2 of 6: EcoSex @ U Conn – Weiss’s EcoSex – Student Responses: Alissa’s Take –

Dear Earthlings:

The EcoSex course at U Conn is in process.  It’s a great experience.  We are reading amazing books.  Thinking out of the box and across disciplines.  Students are sending their responses in, with discussion questions.  In class, we connect the dots: a holograph of what we’ve read together, the “required readings.”  Multiple perspectives and good synergy.  Here, we offer a glimpse.  Stefanie Iris Weiss’s EcoSex: Go Green Between the Sheets, was one of two introductory books.  We got five responses: from John, Alex, Adam, Rhiann, Alissa, and Michael.  

Here’s Alissa’s take:


Eco-sexuality has a viable argument for why people should change their habits not only to help the environment we live in, but to protect themselves as well. I think the fatal flaw to eco-sexuality is that considering it is a newer topic, not enough people are well versed in the subject matter. After reading Eco-Sex I feel as if I am more aware of the subject, but prior to reading the book I had no idea about all the waste and hazards to things that seemed as simple as perfume. The book is not only useful in the respect that it can educate others, but it elaborates and gives sources and alternatives. The problem I always saw with buying organic products, before enough knowing about all the false advertising that surrounds green products, is that they are much more expensive. Organic products always seemed to be more expensive, but the author points out that there are cheaper “do it yourself” methods that not only work, but are fairly easy to make.

Eco-sexuality has a huge shock factor, while reading I wanted to get up and check all the products I own for certain chemicals and even contemplated the vegan lifestyle. Admittedly I was scared while reading the book, thinking about how all the products I have used could be causing me harm on the inside or could lead to things as extreme as cancer. Eco-sexuality is not just about saving the environment it is about making a change to satisfy yourself and your future. The concept of eco-sexuality is particularly appealing because it includes more than just buying products that are eco-friendly but the term “eco” applies to how the product came to be. What type of materials a product was wrapped in, or how are the conditions for the workers who made the product? Eco-sexuality encompasses a wide range of factors that affect how the product came to be.

Eco-sexuality is a striking concept because in the book it speaks about improving your sex life by eating correctly or doing natural things to relax, but in the end the book is speaking about activities and products that will create a healthier and happier person. The tips given that follow the guidelines of eco-sexuality are the keys to a happier, more secure you. The book takes the focus off buying things because it is the easy choice or not exercising because you do not feel like it. Eco-sexuality focuses on the positive effects that living an eco-sexual life will give you. The author makes the reader more aware of ways to boost their morale while doing something that is healthy and environment friendly.

The author presents a new perspective of that opposing the media and the greenwashing or brainwashing they lead members of society to believe absurd ideas. I like how the author still allows the reader to hold their own opinion, but allow them to view the situation from an alternate perspective. The author shows how the media and pharmaceutical companies make people insecure about problems that may be easily fixable.  Stephanie Iris Weiss allows her readers the freedom to be themselves while reading. She does not force any ideas upon her readers, but gives them sources to back up her opinions and the ideals of eco-sexuality.

Why do you think that more people have not adapted to an eco-sexual lifestyle?

What are the disadvantages you see or that could potentially create a problem in living an eco-sexual lifestyle?

Does society’s view or conformity make an eco-sexual lifestyle more difficult to lead?

Alissa Maus

Published with permission
WGSS 3998 – Ecosexuality and the Ecology of Love
Prof. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio
U Conn, Storrs, Spring 2013

Dear Earthlings:
Let “nature” be your teacher in the arts of love.  Education is the heart of democracy, education to love.  Come back for more wonders: Students Responses to appear every Tuesday.  Book Reports scheduled every other ThursdayCheck out our summer offerings:  Ecosexuality in Portland, OR, July 17-21.  Info and Registration here! 
Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Join Our Mailing List
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Be Appraised of Ecosex Community Project PostaHouse 
Become a Fan: www.facebook.com/GaiaBlessings 
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YouTube Uploaded Videos: http://www.youtube.com/SerenaAnderlini

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1 of 9 – EcoSex @ U Conn – Book Reports – Microcosmos: Michael’s Take

Dear Earthlings:

The EcoSex course at U Conn is in process.  It’s a great experience.  We are expanding horizons with clustered reading: Theory of Science, Cultural Theory, Ecological TheoryWe each read related books, then report to group.  More thinking out of the box and across disciplines.  Students are sending their book reports in.  In class, we connect the dots. From a holograph of what we’ve read together, the “required readings.”  What’s the connection with our clustered themes?  Multiple perspectives and good synergy.  Here, we offer a glimpse.  Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan’s Microcosmos is one of two “Theory of Science” books.  We got Michael to report on it.  

