 510 0225.

–Weekend October 16-17:

Conscious Sensuality; Gaia at LuvHub: Sat., 16th, 7-9PM. 

Click image for LuvHub–SaRina and Robert

Experiencing Gaia at LuvHub.  An extended evening program for all participants in Conscious Sensuality Weekend Intensive, with Robert Silber and SaRina Goode.  12712 Dewey St, Los Angeles (Santa Monica), CA, 90066.  The workshop yours truly has been invited to lead focuses on witnessing the energy of love, holding space for the magic of it, experiencing the pleasure of the other, learnign about the arts of loving and about sharing resources of love. Gift yourself with the whole weekend and claim your discount as a Big Push-Up participant here.

We at 3WayKiss sincerely hope you’ll choose to join us at ll times, at least in spirit.  Please let us know if we can answer any questions or assist you in any way.  We are a not-for-profit corporation based in Puerto Rico that intends to “educate the public about the arts of loving and their infinite forms of expression.”  Plese visit and find out all about our new and exciting Mission.  You can also pledge your donation here.  We are persuaded the events above will spearhead exciging new projects, and are extremely interested in exploring the connections between ecosex and the noosphere.  We see Big Push-Up Day as an experiment in this line of thoiught.  Two weeks into the process, we can tell it’s interesting and will follow up with more data in due time.

The LA area is a beloved Matria of yours truly–a special land that has kindly hosted her at one point in her journey. How exciting to be there soon!  Reconnecting to long-time friends from the region is a wonderful gift!  Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you are one of them.  With a full teaching schedule at the home institution, travel time is at a premium–the opportunity not to be missed!

With deep appreciation for your interest and business, we at 3WayKiss remain yours truly in devotion and ecosexual friendship.

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD @ 3WayKiss

Click image for Gaia on Kindle

author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love, a Silver Winner
for Cosmology and New Science for the 2010 Nautilus Awards,
and many other fabulous books
Professor of Humanities
at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez


Reminder: Big Push-Up Date for Gaia on Kindle, September 26, 2010

Hi dear everyone!
     The Big Push-Up Date for Gaia on Kindle has come!  This world wide event starts on Sunday, September 26th, as early as 12:01 AM your time and lasts for the next 24 hours.  It is an ecosexual way to reclaim the power to generate best-seller status for books that offer community-based knowledge, research, and wisdom. You can attend from wherever you are.  When you download your digital copy of Gaia within this timeframe, you get to decide what a best seller feels, looks, reads like!  Also, you start building your own digital library, with streams of ecosexual wisdom flooding your knowledge store without the waste of a single twig!  What could be more ecosexually savvy?  
     Click now to download your digital copy of Gaia and the New Politics of Love
     This book is considered an avatar of ecosexual theory.  A winner of the Nautilus Award for Cosmology and New Science, it already rates quite highly in ‘health. mind, body’ and ‘women’s studies.’  The title just needs that little extra push to make it on the general Amazon.com digital best seller list!  We at 3WayKiss thank you for that little extra push today!  We are a non-profit devoted to spreading knowledge about love as an Earth-saving arts, and will reward you with a discount of up to $ 20 discount on any forthcoming event on our author’s calendar.  

     Keep your receipt as proof of purchase to redeem your  up-to$20 3WayLKiss Reward! 

