New Paradigms # 2: Gaia as a Force of Nature

Ancient Greek mythology teaches us that certain forces of nature are more powerful than any human can be. Gaia, the earth; Aeolus, the wind; Uranus, the sky; Chronos, time; Eros, the force of love. This power has been in our face with the oil spill in the Gulf. A good time to relearn the lessons of mythology: why fight battles that cannot be won? The mythological aspect of Gaia theory connects us with our own very nature as well. Another good reason to encourage poly and other ecosexual styles of love.

You’ve watched Segment 2 of 8 from Keynote Address at the 2010 World Polyamory Association Conference, Harbin Hot Springs, California, June 25th, 2010.  Leave a comment on the blog and let us know what you think!
For the gracious auspices of Janet and Kira Lessin, conference organizers extraordinaire. Video and clips courtesy of Steve Hoffman, of Healing Greens, Oakland, videomaker extraordinaire.

The Kindle edition of Gaia and the New Politics of Love will be available soon.  Ecovillages and intentional communities are adopting this book as a model of holistic living in the realm of personal and amorous relationships. Now you can get your copy without wasting a milligram of wood from a single tree!  We welcome your contribution to generating bestsellers for the people and by the people: September 26th is the official date for massive buying of this new, paperless edition (or the paper one).

If we get to be 100th or higher in rank, we can say to have reclaimed bestsellers as creative people’s activism rather than a corporate initiative.  Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 26th, and hop to the link to make your purchase.  If you choose not to spend money on a Kindle, we completely approve and suggest you download the FREE Kindle for PCs software here.

Oh, and if you’re ready to find out how it did happen that my life became the experiment from which came the theory, don’t hesitate to get all the juicy details from the memoir Eros.

a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
author of Eros, A Journey of Multiple Loves
and many other books

New Paradigms # 1: Gaia Science and Polyamory

New science and cosmology encourage a paradigm shift toward more symbiotic styles of love. We humans are welcome on the third planet under the auspices of our hostess Gaia. If we want to continue to be welcome, we may as well learn from the species who’ve been around quite long, including bacteria, our 4-billion year old ancestors, who have sex with their neighbors all the time for no other reason than to rejuvenate themselves. Bacteria are slightly orgiastic and very symbiotic. They are a good ecosexual model for us. Woooooooow! Watch the video for more info and details!

You’ve watched Segment 1 of 8 from Keynote Address at the 2010 World Polyamory Association Conference, Harbin Hot Springs, California, June 25th, 2010.  Leave a comment on the blog and let us know what you think!
For the gracious auspices of Janet and Kira Lessin, conference organizers extraordinaire. Video and clips courtesy of Steve Hoffman, of Healing Greens, Oakland, videomaker extraordinaire.

The Kindle edition of Gaia and the New Politics of Love will be available soon.  Ecovillages and intentional communities are adopting this book as a model of holistic living in the realm of personal and amorous relationships. Now you can get your copy without wasting a milligram of wood from a single tree!  We welcome your contribution to generating bestsellers for the people and by the people: September 26th is the official date for massive buying of this new, paperless edition (or the paper one).

If we get to be 100th or higher in rank, we can say to have reclaimed bestsellers as creative people’s activism rather than a corporate initiative.  Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 26th, and hop to the link to make your purchase.  If you choose not to spend money on a Kindle, we completely approve and suggest you download the FREE Kindle for PCs software here.

Oh, and if you’re ready to find out how it did happen that my life became the experiment from which came the theory, don’t hesitate to get all the juicy details from the memoir Eros.

a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
author of Eros, A Journey of Multiple Loves
and many other books

How the Wisdom of Love Transforms Gaia: Modeling Choice for Children and Grandchildren

In talking about poly lovestyles, the question of ‘children’ often comes up. “It’s ok as long as only adults are involved, but what about children? Can they be ‘exposed’ to such things and still grow up to be sane and happy people?” Find out all about this and more in this clip. Hear the wisdom of poly grandmothers with two generations of descendants who are happy to have them be part of the family and respect them for who they are!
Here’s another clip from the Double Book Launch on 6/22.  Enjoy and let us know what you think.  And for more info on it all, don’t forget to order your copy of Gaia and the New Politics of Love!

