Te Amo Playa Azul I Love You Three

Rituals to Bond with the Partner We All Share: The Earth

PROGRAM – Te Amo Playa Azul I Love You 3
When: February 4, 2017, 11 AM 7 PM
Where: Playa Azul, Punta Arenas, Carretera 102, Km 11.6, Joyuda, Cabo Rojo.

This is our basic program for the day:

11 am: Meet and Greet on Playa Azul, Music, Contact Dance
12 noon: Workshops
1. Know and Love the Ecosystem Called Thyself
2. Know and Love your Most Compersive Lover: Earth
3. Know and Love those Who Share this Lover with You: Humankind

Each workshop is about 75 minutes, including teaching, translation, practice, and debriefing. If we start at 12 noon, we should be done by 6 pm, with plenty of break time for connecting, meals, and socializing.

In between workshops: the famous Oxytocin Group Hugs that fill your personal ecosystem with enchantment and loving energy.

Refreshments, foods, water, amenities: on the sidelines and during breaks.

6:00 pm: Invocation of Earth Goddess, Gaia. Vows to Playa Azul: the Ecosexual Bride. Kiss the Bride. Drum Circle.

6:30: Enter the Body of Water: Bathe in the Caribbean Sea

Fun time till exhaustion of creative energy:
Includes watsu, reiki, more dance and drumming, assorted improvised co-creations, aguinaldos, burlesque . . .
–What to bring: your charming selves, a cheerful mind, a lovely smile, an open heart, swim suits, towels, comfort food, water, comfortable beach clothing for workshops time, pillows and soft stuff to find comfort on beach floor, eagerness, participation
–What to expect: magic, beauty, enchantment, love, healing, sharing, company, fun, joy, moderation, respect, continuity, togetherness
–Videographers in action: they may ask you to be filmed and/or interviewed, and it’s up to you to accept
–Once we start the workshops, the group will be formed. We will expect continuity, and admission to subsequent workshops is subject to participation in previous ones. Presence is required. The degree of participation can vary.

Parking: Please park on the street and Access the beach from the callecita to the south of the Condominio Punta Arenas. At the beach, turn right and go toward to oak tree, palm tree, and uva playera trees.

For more detailed information on program, see template for Plural Weddings of Ecosexual Love here:

For a series of pictures of the first edition of this ecosexual wedding, go to this link:

This program is part of the project Islas Maravillas: Ecosexual Education and Extensive Research at UPRM, for PI Dr. SerenaGaia, aka Serena Anderlini.

The project is under the auspices of the College of Arts and Sciences, UPRM, and is supported by Puerto Rico’s Department of Natural Resources.

We look forward to sharing this magic day with you!

In love,


Practices of Ecosexuality and Sex-Positive Education: Symposium Too

Prácticas de Ecosexualidad y la Educación al Sexo Positivo: Simposio Dos

OPEN NOW – Expires Nov 30, 2016

This event is an EXPLORATION of #ECOSEXUALITY and #SEX-POSITIVITY for the people of Western Puerto Rico, for all interested students, colleagues, community members of UPRM.

• What is #Ecosexuality?
• What is #Sex-Positive #Education?
• Where #Ecosexual #Health and #Love an #Sex-Positive #Education converge?
• How can the #EcosexualMovement and the #Sex-PositiveMovement help us co-create abundant ecosexual health, expression, and love?
• What is the transformative potential of these practices for our ecosystems, our regions, ourselves, and the partner we all share: the Earth?
• How can we bring their excitement and effervescence into our lives, communities, learning practices, and academic discourse?

A bilingual event – Un evento bulingüe
Deseas experimentar el simposio de manera mas profunda? Solicita unirte a nuestro equipo bilingüe
Want to experience the Symposium more deeply? Ask to join our bilingual team

These and more questions will be addressed in three days of symposium activities designed to offer a diversity of participating options.

Suggested topics include:
Ecosex, Sex-Positive Ed, and any or all of the following:
Health, diversity, consent, ecology, intersectionality, amorous behavior, relationships, fluidity, inclusiveness, genders, orientations, colonialism, nature, science, the internet, sex work, the adult industry.

Welcome contributions include:
Panels, videos, keynotes, films, dialogues, staged readings, book presentation, poems, songs, workshops, and more.

