The Covid Chronicles # 9 – Infections of Hope and Natural Remedies

I feel in the air that infections are going up. I read it in the papers. I see few faces in the streets.

What do I do?

I breathe deeply and tell my personal ecosystem that it is well calibrated, well prepared to deal with what’s to come.

I decide not to penalize my social life or that of other people who appreciate human company, including mine.

Continue reading

“Immigrant”: Sharing Stories and Images of Special Surveillance and Personal Dilemmas

People are sharing their immigration pictures and stories and so here are mine.
Yes, I am an immigrant and one who chose California as a place where I felt I would be more respected as a single mom at the time who wanted to access a professional line of work.

I was raising my daughter in Rome, Italy, and rent was more expensive than anything i could earn in one month. UC Riverside offered me a teaching assistantship and admitted me to their graduate program. I got a student visa that way. My daughter Paola Coda joined me the second year and stayed until the end of my doctorate. At that point I had a big dilemma. Would I go back or stay? The answer came when Vanderbilt University in Nashville offered me a job as Assistant Professor, and processed a green-card for me. The job was discontinued a few years later, but the green-card stayed. That’s when I moved back to California to be an activist in the LGBT community and practice holistic health. I came to Puerto Rico about 20 years ago to resume my academic career. All these decisions were very difficult to make at the time, and involved many inner conflicts and painful choices.


Some of these are narrated in my memoir, Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves. Where I explain that because my father was an independent senator elected in the PCI, I was always afraid that the FBI would at some point catch up with me. When I finally got my green-card it was a big relief. That’s when I felt I could really be myself. A few years later an anti-immigrant proposition passed in California. Like many others, I woke up and applied for citizenship so I could vote next time around. And I have ever since.

When I hear about the allegations that 3 million undocumented people would have voted, my mind jars. Being a “legal alien” is hard enough. One constantly feels like on a watch list. On special surveillance. One can only imagine what being undocumented can be like. Why would anyone in that situation want to even get near a voting booth? Just to get arrested and deported? It’s like offering one’s wrists for the handcuffs. Who could ever believe these allegations? The fact that they are even made is evidence that so many people are totally unaware of what the immigration system is like. Of how complicated it is to even go from a temporary visa to a permanent one, if you come in as a “legal alien” to begin with. If you cross without papers, it’s even much more difficult to be recognized. And often people who do so are desperate, with no place to return. How could they possibly risk the little niche they found to try and cast a vote that isn’t even likely to have any effect? It’s just baffling that anybody could believe that an en-masse action like that could ever be orchestrated.

There is more that I want to say. In Italy people also talk a lot about the influx of “foreigners.” They call those from poor countries “extracomunitari/e” which alludes to them being from outside the EU. They are afraid of them, and avoid them. There is a difference though. In Italy there really isn’t an immigration system, as in, say, ICE or the former INS. They way people become “documented” is by waiting enough years as undocumented, until an amnesty comes, at which point their years as “clandestini/e” count. So one would think that there the act of voting without the right to do so could be interpreted as an act of civic presence, as in, say, I’m here, see, I want to perform my responsibilities as a citizen.

In the US any act of brushing against the law, even civil disobedience, as in, say, a march or a demonstration, is a risk when you are not a citizen. It’s a risk even when you are documented on a temporary visa or a green-card. Imagine if all those people who live in constant fear, in this pall of special surveillance, would ever dream of committing voter fraud.
I really feel for those people who are in fact deprived of their right to vote, and are now also accused of having had an effect on the election, or at least on public opinion about it, they could not possibly have had. I remember, as the child of an honest political family, that I felt very invisible during the period when I was not in a position to vote. That was hard enough. And I understand how infuriating it can now be to feel accused of a fraud one could not possibly have been part of.
And all this just because a woman won the popular vote!  Hard to believe.
Here I’m sharing some pictures from the years of the big dilemmas.  Lol.  Speaking as if they were ever resolved.
What really brought peace is the practice of #EcosexualLove.  May the partner we all share protect us.
Love and blessings.


aka Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD

Professor of Humanities and Cinema
Convenor of Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium
Fellow at the Humanities Institute, University of Connecticut, Storrs (2012-13)
Project: “Amorous Visions: Ecosexual Perspectives on Italian Cinema”

