Ecosexuality: When Ecology and Sexuality Come Together – In January 2011 at UPRM

Ecosexuality: When Ecology and Sexuality Come Together
Ecosexualidad: cuando la ecologia y la sexualidad se encuentran

Este CURSO NUEVO es un seminario avanzado en las Humanidades que se ofrecera en enero 2011.

It is dedicated to exploring ecosexuality, a movement, orientation, practice, and a theory of love.

What is ecosexuality?  How did the concept come about and why it matters?  How can it help us to explore the intersections between ecology and sexuality, science and the humanities, global and personal health and love?  How does ecosexuality intersect with other orientations and practices of love, including those common among gays, bis, straights, polys, swingers, metrosexuals, and so on?  How does ecosexuality contribute to defining our relationship to the environment, to technology, the natural elements, and the web of life that sustains our species?  Is nature our enemy, mother, hostess, all of the above? 
      Books and films in the assigned list may include: Sexual Fluidity, by Lisa Diamond; Sex at Dawn, by Christopher Ryan and Calcida Jetha; Gaia and the New Poltics of Love, by Serena Anderlini; Polyamory in the 21st Century, by Deborah Anapol; Mystery Dance, by Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan; Microcosmos and Acquiring Genomes by Lynn Margulis; Sirens, by John Duigan; Shortbus, by John Cameron Mitchell; An Inconvenient Truth, by Davis Guggenheim; Sluts and Goddesses, by Annie Sprinkle; and House of Numbers by Brent Leung.

Dr. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD, gave the opening remarks at the world’s first Symposium on Ecosexuality in Los Angeles on Oct 24, 2010.  She is the author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love, a seminal text of ecosexual theory.  She blogs at
       Excellent reading knowledge of English necessary, Spanish used in class.  
       Research paper expected at end of course.
       !Una oportunidad de no perder!
Offered as Humanities 4995 to begin in January 2011, Tues and Thurs at 5-6:15 PM.
Enroll: see Dr. Noemi Maldonado, Associate Director, Department of Humanities, Chardon 504,
Email questions for Dr. Anderlini at

The Earth as Lover, art credit to Megan Morman and Cindy Baker.

Ecosexuality: A Course in the Arts of Conscious Loving

Ecosexuality: A Course in the Arts of Conscious Loving

What’s ecosexuality?  Just a new buzz word for vegetarian with green bed sheets?  A new sexual orientation to connect with a new-age dreamy date in a chat room?  A new theory? 

It is of course all of these–and none of them.  In this course, we propose Ecosexuality as a new style in the arts of loving that is conscious of how important these arts are in process of making peace with humanitiy’s hostess, the third planet Gaia.

Ecosexuality is a way of being sexual that’s ecological, natural, balanced, amorous, exploring, playful, inclusive, adventurous, holistic, sacred, Gaian, erotic, considerate, consensual, responsible, and healthy, all simultaneously, separately, and in different proportions.

The emphasis in the course is on teaching styles of being amorous that are also ecological.   Ecoloogy has to do with balance and proportion.  For example, if a species reproduces excessively, the balance of an ecosystem is lost.  But when all species are present in sustainable proportions, the ecosystem is healthy and whole.

There is an ecology to sexuality too.  Many paths allow lovers and amorous people to access the ecstasy, the joy, the communion, the bliss of conscious erotic love.  Some include ‘natural’ intermediaries: the ocean, the sky, the moon, mountains, lakes, rivers have all been known to inspire lovers to ecstatic bliss.  Other intermediaries are more ‘human made’: the arts, poetry, scents, foods, wines, jacuzzis, watsu pools, leather, silk, floggers, film, fetishes, videos, sex toys, and a whole assortment of other aphrodisiacs inspire people to become amorous in a variety of sexual ways and paths to erotic ecstasy.  The contemplation of other people in love and the feeling of inclusiveness that emanates therein can be a powerful erotic inspiration too. 