Followed by TE AMO PLAYA AZUL THREE and visits to local initiatives on Feb 4-5

Symposium Too is based on Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires The Arts of Love, Serena Anderlini and Lindsay Hagamen eds. The first world-wide collection of writings on this topic, the book brings together the voices of 30 leaders to converge the multiple energies of the ecosexual movement.

Ecosexuality and Sex-Positivity are global and local movements. We welcome contributors from anywhere they might come. Welcome to Western Puerto Rico, a nature’s paradise in the dry season of February. We support you in enjoying a fun, healthy stay. We regret that we cannot cover travel, accommodation, or ground transportation expenses. We strongly encourage donations that will help us cover homemade meals, tasty and healthy. We will connect you with our generous and helpful welcome team!

Wonder what’s #Ecosexuality, what’s #Sex-Positive #Education? No mystery. Here are some taglines for inspiration:

• The Sex-Positive Movement embraces sexual diversity and expression and emphasizes safe sex and consent. It advocates education to sex and has its roots in the work of Wilhelm Reich.
• Ecosexuals envision the Earth as a lover and Eros as the untapped renewable energy of our time.
• Ecosexuality is the cultural practice that enables our species to reconnect our metabolism to the metabolism of the Earth.
• Ecosexual Love reaches beyond genders, numbers, orientations, ages, races, origins, species, and biological realms, to embrace all of life as a partner with equal rights.
• Make love is the ecology of your life. Love the Earth you make love on.

Abstracts and bios to serena.anderlini@gmail.com. Keep the total under 500 words. November 30 very last day. Make sure you use your favorite language.

This event is part of the multi-clustered project Islas Maravillas: Ecosexuality Education and Extensive Research at UPRM. Interested? Ask us about it.

Join us! Invite your students, colleagues, family, beloveds, neighbors, partners, friends.
SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook, Twitter, Blog www.serenagaia.org/blog-2/

Lodging and travel info posted to Facebook event, here.


Be part of the project!  We look forward to your enthusiasm and participation.



The Symposium is now also a CURSO CORTO that students at UPRM can take for one credit.

To view and download the course flier go here.

Student will need an enrollment sheet pre-signed by the Director of Humanities.

To view and download the Hoja de Matricula Prefirmada go here.

We hope to see you all at the symposium and course.

In love,



Announcing EcoSex: A ReLOVEution for the Wild – Proposal for an Event Series

Beloved Hosts and Venues:

Are your listeners feeling numbed by civilized monotony?  Are they longing for natural ways to combine sexual health and happiness?  #Ecosexuality can jazz them up!  Will you allow nature to inspire the arts of love in all your community?

As co-editors and authors of Ecosexuality (2016), we’ve come to appreciate Love + Radio as a show that is intent in co-creating a global vision of inclusive and regenerative love, freedom, and health on Earth.

We have a message that can resonate widely with your community.  Ecosexuality is a powerful way to connect more deeply with the partner we all share: the Earth. The first collection on this topic, our book is available in paper and kindle.

We have enjoyed tremendously speaking together about our passion.  You’re welcome to check our recent joint interview for Make Love Week.

We have now designed a talk where we speak enthusiastically about our collaborative work and share how we found our source of ecosexual love: EcoSex: A ReLOVEution for the Wild.  Check it out.  Enjoy!

EcoSexBook-FrontCoverWe write with an offer to speak at your venue.  How can we best serve your community?  We feel that our message is urgent in the current social and political climate replete with fresh energies of change.  In the next speaking season, we will consider keynotes, panels, video conferences, podcasts, and other options that involve long distance and/or physical presence.  Which one would work for you?  We hope you will extend to us an invitation.  Thank you!

In the next few weeks, we are available to talk about this collaboration further.  We’d like to discuss how hosting us can benefit your people.  Please let us know what possibilities come to your mind, and what questions we can answer for you.  We look forward to hearing back soon.  We can be reached by email, Facebook, text or phone: Serena 787 538 1680, Lindsay 413 325 3383.  Thank you!