Michael Maranets:  
A Book Report on Microcosmos: Four Billion Years of Microbial Evolution 
by Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan


Microcosmos by Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan, provides a fascinating look at the life of microbes as they evolved over the course of the planet’s history. The experience of reading the book in the context of an Ecosexuality class has been informative in many ways. The book itself is very heavily based in the microbiology of evolution and tracing the path of the planets development to be suitable for life in the first place. In the context of an Ecosexuality class this has particular relevance because of the heavy emphasis of symbiosis at every point in the book’s description of the evolution of the planet and the evolution of the microcosm.
            Similarly, the themes of this book certainly fit within the broader scientific themes discussed within the class, particularly with regards to the aforementioned symbiosis, the unappreciated or unacknowledged role that microorganisms play in planet wide symbiosis and the contributions of both towards Gaia Theory. Like the other books written by Margulis that have been read for this class, Microcosmosdeals heavily with microbial symbiosis and the origins of sex. It is closer to Symbiotic Planet than Mystery Dance in terms of its content and how it approaches the idea of symbiosis. In terms of style it is also closer to Symbiotic Planet because it does not deal with as wide-ranging a field of academia as Mystery Dance did, focusing instead entirely on microbiology. While it does discuss the sex lives of bacteria and how the molecular basis for the genetic exchange involved in sex arose, its focus is on a much more basic level biologically than the emphasis on larger zoological discussions of eukaryotes in Mystery Dance. I would also say it is aimed at a more biologically literate reader than Symbiotic Planet was but that it is still readily accessible to anyone who has taken even high school biology.
            The detail given to the idea of symbiotic evolution is much more thorough than anything previously encountered in this course. An example of this can be seen as Margulis traces a likely mechanism for evolution of the various energy generating systems within the microcosm that lead eventually to aerobic respiration that we carry out and its tremendous efficiency. In her discussion of how fermentation or the breakdown of sugars in the absence of oxygen arose, Margulis describes the tremendous inefficiency of this mechanism and how the final products of fermentation like ethanol and acetate can still be used to harvest additional energy. The truth of the former can be seen by the fact that humans are now increasingly looking at microbial produced ethanol as a source of alternative energy to replace oils. In the bacterial world what happened instead was that other microbes arose that could take these molecules of fermentation products, utilize it in their own metabolic pathways, and subsequently create products which the original fermenting bacteria could then feed on themselves. This cycle of food and waste between these symbiotic organisms is one of the first examples of intra-species cooperation she posits in the history of life on this planet and is one that continues to this day in places low on oxygen and light.
            Another example she provides to describe the tremendous importance of symbiosis in evolution showcases that even bacteria that we may think of as being pathogenic may actually be symbiotic in other organisms. She describes the problem faced by a researcher of amoeba (one of the most basic forms of eukaryotic life) that had been plagued by outbreak of pathogenic bacteria, which seemed to kill all of the amoebic samples in his lab. While safeguarding a sample of uninfected amoeba in another researcher’s lab, the scientist began selecting for amoeba that could survive the pathogenic bacteria. Eventually he had large quantities of these amoeba that could survive being infected by 40,000 bacterial cells. He then retrieved one of the original samples and transplanted nuclei of the now immune cells into the original strain and put the nucleus of original amoeba into these immune amoeba. What happened was quite surprising. The amoeba, which continued with bacterial infection but had a new genome via its transplanted nucleus, was able to survive indefinitely. The samples that lacked bacteria but had the genome of the amoeba that survived infection, started dying off without bacteria, and only after he incubated the growth medium with the appropriate strain of bacteria did these amoeba start surviving.
            Given the title of the book, a large amount of time is spent describing the intricacies of the microcosm. I think her argument for the idea of ‘super-organism’ she alludes to in Mystery Dance is laid out in its clearest form in Microcosmos. She describes the work of researchers who have argued for a degree of consciousness of bacteria as they interact with each other. In describing these bacteria, Margulis personifies them to be a collective all working on the same problem akin to how humans now dedicate billions at genetic problems like cancer that threaten our existence. But, she also goes on to describe how this microcosmic ‘super-organism’ is responsible for all other life on Earth and how our symbiosis with them is the most crucial aspect of why other life more complex than bacteria arose. The first example of this she gives is that of nitrogen-fixation in organic molecules. Turning the inert gas nitrogen into the molecule that can be used as the primary backbone of all DNA and proteins in all living things is extremely energy intensive. Humanity has learned how to achieve this process for the production of fertilizer but it is extremely energy intensive and would not be possible without fossil fuels. And yet, one of the earliest bacteria evolved the ability to fix nitrogen into molecules, which can be used by all organic life. The process is energy intensive in these organisms too, which is why so few other organisms adopted this evolutionary niche subsequently. The symbiosis that occurs as a result of these nitrogen-fixers is two-fold. First, their symbiotic relationship in the roots of all living plants allows these plants to grow in the first place. All organisms that consume these plants and each other subsequently rely on the nitrogen from these bacteria. Without the evolution of these bacteria, no other life could have evolved and if something were to happen to these bacteria in the present, all life on Earth would quickly cease.
            The other major example Margulis gives of the symbiosis of the ‘super-organism’ and other life is that of the planet’s oxygen rich environment, which was not present for the majority of Earth’s existence. The pursuit of the ‘super-organism’ to find ever more efficient sources of electrons eventually lead them to the energy readily locked up in water. The oxygen that enabled the rise of life larger than microbes was only possible because of the waste products generated by the ‘super-organism’.
            These ideas certainly fit within the class’s discussion of Gaia Theory. As mentioned in Symbiotic Planet, Gaia Theory is purely the observation of our planetary symbiosis from the macroscale of space. The plethora of examples Margulis provides as to the altruistic cooperation evidenced by bacteria in their evolution and the consequences of their evolution for all other life certainly provide a compelling argument for the view of Gaia Theory we have been discussing.
            The organization of this book is very similar to that scene within Mystery Dance. Margulis proceeds in a chronological manner starting from the competing ideas for the origins of life on the planet and then into the possible mechanisms for how life continued to evolve using a progression through the microbial fossil record before getting into the intricate beauty of reproduction and the genetic recombination of DNA that defines it. The topics are wide-ranging within the study of bacteria and life, but for the purposes of the class limited purely to the symbiotic basis for Gaia Theory, which we have been discussing. The book’s insight is particularly keen given it was written in 1986 before there was as much evidence for many of the theories that Margulis provides in this book.