How the Wisdom of Love Transforms Gaia: Inventing the Families We Need

What is a nuclear family?  How did this type of family come into being?  Whose interests does this invention serve?  When did it become prevalent and why?  What is ‘nuclear’ about it?  Why do some people think it’s the only possible type of family and/or the most advanced one?  What are new ways to think about ‘family’ that better serve the future of our species?
All of this stuff came up when Taj and yours truly were reading at Open Secret Bookstore, at the Double Book Launch we held on June 22.  We promised more details about it, and here we are!
People often ask me about families, and how they became nuclear.  In fact, many even seem to think that families have always been nuclear, that there’s never been another model for what a family is supposed to look like, or even that there is something inherently ‘natural’ to families being of this kind. 
But what is ‘nuclear’ about families, really? Are these kinds of families supposed to explode, like atoms? Are they an invention of the nuclear age? Do they look like atoms, and if so, which ones? Carbon? Oxygen? Hydrogen? Uranium? Perhaps they’ve got some nuclear energy inside, in which case they should be handled carefully, right?  If they are enriched, they can become even more unstable, and that can start the process of atomic fission, where they splinter into little particles.  In this case, they fall under George W’s special category, ‘nukular,’ remember? The famous word that egregious president could not pronounce? 
In any event, and jokes aside, the nuclear family, explosive or not, is a very recent invention.  If we consider the infinite ways in which life has become organized in order to nurture itself through time on the face of our multifarious hostess Gaia, including all of human cultures and the cultures of other species, we find out that in the history of what we may call ‘family,’ the nuclear family is really a split second. Just a blink of the eye. And not the happiest or most interesting one.
The clip explains when and why the nuclear family became prevalent. What kind of paradigm it is part of, and why this paradigm no longer serves life in general, or human life in particular.  Nothing wrong with nuclear families. They serve a purpose. But to move into a Gaian future, the whole idea of what constitutes family must be placed in a much wider horizon.
Check it out!
Yours truly hopes you enjoy the video. Please help us imagine what the video does not say. What families can we invent to met our needs? Suggestions are welcome!
Families are about love, right? So a new politics of love is also a new politics about families, right?  If you’re not sure what’s political about families, find out all about it in Gaia and the New Politics of Love.  


a.k.a. Serena Anderlini

How the Wisdom of Love Transforms Gaia: On Being the Resources We Share

Friends keep telling me that people don’t understand what I mean.  “She uses strange words,” they say, or at least, “she uses words in a strange way.  Why does she do that? What does she really mean?”
“That’s the point,” I think to myself, very shy, very humbled, very timid, “making up new words, new phrases, using words that are unfamiliar, making familiar words sound new.”
That’s the power of words, the power of literature, if you will.  What I was trained in.  (Arhhhhhg, what a mistake to presume one can relinquish some ignorance!)
“These people,” I think, “they really want it easy.  Not only I learned their language so I can speak to them.  But then if I use words of their language that for one reason or another sound queasy, they become suspicious of me.  There’s no way to do right by them!”
“What’s this fear?”  Fear of words.  One cannot be afraid of words.  Words are NOT things.  They only represent things.  Or do they?  Can words also MAKE things?  Can they CHANGE things?  Can they affect, transform, reinterpret, create REALITY?
Of course they can. All poets are keenly aware of this. Otherwise why would they spend time playing with words? 
So, a case in point is this video clip.  From The Wisdom of Love, a double book launch Deborah Taj Anapol and me held at Open Secret Bookstore on June 22, 2010.  It’s a bit late to post.  I know.  Took a long time to figure, with us being a team of wise, wise, wise people.  So ancient is our wisdom that we’re not all that familiar with latest tech stuff for social media. But we get it eventually.  And for this clip, we owe courtesy to Steve Hoffman of Oakaland, California, who shot, cut, and reduced for us.
So, what’s the fun with words here?  Well, “RESOURCES.”  People in ecology, in environmental science talk about ‘resources,’ right?  “Limited resources.”  “Sources of energy that are ‘renewable’,” as in wind, solar, hydro: ways to create power that generate themselves again every day, that are commonly owned/shared.  That don’t involve pollution or extinction of the source when it’s most needed.  See what’s happening with the oil spill.  Easy oil is almost gone now.  And we’re ever more dependent on it.  While it’s also turning our amiable hostess Gaia into an oven.  Ouch! I’m cooking! I’m being cooked!
So then, resources is the issue, right?  Why can’t we BE the resources we seek?  Sounds Oedipal?  It is!  What happens if we begin to think of ourselves as the resources we need?  What if we begin to practice BEING resources for each other?
A whole lot!  Big shift in thinking.  Now we don’t need a lot of resources.  We need to interpret each other AS resources.  And what can we trade that is, as Stan Dale would say, “free”?  We can trade LOVE, or ‘amor,’ or ‘amore,’ or ‘amour’ as those hopelessly Romantic, romance language people would say. 
Then we see that being POLYAMOROUS, being capable, by nurture, by nature (who knows?) of trading these AMOROUS RESOURCES with a whole bunch of people is NOT a dangerous perversion, is NOT a problem, is NOT a liability, is NOT a sign of being promiscuous or a misfit.  IT IS ACTUALLY A VIRTUE!!!
Yes, you heard me.  BEING POLY IS ACTUALLY A VIRTUE!  It should be rewarded as a free recycling system, as a national forest deep-ecology biodiversity sustaining nurturing ecosystem. It should be cause for being nominated for the Nobel Prize for Peace!
“But wait a minute,” you must be saying, “is this for real?”  “Sounds like a trick to justify some wicked perversion.”
Well, I leave the final judgment to you.  It’s on the video.  Somebody in the audience at Open Secret asked “what’s the connection between Gaia the living planet and open love, open relating?”
That’s how I explained it!
Go ahead and listen . . . .
Then, if you like what you hear, you can get more info from the source of my wisdom, Gaia and the New Politics of Love.  This book was inspired by one who IS the pleasure he seeks.  Watch out for the book’s new digital edition, coming soon.  Meanwhile, get your paper version and start practicing love’s wisdom.
There will be more posts and clips.  The momentous series of events we held in Norther California in June-early July will be unfolding digitally as we post clips and snippets, with comments.
We look forward to YOUR comments too!