We believe that love is an art that can be learned consciously.  We do not make conclusive statements on that the ‘nature’ of human love can be.  However, we affirm that every person has a very special talent to love.  The intent of the course is to nurture that talent into an artistic form that graces the person and his/her amorous communities with an abundant healthy dosage of the arts of loving.

We propose a wide sampling of these arts, including elements of meditation, touch, sensuality, cuddling, massage, pleasuring, self-pleasuring, communication, mirroring, witnessing, compersion, polyamory, bi-sensuality, sexual play, bonding and domination, fetishism, sexual play, tantra, and more.  These practices are taught as styles of amorous expression that help participants develop their talents as artists of love.

The encouragement is for students to become better resources of love for their communities.  We do not encourage the formation of identities around any of these practices more than any other.  Any combination of them that develops the amorous talents of participants is ecosexual to the extent that it makes the world more abundant with resources of conscious love.

This course is a work in progress.  So far, the main areas are:
Compersion: The Spirit of Polyamory
Fluid Bonding and the Health/Safety of Erotic Communities
The Pleasure of the Other: Becoming a Resource of Love
Flogassage: The Bioenergetics of Multiple Loves

Developed by Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD, for the intellectual property of 3WayKiss

Workshop 1 – Compersion: The Spirit of Polyamory

Workshop 1 – Compersion: The Spirit of Polyamory

In the wisdom of love, we understand that the arts of loving can save Gaia, the live planet, because they are part of the arts of healing.  A key concept in these arts is compersion, which comes from polyamory and is often understood as ‘the opposite of jealousy.’  Compersion is the joy of sharing the amorous resources that bless our lives.  It is the bliss of witnessing the love our partners receive from others than ourselves.  Jealousy often registers as a humiliating emotion.  How can this emotion transform into joy?  The 2 1/2 hour workshop is designed to teach this transformation in a series of small-group exercises that impact our inner and outer landscapes.  Compersion, the spirit of polyamory, is a vibration that animates our bodies with joy and participation, once we become familiar with the bioenergetics of this inclusive, liberating emotion.

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD, is a professor of humanities at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez.  She is the author of Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves, and the editor of numerous collections.  She teaches courses, workshops, and seminars on the practice of love and the science of Gaia.

Scheduled for July 8, 2010, in Bellingham, WA

Contact: Laya Shriaberg,

Workshop 2 – Fluid Bonding and the Health/Safety of Erotic Communities

Workshop 2 – Fluid Bonding and the Health/Safety of Erotic Communities

This workshop discusses how changes to fluid-bonding agreements can impact individuals in an erotic community, the community’s notification and negotiation processes, screening protocols, and reactions to disease outbreaks and breaches in agreement.  A general introduction to the topic will be followed by open discussion, with a few anecdotes to break the ice if necessary.

Why is the practice of safer sex important to an erotic community?

The protection of each participant is proportional to the health of the community.  In practicing safer sex, a participant in an erotic community protects other participants from pathogens that might be inadvertently stored in this participant’s body.  Physical safety is conducive of emotional safety too.

Fluid-bonding is the practice of exchanging deep and not-so-deep body fluids with sexual and erotic partners, and the emotional bonding that this implies.  On the pair level, fluid bonding can be viewed as a trading of risk for pleasure and intimacy.  In a given erotic community, it is more complicated; there are implications, both positive and negative, to each participant and to the community as a whole.   In general, one might say that fluid bonding contributes to the health of a community to the extent that it is based on rules that are defined quite explicitly and followed quite closely.

Workshop Design by Serena Anderlini and Murray Schechter

Workshop 3 – The Pleasure of the Other: Becoming a Resource for Love

Workshop 3 – The Pleasure of the Other: Becoming a Resource for Love

The ecstasy our lovers feel is proportional to our ability to experience it as our own pleasure.  When we get to access this experience our education in the arts of loving can be considered complete.  As artists of love, we will be the source of erotic ecstasy for our lovers in such sublime communion that the pleasure of the other will become our own.