What Is Love? Endorse Serena’s New Book about this Powerful Cosmic Force

Courtesy of
What Is Love?  Dialogs with Gaia
Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio


                                  Table of Contents
     1:  Love as Art 
     2:  Initiations
     3:  The Pleasure of the Other
     4:  Monogamy and Monosexuality
     5:  Romance, Sexuality, Exclusivity
     6:  Beyond Exclusivity: Compersion, the Spirit of 
     7:  Fluid Bonding:  Health and Safety in Erotic   
     8:  Beyond Monosexuality:  Fluidity, Knowledge, Eros
     9:  Ecosexual Love in Cyberspace
    10: Ecosexuality and Holistic Sexual Health 
Annie Sprinkle, Tit Print
To readers: This book is a dialog between me and myself.  In between is the Universe.  I have followed the teachings of the ancients, who also used dialogs in a philosophical form.  We need a new vision of love.  A vision that will persuade this cosmic force to stay.  The space between Gaia and Serena is where the new vision manifests. 
This is probably the most inspiring book I’ve ever done.  I am seeking endorsements from all the writers, healers, lovers of love I know.  Publishers want to hear your voice.  Let’s give the book its best chance to go out in the world and perform its transfomative effect.  You are invited to request chapters and write your endorsements in the form of “blurbs.”  Snapshots are intended to guide your choice.  I will need your endorsements by the end of August.  Thank you!
Snapshots of Chapters
1: Love As Art
     The theory that love is an art and what makes it an essential life affirming interpretation.  The cosmic force of love as the ecology of life.
2: Initiations
     The rituals that create the sacred spaces where the energy of love is invoked and the arts of loving are learned.
3: The Pleasure of the Other 
    The explanation of why a good artist of love is a lover who experiences the pleasure of the other as his or her own.
4: Monogamy and Monosexuality
    The institutions that regulate love as the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain of a divided world that smothers the energy of love.
5:  Romance, Sexuality, and Exclusivity
    The three essential elements of love that function like essential colors in the palette of artists of love who mix and match them in different combinations.
6: Beyond Exclusivity: Compersion, the Spirit of Polyamory
    The joy of holding the space of love for others.  What planet Earth does across time and space when she hosts life and sources the cosmic energy of love.
7: Fluid Bonding: Health and Safety in Erotic Communities
    Why a world where it is safe to love is a world where it is safe to live.  What practices of health protect the safety of amorous communities and their participants. 
8: Beyond Monosexuality: Fluidity, Knowledge, Eros
   Why when love is interpreted as an art, loving beyond gender is natural and bisexuality is a portal to this ecosexual world of sexual fluidity and amorous inclusiveness. 
9: Ecosexual Love in Cyberspace
   The interpretation of cyberspace as a new dimension of love that activates the sphere of planetary consciousness also known as noopshere at new levels of inclusiveness, fluidity, and intensity.
10:  Ecosexuality and Holistic Sexual Health
    Ecosexuality as the practice of love beyond gender, numbers, ages, orientations, races, and species.  The style of love that embraces all of life as a partner with equal rights and optimizes local, global, and ecosystemic health.  
Cindy Baker, Earth as Lover
Dear Earthlings:
Please help make this book a success.  I’ll stay tuned for your endorsements.  Education is the heart of democracy, education to love.
Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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5 of 5 – The Amrita Tales – Ode alla Fonte Pura – by Greeneyes & Penelope

Dear Earthlings:

we come to the most liquid and final part of the tale.  In their love embrace, Greeneyes and Penelope remind yours truly of the nymph Cyane in Ovid’s Metamorphosis.  She watches Persephone kidnapped by Pluto to the underworld and imagines the grief her mother must endure to lose her.  Cyane’s tears flow so abundantly that she becomes water.  The thought of a woman loosing herself at the loss of another woman melts her into the maternal liquidity we all come from.  Is one’s mother one’s true lover?  Amrita takes new meaning and form. 


