Hi lovely Earthlings!
I’m introducing a new film project. We’re organizing an ecosexual beach wedding to celebrate our love for Playa Azul. Save the date: Jan 25, 2014. Playa Azul is the bride and the whole community is invited to wed her. Everyone gets to kiss the bride too! We’d like to envision this as a way to expand the conversation of marriage equality beyond the human couple and across biological realms. We feel this is related to all who practice love outside of the box. How about you? Please watch the video and share your thoughts. You can ask your questions here as well. We’ll be very grateful. Thank you!
SerenaGaia is the project’s inspiring force. Yours truly is also known as Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio: author, professor, visionary. She’s based in Puerto Rico and lives on the Caribbean shore. Shaison P. Ouseph, the project’s artistic director, is an award-winning filmmaker based in Mumbay, India. Together we created the video you watched via transcultural digital communication. How did you like it? The artistic quality of this collaboration anticipates the quality of the videography we intend to produce together.
Hearts on Fire: Together in Ecosexual Love
We designed this series of visual documentaries to help celebrate the love humans receive from Earth’s beautiful ecosystems. We also intend to open up the discourse of marriage equality to entire human communities. This is the logo we created together. What kind of inspiration does it create for you? Share your thoughts with us. We will appreciate them! Thank you!
More details about the project are available below and on our Facebook and Indiegogo pages, including how we plan to fund the project and what each episode will entail.
The template episode will be a wedding to/with/on Playa Azul, a Caribbean beach that has loved SerenaGaia for 16 years. She’s lover her back! So a miracle of balance between humans and ecosystems has happened. Together, we celebrate of this energizing, ecosexual relationships. Love the Earth? Marry an ecosystem with us! Te Amo Playa Azul I Love You is scheduled for January 25, 2014. Bring your own magic to this ceremony. We are now accepting proposals from participants. Everyone gets to kiss the bride! Looking for Playa Azul/Punta Aenas? Click here for Google Map.
Ready to fund the project? Our Indiegogo campaign is open: BECOME AN OFFICIAL DONOR HERE! GREAT PERKS FOR YOU! Stay tuned for more information and tell us about your interest. We will be very grateful and reward you with a whole range of exciting perks. We can’t wait to thank you!
Interested in having the docu-series come to you? Let us know where you are ans what you’d like us to do. We will consider your offer: further documentaries will be planned as the project evolves. It’s a great way for you and your communities to get positive attention for your good ecosystemic work: sustain your ecosexual love.
Dear Earthlings:
It’s such a pleasure to announce new projects to you. This one is really exciting. We look forward to your input. Comments? Questions? Don’t hesitate to leave them here. Thank you!
Let “nature” be your teacher in the arts of love. Education is the heart of democracy: education to love. Come back for more wonders: from EcoSex @ U Conn, Students Responses have resumed, to appear now every Tuesday. More Book Reports to be scheduled soon, every other Thursday.
All good wishes and Namaste,
Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Professor of Humanities
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Follow us in the social media
Poly Planet GAIA Blog: http://polyplanet.blogspot. com/
Website: www.serenagaia.com
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YouTube Uploaded Videos: http://www.youtube.com/ SerenaAnderlini