a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio

Three Podcasts about GAIA, from the University of Puerto Rico

Hi everyone!
It is a momentous time at the University of Puerto Rico!  We are keeping the new silly governor from selling the university down the river.  A groundswell of awareness has manifested in defense of this public institution and what it makes possible.
What could be a better time to blog about a series of Three Podcasts about GAIA whose underlying research was too visionary to be done under the aegis of any other institution?  Developing a theory about the planet that hosts the life of our species, and the energy of love that sustains it, is what I had in mind 12 years ago when I came to Mayaguez to teach.  “What is planetary health, and how can we practice love in ways that sustain this common well being?” was the one-million dollar question that ailed my consciousness when I came back to academe after six years of activism in the sexual freedom and holistic health movements.
I could not have found a better place to search for answers than the University of Puerto Rico.  At Mayaguez, my soul was nurtured by a bunch of friendly, inspiring, passionate colleagues; my classes became spaces for intellectual communion and exploration of new ideas; and the most esoteric research projects were funded by benevolent administrators with a touch of the visionary.
In California I had experienced the consequences of a fatal mistake of the Reagan years: Investing in punitive rather than educational systems.  You invest in universities and you produce people with college degrees, you invest in prisons and you produce delinquents.  Which state is going to go bankrupt first?  No wonder in the 1990s California had more prisoners than Italy, France, and England combined!  Puerto Rico, I reflected when I arrived here, is smarter than the Golden State in this: It may be poor but it’s putting its money where its mouth is.  Students pay a reasonable tuition and that makes teaching pleasant.  And free.  Because I can be myself in the classroom.  Because I can really give the gift of professing the wisdom my love of knowledge has graced me with over the years.  And students know when that happens.  Because authenticity excites and inspires young people.  Even in a tough, demanding teacher like me.
Now that miserliness has taken hold of the island’s state system, an upsurge of organized, peaceful, wise, humble activism has raised in defense of the patromonio comun.  We were only teaching.  Students knew.  Their consciousness coalesced to live up to the contingency.  Now is the time to thank the university for its multiple gifts: gifts to me, for being conducive of seeking answers to that million dollar question; and gift to the world well beyond Puerto Rico for hosting una servidora as I speak publically about these answers in the social media.
Thank you, Universidad de Puerto Rico, for being so gifted!  The island-wide movement that is keeping you from being sold down the river models the paradigm shift the world needs.  Eleven campuses acting in unison!
No more privatizations that lead to “markets” where the poor get swindled.  Investments in the commons that will elaborate the sustainable knowledge of the future.  Recognition that we are in this together, as a species!  That we can only survive if we learn to love one another and appreciate our differences!
Here are my three small gifts.
An Interview on Gaia, Health, and Environmental Theory.  On Progressive Radio Network: The Gary Null Show, March 24, 2010.  Hosted by Gary Null (begins at 46th minute in 1-hour show).
Interview on Gaia, Global Heath and Ecology, World Peace, Empires that Upsurge and Collapse, the Sexual Freedom Movement, the Arts of Loving, Polyamory, the Abuses of the Pharmaceutical Industry, the AIDS Dissidence Movement, Tantric Form of Amorous Expression.  On Truther, hosted by Sean Hardin.
Interview on Gaia, Interpretations of AIDS and other Epidemic Diseases, Holistic Sexual Health.  On How Positive Are You? Hosted by David Crowe and Celia Farber.   
Thanks for listening.  Please support The University of Puerto Rico.  Eleven Campuses, one UPR System, or Once Recintos, Una UPR!  Today is a decisive day for UPR Mayaguez.  Listen to the podcasts and share with your friends.  Post your comments!  Find out more about what’s happening in the UPR system!  Follow the Huelga day after day on Planeta Educativo!  Recognizing what we share is the key to the future. 

Multisectorial Strike and Occupation at the University of Puerto Rico, All 11 Campuses, Supporting Public Education, Resisting Privatization

Listen to all of it and view on Democracy Now!

In Puerto Rico, an ongoing strike by students at the University of
Puerto Rico is coming to a head. Riot police have surrounded the main
gates of the university’s main campus and are trying to break the
strike by denying food and water to students who have occupied the
campus inside. The strike began nearly four weeks ago in response to
budget cuts at the university of more than $100 million. On Thursday,
a mass assembly of more than 3,000 students voted overwhelmingly to
continue the strike. The next day, riot police seized control of the
main campus gates. We go now to Puerto Rico, inside the occupied
campus at the university. [includes rush transcript]

To read, listen to, or watch the whole story:


Giovanni Roberto, student at the University of Puerto Rico and a
spokesperson for the striking students.

Christopher Powers, professor of comparative literature at University
of Puerto Rico.

Rush Transcript

This transcript is available free of charge. However, donations help
us provide closed captioning for the deaf and hard of hearing on our
TV broadcast. Thank you for your generous contribution.
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AMY GOODMAN: In Puerto Rico, an ongoing strike by students at the
University of Puerto Rico is coming to a head. Riot police have
surrounded the main gates of the university and are trying to break
the strike by denying food and water to students who have occupied the
campus inside.

