March 8h, 2017 – Anticipating a New Tsunamic Wave

Dear women of the world–

There ‘s a smell in the air.  It comes from a third, powerful wave of the women’s slash feminist movement.  As a proud agent of the second wave i m excited about this.  I predict this wave will be tsunamic in its magnitude.  It will be planetary, it will be ecosexual, and will focus on the divine feminine.

As this tsunamic new wave announces itself, on this 8th March i want to give a shout out to a second-wave French feminist whose voice resonates w/ me today.

She was prophetic.

Back in 1974, Francoise d’Eaubonne coined the word ecofeminism. The title of her book, Le Feminisme ou la Mort, has two meanings.

One is a cri-de-coeur, a battle cry, as in “give me feminism or give me death.”

The other is just a realistic description, one that very few people would hear at the time. Either we create a world that honors women, that worships the divine feminine in all its manifestations, or we are doomed.


Because we will blindly continue in our pillage of the partner we all share: the Earth.

Because there is sacredness to all forms of life.

Because it’s only when we make love the ecology of our lives that we are safe.

I found great inspiration in Francoise d’Eaubonne for all my works and collaborations, including Gaia, Ecosexuality, and Playa Azul I Love You.  Check them out.

Share and enjoy the excitement of women’s day!’Eaubonne

Thank you!

Sending wafts of ecosexual love on this women’s day!


aka Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD

Professor of Humanities and Cinema
Convenor of Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium
Author of Multiple Books
Fellow at the Humanities Institute, University of Connecticut, Storrs (2012-13)
Project: “Amorous Visions: Ecosexual Perspectives on Italian Cinema”

Practices of Ecosexuality and Sex-Positive Education: A Symposium, Feb 2-3, 2017

Dear Earthlings–
Warm greetings from Puerto Rico.
Can #EcosexualLove help to #resist multiple assaults on the Earth and its all its people?
Does allowing nature to inspire the arts of love help to create #consent and #unity, as we negotiate ways to share the partner we all share and need?
The Symposium #PracticesOfEcosexuality addresses these questions and many more. Presentations, workshops, panels, poetry, cinema are free of charge and open to the public. Share about and join this unique event not to be missed. We look forward to welcoming you!
Dates: Feb 2-3. Practices of Ecosexuality and Sex-Positive Education: A Symposium.
Feb 2 – Time: 10:30 AM to 7:30 PM.
Feb 3 – Time: 10:00 AM to 6:30 PM.
Where: UPRM (Colegio), Salon Tarzan (Anexo a la Cafeteria).
Free of charge and open to the public.
Check the Program-at-a-Glance below and click on the link for the complete Program. Enjoy.
Description: This symposium is designed to educate participants about the role of ecosexuality in helping humans to reconnect our metabolism to the partner we all share: the Earth, and design unscripted amorous lives that appreciate the beauty and health of natural surroundings. The symposium also focuses on the skills people use in communicating their desires to others, in negotiating partnership that all participants enjoy, and in agreeing upon practices of love that are totally consensual and appreciated by all parties.
Over 20 guest speakers, presenters, facilitators are donating their time and expertise. Guests are coming from far away locations including the ancient Mediterranean island of Malta, Montreal, Canada, and Portland, Oregon, and from numerous locations in Puerto Rico, including the Area Metro and the Area Oeste.
They are activists, students, professionals, teachers, practitioners, poets, professors, artists, and much more.
Bring your own water and favorite foods for the day.
View and download the complete Program here
 View and download the Program-at-a-Glance here
Join us.  We look forward to welcoming you.
Love and blessings.


aka Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD

Professor of Humanities and Cinema
Convenor of Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium
Fellow at the Humanities Institute, University of Connecticut, Storrs (2012-13)
Project: “Amorous Visions: Ecosexual Perspectives on Italian Cinema”

Inspiring #EcosexualLove for this Solstice Season: Special Offer 2-in-1

Dear Earth Lovers-

We wish you a season of #EcosexualLove as we co-create together a path toward an #EcosexualZeitgeist.