Lindsay and Serena

Lindsay Hagamen
Co-Creator of the Ecosex Convergence
President of the Windward Foundation, WA
Dr. SerenaGaia
aka Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Convenor of Practices of Ecosexuality; A Symposium

Author and editor of multiple books including:
Ecosexuality (collection, 2015), Bi-Topia (collection, 2011), Bisexuality and Queer Theory (collection, 2011), Gaia (theory, 2009), Eros (memoir, 2006), Plural Loves (collection, 2005), Women and Bisexuality (collection, 2003), The ‘Weak’ Subject (theory, 1998)

Practices of Ecosexuality and Sex-Positive Education at UPRM: Symposium Too



I am the convenor of #PracticesOfEosexuality@UPRM, the first symposium on this topic in the Caribbean (Jan 2016 at the RUM).  I am happy to release the Call for Proposals for the second edition of this event, #Practices OfEcosexuality@UPRM Too, Feb 1-3, 2017.  The theme is Ecosex and Sex-Positive Education.  Serving the people of Puerto Rico and co-creating opportunities with sex-positive educators and ecosexual activists around the world.  Check the CALL image below.  Closes Nov 30.  I’m inviting your contributions and input.  Download the CALL for Proposals in pdf.

If you’re from the Northern Hemisphere, here’s a chance to break the winter with the paradise of Puerto Rico’s mild spring temperatures of the dry season.  The caressing waves of the Caribbean are awaiting you on the shore of Playa Azul.  Choose to bring your sex-positive energies to this island in crisis.  When ecosexual love is more abundant, more young professionals will choose to stay and co-create a sustainable future. 

Respond in your preferred language. 



Practices of Ecosexuality @ UPRM: First Academic Symposium Speaks – From Day One in the Caribbean

Dear Earth Lovers–

It’s been a joy to convene #PracticesOfEcosexuality@UPRM, the first symposium about #Ecosexuality hosted at UPRM, an academic institution located in the region I’ve elected as my third Matria, the Caribbean.

Day One was Thursday, January 28, and we were in the Teatro Figueroa Chapel, a beautiful amphitheater at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, whose air conditioning system needs urgent refurbishing for calibration and sustainability.  It was FREEZING!  Despite the balmy temperatures and caressing breezes of the dry season in the blessed region of the Islas Maravillas, we had to wear coats and sweaters to resist the low temperature air conditioning.  The university contributed performance spaces and technical skills, with Dean Gilbes’s special blessing.  Speakers donated their time, travel funds, and expertise.  Volunteers donated their organizational skills.  My non-profit, 3WayKiss funded the necessary hospitality and publicity.

ThiPES-SusanKeynotes was a day of ideas.  A little too cerebral, considering the excessive air conditioning.  The really hot gift that made it all worth while is Dr. Susan Block, who came with her husband, Captain Max, all the way from Los Angeles to educate people in our region about the inspiring behaviors of our kissing cousins from the primate kingdom, the Bonobos.  Also known as Dr. Suzy, Susan Block is a renown sexologist and sex educator who devoted her energies to studying these gentle creatures who evolve peace through pleasure.  Students had been lining up in the Lobby to sign attendance sheets.  I rushed them in so as to start on time.

The theater was full.  Our speaker was absolutely charming.  She spoke ad lib presenting her BonoboKiss1 copyfindings on a background of eloquent videos where the diverse amorous behaviors of various Bonobo communities could be admired.  These include kissing on the mouth, intercourse while gazing into a partner’s eyes, various styles of pleasure, inclusive sexual play with partners of various genders, respect for the wisdom and experience of older females, and solidarity among “sisters” when annoyed by male insistence.

What a nice place to be!  I want to sign up for Bonobo camp next summer.  I’ve been called PES-SerenaSusanbonoboesque before.  But I bet I can learn a lot more too.  Dr. Suzy eloquently explained how, if inspired by Bonobos, we humans could find ways to use our intelligence more efficiently than we do today.  We too could evolve peace through pleasure instead of endangering terrestrial life with our cruel weapons.  Yes, I agree!  That’s ecosexual intelligence, or ESQ, right, Dr. Suzy?  And I’m so happy that the public could feel validation for these practices and ideas.  A whole batch of student reports was due this week.  Dr. Suzy’s keynote was a big hit.  Some students felt an alignment with their own way of thinking.  Others were exposed to entirely new ideas.  Many responded with enthusiasm.  Others considered Dr. Suzy’s proposal seriously.  All response were equally significant.  Some of these reports will appear on this blog in an upcoming series.  Stay tuned!

Lunchtime was a great occasion for community members, students, and volunteers to intermingle with speakers.  Tables were organized with attendance sheets, books, and foods.  We served Sancocho, a specialty of the Caribbean that brings out the richness of local ingredients.  It was made with love by our volunteers.  This tasty soup is healthy and complete, revealing the ancient culinary wisdom of the region.  Dr. Suzy was so eager to answer questions about her book we had to remind her to eat her soup.  People’s ecosystem absorbed the love found in the food.