The strike began nearly four weeks ago in response to budget cuts at
the university of more than $100 million. Students called on the
administration to reconsider the cuts and sought guarantees, such as
no fee increases and no privatization of campus services. Students
initially called for a forty-eight-hour strike, but more than three
weeks later the strike continues and has spread to ten out of eleven
campuses. On Thursday, a mass assembly of more than 3,000 students
voted overwhelmingly to continue the strike. The next day, riot police
seized control of the main campus gates.

The striking students have received widespread support from professors
at the university, as well as unions around the country. Crowds have
gathered outside the university gates, where police have encircled the
striking students inside. Parents, family members, other supporters
have tried to throw bottles of water and food over the fence to
support the strikers.

We go now to Puerto Rico inside the occupied campus at the university,
where we’re joined by Giovanni Roberto, a student at the University of
Puerto Rico and a spokesperson for the striking students. We’re also
joined by a professor at the university, outside the campus, who’s
supporting the students. Christopher Powers is a professor of
comparative literature at UPR. He joins us on the phone.

We welcome you both to Democracy Now! Giovanni, we’ll begin with you.
Describe the scene right now and what your demands are.

GIOVANNI ROBERTO: Hi, Amy, and hi, people watching.

Our first—our main demand was that we reject certification of the
trustees of the university that tried to limit the tuition waivers to
students. Especially they tried to make people that have a Pell Grant
or other economic help not to be part of the tuition waiver, which in
the University of Puerto Rico, which is a public university, most of
students have economic aids in order to go to the university and
study. So we identify that the administration, what they wanted to do
is to attack especially poor students, trying to limit their right to
have a tuition waiver.

Right now in the university, we are inside. We remain for more than
twenty-seven days on strikes. We are occupying the whole campuses. As
you say, ten out of eleven campuses are shut down by students. Inside
the university is calm. We are—we have been receiving a lot of people
outside the fences helping us to resist the possibility of the police
to get in.

Since the first day, the administration demonstrate no will to
negotiate with students. Our first demand was that they’re beginning
to negotiate. We only want to negotiate with the administration our
demands. We have been working for more than one year. And after that,
we have no other solution than to go on strike, as we’re doing now,
trying to push the administration to negotiate. And they only use the
force. They’re trying to get the police in and trying to make us get
out. And that’s one of the demands.

AMY GOODMAN: Let me bring Professor Powers into this, professor at the
University of Puerto Rico. Can you talk about the scene there, as
well, the students outside, the professors—the students inside, the
professors outside?

CHRISTOPHER POWERS: Yes. Well, thank you for having me on the show.

I’m a professor at the Mayagüez campus of the UPR, so I’m not in San
Juan right now. But I can report that the strike is being maintained
at all of the eleven campuses—that’s a minor correction—because the
eleventh campus was closed today by the staff union, which represents
about 2,000 maintenance workers in the system. The staff union has
also closed the administrative buildings, the central administrative
buildings located in the botanical gardens, this morning. They moved
in heavy machinery, closing the gates, and have called for a weeklong
strike in support of the students. So all of the campuses are closed
right now. And the union is calling for the closure, as well, of
auxiliary institutions, as well. So the strike has indeed spread to
the entire system.

It has also sparked widespread support on the part of professors, for
one, but also the broad public. Parents are involved in supporting the
students in an unprecedented way compared with the strikes in the
past. The use of force to close the main campus has sparked wide
sympathy with the students. It should also be noted that the
University of Puerto Rico is a university of 64,000 students. It’s the
largest university in the Caribbean. And it’s also the premier
institution of higher learning in the country. It’s considered part of
the cultural patrimony of the island. It has produced the island’s
best and brightest. And in the context of the colonial status of the
island, in which historically so much of Puerto Rican—Puerto Rico’s
resources have been sold out to foreigners, the UPR is widely regarded
as the last best resource that the nation has to keep. So attack on
the integrity of the institution, the restriction of access for
working-class students, and the fears of privatization of the
university have sparked very wide public support.

AMY GOODMAN: Who controls the budget exactly, I mean, in relation—for
people on the mainland in the United States, given the relationship
between the United States and Puerto Rico?

CHRISTOPHER POWERS: Right. Well, the budget of the university is
controlled by the presidency and the board of trustees. According to a
law from 1966, 9.6 percent of the income into the general funds of
Puerto Rico are to be used by the university. However, the current
conservative, pro-statehood New Progressive Party government issued a
law called “Law No. 7,” which is widely unpopular on the island, which
gave them emergency powers to effect fiscal measures. And this law has
been implemented in the, oh, year-and-a-half or so of the Fortuño
administration to lay off public workers, and now it’s been applied to
deny funds that have been historically available to the university.
This has caused a deficit which could be $100 million or more,
although those are based on estimates at this point.

At any rate, the austerity measures that the board of trustees and the
presidency are trying to impose have been disproportionately directed
at students, professors and staff and have not at all touched the
bloated budgets for the central administration and the chancellors’
offices. So there’s a very—you know, a sense of injustice and
unfairness in the application of the austerity measures, and the
students are not taking it. They have maintained the strike and
haven’t budged from the camps that they’ve set up at the gates of the
various universities.

It’s a very multi-sectorial movement, the students. It’s not just the
traditional activists who are protesting. The tuition waivers that
Giovanni was mentioning apply to groups like athletes and musicians,
so these students are also involved in the protests. It’s a very
exciting movement. And the mood is quite electric. And the students,
like I’ve said, have inspired a lot of inspiration and support on the
part of the population. There’s a phrase circulating now that this new
generation of students is the basta ya generation, the “enough is
enough” generation.