As a principle of erotic/ecstatic communion, the pleasure of the other is not new.  We can read about it in Sappho, Ovid, Veronica Franco, Giacomo Casanova, and others whose love lives have been celebrated in literature.  But how can we learn to generate this pleasure in our own love lives?  This workshop is designed to provide access to this experience.

The exercise intends to initiate participants in the practice of forming a pleasure team and receiving pleasure from multiple sources.  It can be done in a conventional or clothing-optional environment.  Participants form groups of 5 to 7 people and sit on the floor in a circle.  One participant volunteers to be the ‘pleasure emitter,’ the others form the ‘pleasure team.’  The ‘pleasure emitter’ lies down at the center while members of the ‘pleasure team’ sit around in a circle.  Boundaries are set as to what areas of the ‘pleasure emitter’s’ body are open for receiving pleasure and what areas are off limits.  The pleasure team begins to focus on pleasuring the emitter.  Members will stay tuned into each other and listen for signs of pleasure from the emitter.   The emitter will express pleasure with words, moans, and body movements.  These will reverberate as feed back with the team whose members will enhance the pleasure as they respond to the expressions of the emitter.

The exercise can be repeated as many times as there are volunteer pleasure emitters in the group.  Each round lasts about 10-15 minutes.  After two or three rounds, the group will discuss the experience.  Participants will share about what it felt like to be in either position and why.  What did participants learn about pleasure?  Is the pleasure of the other better than our own? 

A group hug can be used as a closing ritual.

A workshop designed by Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD

Workshop 4 – Flogassage: The Bioenergetics of Multiple Loves

Workshop 4 – Flogassage:  The Bioenergetics of Multiple Loves

Learning the Arts of Loving with Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio

This workshop combines small group massage and mild flogging to convey the bio-energetic experience of polyamory compersion, tantric energy and kundalini, and love for the person

Compersion is the ability to share love among three or more people.  Practicing compersion helps to transmute jealousy into the joy and elation of being present to multiple loves, to give up exclusivity, and to express pleasure and ecstasy (or being the “pleasure emitter” in a multipartnering situation

Tantric Energy & Kundalini are modes of amorous expression that enable one to give, receive, store, and transmute erotic energy throughout the body and the chakra system.  These modes are often experienced indirectly.   In this workshop we focus on the back side of the body as a place to store and transmute these energies.

Love for the person is the ability to love someone independently of their gender and sexual orientation.  Many experienced bisexuals practice this kind of love.  In this workshop we focus on changing roles within a small group, exchanging erotic energy with diverse participants, adjusting degrees of participation, and experiencing full-body erotic pleasure, to convey the experience of loving the person.

“I was fortunate to attend a flogassage organized by Serena. It was not on the agenda for the weekend, but was one of the highlights of my experience. Serena expertly set the mood and our expectations, then smoothly guided us through hours of sensual touch experiences unlike anything I had ever experienced before. She is truly gifted,” said Michael from Massachusetts.

This workshop is open to everyone over 18. 
It is especially recommended for massage therapists and other kinds of holistic healers interested in exploring the sensual aspects of the healing arts. 
The workshop will be held in a clothing optional environment. 
Participation in the exercises is based on consent.  Graded levels of participation are encouraged.