We have entered the time of year in temperate climates when Life retreats underground, into the dark fecundity of Lover Earth, to rest, restore and renew itself for the season of growth and change to come. As we synchronize our personal metabolism to that of Lover Earth, we too are drawn inward into a space of reflection and creative incubation.

This coming year is going to ask that we show up with a Gentle Fierceness, ever more embodying the ecosexual love that knows Nature as both Lover and Self, that practices consent as a way to undermine coercion, that understands pleasure is a path towards peace.

To support this time of rest and renewal, of drinking in nourishing visions and allowing them to strengthen and inspire your creative soul, we are offering both Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love AND  Gaia and the New Politics of Love for $20.

To take advantage of this special offer available through January 6th and share ecosexual love with your friends, family, or beloved self, follow these steps:

Go to Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love on Create Space

  1. Click Add to Cart
  2. Enter Discount Code: SYXYS5CE (towards bottom of page)
  3. Go to Gaia and the New Politics of Love on Create Space
  4. Click Add to Cart
  5. Enter Discount Code: M94EYNJR (towards bottom of page)
  6. Complete Check Out

Enjoy giving these inspiring gifts to yourselves and your loved ones.

Enjoy the inspiration they bring to people’s lives when they transform fear into courage to invent together the new #EcosexualZeitgeist.

Imagine the partner we all share revive in this new zeitgeist and bless us with her ecosexual beauty, love, joy, and abundance.

Support those intent on that path with the inspiring gifts of #Ecosexuality and #Gaia.

Thank you!

Blessings and enduring #EcosexualLove.

Dr. SerenaGaia and Lindsay Hagemen


aka Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD

Professor of Humanities and Cinema
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR 00681-9264 (USA)
of Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium at UPRM
Fellow at the Humanities Institute, University of Connecticut, Storrs (2012-13)
Project: “Amorous Visions: Ecosexual Perspectives on Italian Cinema”


Evaluations of academic programs are a lot of work and they require much patience.

The Curricular Sequence in Italian is a program I love and of which I am very proud to be part.  It is coming up for evaluation as we speak.

The original version only included three of the four teaching faculty.  A few days ago I realized that I, the fourth one, had been left out.  I didn’t take it personally.  I simply proceeded to complete the job.

The Sequence includes one of my favorite courses: Italian Cinema.  My contribution to the Sequence includes the results of my one year of advanced study in Italian cinema and what that brings to the students of the SCI and others at our university.

The complete evaluation integrates the teaching of cinema as a path for students to discover one of the 20th century arts for which Italy is best known and appreciated around the world.  This I believe makes the program stronger and more viable.

The version also includes the goal of having more that one faculty teach the course in Italian cinema.

All of these are available.

Enjoy the evaluations and think about all the time it really takes to prepare them.
Thank you!


Practices of Ecosexuality and Sex-Positive Education at UPRM: Symposium Too



I am the convenor of #PracticesOfEosexuality@UPRM, the first symposium on this topic in the Caribbean (Jan 2016 at the RUM).  I am happy to release the Call for Proposals for the second edition of this event, #Practices OfEcosexuality@UPRM Too, Feb 1-3, 2017.  The theme is Ecosex and Sex-Positive Education.  Serving the people of Puerto Rico and co-creating opportunities with sex-positive educators and ecosexual activists around the world.  Check the CALL image below.  Closes Nov 30.  I’m inviting your contributions and input.  Download the CALL for Proposals in pdf.

If you’re from the Northern Hemisphere, here’s a chance to break the winter with the paradise of Puerto Rico’s mild spring temperatures of the dry season.  The caressing waves of the Caribbean are awaiting you on the shore of Playa Azul.  Choose to bring your sex-positive energies to this island in crisis.  When ecosexual love is more abundant, more young professionals will choose to stay and co-create a sustainable future. 

Respond in your preferred language. 