AMY GOODMAN: Giovanni Roberto, what are your plans now, with the SWAT
teams having moved in? Where do you go from here?

GIOVANNI ROBERTO: Well, we’re still demanding the administration to
negotiate, actually. I think the general strike called for tomorrow is
a good step forward in order to push the administration and push the
government, as part of that administration, to sit down in the table
of negotiation. We’re only demanding that we need to negotiate our

Right now, we’re going to still have—we’re going to continue to
strike. We are not going to let us intimidate by the police. We know
that if the people remain supporting us, as they have been doing for
the last three weeks, we don’t think the police are going to get in or
try to get in, because that will be a political—a serious political
problem for the government, because we think that all that support, in
water and food or in picket lines in front of the university, will
transform in mass mobilization in this country. And that’s what we’re
hoping, that all of that solidarity that have been expressed in
different ways in the last three weeks transform, today and tomorrow
and the rest of the weeks, in mass mobilization and mass protest,
especially in the strike of tomorrow. So we are going to remain on
strike, and we’re going to continue asking negotiation with the

AMY GOODMAN: Have you had support from students on the mainland United
States? And what have been the effect, for example, of the student
protests in California? Have you been following them, Giovanni?

GIOVANNI ROBERTO: Yeah, we received a letter of students and
professors of Berkeley and CUNY in New York, from Canada, from Spain,
from Venezuela, and from other countries, from República Dominicana.
We have received international attention, because, like in California,
we are receiving attacks, a budget cuts attack. And we think that the
defense of the public university obviously is not only here in Puerto
Rico; it’s an international fight against privatization and against
things that affect students. So, obviously, what happened in
California affects us. Before the strike, we made two occupations of
two faculties, in some way inspired by what’s happened in Berkeley and
the fight that Berkeley was having there. So I think for them to us
and from our fight to them, there’s a relationship between our fight
and an inspiration, a mutual inspiration, right now.

AMY GOODMAN: I understand there was a father who was trying to bring
food to his son, a student inside, who was attacked. Giovanni Roberto,
what happened?

GIOVANNI ROBERTO: Yeah, he was trying to get in bread and water, which
is in the morning for breakfast, and the police attacked him and
pushed him to the ground and then arrested him in front of all the
students. We have a video of that. That same day, in the morning, too,
another student was trying to get in, and the police attacked the
student, pushed him to the ground, hit him while he was on the ground,
and then arrested him. That happened two days, yesterday, happened
again with artists that wanted to get food inside the
university—actors, singers, famous Puerto Rican singers. They didn’t
allow them to get food, and they had to throw it over the fences in
order to get the water inside the university. There’s a law that don’t
allow any food or water to get in, according to a judge.

So, right now the situation is tense outside. We have more food than
ever. That’s important to people to know. We are creating ways to get
food and water inside. And the solidarity of the people is so
impressed that now we have food like for two weeks. So even there you
see the picture. No matter the police, what try the police, we know
that we’re going to continue the strike and that we’re going to win
this strike. We have the whole country on our side. We have the right
to do this. And we are defending only public education, public
university. That’s not a crime. One of our slogans is that we are
students, not—we’re not making crimes, you know? So—

AMY GOODMAN: Christopher Powers, the support of unions, can you talk
about that, like the AFL-CIO?

CHRISTOPHER POWERS: Yes. Well, there’s a general strike called for
tomorrow. This strike was called both by the coalition of unions,
which includes the Change to Win, the Federation of Workers of Puerto
Rico, the Puerto Rican Workers Union representing a broad variety of
the union groups and leaders. It’s also being called for by all of
Puerto Rico for Puerto Rico. The spokesperson, Juan Vera, the
Methodist bishop, called for massive support and all of the members of
this coalition of community and religious groups, known for their
involvement in the Free Vieques movement, to participate in the
strike. And as I mentioned earlier, also the staff union of the
university is going on strike for the entire week and closed down the
central administration facilities, as well as auxiliary facilities. So
the union support for the students is massive.

AMY GOODMAN: This is hardly getting attention on the mainland. Can you
talk about that lack of press coverage?

CHRISTOPHER POWERS: Well, I suppose one could relate that to— again,
to the colonial status of Puerto Rico. This is really, I think, in my
opinion, a very important struggle, in that the University of Puerto
Rico is more important for Puerto Rico than, say, public universities
in the States are for their states. And so, what is happening now is
that the students are defending the right to a quality public
education, that they are staying firm in the face of the attack on the
integrity of the institution, the restriction of access for
working-class students, and they are really serving as a model, as
Eduardo Galeano wrote in a message of support to the students. He says
that they are showing the shining path towards the future, while the
rest of the world gets used to what is already there.

AMY GOODMAN: Christopher Powers, we’ll have to leave it there,
professor at the University of Puerto Rico. Giovanni Roberto, student,
one of the student leaders of the strike, speaking to us from inside
the campus that they are occupying. Tomorrow, a major strike called
across Puerto Rico, and of course we will cover it.