Workshop 5 – Bisexuality, Self-Knowledge, and Eros

Bisexuality, Self-Knowledge, and Eros
This workshop is designed to assist participants in becoming more aware of how bisexual cultures and lovestyles complement and integrate with Polyamory.
We open with a short poem about bisexuality by nonetheless that William Shakespeare. “Two loves I have,” from Sonnet 144.   There is nothing new to bisexuality or Polyamory, since even the bard practiced them . . .
We continue with definitions and historical perspectives about the bisexual movement, especially in the late 20th century, with a special reference to the work of the late Fritz Klein, from a psychoanalytical perspective, and Lani Kaahumanu and Loraine Hutchins, from a cultural and earth-centered perspective.  Participants will be invited to share in small groups about bisexual dreams, wishes, fantasies, and experiences. 
Next will be a practical exercise based on the Klein Grid, a bi version of the Kinsley Scale.  Participants will be invited to place themselves on this grid.  Then they will mix and mingle while they ask questions of each other as to where they best fit, so that in the end everyone will stand on the floor in correspondence to their place on the grid, to everyone’s amusement!  
Bisexuality is largely in the mind of the beholder.  Participants will play the roles of givers and receivers in small groups.  The messages will be expressed via soft touch and/or flirtatious gazing.   The givers will keep their intention secret, and the receiver will be invited to guess as to what that is.  In many cases, a non-sexual intention will be interpreted as sexual, and vice versa, to the amusement of all.

3WayKiss October Calendar – Los Angeles: 16th, 19th, 23-24th – Redeem GoK Rewards

Dear Everyone, 

We at 3WayKiss are delighted to bring a fabulous October Calendar of Events to you!  We also wish to send our very very special thanks to all participants in the 9/26th Big-Push!  That made a VERY big difference, with Gaia pushed to the top of the list for at least two subspecialties in Kindle Store, and staying there as we speak!  Plus it sparkled a whole new bunch of digital readers, an absolutely eco-sexy thing to do!  From the deepest depths in our heart, thank you!

For October, yours truly has been called to the Los Angeles area for three

Click image for author’s blog

fabulous events we are happy to bring to youWe look forward to having you with us!  Please have your Gaia on Kindle purchase receipt ready to claim your discount!  Thank you!

October Calendar, in Reverse Order

Weekend with Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens
–19th Tuesday with Leanna Wolfe

Weekend with SaRina and Robert Silber
Scroll down for details!
–October 23-24th Weekend–Ecosex Wedding plus Symposium HoneyMOON in the LA Area

As announced, yours truly will keynote at the world’s first Ecosex Symposium, to be

Click for Symposium Tickets

held Sun., the 24th, 3 to 6 PM, at the Highways Performance Space, 165118th St, Santa Monica, CA, 90404.  This unique event brings together ecosexuals from the world over to kickstart the ecosexual movement.  The event is organized by Moon brides and Eco-Sex Bi-o-neers Annie Sprinkle, PhD, and Beth Stephens, UCSC. As for yours truly, she’ll be talking about “Gaia, the third planet, amorous hostess to many lovely species, sexy mother and lover too!”  The Symposium is moderated by adult film director Veronica Heart, with relationship coach Deborah Taj Anapol, PhD, and sexologist Carol Queen, PhD, among many fabulous speakers.  

The artist brides will be HoneyMOONing from a Purple Wedding to Gaia’s lovely satellite, the Moon, to be celebrated on Sat, the 23rd, 6-9:30 PM, at the Farnsworth Park Amphitheater in Altadena.  The Wedding will be officiated by performance artist Reverend Billy of the Church of Life After Shopping.  Yours truly, duly dressed in Purple, will announce the Symposium as a homage to Gaia’s hyper-generous hospitality to our unruly species.

The Symposium is meant to be “a public forum where art meets theory meets sex education meets practice,” artist brides Annie and Beth declare.  As hundreds of ecosexuals are heading toward Los Angeles for this very special weekend, yours truly invites you to join this heady lot and help spearhead the movement.  What could be more exciting than marrying an astral body and consuming the honeymoon with a whole bunch of ecosexual people?

For more on this weekend check out our Press Releases!

–Tuesday, October 19th, 7:30 PM.

Reading from seminal text of ecosexual theory, Gaia and the New Politics of Love

Click image for Casa de Pensamiento Libre

, at the Casa de Pensamiento Libre, for the Sex and Culture Lecture Series, hosted by Leanna Wolfe, 14923 Marlin Place, Van Nuys, CA, 91405.  A fabulous series, check it out hereDiscussion. Refreshments.  Donation: $ 10 at door, does not include books.  Yours truly will be delighted to sign copies while supplies last.   Ask Leanna at 818 510 0225.