The Gift of Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders gave the United States and the world a great gift.  He modeled the behavior of an honest politician.  One who is more interested in the common good that in his power or prestige.  This is a very valuable gift because people have lost faith in the idea that politicians can be honest and honorable people.  By modeling this Bernie Sanders has rekindled the interest of people in politics, in being active participants in the processes and movements that make democratic systems what they are.  This is an amazing gift to his country and the world.

I envision this gift to attract so many people to the polls in November that both dreams can come true: defeating Trump and energizing the 99 percent movement (with all its aggregate movements) so that Hillary will have to govern from the left of center.

I felt a lot of personal sympathy for Sanders when his face appeared on Democracy Now! as Hillary was thanking him.  He was moved.  She was moved.  It was a sincere moment of authentic admiration and empathy.  When people trash politicians as crooks, I always tell them it’s not true.  I was born to an honest and honorable politician, Sen Luigi Anderlini of Italy, who, like Bernie Sanders, ran as independent in the major party of the left in Italy at the time, the PCI.  He was elected in that party.  He bought constituencies to that party.  But he never carried a card.  He was the leader of the Sinistra Indipendente, or Independent Left.

In a system of parliamentary democracy, as opposed to the presidential style of democracy that characterizes the US, my dad’s unique position managed to intermediate between the government party (the DC) and the opposition (PCI) so that the major reforms Sanders advocates today and that Italy needed at that time (the 1970s), could be done.

It struck me how Sanders managed to play the presidential democracy system so well as to acquire this pivotal yet somehow less glamorous position, and did so successfully enough to really shift the perspective of the actual nominee.  As an honest politician, my father preferred the legislative branch of government to the executive.

The executive branch requires shrewedness.  It requires strategizing and changing positions in the face of forces much stronger than any politician can be.  It’s a good position for Hillary.  She’s much more accustomed to it.  Sanders must have channeled some awareness of this at the Convention.  Hence his priceless gift.  Modeling honesty as a political figure of such momentum and restoring faith in the process and system.  This will call people to the polls in great numbers in November and put the GOP and Trump supporters in great difficulty.

Bravo Sanders.  I’ll vote for Hillary.  (Or maybe I’ll change my mind and vote for Jill if it really feels SAFE to do so, as I vote in California.)  And I hope enough people will show up to elect Hillary and also prove that the Democratic Party has a significant left to recon with.

A Vote of Power

Fellow Americans and all voters in the US system:

A vote for Hillary in November is the only vote that guarantees another election in 2020.

Neo-fascists don’t believe in elections. Let history be the teacher. The last election in pre-fascist Italy was in 1922. Then Fascism came. The subsequent election was in 1945!

I want to vote again in 2020. That’s why I’m voting for Hillary. Bernie knows this all too well, that’s why he shifted.

American democracy may be rigged just like most other systems. Still, this primary season we’ve seen a momentous display of diverse political perspectives and positions.

Do you value this? Protect it for next time!

A vote for Hillary is a vote for tanacity, a vote for resilience, a vote for wisdom in women’s golden years.

It will be the first time that an empire of the US magnitude is lead by a woman ever in human history, and we cannot estimate what that might bring.

Hillary has many virtues.

Including not flinching when she could have played victim of cuckoldry.

Including allowing Sanders all the room he needed to build the progressive movement.

Including galvanizing Republicans who take pride in the legacy of Lincoln and break away from traitors of this legacy.

A vote for Hillary is a vote for women proud of our wrinkles and the wisdom written one the face of our golden years. 

A vote for Hillary is a vote of power for all of those who believe in the wisdom of love!

I have to admit that my ecosexual dream would have been to see Hillary AND Bernie run together on the same ticket. That would have been a front populaire, French style fascism-prevention move. The Kaine move can break the GOP and be effective too.

Let Meryl Streep make the point better than me!