Michael Maranets

Published with permission

WGSS 3998 – Ecosexuality and the Ecology of Love
Prof. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio
U Conn, Storrs, Spring 2013

Dear Earthlings:
Let “nature” be your teacher in the arts of love.  Education is the heart of democracy, education to love.  Come back for more wonders: Book Reports to appear every other Thursday.  Book Reports scheduled every other ThursdayCheck out our summer offerings:  Ecosexuality in Portland, OR, July 17-21.  Info and Registration here! 
Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Join Our Mailing List
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Poly Planet GAIA Blog: 

Be Appraised of Ecosex Community Project PostaHouse 
Become a Fan: www.facebook.com/GaiaBlessings 
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YouTube Uploaded Videos: http://www.youtube.com/SerenaAnderlini

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1 of 6 – EcoSex @ U Conn – Weiss’s EcoSex – Student Responses: John’s Take

Dear Earthlings:

The EcoSex course at U Conn is in process.  It’s a great experience.  We are reading amazing books.  Thinking out of the box and across disciplines.  Students are sending their responses in, with discussion questions.  In class, we connect the dots: a holograph of what we’ve read together, the “required readings.”  Multiple perspectives and good synergy.  Here, we offer a glimpse.  Stefanie Iris Weiss’s EcoSex: Go Green Between the Sheets, was one of two introductory books.  We got five responses: from John, Alex, Adam, Rhiann, Alissa, and Michael.  

Here’s John’s take:

Response to Stefanie Iris Weiss’s EcoSex: Go Green Between the Sheets

Weiss wrote a very intriguing book that sent me to my cabinet on numerous occasions. I found that all the items I use in my shower – my shampoo, conditioner, soap, and even my shaving cream – all contained various toxins she listed. I was too afraid to reach into the fridge and check those out as well. But I did start drinking my coffee black.
That said, Weiss makes me hate my life. Reading her book thoroughly makes you want to inspect every aspect of your existence, from not only reducing your general carbon foot print, but checking the brand of your shower curtain. At some point it just gets to be too much, though the general philosophy and spirit of the book is something I can get behind, I don’t have time for my class schedule never mind going through my house and checking every material good to make sure it has been eco certified. While I will certainly make a conscious effort to try and get the more intimate things of my life (shaving cream, for example) from a more eco-friendly source, the sad truth is that I, like most of society, simple can’t afford a perfectly ecological lifestyle. I worked (and am still involved with) a permaculture farm in Old Saybrook. The farmer is one of the most ecological and least consumptive people I know. His diet consists mostly of what he grows, and feeds his chickens with restaurant scrapings. He lights his house with candles, but I’m pretty sure they aren’t from Rawganique. That doesn’t make him unecological (not that Weiss is making that argument). The Weiss book is a handy companion to find alternatives to our consumptive lifestyle, but I couldn’t slug through every single word of her recipes and alternative finds (I don’t use dildos, and I’m very comfortable with my mattress and pillows, thank you very much).
The recipes (the food sounds delicious) weren’t all that bad. What bothered me were all the statistics that precluded the recipes. Weiss wrote a 203 page book and included 40 citations. For a work that cited as many alarmist statistics as she does, that’s not nearly enough citations. For a published work making pretty declarative claims, that’s a big deal. Especially since we, as students, would get an F for making as many unsourced claims as she does. I can’t account for the veracity – or falsity for that matter – of most of her claims, but for example, my Dad replaced all the pipes of our house once with copper piping. It was a big deal because most developers are using some new plastic “flexi-pipe” because it’s cheaper than copper. The reason flexi-pipe is cheaper than copper is because we’re very quickly approaching peak copper in society. But on page 135, Weiss calls copper “an inexpensive and readily available metal.” My red flags waved and a quick Internet search for “peak copper” yields thousands of results and sources for the rising price of an increasingly rare metal. While I’m on board with the environmental movement, Weiss seems to make the argument that everything in our homes will give us cancer and murder us while we are sleeping.
I enjoy her bit on Tantric Sex and intimacy. As someone who’s practiced those things, it’s definitely an awesome inclusion and a nice sigh of relief in a book that’s filled with mostly lists of alternatives to our deadly cosmetics.
To contrast the Tantra, I wasn’t on board with her Abortion section on pages 139-40. I consider myself a quiet Pro-Life advocate. I’m a man, so I won’t ever have to make that decision personally, therefore I try to keep my opinions to myself and just try to help in any way I can. I think the truck that Conservative organization drives around campus is insane and should be criminal. I think our society needs to not stigmatize bastard births, unmarried parents, and most importantly, needs to get on the adoption train. Reading a lot of “Green Literature” already makes me feel like an outcast: the overwhelming use of the pronouns “her” and “she” automatically directs environmentalist literature toward women, labeling her section on abortion “Your Choice” and automatically saying “Yea abortion, not a big deal” makes me feel even more so. I don’t know any Pro-Choice advocates who say abortion isn’t a big deal, or something to do on a whim. Instead of coming off with a sympathetic eye to readers who might not be on board the abortion train, Weiss assumes her reader is female and doesn’t mind having an abortion. As a man who already feels outcast in this genre of literature, she doesn’t have to rub it in.
Overall, I found the book’s philosophy fascinating and a lot of the methods and suggestions innovative. But I felt self-conscious the entire time knowing I was not her target audience, and now understand why so many of my peers are resistant to this subculture. Not only that, but her lack of citations calls her credibility into question and doesn’t inspire confidence.

Questions for Discussion
1.     Is abortion an environmentalist issue?
2.     Why does (or doesn’t) an environmentalist have to be Pro-Choice?
3.     How can we introduce Vancouver’s 100-Year Sustainability Plan to local communities? 


John D. Nitowski
Published with permission
WGSS 3998 – Ecosexuality and the Ecology of Love
Prof. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio
U Conn, Storrs, Spring 2013

Dear Earthlings:
Let “nature” be your teacher in the arts of love.  Education is the heart of democracy, education to love.  Come back for more wonders: Students Responses to appear every Tuesday.  Book Reports to be scheduled soon.  Check out our summer offerings:  Ecosexuality in Portland, OR, July 17-21.  Info and Registration here! 
Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Join Our Mailing List
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Be Appraised of Ecosex Community Project PostaHouse 
Become a Fan: www.facebook.com/GaiaBlessings 
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YouTube Uploaded Videos: http://www.youtube.com/SerenaAnderlini

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Ecosexuality & the Ecology of Love @ U Conn, Storrs