–Weekend October 16-17:

Conscious Sensuality; Gaia at LuvHub: Sat., 16th, 7-9PM. 

Click image for LuvHub–SaRina and Robert

Experiencing Gaia at LuvHub.  An extended evening program for all participants in Conscious Sensuality Weekend Intensive, with Robert Silber and SaRina Goode.  12712 Dewey St, Los Angeles (Santa Monica), CA, 90066.  The workshop yours truly has been invited to lead focuses on witnessing the energy of love, holding space for the magic of it, experiencing the pleasure of the other, learnign about the arts of loving and about sharing resources of love. Gift yourself with the whole weekend and claim your discount as a Big Push-Up participant here.

We at 3WayKiss sincerely hope you’ll choose to join us at ll times, at least in spirit.  Please let us know if we can answer any questions or assist you in any way.  We are a not-for-profit corporation based in Puerto Rico that intends to “educate the public about the arts of loving and their infinite forms of expression.”  Plese visit and find out all about our new and exciting Mission.  You can also pledge your donation here.  We are persuaded the events above will spearhead exciging new projects, and are extremely interested in exploring the connections between ecosex and the noosphere.  We see Big Push-Up Day as an experiment in this line of thoiught.  Two weeks into the process, we can tell it’s interesting and will follow up with more data in due time.

The LA area is a beloved Matria of yours truly–a special land that has kindly hosted her at one point in her journey. How exciting to be there soon!  Reconnecting to long-time friends from the region is a wonderful gift!  Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you are one of them.  With a full teaching schedule at the home institution, travel time is at a premium–the opportunity not to be missed!

With deep appreciation for your interest and business, we at 3WayKiss remain yours truly in devotion and ecosexual friendship.

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD @ 3WayKiss

Click image for Gaia on Kindle

author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love, a Silver Winner
for Cosmology and New Science for the 2010 Nautilus Awards,
and many other fabulous books
Professor of Humanities
at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

Reminder: Big Push-Up Date for Gaia on Kindle, September 26, 2010

Hi dear everyone!
     The Big Push-Up Date for Gaia on Kindle has come!  This world wide event starts on Sunday, September 26th, as early as 12:01 AM your time and lasts for the next 24 hours.  It is an ecosexual way to reclaim the power to generate best-seller status for books that offer community-based knowledge, research, and wisdom. You can attend from wherever you are.  When you download your digital copy of Gaia within this timeframe, you get to decide what a best seller feels, looks, reads like!  Also, you start building your own digital library, with streams of ecosexual wisdom flooding your knowledge store without the waste of a single twig!  What could be more ecosexually savvy?  
     Click now to download your digital copy of Gaia and the New Politics of Love
     This book is considered an avatar of ecosexual theory.  A winner of the Nautilus Award for Cosmology and New Science, it already rates quite highly in ‘health. mind, body’ and ‘women’s studies.’  The title just needs that little extra push to make it on the general digital best seller list!  We at 3WayKiss thank you for that little extra push today!  We are a non-profit devoted to spreading knowledge about love as an Earth-saving arts, and will reward you with a discount of up to $ 20 discount on any forthcoming event on our author’s calendar.  

     Keep your receipt as proof of purchase to redeem your  up-to$20 3WayLKiss Reward! 