Ode alla fonte pura, cont’d


Il tempo è sincopato dai picchi di piacere, ti assaporo, gusto per la prima volta il sapore del tuo sesso di donna, la mia lingua percorre ogni piega tra le tue gambe calde e prendo tra le labbra le tue labbra frementi; le mie dita penetrano dolcemente dentro di te e ti accarezzano, ti percorrono, imprigionano e liberano il mio piacere ed il tuo.
Poi desiderio di acqua, di rivoli d’acqua calda che scorrano lungo il tuo corpo ed il mio, per condividere insieme il flusso liquido, che ci scorre fuori e ci percorre dentro. Siamo sotto la doccia, ed accarezzarti, assaggiarti, leccarti, sentirti vibrare nel profondo del tuo godimento è eccitante e sacro al tempo stesso.
Vivo l’acqua come simbolo di vita, è rito ancestrale e propiziatorio, indica purificazione e rinascita. Il sedile della doccia è mosaico colorato e cangiante, con l’acqua che scroscia e riluce, “sembra un trono”, penso. E’ il momento più intenso del desiderio di te, ti accarezzo dappertutto, le mie dita a suonare il tuo piacere, la mia bocca tra le tue cosce, con l’acqua che mi batte sul volto e si mischia al gusto della tua femminilità. Il tuo corpo che si scuote, la tua voce che racconta in gemiti il mondo lontano e vicino del godimento senza confini, mi trasmette una sensazione di felicità profonda e sprigiona energia e piacere, anche per me.
La cascata d’acqua su di noi è interrotta, le tue braccia mi avvolgono in un candido asciugamano e sento il tuo abbraccio, le carezze che dissolvono le gocce d’acqua sul mio corpo, ma lasciano traccia della libidine e della passione. L’acqua non è più visibile, ma è dentro di noi, energia pulsante, fiume carsico che ci unisce fin nel profondo, fonte pura che suggella il nostro legame.

Fine/The End

Greeneyes and Penelope

Dear Earthlings:
The ecology of life is always love.  But love comes in many many different ways.  Things in nature evolve out of joy and pleasure.  And if we only acknowledged the sacredness of that, we’d have nothing to interpret as scarcity or pain.  Let’s stay tuned for that day! 
Education is the heart of democracy.  And that includes education to love.  More posts on this topic.  We will announce soon.


Did you enjoy the post?  Let us know!  Yours truly appreciates your attention.  The comments box is open.
Come back! And stay tuned for more wonders.
Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love and many other books
Professor of Humanities
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
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4 of 5 – The Amrita Tales – Ode alla Fonte Pura – by Greeneyes & Penelope

Dear Earthlings:


Penelope and Greeneyes continue their dance.  The Ode is present.  Their bodies are becoming one in the ecstasy.  The liquid nature of the source of love becomes more evident.

I wish I could translate at least this part of the novella which is a poem.  Time is amiss for me, but suggestions for a good translator are welcome.  Meanwhile, the music of Italian is in the liquidity of its vowels, something for everyone to enjoy.  Imagine the “girls” at play.

Ode alla fonte pura, cont’d

E’ la vita. La danza della vita.

Più ci scivolo dentro più mi sentirò viva.

E allora esperienza. Mangiata, succhiata, leccata.

Perché è vita e tu sei come me.

Tuo il fascino della prima volta. Mia la meraviglia dello scoprire.

La tua tensione eccitante ed elettrica.

E la mia attenzione alta.

Non ferire, l’equilibrio portato oltre un limite già dimenticato .

I capelli tra le mani, la voglia trattenuta di stringere forte. Sentire che pulsi sotto di me .

Il collo. Da accarezzare e mordere.

Le parole sono diverse con una donna. Non meno sensuali o meno volgari.


Le labbra morbide. Tutte morbide, bagnate e scivolose .

La pelle che si struscia, le dita che scivolano, entrano.

Cercare quel punto. Trovare la forza primitiva che è in te e in me.

Anzi no. E’ te e me assieme.

Le azioni sono diverse con una donna. Non meno penetranti o meno profonde.


Un uomo non sa cosa sente quel corpo mentre entra con un gesto sacro.

Io sì.

Amplificato. So di te e sento di me.

Non c’è confine ora tra il tuo piacere e il mio.

Tra la tua anima e la mia.

Facciamo l’amore dell’anima mi scriverai in seguito.

Facciamo l’amore nell’anima la mia risposta.

Forza dirompente e calda.