How Positive Are You? Open Dialog on Love, Sex, and Health

“How Positive Are You?” is a weekly podcast about surprising news and views about HIV and AIDS.   Episode 22, hosted by David Crowe and Celia Ferber, is a frank discussion of sex, sexuality, symbiosis, GAIA theory, fear, death, love, and health.  
Listen and leave a comment HERE
Don’t miss this fascinating excursion into the correlated questions of our time, including:
  • What conjunction of cultural and political forces has caused the misalignment of sex and health we have observed in the “AIDS Era”?  
  • Why did allopathic interpretations of the crisis become dominant so early?  
  • How have practices of love evolved since then?  
  • What communities have continued to be ‘sex-positive’ and how have they intersected?  
  • How have these practices co-evolved with a new notion of health?  With holistic practices of health?  
  • With environmental notions of planetary health?  
  • Why is the body and ecosystem and how can we practice love in respect of its balance and health? 
  • How does the respect for our bodies’ ecosystems align with the respect for Gaia,, or ‘mother earth’?
  • Why (and to what extent) is anal pleasure good for one’s health?  
  • How has the LGBT community grown and diversified in the AIDS Era?  
  • What did bisexual people  bring to the sex positive movement?  
  • What is it like to position oneself ‘in between’ gays and straights as one navigates the AIDS Era?  
  • What new paradigms can emerge from this experience? 
  • What new politics of love can help to realign sex with health?  
  • What do we really mean by holistic sexual health?
Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio is a professor at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, and the author of the new book GAIA and the New Politics of Love, a Silver Winner in Cosmology and New Science for the 2010 Nautilus Book Awards. 
For more information on these subjects, visit Serena at and She also recommends reading Our Daily Meds by Melody Petersen, Exploring Intimacy by Suzann Robins and Mystery Dance: On the Evolution of Human Sexuality by Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan.

Science of Gaia: What Does it Say about Polyamory and Sexual Freedom?

Hi everyone!
It was a pleasure to interview with Sean Hardin, a journalist who runs a podcast called Truther. He was a terrific listener and gave the interviewee, yours truly, all the time necessary to explain the connections between Gaia, the scientific concept of an interrelated planetary ecosystem, and practices of sexual freedom, including polyamory.
The interview was posted on April 9th, 2010, and runs about two hours.  It’s roughly divided in three sections.
The interview begins with a discussion of the science of Gaia, including its implications for human life, planetary ecology, and world peace.  This section continues with a discussion of the new paradigm for knowledge that Gaia science proposes, why this paradigm represents the only possible sustainable future for humanity and why it is still considered dissident.
The subsequent section focuses on the Gaian principle that we humans, like all other parts of the biota, are already always related.  A relationships can therefore be considered a simple actualization of the potential implied in a given relatedness.  The challenge of creating healthy relationships is that of actualizing this potential with balance and authenticity.
The final section discusses Gaia science in the context of other scientific theories that are still met with disagreement because they oppose common beliefs, including interpretations of AIDS that emphasize the ecosystemic aspects of the disease.  The section emphasizes the need to verify the accuracy of a scientific hypothesis before using it as a basis for legislation and regulation of behavior.  It concludes with a perspective on social spaces where one can experience practices of love that involve multiple participants in safe, positive, and self-empowering ways.
Whether you agree with yours truly’s views or not, don’t miss this interview!  It opens up vistas for significant interconnections from both scientific and humanistic viewpoints.  Hardin does a terrific job of plugging in all the main references, including scientists James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis, humanists like Gore Vidal, Deborah Anapol, and Suzann Robins, organizations like World Polyamory Association and others.
The most curious and brightest of you will want to know more about what Gaia means for polyamory and sexual freedom in general.  The book upon which the interview based is Gaia and the New Politics of Love.  Rush to get your own copy while it’s still on discount!
If interested in the holistic health aspects of Gaia science and theory, you can check a recent edition of The Gary Null Show where yours truly is a guest speaker.  The segment starts at the 45th minute.
Last but not least, stay tuned for more information about upcoming events and features.  Please post your comments too.  It’s unmonitored and free!  Yours truly is very active and energized by all the new connections her work is generating.
In faith,

Connecting More Dots: Shutter Island and The Shock Doctrine

A while after the conversations of ‘What’s in a Name?’ G and I resume our calls.  We talk about movies.  ‘T is the season, after all.
“Teaching film helps,” G says as soon as we connect.
“Why is that?” I ask.
“Well, when you go to the movies, you activate a little mechanism in your brain and it helps you to connect the dots . . .”
“Dots? What dots?”
“Dots between movies and books you’ve read, for example.”
“As in?”
“As in, Shutter Island and The Shock Doctrine, for example.”
Shutter Island, Marin Scorsese’s latest, and Naomi Klein’s book about the Chicago School and it break-the-economy-and-control-the-people-politics?”
“Tell me more . . . “
“Let me tell you the whole story then.”
“So yesterday we were bound to see Crazy Heart in San Juan, and the Fine Arts Theater, when we find out that the program has changed and we need to adjust our plans.”
“Who was your company?”
“Melvin, the leader of my Area Oeste LGBT friends group here, a sophisticated speaker, a discussant, a great facilitator.  I’m so happy to have his company, you know, it’s ok to go to the movies by oneself, but the company of a sensitive person makes puts the experience on a completely different level.”
“So of course we watch the whole film then we try to figure out if Teddy/Lewaddis is really honest and sane or really insane and a criminal.”
“Yes . . . “
“It’s a story about an asylum on this island off of Massachusetts where apparently some human experiments were going on in the 1950s, on human brains: how to treat them with electroshock therapy and lobotomy, how to persuade sane people that they are not only insane, but also criminals with a shady history of murders whose memory they are trying to push away.  The idea is that these therapies will persuade the patients not only to adopt the life stories and identities that psychiatrists are fabricating for them, but also that they will go along and help those in charge to play the game.”