     Here’s what’s featured for Serena in the October calendar, Los Angeles area:
    —October 16-17th: Gaia and the Wisdom of Love, author’s Special Appearance in Conscious Sensuality experiential workshop with SaRina and Robert Silber.  Hosted by LuvHub in Santa Monica, Ca. Sign up now for weekend and enjoy this special feature, among others.  Only $ 225 for weekend.  Learn how to witness love, how to share and multiply the amorous resources of your life.  Click here for details and to sign up!
    October 19th, 8:00 PMReading from Gaia and the New Politics of Love in Sex and Culture Lecture Series, hosted by Leanna Wolfe in Van Nuys, Los Angeles area, Ca. Don’t miss this fabulous Casa de Pensamiento Libre Production.  $ 10 Donation.  For details and address, go to Ask Leanna.
    —October 23rd, 6-9:00 PM: Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens‘s Purple Wedding to the Moon performance ceremony, produced by Love Art Lab. Officiated by Reverend Billy and the Church of Life After Shopping Choir.  At Farnsworth Park Amphitheater in Altadena, Los Angeles area.  This event is free of charge and open to the public. Serena is featured for special announcement.  Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with the ecosexual community and be inspired! For details, donations, volunteering, click Purple Wedding to the Moon.
     —October 24th, 3-6:00PM: Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens‘s Ecosex Symposium HoneyMOON.  Not to be missed!  First ever event of its kind!  Moderator Veronica Hart.  Panels, presentations, discussion.  Serena featured in Ecosex Panel as expert on GaiaHighways Performance Space, Santa Monica, Ca.  $ 15 charge. Can’t be sure to comp you to redeem your 3WayKiss Reward but sliding scale at door might apply. For details and to sign up click Ecosexuality Symposium.
    More events to be announced in the next few months.  More ways to reward your participation in the Big Push-Up!  Do keep your proof of purchase to redeem your reward! 
     In addition, as you read Gaia, don’t forget to go back to the Kindle Store webpage and post a Customer Review!  You’ve decided to be at cause in the making of best-seller status: your perspective is ever so valuable. Thank you! 
     Finally, the free software Kindle for PC is also available to get you started on a digital library:  For detail and to download click Kindle for PC.
     Thanks for your contribution to the Big Push-UP.  We at 3WayKiss are absolutely proud of you!  Please spread the word as widely as possible to all interested parties.  And, don’t forget to become a follower of PolyPlanetGAIA!
     With love and wishes for a juicy, healthy, hospitable ecosexual planet!
     Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
     Author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love, a 2010 Winner for the Nautilus Book   Awards, and many other fabulous books
     Professor of Humanities at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

     Credits: Image of Earth as Lover by Cindy Baker


Finally, GAIA on Kindle: Start reading in less than a minute! Ecosexual Gift if you buy on Sept 26th!

We at 3WayKiss wish to sincerely thank you for your attention to this.  We are delighted to offer Gaia on Kindle, the recently released digital edition of Gaia and the New Politics of LoveRegarded as an avatar of ecosexual theory, this controversial book is a Silver Winner in
Click now to get Gaia on KindleCosmology and New Science for the 2010 Nautilus Awards.  Now you can start reading it in less than a minute, and without the waste of a single twig!  If that weren’t ecosexual enough, you can also get a fabulous Gift when you make your purchase on September 26th.  This Sunday has been announced world wide as the push-up date to bring the title up into the digital best-seller list. 

When people like you decide what a best seller looks, feels, reads like, we can transform the publishing industry into one that really reflects the creative intelligence of readers.  When you decide to participate in this push, you also create better book-contract opportunities for writers whose creative intelligence resonates with your ideas, ideals. This book has been described both as a ‘disgrace’ and as a ‘masterpiece.’  It has made waves of differing opinions in its own niche communities.  The author has issued a ‘clarification statement’ in response to these.  Don’t you wish to know what this is all about immediately?  Well . . . . yes, you do, but please mark your calendar for the 26th and on that day click on the  book-cover image.

We at 3WayKiss wish to thank you from a deep place in our heart.  We are a non-profit based in Puerto Rico devoted to the mission of “educating the public world wide about the arts of loving and their infinite forms of expression that our species make piece with our gracious hostess, the third planet Gaia.”  We could not be more thrilled to reach out with this special offer to you!

If you are not familiar with digital book reading, this is a good time to start.  Download the free software Kindle for PC, or another free software for mobile devices.  What a great, ‘right livelihood’ way to read.  No more paper, no more trees!  No more storing, dusting, shipping, logging around those heavy, expensive print books.  All the intensity, complexity, reliability, in-depth knowledge a book can offer, for the feather weight of a digital file stored on your hard disk!

Teaching Gaia in Greece
With Regina Reinhardt and Robyn Ochs in London for BiReCon
Annie Sprinkle – Wedding to the Moon

What a relief for those of us aspiring to a light footprint.  And how consonant with the whole idea of Gaia as the basis for a new, ecosexual politics of love! Start building your digital library on the 26th!

The author’s summer has been fabulous with new travels and experiences, including seminars on The Wisdom of Love in the San Francisco Bay Area with such avatars of Polyamory as Deborah Taj Anapol and Dossie Easton; teaching compersion, polyamory, and Gaia theory in Washington State and Greece; coaching participants ready to design the amorous life of their dreams; visiting oracle shrines in Greece and naturist villages in France, and keynoting at BiReCon the Bisexuality Research Conference in England. 