Ecosexuality & the Ecology of Love

Cindy Baker: Ecosex Pride Flag

The course is dedicated to exploring ecosexuality, as a social movement, a style of amorous and creative expression, a cosmic theory, an orientation, and a practice of love. 
      What is ecosexuality?  How did the concept come about and why it matters?  How can it help us to explore the intersections between ecology and sexuality, science and the humanities, global and personal health and love?  How does ecosexuality intersect with other orientations and practices of love, including those common among gays, bis, straights, polys, swingers, metrosexuals, and so on?  How does ecosexuality contribute to defining our relationship to the environment, to technology, the natural elements, and the web of life that sustains our species?  Is nature our enemy, mother, hostess, lover, all of the above? 
      A number of recent sources touch on the theme of ecosexuality.  They include books and articles that study and analyze cultural expression, films, dvds, websites, and other educational and documentary cultural texts.  Some of those in the assigned and optional reading lists may include: Sexual Fluidity, by Lisa Diamond; Sex at Dawn, by Christopher Ryan and Calcida Jetha; Gaia and the New Politics of Love, by Serena Anderlini; Polyamory in the 21st Century, by Deborah Anapol; Mystery Dance, by Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan; Microcosmos and Acquiring Genomes by Lynn Margulis; Sirens, by John Duigan; Shortbus, by John Cameron Mitchell; An Inconvenient Truth, by Davis Guggenheim; Sluts and Goddesses by Annie Sprinkle, Love Art Lab by Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens; French Twist by Josiane Balasko, The Ignorant Fairiesby Ferzan Ozpetek, and Science of Panic, by Patrizia Monzani.

      Research projects will be required.  Writing for the course may be considered for inclusion in an anthology on ecosexuality.

Note:  The first edition of this course will be taught at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, in the Spring of 2013.  It will be designed as a seminar in the WGSS Department.  If you are interested in enrolling or auditing, please contact the professor or department. 

Dr. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD, gave the opening remarks at the world’s first Symposium on Ecosexuality in Los Angeles on Oct 24, 2010.  She keynoted at the second Symposium on Ecosexuality in San Francisco on June 18, 2011, and at the EcoSex Symposium in Portland on June 29, 2012.  She is the author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love, a seminal text of ecosexual theory.  She blogs at http://polyplanet.blogspot.com


CALL for CONTRIBUTIONS – ECOSEXUALITY: The New Orgasmic Revolution on Planet Earth


Call for Contributions


The New Orgasmic Revolution on Planet Earth

A collection of miscellaneous writings on Ecosexuality
Edited by Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, Mark Olson, and Lindsay Hagamen.

Ecosexuality has emerged as a socially transformative movement where the energies of activism, art, theory, and practice coalesce.  It is a style of amorous, erotic, sexual, and artistic expression that extends love and agency to nature as an equal.  Ecosexuals theorize human bodies as ecosystems similar to those that make up our hostess, lover, and mother–Earth.  Ecosexual practices reconnect the metabolism of our species to the metabolism of third planet Earth.  Ecosexuals believe that humans are nature.  Ecosexuals are artists of love who wed themselves to nature and invent imaginative ways to extend equal rights to all its elements and life forms.  They come in all colors, genders, ages, backgrounds, and orientations.  Ecosex activism brings more fun, passion, hope and diversity to the environmental and holistic health movements.  It generates global awareness of love as the ecology of life on planet Earth.  Ecosexuality can awaken erotic feelings for nature, including human nature as a highly erotic species.  It revisits every aspect of life as an opportunity for the intellectual, spiritual, political and artistic expression of ecosexual love and its inclusive orgasmic potential.

   We invite contributions on any aspect of Ecosexuality including those mentioned above and many more.

   We accept contributions in various genres, including academic studies, philosophical, theoretical, and critical articles, reports from the field, testimonial writings, personal narratives, interviews, dialogs, debates, poems, scripts from workshop presentations and performance pieces, artists’ pages or other visual representations, reports from events, courses, and other transformative experiences, and more.  

   Love is the heart of democracy, and as the 99 percent reinvents this practice as a horizontal system of participation and inclusion, we invite Gaia, the third planet, to grace us with her hospitality and sustenance.  May this volume speak her voice too.

   Please send all submissions and inquiries to serena.anderlini@gmail.com.  Proposals will be accepted by email (MS-Word).  Please send an abstract and/or description of what you’d like to contribute.  Our tentative date for complete submissions is now February 1st, 2014.  Please send either a complete contribution or a one-page proposal, plus a bio. 

   A very respected independent publisher in the field has expressed a serious interest in doing this book.  We will secure the best agreement and distribution.

   If you are a voice in the paradigm shift at hand and its transformative movements, this call is an opportunity you don’t want to miss.  Let us hear from you!  Please POST this call as widely as possible too!  Thank you!
   Please let us know if we can answer any questions.  We’ll stay tuned!


Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love and many other books
Fellow at the University of Connecticut Humanities Institute
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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Author’s Page/Lists all books: Amazon.com
YouTube Uploaded Videos: Serena’s Youtube Channel

  Find us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterView our profile on LinkedInView our videos on YouTubeVisit our blog

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Ecosexuality: The New Orgasmic Revolution on Planet Earth

Dear Earthlings:
This was one of my happiest and most spontaneous keynotes.  The theater was packed and the audience was wonderful.  Ecosexuality as a vernacular culture at its best.  Amazing questions.   Curious as to what this orgasmic revolution might be all about?  Listen!
If the video does not click, go to Facebook

If you’re not a Facebooker, click to got to Youtube

In any event, heartfelt acknowledgements to Gabriella Cordova, Teri Ciacchi, and all the other generous organizers.  
Oh, and whether you’re a presenter, an attendee, or a writer, poet, blogger, reporter, artist, practitioner, researcher interested in ecosexuality, please send us your contribution for the ecosexual anthology we plan to put together.  We expect a closing date of September 1st.  Read all details in the Call for Papers.

Until next time then.

Enjoy this Fourth of July!

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

Join Our Mailing List
Follow us in the social media
Poly Planet GAIA Blog: 

Be Appraised of Ecosex Community Project PostaHouse 
Become a Fan: www.facebook.com/GaiaBlessings 
Author’s Page/Lists all books: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001JS1VKA 
YouTube Uploaded Videos: http://www.youtube.com/SerenaAnderlini

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Ready for a vacation to Playa Azul?  It’s a gateway to Gaia and is open for booking August 2012 to May 2013!


Ecosexuality: When Ecology and Sexuality Come Together

Ecosexuality: When Ecology and Sexuality Come Together

This is a new academic course that can be taught as a seminar, at the advanced undergraduate and graduate levels. 

The course is dedicated to exploring ecosexuality, as a social movement, a style of amorous and creative expression, a cosmic theory, an orientation, and a practice of love. 

What is ecosexuality?  How did the concept come about and why it matters?  How can it help us to explore the intersections between ecology and sexuality, science and the humanities, global and personal health and love?  How does ecosexuality intersect with other orientations and practices of love, including those common among gays, bis, straights, polys, swingers, metrosexuals, and so on?  How does ecosexuality contribute to defining our relationship to the environment, to technology, the natural elements, and the web of life that sustains our species?  Is nature our enemy, mother, hostess, all of the above? 
      A number of recent sources touch on the theme of ecosexuality.  They include books and articles that study and analyze cultural expression, films, dvds, websites, and other educational and documentary cultural texts.  Some of those in the assigned reading list may include: Sexual Fluidity, by Lisa Diamond; Sex at Dawn, by Christopher Ryan and Calcida Jetha; Gaia and the New Poltics of Love, by Serena Anderlini; Polyamory in the 21st Century, by Deborah Anapol; Mystery Dance, by Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan; Microcosmos and Acquiring Genomes by Lynn Margulis; Sirens, by John Duigan; Shortbus, by John Cameron Mitchell; An Inconvenient Truth, by Davis Guggenheim; Sluts and Goddesses by Annie Sprinkle, Love Art Lab by Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens; French Twist by Josiane Balasko, The Ignorant Fairies by Ferzan Ozpetek, and Science of Panic, by Patrizia Monzani.

Dr. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD, gave the opening remarks at the world’s first Symposium on Ecosexuality in Los Angeles on Oct 24, 2010, and keynoted at the second Symposium on Ecosexuality in San Francisco on June 18, 2011.  She will keynote at the upcoming EcoSex Symposium in Portland on June 29, 2012.  She is the author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love, a seminal text of ecosexual theory.  She blogs at http://polyplanet.blogspot.com
       Research paper expected at end of course.
Email questions for Dr. Anderlini at serena.anderlini@gmail.com

The Earth as Lover, art credit to Megan Morman and Cindy Baker.


EcoSex Symposium, Portland, June 29-July 1st: Progam, Speakers, Options, Opportunities



 © Photos by Mina Bast    ~    Poster Design by Jacob Cordova   ~ Web Mistress, Audrey Brown

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Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens Ecosexual Calendar in NYC: June 12-15, A Don’t Miss!

Dear NY Friends & Colleagues, 
We are going to NYC! It would be nice to connect with YOU. Perhaps you can attend something we are doing. Our schedule is very full for this trip, we are there together just six days, and probably can’t add more activities with friends and colleagues at this point. We are mainly coming for Veronica Vera’s wedding. But we’ll be back through NY in September– if all goes according to plans. Just for visiting. 
Hope to see you.