Marsha1 copyThe day continued with two favorite presentations.  Marsha Scarbrough, from New Mexico, focused on the Orishas, these African deities that reside in elements of nature and remind us to sacralize what sustains our lives.  An onstage dance made it all more real.  Another favorite was the self-revealing tale of Maria Virginia Sanchez Cintron. a bilingual worldMaria copy traveler, social worker, and musician in Mayaguez.  She revealed how ecosexual love can work for people seeking openness in relationships, and especially for Latino women who experience sexual expression on a continuum.  This presentation was a favorite with attendees.  It was very spontaneous and reached to the heart of many bicultural people’s experience in our region.

As the program unfolded, an audience formed that continued attendance, well beyond any required hours, which is what makes symposia real.  It was great to see such diversity in attendees: ages, colors, attires, genders, origins, disciplines, interests.  It was a true manifestation of the motley nature of the Caribbean.  Speakers had been asked to be cognizant of bilingual needs, and to leave 25 percent of their time for open questions.  It was a great joy to me to notice that we always had more questions form students and other attendees than speakers had time to address.  Participation was eager and real!

Next was my presentation from my brave co-editing experiences.  As some of you know, I PES-SerenaAudienceam the co-editor of #Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love, published by 3WayKiss in 2015 here in Puerto Rico.  I wanted to share about the complexity of this collaborative experience, where I worked elbow to elbow on a par with with a number of people spread world wide and all willing to go on record as ecosexual authors.  What a great adventure it was!  And a major joy in it was the evolution of a loving collaborative alliance with my faithful co-editor and mentee Lindsay Hagamen.  She appeared long distance from her community in Washington State.  This was a technological feat.  It all worked really smoothly thanks to the careful technical assistance of Antonio Ramos and Pepe Garcia.  I did not perform to the best of my abilities.  I was a bit too overwhelmed with production and emceeing responsibilities.   But it was great to read poems by Yemisi Ilesanmi and Kamala Devi, and excerpts from the book, along with Susan Block and Lindsay.

Linda RodrigPES-Lindauez is the brave colleague who became involved in the project from the beginning.  A graduate of the UCLA PS-EmilySchool of Film, she staged a scene from her film script Children from the Sea.  It was exciting to see the stage filled with props and performers in this in-progress staged reading.  While listening to Linda and watching the stage business, one could really understand the secrets of script writing techniques.  People could really relate to her theme and their questions were very interesting.

Last but not least for this day of ideas was Taber Shadburne‘s active learning exercise on the Tabertheme Spirituality in the 21st Century.  In half one hour this Master Trainer from Oakland, California, got everyone to speak out and loud about their most hidden secrets.  His simple sentence: “I pretend to . . . . but I really . . . ” worked its magic as people started to fill out the blanks with what’s in their heart.  Participants lost their fears and shared their intimate thoughts.  What a relief!  Impacting the whole person is a significant goal in teaching.  Education is a voyage of personal transformation.  And it is through practices like these that we can achieve it.
The day ended with the screening of two films.  Playa Azul I Love You PAILY-Flier2is a short film about the first Plural Wedding of Ecosexual Love in the Caribbean, performed in 2014.  It’s my first and I was very shy when introducing it.  It’s co-direcred and co-produced with Shaison Antony.  It is still incomplete.  But was good enough to show to a supportive audience.  The second films is a classic of Ecosexual cinema, Goodbye Gauley Mountain, by Beth Stephens with Annie Sprinkle.
GGMPoster copyBy the time of the screenings, most people in our audience could not stand the cold any longer.  Many braved the adversity and stayed anyway.  But it was a small group.  Some of the feedback I received on my film is that it requires more drama.  Its accented English was amplified by the large screen.  Gauley Mountain is a favorite in my courses and was appreciated here too.  In a future edition, I would place films at a more favorable time in the program.
PES-SusanWorkshopThis is my report on Day One.  I want to thank all the speakers, volunteers, facilitators, organizers, technician, and attendees.  Collaboration was at a very high point, with everyone staying tuned and willing to pitch in.  There was a lot of peripheral vision.  Students enrolled in Huma 4996-001 did a great job of manning their teams, bilingual/hospitality team, attendance team, technical team.  Everyone was very responsible and present.  We met many new people willing to help us power events like this.  My beloved assistant, Paola Pagan, a UPRM alumna, was as appreciated, organized, and attuned as ever.   Thank you Paola!  I was, at times, overwhelmed with trepidation about how all this would pan out.
      This big Day One was a big challenge for me.   And I sometimes became bossy and bitchy as a PES-Danceway to fend off tension and cope with things.  I apologize to anyone who might have been in the way.  I’m glad I can think back to this experience with calm and wisdom.  Firsts are a way to gather stronger teams.  And when we do another edition we will have more calibration, delegation, and wisdom.
     Thanks for listening.  I hope this was useful.  If you find this report interesting, please share with your networks.  We will post more on Day Two, the in-the-body day, and, eventually, on Day Three, the spice-on-the-beach day.