Now she’s ready for more, with participation in Annie and Beth’s Wedding to the Moon ecosexual performance and symposium in LA, October 23-24, with workshops and readings planned for the 16 and the 19, more workshops on Managing Jealousy in November in Puerto Rico, and more events to be announced.

As a reward for participating in the push-up day for Gaia on Kindle, you get a fabulous ecosexual Gift:  Bring your proof of purchase to any of her events and you’ll get a discount of up to $ 20 on the door charge. That’s more than double the purchase price for Gaia on Kindle!
More details on events will be announced soon.  Stay tuned for the Newsletter with Calendar of Events. You can also follow us on our blog, PolyPlanetGAIA, and learn a lot more about Gaia and ecosexual theories, practices, possibilities.  Become a follower here. You can follow us on Facebook, become a fan of Gaia here,or simply friend Serena Anderlini

With deep appreciation for your interest and business, we at 3WayKiss remain yours truly, in devotion and ecosexual friendship.

Serena Anderlini @ 3WayKiss
author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love, a Silver Winner for Cosmology and New Science for the 2010 Nautilus Book Awards, and many other fabulous books
Professor of Humanities at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez



Couldn’t Put This Book Down! Aren’t we all 16 year olds at heart?

I have been an admirer of Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli for several years now, with the highest respect for her ideas and the complexities her research brings out. A specialist in psychosocial analysis, Pallotta-Chiarolli has worked extensively on bisexuality as it intersects with second-wave feminism and Deconstruction.

I read Love You Two because I love the memoir as a genre (am also author of one), and was curious about how Maria would handle a work of narrative that, albeit not exactly a memoir, is nonetheless quite close to the experiences of her personal life and those of the communities she is part of and is a researcher about, including Australian Italians who consort with LGBTQ groups and lifestyles. I am the kind of academic who not only respects, but also fervently admires those of us able to write for the general public–able to communicate our ideas and emotions in ways simple enough for anybody to grasp. I’ve tried my own hand at that with some success . . . .

What Maria has done with this book is astounding: not only she has succeeded in getting off the scholarly pedestal and wear the hat of a genuine narrator who has a story to tell and is passionate about it, she also has managed to shift the narrator’s viewpoint one entire generation forward from ours. In fact, I remember asking her “how did you manage to figure out so well how a 16 year old girl today would feel about her polyamorous mom?” This is what made the book for me impossible to put down.

At heart, we all are 16 year olds, especially if we are capable of love and passion. The emotions of adolescence awaken us to the magic of love in adult life. Isn’t the ability to be present to the intensity of these emotions the mark of a true storyteller and writer? If it is, then Love You Two definitely bears that one. Other merits are of course the book’s ability to capture the predicament of those in Italian communities overseas (be it Australia, America, or other) to stay connected to the cultural legacies of their origins without being enslaved by them: to appreciate the intensity of the drama of life in ways that are especially Italian, and fertilize gay, queer, and bi communities with that authenticity and passion.

A must read for anyone interested in LGBTQ literature as it intersects with the experience of being part of ethnic and other minority cultures whose ‘differences’ are often either hyper-accentuated or not made visible enough. 

Recommendation: Buy Love You Two on September 26th!  That’s the push-up date for best-sell day of the Kindle edition of Gaia and the New Politics of Love.  Get that one too while you’re at it, and remember to recommend a soon-to-be-published Kindle edition for Maria’s book.  Corporations won’t get to decide what’s a best seller as long as e don’t let them.  Push up to the best seller list books who reflect the perspectives of our sex-positive, the-erotic-is-sacred, bi-ecosexual communities and these perspective will expand.  Participate in the effort to reclaim what a good book looks like!


New Paradigms # 8: Gaia and Ecosex, or, Our Planet, Ourselves

What’s ecosex? A new buzz word people use to describe their sexual orientation in personals. A new way to look at Eros, the force of love, as part of planetary consciousness? Would you describe yourself as ‘ecosexual’? Yes, no, why?

You’ve watched Segment 8 of 8 from Keynote Address at the 2010 World Polyamory Association Conference, Harbin Hot Springs, California, June 25th, 2010.  Leave a comment on the blog and let us know what you think!
For the gracious auspices of Janet and Kira Lessin, conference organizers extraordinaire. Video and clips courtesy of Steve Hoffman, of Healing Greens, Oakland, videomaker extraordinaire.