Scoppia l’energia in quel gemito.

Vorrei che urlassi e io vorrei urlare assieme a te.

Quanto c’è di antico atavico primordiale.

Il mio animale e il tuo usciti ora.

Senza più gabbia attorno sono fiere irrispettose e prendono.

La lussuria che hai quando mi dici che stai godendo.

La lupa se la mangia.

L’impudicizia quando mi sento venire.

La pantera se la lecca.

Gattine appena abbandonate sul materasso a miagolare di estasi.

Guardo il tuo respiro.

Splende il tuo corpo ai miei occhi.

Ne voglio ancora.

Sete e sete.. la gola asciutta alla vista di una fonte che non si esaurisce.


Greeneyes and Penelope


Dear Earthlings:

The ecology of life is always love.  But love comes in many many different ways.  Things in nature evolve out of joy and pleasure.  And if we only acknowledged the sacredness of that, we’d have nothing to interpret as scarcity or pain.  Let’s stay tuned for that day!

Education is the heart of democracy.  And that includes education to love.  More posts on this topic.  Next is an Italian novella, Ode alla Fonte Pura, Ode to the Pure Source.  Stay tuned.  We will post every Thursday at noon.

Did you enjoy the post?  Let us know!  Yours truly appreciates your attention.  The comments box is open.

Come back!  And stay tuned for more wonders.


Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love and many other books
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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3 of 5 – The Amrita Tales – Ode alla Fonte Pura – by Greeneyes & Penelope

Dear Earthlings:

the process of getting to know the other as one gets to know love and as that other is one like oneself continues in this part of the tale.  The liquidity becomes more intense as the bodies dissolve in the erotic embrace and as the room of love offers itself as a witness of their ecstasy.

Ode alla fonte pura, cont’d

Lascio che la tua voce mi racconti di te e mi concentro sulle parole, ma assorbo anche il tono, il modulato accento che mi riporta alle tue radici.
Di nuovo un viaggio, fuori e dentro di me, movimento verso i luoghi e le persone: l’immobilità del pensiero non mi è congeniale, sono magma emotivo e calore carnale.
La tua sensualità mi ha colpita immediatamente e ho capito subito che stavamo parlando lo stesso linguaggio, universale, dei sensi, un indagare nell’eros curioso e goloso, ed intenso.
Siamo finalmente sole, in albergo; la nostra allegria è naturale e l’attrazione fa il resto: ci togliamo gli stivali e ci tuffiamo sul letto, vicine, e continuiamo a parlarci mentre ci accarezziamo, teneramente, ma con una sottile voglia che cresce progressivamente e che presto diventerà audacia.
Quasi automaticamente prendo ad accarezzare i tuoi seni che si offrono dalla scollatura dell’abito e scendo a baciarli, lì dove la densità della tua femminilità è più prorompente e per la prima volta assaporo la bruna aureola dei seni giù turgidi.
Le mie mani li stringono e la bocca li percorre, la lingua ad alimentare la progressione del tuo piacere, lungo il tuo corpo; c’è un silenzio carico di tensione erotica che cresce in modo ondeggiante, come mare che avvolge i nostri corpi, abbracciati a danzare nel letto.

Dear Earthlings:
The ecology of life is always love.  But love comes in many many different ways.  Things in nature evolve out of joy and pleasure.  And if we only acknowledged the sacredness of that, we’d have nothing to interpret as scarcity or pain.  Let’s stay tuned for that day!

Education is the heart of democracy.  And that includes education to love.  More posts on this topic.  Next is an Italian novella, Ode alla Fonte Pura, Ode to the Pure Source.  Stay tuned.  We will post every Thursday at noon.

Did you enjoy the post?  Let us know!  Yours truly appreciates your attention.  The comments box is open.

Come back!  And stay tuned for more wonders.


Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love and many other books
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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2 of 5 – The Amrita Tales – Ode alla Fonte Pura – by Greeneyes & Penelope

Dear Earthlings,

the tale of Greeneyes and Penelope continues. 

This time they’re getting closer, traveling on the train of desire their auras are already brushing against one another from a distance.  Then they connect and immediately the search for a personal space to witness their love.