Press Release – Dr. Susan M. Block’s “The BONOBO WAY” to Keynote at UPRM

For Immediate Release:
Contacts: David Rossi Phone: 310.568.0066 Email:, Serena Anderlini: Phone 787 538 1680,

Dr. Susan Block to deliver “BONOBO WAY” Keynote at UPRM ECOSEXUALITY Symposium

Los Angeles, California: January 7, 2016 — Susan M. Block, Ph.D., a.k.a., “Dr. Suzy,” internationally renowned sexologist and best-selling author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure (Gardner & Daughters Publishers), will deliver the keynote address for the first Symposium on Ecosexuality in the Caribbean, to be held on-campus at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez (UPRM).

Block’s keynote, “The Bonobo Way: An Ecosexual Paradigm for Humanity,” poses the question, “Can we learn to make ‘peace through pleasure’ from our Great Ape cousins?” Inspired by the real bonobos, it presents these fascinating close genetic cousins of ours as a new primate model for humanity in terms of sexuality, war, peace, gender equality, community and “ecosexuality.”

“The ‘killer ape’ paradigm, based on competitive, male-dominant common chimpanzees, has long been used to explain and excuse human violence, rape and war,” says Block. “Bonobo apes are at least as close to humans as common chimps, but rarely rape and never kill each other. Instead, they utilize consensual sexual activity, sharing resources, female empowerment, recreational play, hedonic kindness and lots of hugs to diffuse violent tension before it descends into murder. Can we humans learn to ‘make like bonobos (not baboons)’ and live in harmony with each other and the Earth? At this turbulent point in human history, it’s worth a try. Perhaps, if we learn from these amazing creatures—as well as save them from the seemingly imminent extinction that humanity’s bad habits have forced upon them—we can crack the bonobo code of ecosexual peace through pleasure.”

Other Ecosexuality Symposium speakers include UPRM Professor Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, Ph.D. and Lindsay Hagamen, co-editors of Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love, the collection that brings together the voices of 30 leaders of the ecosexual movement; Marsha Scarbrough, author of Honey in the River: Shadow, Sex and West African Spirituality; Music Director Mariá Virginia Sánchez Cintrón; award-winning author and UPRM Professor Linda M. Rodriguez Guglielmoni, Ph.D.; “Conscious Communication” Master Trainer Taber Shadburne, M.A.; Aguadilla-based author Dr. Anya Trahan; Ecosexual poet and activist Karen Hery; Puppetry artist Camille Cortes and more, along with a screening of Drs. Annie Sprinkle’s and Beth Stephens’ documentary, Good-bye Gauley Mountain: An Ecosexual Love Story.

View and download a complete Program for the Symposium.  View and download a Program-at-a-Glance.

If you’re interested in Te Amo Playa Azul I Love You Two, the Plural Wedding of Ecosexual Love that follows the Symposium on Jan 30, view and download this program here.

Block’s Bonobo Way Keynote is scheduled for 10:45 – 11:45 AM on January 28, 2016, at UPRM’s Teatro Figueroa Chapel, the first event of the Symposium. She will also conduct a workshop on January 29, 3:30 – 4:15 PM, entitled, “Release Your Inner Bonobo: A Different Kind of 12-Step Program,” weaving stories, studies, theories and fantasies into possibilities and a practical path of action that enables a very personal “Ecosexual RƎVO˩ution,” deepening “bonobo awareness” of our global interconnectivity through empathy, eroticism and play.

David Rossi Phone: 310.568.0066 Email:

Dr. Serena Anderlini Phone: 787.538.1680 Email:


“Impactful, often hilarious… wildly entertaining…

The Bonobo Way just might hold the key to world peace.”
—HUFFINGTON POST book review by Steve Karras

The Bonobo Way is sexy and fun… damn smart too.”
—”TANGENTIALLY SPEAKING” with Christopher Ryan, Ph.D.

Podcast Interview with Sex at Dawn author Chris Ryan, Ph.D.