Press Release – Dr. Susan M. Block’s “The BONOBO WAY” to Keynote at UPRM

For Immediate Release:
Contacts: David Rossi Phone: 310.568.0066 Email: Bonoboville@gmail.com, Serena Anderlini: Phone 787 538 1680, serena.anderlini@gmail.com

Dr. Susan Block to deliver “BONOBO WAY” Keynote at UPRM ECOSEXUALITY Symposium

Los Angeles, California: January 7, 2016 — Susan M. Block, Ph.D., a.k.a., “Dr. Suzy,” internationally renowned sexologist and best-selling author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure (Gardner & Daughters Publishers), will deliver the keynote address for the first Symposium on Ecosexuality in the Caribbean, to be held on-campus at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez (UPRM).

Block’s keynote, “The Bonobo Way: An Ecosexual Paradigm for Humanity,” poses the question, “Can we learn to make ‘peace through pleasure’ from our Great Ape cousins?” Inspired by the real bonobos, it presents these fascinating close genetic cousins of ours as a new primate model for humanity in terms of sexuality, war, peace, gender equality, community and “ecosexuality.”

“The ‘killer ape’ paradigm, based on competitive, male-dominant common chimpanzees, has long been used to explain and excuse human violence, rape and war,” says Block. “Bonobo apes are at least as close to humans as common chimps, but rarely rape and never kill each other. Instead, they utilize consensual sexual activity, sharing resources, female empowerment, recreational play, hedonic kindness and lots of hugs to diffuse violent tension before it descends into murder. Can we humans learn to ‘make like bonobos (not baboons)’ and live in harmony with each other and the Earth? At this turbulent point in human history, it’s worth a try. Perhaps, if we learn from these amazing creatures—as well as save them from the seemingly imminent extinction that humanity’s bad habits have forced upon them—we can crack the bonobo code of ecosexual peace through pleasure.”

Other Ecosexuality Symposium speakers include UPRM Professor Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, Ph.D. and Lindsay Hagamen, co-editors of Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love, the collection that brings together the voices of 30 leaders of the ecosexual movement; Marsha Scarbrough, author of Honey in the River: Shadow, Sex and West African Spirituality; Music Director Mariá Virginia Sánchez Cintrón; award-winning author and UPRM Professor Linda M. Rodriguez Guglielmoni, Ph.D.; “Conscious Communication” Master Trainer Taber Shadburne, M.A.; Aguadilla-based author Dr. Anya Trahan; Ecosexual poet and activist Karen Hery; Puppetry artist Camille Cortes and more, along with a screening of Drs. Annie Sprinkle’s and Beth Stephens’ documentary, Good-bye Gauley Mountain: An Ecosexual Love Story.

View and download a complete Program for the Symposium.  View and download a Program-at-a-Glance.

If you’re interested in Te Amo Playa Azul I Love You Two, the Plural Wedding of Ecosexual Love that follows the Symposium on Jan 30, view and download this program here.

Block’s Bonobo Way Keynote is scheduled for 10:45 – 11:45 AM on January 28, 2016, at UPRM’s Teatro Figueroa Chapel, the first event of the Symposium. She will also conduct a workshop on January 29, 3:30 – 4:15 PM, entitled, “Release Your Inner Bonobo: A Different Kind of 12-Step Program,” weaving stories, studies, theories and fantasies into possibilities and a practical path of action that enables a very personal “Ecosexual RƎVO˩ution,” deepening “bonobo awareness” of our global interconnectivity through empathy, eroticism and play.