                                           (Leonardo DiCaprio and Ben Kingsley in Shutter Island)

“OMG! And is this based on fact?  Is the film some kind of documentary?  Did anything like this really happen?”
“Well, the film is based on a novel, which of course is likely to be a fictionalization of some historical event or combination of events reconfigured in some recombined way.  The time when lobotomies were a common clinical practice is appropriate. Same goes for electroshock therapy.”
“How do you know?”
“Well, I read about Tennessee Williams, the famous American playwright of the mid Twentieth Century, who was also gay–closeted at the time of course.  His sister was lobotomized because as kids she and her brother were playing some innocent games that were at the time considered completely out of bounds.  The family became worried about her.  Lobotomy was recommended for women whose sexuality was unruly.”
“Oh, and how did she respond?”
“I don’t really know a lot of specifics, but she became a zombie like most people whose pre-frontal cortex has been removed.  That, as we know now, is not a superfluous part of the brain.  It’s the seat of creative intelligence, of the imagination, of desire, of ideas, of what makes you capable to think the world in a different way.”
“Of genius, you mean . . .”
“Yeah, that’s one way to put it.”
“And another way?”
“Another way is in what my bi and poly friends typically will say: That one’s biggest sexual organ is between one’s ears, not one’s legs.”
“If you lobotomize the imagination, then the desire for pleasure goes away,” I comment.
“Must have been terrible for her.”
“And for him as well, he always felt guilty that his creative intelligence was still alive while hers had been so cruelly excised.  Many of his nostalgic, tender female characters are based on her.”
“Like Blanche Dubois, in Streetcar Named Desire?”I ask.
“Like Blanche Dubois.”
“So then, going back to Shutter Island, what was the point of practicing lobotomy there?” I continue with my questions.
“The film presents this as part of a model asylum for the rehabilitation of criminals who are mental patients, and are treated humanely.  The place is actually a penitentiary, but it doesn’t look like one: It looks more like a manor in the midst of manicured gardens, until you look more closely and find out that food, smokes, water are all drugged with sedatives that make the patients practically incapable to think for themselves.  And then you also find out that the people there are not really criminals, but rather victims of this human experiment in which a team of psychiatrists is trying to figure out how to control human brains.”
“Inventing mental illnesses they don’t have, as causes of crimes they never committed?” I comment.
“Sounds a bit like Nazi Germany, or Stalin’s USSR, for that matter.”
“Sure, and indeed the Leonardo di Caprio character is an American who fought in World War II, killed at Dachau, and is horrified at the idea that Nazi methods might have migrated to the US.  He is incensed by some uncertainty he has abut a fire that burned his home and killed his wife.  He is a US Marshall, and gets to be assigned to the job of investigating the disappearance of a patient to figure out what’s going on.”
“This happens of course when J. Edgar Hoover is head of the CIA, the famous McCarthyite who was a closet gay and instigated the activities of the House of Un-American Activities back then,” I add.
“Yes, and Hoover gets mentioned once in the movie,” G confirms.
“So what’s the connection with The Shock Doctrine?”
“Well, you know that Klein claims that the whole idea of engineering a crisis in order to break people’s resistance and then take control started in the medical profession.  In other words, it was psychiatrists who used electroshock and lobotomy that first experimented with these forms of shock therapy to reduce people to patients–and patients to blank slates whose personalities, minds, and memories were now empty and could be filled with whatever content the dominant ideology wanted to implant,” G explains, in her typical professorial tone.
“And how does she claim that the practice transfers from psychiatry to the economy?” I ask, a bit shyly.
“Well, the political powers make some shady allies and, say, create an atmosphere of panic where everyone is afraid that a terrorist cell is conspiring next door.  This makes every one feel fearful and out of control.  It crushes the economy because no one wants to invest any more.  Then a new political class takes over and establishes a regime of total control.”
“Like what happened in Chile with Pinochet?” I ask?
“Yeah, you got it.  And many other cases. Klein examines the wave of interventions by so-called ‘Chicago boys,’ economists from the school of Milton Friedman, who precisely promoted the ideology that public assets are a nuisance to be sold away, and privatization will resolve all financial problems. These interventions happened in South America, then the wave moved to East Asia, then to Russia and Eastern Europe, then eventually, with Bush II, to the United States.”
“But the character in Shutter Island thinks what happens in the asylum is part of a Nazi plot.”
“Well, not exactly: He is aware of how some ideas migrated, as the people who held them managed to smuggle themselves over to the US shores when the Nazi house of cards fell to the floor.”
“You mean that after World War II some Nazi ideology made it into the US?”
“Some ideologues made it, and their ideas came with them.”
“Did your friend Melvin know about lobotomies?” I asked, curious.