Ode alla fonte pura, cont’d


Qualche messaggio sul telefonino, colorati dettagli per riconoscerci alla stazione “ho un trench nero e stivali neri…sarà divertente ed anche eccitante cercarci tra la folla” mi scrivi.
Ho una sottile euforia, un po’ di incoscienza forse, ma ancora un volta sono pronta a tuffarmi ed a vivere intensamente un’esperienza nuova ed eccitante, sicuramente arricchente.
Eccomi in stazione, tutti hanno una direzione precisa, traiettorie razionali ed io invece mi muovo casualmente, con gli occhi che cercano la meta, per ora solo “trench e stivali neri”.
Finalmente ci individuiamo tra la gente, un reciproco sorriso, un caldo abbraccio ed un bacio sulla bocca, lì in mezzo alla gente; due marocchini ci guardano con gli occhi spalancati, ma noi due abbiamo già incominciato a chiudere il mondo fuori, indecentemente ed allegramente.
Per prima cosa mi colpiscono i tuoi occhi, il tuo sguardo dai riflessi iridescenti e liquidi mi sovrasta leggermente e sento subito il calore del tuo corpo che mi avvolge, senza timore alcuno, e la tua testa che accenna un tenero movimento fa ondeggiare i capelli scuri ad accarezzare le spalle.
Sul taxi le nostre mani si intrecciano e ci parliamo, come se ci conoscessimo da sempre; le mie dita accarezzano il dorso della tua mano e già desidero scorrere la tua pelle ambrata ed assaporarne il gusto.


Greenyes and Penelope


Dear Earthlings:
The ecology of life is always love.  But love comes in many many different ways.  Things in nature evolve out of joy and pleasure.  And if we only acknowledged the sacredness of that, we’d have nothing to interpret as scarcity or pain.  Let’s stay tuned for that day!

Education is the heart of democracy.  And that includes education to love.  More posts on this topic.  Next is an Italian novella, Ode alla Fonte Pura, Ode to the Pure Source.  Stay tuned.  We will post every Thursday at noon.

Did you enjoy the post?  Let us know!  Yours truly appreciates your attention.  The comments box is open.

Come back!  And stay tuned for more wonders.


Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love and many other books
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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1 of 5 – The Amrita Tales – Ode alla Fonte Pura – by Greeneyes & Penelope

Dear Earthlings,

yours truly is blessed with some tales from Italy.  She wants to share them.  With antiquity in the background, the legacy of initiation into the arts of loving is still present.  The arts are a way to know, and the art of love is very effective.  The most important thing is knowing oneself.  And what’s a better way to accomplish that than to love someone who is like oneself?

Ode alla fonte pura, or Ode to the Pure Source is precisely that, an ode to the source of self-knowledge.  This source is met when one encounters another like onself for love.  The two women in this tale choose to experience one another as lovers as they seek that deeper enounter with the self that comes from the resemblance.

Some might call this tale bisexual.  That would be ok.  In the wider horizon of love as the art of knowledge of the world, bisexuality is the healthiest possible sexual orientation as long as the arts of love are not revered yet.  When that reverence happens, the need for bisexuality disappears, and love becomes the path to knowledge and its method.

Here’s the tale.

Ode alla fonte pura

Mi lascio cullare dal dondolio del treno, lancio avanti nel tempo i miei occhi chiusi, ad immaginare il tuo sguardo; la fantasia è libera di spaziare, ho pochi elementi di te, una piccolissima foto icona di Messenger, parole sullo schermo, tracce allusive per mille possibili esiti, unica certezza il desiderio profondo di conoscerci e di legare le nostre esistenze, anche solo per un fugace incontro.

Sono serena, un po’ trepidante, è la prima volta, è la prima volta, ripeto dentro di me, che finalmente il fascino misterioso dell’essere femminile potrà svelarsi alla mia inesauribile voglia di vita e di conoscenza.
So già che ciò che desidero non è solo un corpo speculare al mio, ma è altro, è la scoperta reciproca della pelle, del respiro interiore, del movimento lento e sinuoso, dolce ed accattivante, un’altra me che parla con me.

Continua . . . . 