1. June 12th, Club 90 Reunion at MOSEX
2. June 13th, ASSUMING THE ECOSEXUAL POSITION A performative visiting artist lecture, slideshow & tell.Beth and I present the work we have been doing in ecosexuality and environmental activism and more. MOSEX.
3. June 14th, ASSUMING THE ECOSEXUAL POSITION A performative visiting artist lecture, slideshow & tell. Grace Exhibition Space in Brooklyn
4.  June 15th, LET’S GET DIRTY! A naked performance in a bed of dirt with several other artists. Grace Space in Brooklyn

1. Veronica Vera, Candida Royalle, Veronica Hart, Gloria Leonard and Annie Sprinkle, FF Alumns, at Museum of Sex’s F*ck Art Gallery, NYC, Tuesday, June 12.

Five adult film stars from the “Golden Age of Porn”: Veronica Hart, Gloria Leonard, Candida Royalle, Annie Sprinkle and Veronica Vera were the original “Sex and the City” girls. Turning to one another for the support they needed to navigate their way through life after blue movies, these dynamic women created “Club 90” in 1983, forming a bond that would continue for nearly thirty years. They went on to pursue their personal goals, and in the process, blazed new trails in the fields of human sexuality, women’s empowerment, erotic expression, and free speech. Come get a taste of the good old days when NYC was America’s sex film capital, movies were shot on 35mm film, and Times Square was x-rated! And most of all, come share the laughs, the drama & the intimate stories of this controversial support group. This rare reunion promises to be candid, informative and electric!  
When:   Tuesday, June 12th, 2012 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Where:  MOSEX’s OralFix Bar, 233 5th Ave, New York, NY 10016
Tickets: $25.

2. Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens at Museum of Sex’s F*ck Art Gallery, NYC, Wednesday, June 13. 6:00 pm  to 8:00 pm. 

ASSUMING THE ECOSEXUAL POSITION A performative visiting artist lecture, slideshow & tell with Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens
What happens when two city girls embrace the Earth as their lover? They get real dirty! Then they marry the Earth, Sky, Sea, Rocks, Sun, and more, in a series of performance art weddings? Stephens & Sprinkle have developed “SexEcology,” a new field of research which explores the places where sexology and ecology intersect. Learn 25 ways to make love with the Earth, how to find your e-spot, and why mysophilia, arboreal frottage and pollen-amory are so deeply satisfying. These ‘grrrrls gone green’ make experimental theater, visual art, video, and lead ecosex walking tours & workshops. Once you know more about the budding ecosex movement, you just might discover you are an ecosexual too.
      Elizabeth Stephens is an artist, professor at UCSC, and filmmaker. Her new film, Goodbye Gauley Mountain—An Ecosexual Love Story, makes the environmental activist movement more sexy, fun and diverse. Annie Sprinkle was a prostitute and porn star for twenty years. She became a pivotal player in the sex positive feminist movement, an internationally known performance artist, and the first porn star to earn a Ph.D.  Sprinkle and Stephens have been living and working together for twelve fertile years. For more about Beth & Annie’s work, www.sexecology.org
3.  Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens performance at Grace Performance Space in Brooklyn, June 14th and 15th. ASSUMING THE ECOSEXUAL POSITION–An ecosexual love story.  A performative visiting artist lecture, slideshow & tell with Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens. (See above description.) June 14th. 
4.  LET’S GET DIRTY! This is in Brooklyn. We’ll do a naked performance in a bed of dirt.  An ecosexual cuddle, with some films, and other artists doing stuff. We have to see the space to figure it all out. Grace Exhibition Space is a hot bed of performance art. Or in our case, a dirty bed. June 15th.  9:00 pm until 11:00 pm

Grace Exhibition Space, 840 Broadway, 2nd floor, Brooklyn, NY 11206. 