     Here’s what’s featured for Serena in the October calendar, Los Angeles area:
    —October 16-17th: Gaia and the Wisdom of Love, author’s Special Appearance in Conscious Sensuality experiential workshop with SaRina and Robert Silber.  Hosted by LuvHub in Santa Monica, Ca. Sign up now for weekend and enjoy this special feature, among others.  Only $ 225 for weekend.  Learn how to witness love, how to share and multiply the amorous resources of your life.  Click here for details and to sign up!
    October 19th, 8:00 PMReading from Gaia and the New Politics of Love in Sex and Culture Lecture Series, hosted by Leanna Wolfe in Van Nuys, Los Angeles area, Ca. Don’t miss this fabulous Casa de Pensamiento Libre Production.  $ 10 Donation.  For details and address, go to Ask Leanna.
    —October 23rd, 6-9:00 PM: Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens‘s Purple Wedding to the Moon performance ceremony, produced by Love Art Lab. Officiated by Reverend Billy and the Church of Life After Shopping Choir.  At Farnsworth Park Amphitheater in Altadena, Los Angeles area.  This event is free of charge and open to the public. Serena is featured for special announcement.  Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with the ecosexual community and be inspired! For details, donations, volunteering, click Purple Wedding to the Moon.
     —October 24th, 3-6:00PM: Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens‘s Ecosex Symposium HoneyMOON.  Not to be missed!  First ever event of its kind!  Moderator Veronica Hart.  Panels, presentations, discussion.  Serena featured in Ecosex Panel as expert on GaiaHighways Performance Space, Santa Monica, Ca.  $ 15 charge. Can’t be sure to comp you to redeem your 3WayKiss Reward but sliding scale at door might apply. For details and to sign up click Ecosexuality Symposium.
    More events to be announced in the next few months.  More ways to reward your participation in the Big Push-Up!  Do keep your proof of purchase to redeem your reward! 
     In addition, as you read Gaia, don’t forget to go back to the Kindle Store webpage and post a Customer Review!  You’ve decided to be at cause in the making of best-seller status: your perspective is ever so valuable. Thank you! 
     Finally, the free software Kindle for PC is also available to get you started on a digital library:  For detail and to download click Kindle for PC.
     Thanks for your contribution to the Big Push-UP.  We at 3WayKiss are absolutely proud of you!  Please spread the word as widely as possible to all interested parties.  And, don’t forget to become a follower of PolyPlanetGAIA!
     With love and wishes for a juicy, healthy, hospitable ecosexual planet!
     Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
     Author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love, a 2010 Winner for the Nautilus Book   Awards, and many other fabulous books
     Professor of Humanities at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

     Credits: Image of Earth as Lover by Cindy Baker

What’s This New Politics of Love That People Wonder About?

Could it be as simple as an ecosexual politics of love where Eros makes peace with Gaia? 
These wise women have it all figured out.  Find out from what they write and then lobby for their ideas with Obama!

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, Deborah Taj Anapol, and Dossie Easton at Open Secret Bookstore in San Rafael, Ca, on July 3rd celebrating Interdependence Day as they outline the future of love on Planet Earth.

We will be back with more about this historic event where the future of love on the planet was outlines.  Meanwhile, please send us your thoughts, ideas, comments, poems, rants, plans, critiques, strategies.  What’s a new politics of love that would serve Gaia and us?  What does it look, feel, smell, taste like to you?  tell us and we will publish it on Poly Planet GAIA!
do you call yourself ‘ecosexual’?  would you date someone who does?  if yes, or no, why?

‘Ecosexual,’ the new ‘sexual orientation people use in personal ads, we learn from Annie Sprinkle, ‘sybaritic cougar,’ and participant extraordinaire.  Do you call yourself ‘ecosexual’? Would you date someone who does? If yes, or no, why?

Annie Sprinkle, Beth Stephens, Cunning Minx: more love, more wisdom! 

We will be back with more about this historic event where the future of love on the planet was outlines.  Meanwhile, please send us your thoughts, ideas, comments, poems, rants, plans, critiques, strategies.  What’s a new politics of love that would serve Gaia and us?  What does it look, feel, smell, taste like to you?  Tell us and we will publish it on Poly Planet GAIA!
And, don’t forget to look up for ‘ecosexual’ dates next time you go out!
Wise Woman Extraordinaire, Serena