“Dr. Susan Block has a new understanding of how to enhance our intimate relationships!”
—PROGRESSIVE NEWS NETWORK interview with Dr. Diana Wiley

“Bonobo eroticism doesn’t discriminate”
—ALTERNET Why Group Sex? by Carrie Weisman

“Adventure, optimism, and love is what Dr. Susan Block is all about… Patients become fans, and fans become evangelists.”
—CITIZEN LA Inside the Pleasure Compound I Dr. Susan Block

The Bonobo Way is a refreshing must-read for our times.”
—Dr. Patti Britton, leading sexologist & past American Association for Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) President

“Bravo Dr. Block for paving the way to a hopefully more bonobo future.”
—Vanessa Woods, author of Bonobo Handshake

“The Bonobo Way is a pleasure on all counts… fun, humorous… meaningful, persuasive and especially significant at this time.”
—Dr. SerenaGaia Anderlini D’Onofrio, co-editor of Ecosexuality 

“The Bonobo Way is marvelous! A happy book for a happy life in a happier world.”
—Xaviera Hollander, author of The Happy Hooker

“Brilliant book. Enjoyed it thoroughly.” 
—Sherry Rehman, Sr. VP of Pakistan People’s Party & former Ambassador to the U.S.

“I love every page of The Bonobo Way!” 
—Christian Bruyère, producer of Champions of the Wild

The Bonobo Way is available in kindle and paperback on Amazon or direct from the publisher. A portion of all proceeds from book sales goes to Lola ya Bonobo and The Bonobo Conservation Initiative, as well as other organizations actively helping to protect and save the highly endangered wild bonobos from extinction.

Tired of conventional sexuality experts? Dr. Block is available for comment or interview. Would you like to review The Bonobo Way? Contact us today.

David Rossi
Phone: 310.568.0066 Email:
Watch The Video:

Announcing “Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium,” 28-29 Jan 2016, Program

Dear people of the Area Oeste, Puerto Rico community:
I am very happy to announce something that is really exceptional, timely, and urgent, in my view.

The Symposium “Practices of Ecosexuality” will take place in the RUM on January 28-29, 2016.  It is the inaugural event for the program “Islas Maravillas: Ecosexuality Education and Extensive Research at UPRM.”

The program is ready and enclosed to you.  Our Keynote Speaker, Dr. Susan M. Block, is a renown sexologist and author of numerous books, joining us from Los Angeles. It is a joy to welcome her to Western Puerto Rico.

She will open the event on Thursday at 10:30 in the Teatro Figueroa Chapel, with

“The Bonobo Way: A New Ecosexual Paradigm for Humanity.  Can we learn to evolve peace through pleasure from our primate cousins?”

The topic is timely and urgent, and relates to almost every discipline I can think of.  Please make sure you consider weaving the event into your syllabi.  Joins the Keynote and encourage all your students to do so.  Thank you!

Many other speakers and workshop leaders will follow her keynote.  Speakers are joining us from New Mexico, California, Oregon, and Washington State. They are generously donating their time, passion, and expertise to our region and communities.  Please join me in welcoming them to UPRM!  The events are open to the public, free of charge, and bilingual.  Attendance qualifies as Professional Enhancement (CEP).  Please consider attending with your students.  Find the Registration Page here.  Thank you!

The symposium can also be taken as a course by enrolling in Huma 4996-001.  There are a few days left in the ajustes period and a few slots in the course.  Please make sure all your students are aware of this opportunity to learn by doing and encourage them to consider enrolling.  We have an Authorization Form that will make the process quicker.  Thank you!

Enclosed is the complete program and the program-at-a-glance.  Both have all information related to the Symposium and to the extramural event that follows it on the 30th.  Enjoy!

Besides as attachments here, the documents are also available online:

Click for Program

The Symposium was created with the help of many local collaborators, organizers, students, and employees.  They all did their best in co-creating something really new in the generous spirit of the gift economy.  There will be more opportunities to participate, network, debate, comment, assist in the Symposium itself, for students and all members of the university community and the community at large.  Please announce very widely to your groups.  Please contribute to making this event a success too!  Thank you!

I look forward to the events with you.  Please let me know if there are any questions I can address.  Thank you!

All good wishes for a happy new year.  Enjoy this early 2016.