Ecosexy Updates from 3WayKiss: Join Us Online, in Portland, and Big Apple City

Eco Clit, courtesy of Mocha
Dear Earthlings,
here at 3WayKiss things are happening so fast that we barely have time to think.  But we can’t wait to let you know what’s jelling up and how you can participate.
The Ecosexual Movement is swerving in the social media and the biosphere is beginning to feel it.  
EcoSex Summit.  Anyone can participate in this.  Just activate your digital system.  John Overton and Yours Truly interviewed for the EcoSex Summit, a series of conversations with EcoSex voices produced by Farhana Goga and Alan Styrdom in Cape Town.  We explain how to bring ecosex into your personal and planetary life and the benefits of it.  What’s the PostaHouse project and how does it relate to the ecosexual vision?  Find out from the Interview.  It is accessible, free of charge, until Thursday, May 24, at 4 PM.  Don’t forget to sign up for updates and “like” the Facebook page.  More previews coming soon.  The series of 18 interviews will be for sale when the Summit is complete.
EcoSex Symposium.  Portland, OR, June 29-July 1st.  This one does require traveling and for those who like that it will be a memorable full-immersion experience in the creation of ecosexuality, what it means, why it needs to exist, what it can do for people, the planet, our amorous lives, our sexual expression, and the relationship with our most compersive lover, third planet Earth or Gaia. 
It’s now time too sign up, donate, get perks, and volunteer!  You can do this all in one stop: HERE!  Check out the exciting keynotes and workshops.  What’s Yours Truly’s title?  “Ecosexuality: The New Orgasmic Revolution on Plant Earth.”  Exciting?  There’s much more!  “Fluid Bonding,” “The Pleasure of the Other,” are some of Yours Truly’s themes.  And many others will facilitate and teach.  “Saving the Earth is sexy,” as organizer Gabriella Cordova explains.  Ecosexuality embraces life fully.  Sign up for the whole thing or event by event.  We will launch a book project and you can submit your contribution!  From out of town?  Ask for assistance with housing.  All details, contacts,  guidelines here.  The place to be!   Oh, and for those inclined to express ourselves as wordsmiths, there will be a call for contributions to an anthology of miscellaneous writing about the ecosexual experience.  Access the Call for Papers here!
Next are reminders for Bi/Lammy events in New York City.  Is the big apple ecosexual?  Taste the forbidden fruit and tell me!  In any event, we are meeting for the “biggest bi culture event of the year in NYC.”  Bi Lines.  On Sunday, June 3rd, at 6:00 PM.  Catch all the details, program, presenters, attendees.  Get a ticket and mark yourself as attending here!
Or, show up on the corresponding Facebook Event.  Only $ 8.00 at the door.  The Nuyorican Poets Cafe is waiting for you! At 236 East 3rd Street, NY 10009.  Tel (212) 780-9386.  Meet Mirta Garcia visiting from Puerto Rico and other friends.  And learn all about the latest bi books, including Yours Truly’s Bisexuality and Queer Theory 
Next is the big night for Lammy finalists.  We’re all winners.  But who actually gets to take home the distinction?  Who do I root for when Justin Bond, Susie Bright are finalists too?  Suspense, suspense . . . And all is revealed at the Lammy Awards.  Monday, June 4th.  Find out all details in the Press Release.  Join us for the ceremony.  It’s a bit expensive.  But it’s great to become a donor for Lambda and all of LGBTQ Literature.  Without our imagination, what would we be?  Puppets.  Mere tools.  It’s art that makes us real.  Ecosexual art that is.  Love, the ecology of life, is the art that makes life beautiful. The Awards are at 6:00 PM at CUNY Graduate Center, Proshansky Auditorium (365 5th Avenue, NY 10016).  The Gala at nearby Slate (54 West 21st, NY 10010) follows at 9:30 pm.  Come out for the big night in New York City.  You deserve it.  Life is beautiful!
Get your tickets here and become part of the big ecosexy apple‘s literary scene.
Cranac, Adam & Eve
Yours Truly is gifting herself with a Residency in Brooklyn.  St Andrews Plaza.  May 27-June 25.  In preparation for the big year of research as Fellow at U Conn, 2012-13.  For more info about that, see the Press Release.  Wish me well with this breakthrough project.  I will be sorting out things, looking for housing, car, other needs.  Seeing old friends, making new ones.  Participating in events, lectures, conferences, debates, parties.  Learning.  Experiencing.
There are many apples in New York City, one more ecosexy than the other.  Cranac knew it. Can you see?  Connect with me.  We might explore together.
Tantra Meal

Ecosex is jelling up also in Western Puerto Rico.  Tantra comes to Gaia’s Temple on Playa Azul thanks to Allen McPhee and Laurie Handlers.  We are dancing with the waves, practicing sacred sex, and enjoying tantra meals.  More events in July.  A beloved local community.  Stay tuned!

Let me complete with two tips for online stores of ecosexual products that can make your sex life healthier and more fun.  Ecosex and Good Clean Love come well recommended by Tinamarie Bernard, legendary modern love muse.

Remember: life is beautiful.  Expand your love and you’ll feel it.  Love, the ecology of life, is the art of sharing the most compersive lover we have, third planet Gaia.  Love yourself in another today, and you’ll do your part.  

Your attention is appreciated.  Thanks for reading.  We hope to bring offerings of your choosing.  You are loved.  Join us in what is accessible to you!


Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love and many other books
Professor of Humanities
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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