The Kindle edition of Gaia and the New Politics of Love will be available soon.  Ecovillages and intentional communities are adopting this book as a model of holistic living in the realm of personal and amorous relationships. Now you can get your copy without wasting a milligram of wood from a single tree!  We welcome your contribution to generating bestsellers for the people and by the people: September 26th is the official date for massive buying of this new, paperless edition (or the paper one).

If we get to be 100th or higher in rank, we can say to have reclaimed bestsellers as creative people’s activism rather than a corporate initiative.  Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 26th, and hop to the link to make your purchase.  If you choose not to spend money on a Kindle, we completely approve and suggest you download the FREE Kindle for PCs software here.

Oh, and if you’re ready to find out how it did happen that my life became the experiment from which came the theory, don’t hesitate to get all the juicy details from the memoir Eros.

a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
author of Eros, A Journey of Multiple Loves
and many other books


New Paradigms # 7: Gaia and the Commons, or, Supporting Public Education…

When we invest in prisons, we produce criminals, when we invest in public education we produce people with college degrees. What practice will yield the best pay off? As Schwarzenegger, governor of California. Students at the University of Puerto Rico also seem to know: they have defended the UPR system in a two-month strike that saw all the 11 campuses united in a sustainable effort to protect public education from Fortuno, a governor that wants to auction public assets off. Regenerating the commons is part of the effort to generate abundance out of scarcity by sharing resources. Resources of knowledge, or, in gnosis, resources of love.


You’ve watched Segment 7 of 8 from Keynote Address at the 2010 World Polyamory Association Conference, Harbin Hot Springs, California, June 25th, 2010.  Leave a comment on the blog and let us know what you think!
For the gracious auspices of Janet and Kira Lessin, conference organizers extraordinaire. Video and clips courtesy of Steve Hoffman, of Healing Greens, Oakland, videomaker extraordinaire.

The Kindle edition of Gaia and the New Politics of Love will be available soon.  Ecovillages and intentional communities are adopting this book as a model of holistic living in the realm of personal and amorous relationships. Now you can get your copy without wasting a milligram of wood from a single tree!  We welcome your contribution to generating bestsellers for the people and by the people: September 26th is the official date for massive buying of this new, paperless edition (or the paper one).

If we get to be 100th or higher in rank, we can say to have reclaimed bestsellers as creative people’s activism rather than a corporate initiative.  Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 26th, and hop to the link to make your purchase.  If you choose not to spend money on a Kindle, we completely approve and suggest you download the FREE Kindle for PCs software here.

Oh, and if you’re ready to find out how it did happen that my life became the experiment from which came the theory, don’t hesitate to get all the juicy details from the memoir Eros.

a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
author of Eros, A Journey of Multiple Loves
and many other books


New Paradigm # 6: Gaia and Amorous Resources, or, Poly Planetary Consci…

When we share amorous resources we generate abundance from scarcity in the realm of love. Why isn’t there enough to go around in the ways of love? That’s because we appropriate lovers, we turn them into our private resources when we enforce monogamy. Spontaneous, organic monogamy is just a version, an instance of polyamory. When we share ourselves more, we make ourselves available as amorous resources, resources of love. That creates abundance of what Gaia, our gracious hostess, needs most.


You’ve watched Segment 5 of 8 from Keynote Address at the 2010 World Polyamory Association Conference, Harbin Hot Springs, California, June 25th, 2010.  Leave a comment on the blog and let us know what you think!
For the gracious auspices of Janet and Kira Lessin, conference organizers extraordinaire. Video and clips courtesy of Steve Hoffman, of Healing Greens, Oakland, videomaker extraordinaire.

The Kindle edition of Gaia and the New Politics of Love will be available soon.  Ecovillages and intentional communities are adopting this book as a model of holistic living in the realm of personal and amorous relationships. Now you can get your copy without wasting a milligram of wood from a single tree!  We welcome your contribution to generating bestsellers for the people and by the people: September 26th is the official date for massive buying of this new, paperless edition (or the paper one).

If we get to be 100th or higher in rank, we can say to have reclaimed bestsellers as creative people’s activism rather than a corporate initiative.  Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 26th, and hop to the link to make your purchase.  If you choose not to spend money on a Kindle, we completely approve and suggest you download the FREE Kindle for PCs software here.

Oh, and if you’re ready to find out how it did happen that my life became the experiment from which came the theory, don’t hesitate to get all the juicy details from the memoir Eros.

a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
author of Eros, A Journey of Multiple Loves
and many other books