Greeneyes and Penelope



Dear Earthlings:
There is no liquiity yet.  But the fluidity of the story fits the theme we are embracing.   The ecology of life is always love.  But love comes in many many different ways.  Things in nature evolve out of joy and pleasure.  And if we only acknowledged the sacredness of that, we’d have nothing to interpret as scarcity or pain.  Let’s stay tuned for that day!

Education is the heart of democracy.  And that includes education to love.  More posts on this topic.  Next is an Italian novella, Ode alla Fonte Pura, Ode to the Pure Source.  Stay tuned.  We will post every Thursday at noon.

Did you enjoy the post?  Let us know!  Yours truly appreciates your attention.  The comments box is open.

Come back!  And stay tuned for more wonders.


Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love and many other books
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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The Amrita Tales – 1. Waterfall Explodes in a Storm

Dear Earthlings:

yours truly has been interested in Amrita, the pure pleasure liquid that inundates the Earth with joy.  It gushes out of the yoni and was known as the “nectar of the gods.”  With the divorce of the erotic and the sacred brought about by monotheists, knowledge of this liquid had been lost.  There is now a movement to recuperate it.  Amrita squirts out of the urethra when it becomes engorged.  Every woman has the potential to activate the flow, and a few can.  It is very pleasurable.  Yours truly makes a pledge: When the world is as preoccupied about Amrita as it is about male ejaculate, we will have peace on Earth.

This quick tale comes from an exercise in “power words,” from the course How to Write a Book in 90 Days, by Kamala Devi.  The power words used are “waterfall,” “explode,” and “storm.”  Thanks Kamala!

Click for a taste of Kamala’s initation into Amrita

Here goes the tale:

Waterfall Explodes in a Storm
He was looking at the waterfall out of her yoni.  It was copious, abundant, translucent, wet.
He felt something in the relationship was about to explode.  He became afraid of it yet could not free himself of the hypnotic spell.  He kept staring at the waterfall until the cascade became even more abundant and hypnotic.
There was a storm between them waiting to happen.  He knew it.  She knew it.  They had not had an open heart conversation in months.  He eluding her.  She eluding him.  Each in his/her own way was aware that too much was on the plate, too much had gone unsaid.  The explosion was inevitable.  So he put his hand under her crotch, felt the translucent liquid warm his palm in a waterfall of wetness.
He looked at her face, strove to meet her gaze, otherworldly, hypnotized by her own pleasure.
“Shall we resume our open-heart conversations?”

Amrita, November 2, 2011

Dear Earthlings:

The ecology of life is always love.  But love comes in many many different ways.  Things in nature evolve out of joy and pleasure.  And if we only acknowledged the sacredness of that, we’d have nothing to interpret as scarcity or pain.  Let’s stay tuned for that day!

Education is the heart of democracy.  And that includes education to love.  More posts on this topic.  Next is an Italian novella, Ode alla Fonte Pura, Ode to the Pure Source.  Stay tuned.  We will post every Thursday at noon.

Did you enjoy the post?  Let us know!  Yours truly appreciates your attention.  The comments box is open.

Come back!  And stay tuned for more wonders.


Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love and many other books
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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The Wisdom of Love at Open Secret – Yesterday in San Rafael, Ca.