“Surprisingly, he didn’t know too much about them.  We talked about it, and I explained about the pre-frontal cortex, the fact that a lobotomized person initially seems to be ok, just a little more tranquil and sedated then before.  Then one realizes that this person has lost the capability to learn new things, ideas, actions, because s/he has lost the power of the imagination, s/he cannot put things together in any new way, s/he can only repeat mechanically things that s/he has done before.”
“OMG! And how come the pre-frontal cortex is so important?” I keep pressing on with my questions.
“That’s what I learn from Up From Dragons, Dorion Sagan’s co-authored study of human intelligence.  In the evolution of the brain, across species, the pre-frontal cortex is the last section that evolved.  Reptilian brains don’t have it.  They’re reactive brains.  They respond, but do not invent.  Also, in any human person, the pre-frontal cortex is the last one to become completely formed, with the process ending at about 25 years old.”
“Got it.  And, had your friend heard about other lobotomies?”
“I don’t think so.  I did tell him about Rose Kennedy, the sister of the three beautiful brothers who died for the ideals of American politics. She had been lobotomized as well.  The family was a bit shy and shameful about it.  Of course, when this happened, nobody really knew the consequences.  They were victims of human experiments, those patients.”
“How terrible!”
“I agree.  Do you see now the connection?”
“Yes, of course.  Scorsese is trying to send a message.  Perhaps he has read Naomi Klein.”
“Perhaps, yet Klein is a lot more adamant than Scorsese ever will be.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, at the end of the story, one finds out that the hero, Edward, really could be Lewaddis, the criminal he is trying to connect with, to ask questions from, the guy who set fire to his house and killed his wife after she had drowned the three children they had.”
“How is that?”
“Well, there are all these nightmares, these memories that parse the film, memories of Dachau, of fires, of family, of children crying for help.”
“Yes, it’s the Leonardo di Caprio character, he has these nightmares. And in the end, when the new criminal/insane personality has been implanted into his brain by the psychiatrist team, it all jells up together that he is actually the criminal he is seeking–a bit like in Oedipus.”
“Oh, the Oedipal syndrome, uh?”
“Yes, of course, we live in an Oedipal world where parents own their children and the nuclear family is the norm.  We still don’t know very well how to expand family beyond kinship and biology, do we?” G asks, facetious.
“Some of us try.”
“Yes, queer families, poly families–but they’re the exception.”
“Sure.  Still the exception, unfortunately.  How was the acting, the direction, BTW.  Did you guys enjoy?”
“A Scorsese film is always enjoyable.  Those stylish frames, wide stroke backgrounds, mysterious settings, ominous clouds, ferocious storms, cliffs that require acrobatic performances.  Swagger male characters who walk the fine line between hero and outlaw, cops who turn out allies of criminal gangs.  It’s staple.  And all done with Italian bravado and elegance impervious to the situation.  It’s impressive.  Suspense that works: it’s not sensation per se, it’s the right measure of sensation to achieve the desired effect.”  
“And what exactly would that effect be?” I interrupt the rhapsodic tone: The Italian stuff always gets G carried away.
“Well, what about instilling the shadow of a doubt that conspiracy is really possible? That it’s not just a theory stored in minds of those with psychological problems.”
“You mean of those profiled that way.”
“Yes. With Scorsese you get the message that laboratories for human experiments to control our minds could be just next door.”
“That’s the film’s political effect, you mean?”
“Yes, the visual version of Naomi Klein’s theory.”
“Visual, uh?”
“Yes, I have become more and more impressed with cinema’s ability to convey ideas in images on a large scale.  As I taught cinema over the years, I have become aware of how, for the new generations, cinema  holds the promise of visual effects that mark the collective consciousness of a culture as objective correlatives of the emotions people have difficulty expressing in other ways.”
“A bit like Michael Moore’s documentaries?”
“What about the acting?  How was it?” I asked, to change the subject.
“I hadn’t seen Leonardo di Caprio since Titanic.  Had heard bad things about his subsequent movies–lack of environmental respect in the shooting process.  I liked him at the time, though.  He did embody that rugged instinct, that trust in one’s good luck I tend to admire in people.  He has matured a lot.  Makes me think of how fast time goes by for us all.”
“Yes, as Ronsard puts it,” I interject,
“‘le temps s’en va, le temps s’en va, madame.’ (time passes, away, time passes away, my lady)
le temps non, mais nous nous en allons, et bientot seront sous la lame.’ (time doesn’t, but we pass away and soon will be under the stone)
How about his looks?”

“Oh, those are much better.  He is not what I’d call a beauty.  Not enough sensual for that, to my taste.  A tad too intense.  But his looks have improved because now he knows what to do with what nature gave him much better than before.”
“So, it was a nice evening after all.”
“It was great.  We spent time discussing the movie, figuring out the plot, the various hypotheses for interpretation, put our brains together to figure out what we saw.”
“Did you miss Crazy Heart?”
“I did. A bit.  I explained my friend why I wanted to see it and we agreed to stay tuned.  Talked about our emotions, what’s happening in our lives and what feelings are dominating. I always find movies good for that. We made plans for more movie days next weekend.”
“Until that time then,” I said as we prepared to end the call.
Arrivederci, my Italian friend, arrivederci.”