David Rossi Phone: 310.568.0066 Email: Bonoboville@gmail.com

Dr. Serena Anderlini Phone: 787.538.1680 Email: serena.anderlini@gmail.com


“Impactful, often hilarious… wildly entertaining…

The Bonobo Way just might hold the key to world peace.”
—HUFFINGTON POST book review by Steve Karras

The Bonobo Way is sexy and fun… damn smart too.”
—”TANGENTIALLY SPEAKING” with Christopher Ryan, Ph.D.

Podcast Interview with Sex at Dawn author Chris Ryan, Ph.D.

“Dr. Susan Block has a new understanding of how to enhance our intimate relationships!”
—PROGRESSIVE NEWS NETWORK interview with Dr. Diana Wiley

“Bonobo eroticism doesn’t discriminate”
—ALTERNET Why Group Sex? by Carrie Weisman

“Adventure, optimism, and love is what Dr. Susan Block is all about… Patients become fans, and fans become evangelists.”
—CITIZEN LA Inside the Pleasure Compound I Dr. Susan Block

The Bonobo Way is a refreshing must-read for our times.”
—Dr. Patti Britton, leading sexologist & past American Association for Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) President

“Bravo Dr. Block for paving the way to a hopefully more bonobo future.”
—Vanessa Woods, author of Bonobo Handshake

“The Bonobo Way is a pleasure on all counts… fun, humorous… meaningful, persuasive and especially significant at this time.”
—Dr. SerenaGaia Anderlini D’Onofrio, co-editor of Ecosexuality 

“The Bonobo Way is marvelous! A happy book for a happy life in a happier world.”
—Xaviera Hollander, author of The Happy Hooker

“Brilliant book. Enjoyed it thoroughly.” 
—Sherry Rehman, Sr. VP of Pakistan People’s Party & former Ambassador to the U.S.

“I love every page of The Bonobo Way!” 
—Christian Bruyère, producer of Champions of the Wild

The Bonobo Way is available in kindle and paperback on Amazon or direct from the publisher. A portion of all proceeds from book sales goes to Lola ya Bonobo and The Bonobo Conservation Initiative, as well as other organizations actively helping to protect and save the highly endangered wild bonobos from extinction.

Tired of conventional sexuality experts? Dr. Block is available for comment or interview. Would you like to review The Bonobo Way? Contact us today.

David Rossi
Phone: 310.568.0066 Email: Bonoboville@gmail.com  Web:thebonoboway.com
Watch The Video: http://j.mp/TBWyouTubeTrailer

Practices of Ecosexuality: Invitation and Program, UPRM, Jan 28-29, 2016


Dear colleagues, students, administrators, community members:

It’s a joy to announce the keynote speaker for Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium, Jan 28-29, 2016.

Dr. Susan Block, a renown sexologist and specialist of Bonobo life, cultural practices, and communities, joins us from Los Angeles to keynote on this theme:PES-P1-2

The Bonobo Way: An Ecosexual Paradigm for Humanity.

Her key question is: Can we learn to make peace through pleasure from our great ape cousins?

The keynote is scheduled for 10:30-11:45 AM on Thursday, Jan 28, in the Teatro Figueroa Chapel. It will include live videos from her Bonobo research, and much more.PES-P3-4

We write to invite all of you to attend the keynote and strongly encourage all your students to do so as well. If you’re a professor, please include it in your syllabus. Giving students an incentive to attend and assigning a report on the theme is a great idea. Thank you!

PES-P5-6Considering the multiple crises that afflict the world and the island of Puerto Rico, no theme could be more timely or urgent. Please don’t miss it! Thank you!

It is a unique opportunity made possible by the program Islas Maravillas: Ecosexuality Education and Extensive Research at UPRM. It’s also an effect of the gift economy, since, with no budget to speak of, Dr. Susan Block elected to visit us and bring her expertise to our region. What a great way to turn a crisis into an opportunity for change!

Here I want to express gratitude to administrators who have made it possible. It is a joy to deliver on this promise to you and to the UPRM community. It’s also a joy to welcome our amazing and generous keynote speaker!

The Keynote Banner Dr. Susan Block posted on her website has more details, also about her recent book, The Bonobo Way, as well as a Press Release about the Symposium as a whole. Please find it as this link:

The complete Program for the Symposium can be downloaded at this link and is announced in the images posted here.  A Program-at-a-Glance summary can be downloaded here.  We have a total of 10 diverse speakers and facilitators joining us from Oregon, California, Washington State, and our region.  A great way to introduce Ecosexuaity as a theme of our cultural discourse and practice.  A gift-economy abundance!