The Wisdom of Love at Open Secret was the kick off event of the season and it went really well.  We were in a wonderful room, known as The Gallery.  The decor was exotic and artistic, a whole series of statues and other art pieces from India and other countries from the “Far East,” where the arts of loving are still known and cultivated by common people (unlike the West, where they’ve been coopted under the aegis of “science,” a modality of knowledge that tends to “normalize” things, endlessly search for some kind of normativity).
   Deborah Taj Anapol, our assistant, and me arrived quite early, and in common agreement decided to enhance the “Oriental” flavor of the event by sitting on the floor, our backs to the center piece: An invitation to attendees to share “the floor” with us, to see us as equals, rather than as “those in the know” who stand up on the podium.  
   We noticed diversity in age groups, background, and other as people milled in.  Greeting people we knew, in those expansive, affectionate ways typical of poly people, was beautiful.  Many new people came in too.  The last touches were put on the sound system, the display table, the videos.  We were blessed with two video makers and their equipment shooting footage throughout the reading.
   We intended a synergy, so each speaker introduced the other speaker’s book.  It was good to hear someone whose work I respect so much speak publicly about mine.  Taj definitely did a good job of it.  And I hope I did too.  As the event unfolded, I noticed the presence of my co-speaker, the way she connects with the audience, she relates to them, she is confident they will hear.  Won’t necessarily try to please them.  But make them feel alive, yes, she will.  She tucks in a little bit of irony here and there too.  I feel proud to be in this space.  I tuck in a tid bit of irony too, when I make sure people know I’m from Italy but I don’t make pizza: Instead, I study history, which leads me into commenting on Anapol’s wonderful job of weaving the multiple threads of polyamory’s modern history.
   People keep coming in, finding nooks to tuck themselves in, more chairs brought into the room for those unwilling to imitate our yogic positions.  Everybody seems comfy enough in this heart-opening space.  We go across the room asking people to introduce themselves: “What brings you here? why is polyamory interesting to you?”  This is California and I’m always amazed about how much people are willing to share–even in a room full of strangers–about themselves, their personal experiences.  My mind goes back to the early years of my arrival in this region, when I was so impressed by this behavior, this trust, this willingness, this faith that if you put out what resonates as authentic for you, then your eagerness will attract toward you exactly what you wish.  And I took that one on big time of course when I put out my own slightly disguised life story in my first narrative book, Eros, which managed, as it were, to attract into my life exactly what I wished.  With all this eager way of being into the world that I’ve sucked in, I’m reminded of why I call California my second matria (she/homeland), with the first one being Italy and the third one Puerto Rico.
   Next section is the actual reading.  I go first and read a very short piece.  There is attention, eagerness in the room.  I am careful.  I know what I have to say does not sound pleasant to all people.  That the Earth is not a “mother” who loves us and protects us.  That, according to scientists, Gaia, the live planet, is actually a “tough botch” who will get of us if we continue to abuse her.  There are many attentive minds in the room, I sense the words begin to resonate with people, “unusual words this foreigner speaks, she uses our language, but why does she say such strange, such outrageous things? And why, strangely enough, some of them begin to make sense too?”  We pause for questions, and there are many more than we can answer.  The synergy begins to work there too.  Anapol and I find ourselves answering each other’s questions.  In other words, there is a question and I take it, then she pitches in and the answer becomes more complete.    
  Then her turn comes to read.  She announces a couple of things.  She begins to read from the chapter about why people choose polyamory.  Of course her theory is smart and minimalist: “people choose polyamory for a variety of reasons.”  In other words, “if you, reader, were expecting some pathological explanation for why one would make such an unusual choice, you’re not going to get one here.  I am the expert, and I guarantee you: Reasons are so different that no single, unique cause does exist.  So, get used to it!” 
   Love comes in many shapes, and the more the better.  
   Anapol’s reading time is quite short too. 
   Interesting questions start to come in, and the discussion opens up as we take turns and offer different takes on them.  Many more hands are up with a bunch of interesting ideas, desire to put them on the table, debate them.   We realize time has run out.  It’s almost time for the store to close.  We are quite happy that we’ve created such multifarious interests.  We break up the circle.  Invite everyone to join us again on July 3rd too.  
   There is a little more time to wrap things up.  A few people approach me, they want copies of the books. Others approach Anapol.  Unfortunately, her book, the three-cherry-cover book, has not arrived yet.  Que lastima! my friends would say in Puerto Rico.  I write down a few dedications, signatures.  It’s good to think that these people will read for themselves, will make the effort to stretch their imagination as far as I intend to take them.  Maybe some of them will let me know what they think, they will inspire me for next project.  
   Goodbyes are another golden opportunity to manifest poly expansiveness, to express our willingness to share love and affection.  More hugs, more eye contact and warm thank yous.  We even manage a quick three-way hug with two of the participants.  Time to thank the host and pack our things.  We realize the filming has been going on very smoothly, unobtrusively.  It’s like, there was filming, but this wasn’t about being filmed.  it just happened, naturally, with the process of recording integrated in the real thing.  We haven’t even had the time to thank the video makers, they’ve already disappeared.  We get our things out to the car.  
   It feels like the end of a good evening.  
   We’re off to Harbin Hot Springs tomorrow for the World Polyamory Association meeting. 
   Posted by Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio
   Oakland, Ca., June 23, 2010