Tantra Goddess Empowerment w/ Allen McPhee – May 13, Playa Azul, Western Puerto Rico

Embrace the goddess within!
Abraza la diosa dentro de ti! 

Every woman has a hidden side that she keeps for that special ‘someone.’ Sometimes, however, that part of her is hidden for so long that it is impossible to reveal. Join Allen as he reaches into your heart to bring out the goddess in you. A Tantra Goddess embraces her sexuality, without shame or compromise. She controls her destiny even while engaged in relationships. She treats her body as a temple; that is, one deserving of respect and worship. Join Allen for an exploration of divine femininity. Let yourself go where your heart has longed to go.

Exciting, great discussions, transformative, loving environment, and empowering techniques describe this workshop best. Singles, those in committed relationships, experienced practitioners, and even women who are clueless about Tantra will enjoy themselves and transform as a result of their participation in this carefully designed workshop.


This event is generously offered at no cost for women in Western Puerto Rico with a desire to discover the goddess within.  Don’t miss this opportunity to be introduced to Tantra in our region!  Space is limited, so please call in early to confirm your attendance!  

Este es un taller bilingue!  Habra traduccion consecutiva al Espanol.  Asi que, no te dejes intimidar por el idioma, participa!  

Love is in the air!!!!!!! Can you feel it? Call today!
When: Sunday, May 13, 2 to 6pm
Where: Serena’s apartment in Playa Azul, Condominio Punta Arenas, Joyuda, Cabo Rojo
Confirmations: by email, serena.anderlini@gmail.com, by phone at 787 538 1680
Raw vegetarian food served after workshop
About the Facilitator
Allen McPhee is a determined leader and problem solver.  He provides a series of services that promote self-development and growth.  He is a combination of a philosopher, metaphysician and psychic.  He holds a Master’s Degree in Philosophy from Stanford University and has over 15 years of experience in teaching.  He is a passionate teacher and life coach, empowered with wide-ranging experience in self development, energy work, and tantra yoga.  He is honest, discerning, clairvoyant, and empathic.  
Comments about Allen’s Workshops
Andrea: “Thank you Arlene for the opportunity to participate in this event. Such wonderful, beautiful energy! Once again, Allen’s superb ability to listen and break through translated into an empowering evening. Love certainly was everywhere and within everyone of us. We learned so much about ourselves as children – women- of God. Wow. Thank you”
Arlene: “Allen, This was one of the best birthday presents I’ve ever received. Your generosity, patience, and sincere loving kindness was felt by all of us. Thanks for the valuable lessons and great techniques…we now dance, hug, & gaze with purpose and intention!”
Dear Earthlings:
isn’t this wonderful?  Bringing Tantra to Western Puerto Rico!  It’s an opportunity not to be missed.  Allen and I look forward to introducing Goddess Empowerment to you.  Let us know if we can answer any questions.  Your participation is a cherished gift.

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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