As a reminder, the Symposium can also be taken as a course, for one credit. The code is Huma 4996-001.

To make enrollment easier, students can access the Huma pre-signed authorization sheet at this link.

They can download, print, fill out, and take it directly to their department to make the ajuste de la matricula.  it works well. Enjoy!

We look forward to the Symposium: Practices of Ecosexuality.  Please join us in welcoming our amazing and generous speakers!  Please let me know if I can answer any questions at serena.anderlini@gmail.com.  Thank you!

Enjoy this early 2016!


Te Amo Playa Azul I Love You Two – A Plural Wedding of Ecosexual Love


This plural wedding of ecosexual love will be the second of its kind in the Caribbean.  Mark your calendars for Saturday, January 30, 2016.  The event is designed to guide participants in experiencing the earth as the lover we all share, and to practice the love that reaches beyond limitations to embrace all of life as a partner with equal rights.  The daylong ritual one the magic beach of Playa Azul, culminates in an inclusive wedding ceremony with the beach as the bride all participating “spice” share.

The event was a memorable success on its first edition, which called for a return.  Check PAILY-BeachLover2the photos and memories.  Read the detailed description of its template.

The event is free of charge and open to the public. Space is limited to save your spot early. Let us know you are coming by email at serena.anderlini@gmail.com, or mark yourself as attending on the Facebook event.

What Rituals Will Help Us Bond with the Partner We All Share?  TAPAILY2-FLIER-2016

Program – Te Amo Playa Azul I Love You Two
When: January 30, 2016, 11 AM 8 PM
Where: Playa Azul, Punta Arenas, Carretera 102, Km 11.6, Joyuda, Cabo Rojo.

This is our basic program for the day:

11 am: Meet and Greet on Playa Azul, Music, Contact Dance
12 noon: Workshops
1. Know and Love the Ecosystem Called Thyself
2. Know and Love your Most Compersive Lover: Earth
3. Know and Love those Who Share this Lover with You: Humankind

Each workshop is about 75 minutes, including teaching, translation, practice, and PAILY10-LoveThyself1PAILY13-LoveHumankind2 debriefing. If we start at 12 noon, we should be done by 6 pm, with plenty of break time for connecting, meals, and socializing.

In between workshops: the famous Oxytocin Group Hugs that fill your personal ecosystem with enchantment and loving energy.

Refreshments, foods, water, amenities: on the sidelines and during breaks.

PAILY13-LoveHumankind2 6:00 pm: Invocation of Earth Goddess, Gaia. Vows to Playa Azul: the Ecosexual Bride. Kiss the Bride. Drum Circle.

6:30: Enter the Body of Water: Bathe in the Caribbean Sea

Fun time till exhaustion of creative energy:
Includes watsu, reiki, more dance and drumming, assorted improvised co-creations, aguinaldos, burlesque . . .
–What to bring: your charming selves, a cheerful mind, a lovely smile, an open heart, swim suits, towels, comfort food, water, comfortable beach clothing for workshops time, PAILY11-LoveEarth1pillows and soft stuff to find comfort on beach floor, eagerness, participation
–What to expect: magic, beauty, enchantment, love, healing, sharing, company, fun, joy, moderation, respect, continuity, togetherness
–Once we start the workshops, the group will be formed. We will expect continuity, and admission to subsequent workshops is subject to participation in previous ones. Presence is required. The degree of participation can vary.

Parking: Please park on the street and Access the beach from the callecita to the south of the Condominio Punta Arenas. At the beach, turn right and go toward to oak tree, palm tree, and uva playera trees.

We look forward to sharing this magic day with you!


Planning a trip to the enchanting island of Puerto Rico for the occasion? It’s easy. Book flights into the Aguadilla/BQN airport. Reserve a rental car. You will be only a 40 minute drive from the events. For housing, let our local contact Maria Preston, in the Cabo Rojo/Playa Azul area, do the job, at 787 360 3396. She will reserve a beautiful and affordable beach front apartment you can share with friends. Enjoy!

Make sure you arrive early enough to also attend Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium, on January 28-29. This event is also part of our gift economy.  You can attend and present too.  We accept proposals until December 13, 2015.  Check out details on the Facebook or Blog page.

This program is part of the project Islas Maravillas: Ecosexual Education and Extensive Research at UPRM, for PI SerenaGaia, aka Serena Anderlini.

The project is under the auspices of the College of Arts and Sciences, UPRM, and is supported by Puerto Rico’s Department of Natural Resources.

Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium – Practicas de Ecosexualidad: Un Simposio

SellBookThis event will introduce #Ecosexuality to the people of Western Puerto Rico, to all interested students and community members of UPRM.

What is #Ecosexuality? How can we practice #EcosexualLove? What is its transformative potential for our ecosystems, our regions, ourselves, the world? What is the #EcosexualMovement? How can we bring its excitement and effervescence into our lives, communities, learning practices, and academic discourse?

These and more questions will be addressed in two days of symposium aCursoCortoFlier-EcosexHuma4996-Jan2016ctivities designed to offer a diversity of participating options, including: panels, videos, films, dialogs, staged readings, book presentations, poems, art, songs, workshops, and other kinds of creative events. Join us! Invite your students, colleagues, partners, friends.

–Thursday the 28 will be our theory day: Meet us in the Teatro Figueroa Chapel, Lobby, RUM.
–Friday the 29 will be our practice day: Meet us in the Cafeteria Annex, RUM.
–Ecosex movies are planned for both days.
–Local, fresh, and in-season delicious foods are also in the works.AuthorizationToTakeCourse-Simposio-Ecosexualidad

The Symposium is free of charge and open to the public.  You are welcome to mark yourself as attending on the Facebook page.  The event can be attended for credit as a one-credit course by students in any department of the UPR Mayaguez system.  For details see the description above.  To enroll, download and print this pre-signed authorization form.

Here are some tag lines for #Ecosexuality:

–Ecosexuality is often thoughts of as the cultural practice that enables our species to reconnect our metabolism to the metabolism of the partner we all share: the Earth.

–Ecosexuals often imagine the Earth as a lover rather than a mother.

–Ecosexual Love is the love that reaches beyond gender, numbers, orientations, ages, races, origins, species, and biological realms, to embrace all of life as a partner with equal rights.

–It’s exciting to think of love as the ecology of life.EcosexSymp-Call2

–Eros is an untapped renewable energy of our time.

–It’s great to love the Earth we make love on.

Our call for contributions is now open.  Here to the right for details.  Have you been thinking along any of these tag lines? Many exciting proposals have been pledged by participants, local and world wide. If you feel inspired to participate, please do send us your idea and will will consider it for inclusion in the program. Thank you!

Please make sure you tell us what you want to do on or before December 13. Thanks!

EcoSexualityThe Symposium is based on the recent publication, Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires The Arts Of Love, edited by Serena Anderlini and Lindsay Hagamen. The first world wide collection of writings on this topic, the book brings together the voices of 30 leaders to converge the multiple energies of the ecosexual movement, its versatility of styles and diversity of genres convey a compelling variety of perspectives on this emerging social movement.

The event is part of the UPRM-based project Islas Maravillas: Ecosexuality Education and Extensive Research at UPRM, whereby PI Serena Anderlini and her teams intend to “manifest a convergence of energies to awaken the Area Oeste, the Colegio, and the entire region that surrounds the University to the experience of ecosexual love naturally inspired by the gentle and caressing nature of the Caribbean.” It intends to design public private alliances that organize local resources into eco-sustainable initiatives across the region.

This Symposium a beginning. It will be followed by Te Amo Playa TAPAILY2-FLIER-2016Azul I Love You Two, a Plural Wedding of Ecosexual Love, on January 30th. This event is also free of charge and open to the public. Here’s your invitation. Space is limited in both events.  So save your spot early. Let us know you are joining on Facebook, or by email at serena.anderlini@gmail.com, or (for UPRM students) by signing up for the course. Thank you!

Planning a trip to the enchanting island of Puerto Rico for the occasion? It’s easy. Book flights into the Aguadilla/BQN airport. Reserve a rental car. You will be only a 40 minute drive from the events. For housing, let our local contact Maria Preston, in the Cabo Rojo/Playa Azul area, do the job, at 787 360 3396. She will reserve a beautiful and affordable beach front apartment you can share with friends. Enjoy!

For Islas Maravillas, with your collaboration we look forward to evolving much more. Clusters in the projects include courses, field trips, internships, events, and seminars, for a University that extends its transformative influence over the territory.

Be part of the project! We look forward to making this happen with your enthusiasm and participation.

Let the gift economy occupy your heart. Enjoy the Holiday Season and look forward to our ecosex events in January.