Hi everyone!
It was a pleasure to interview with Sean Hardin, a journalist who runs a podcast called Truther. He was a terrific listener and gave the interviewee, yours truly, all the time necessary to explain the connections between Gaia, the scientific concept of an interrelated planetary ecosystem, and practices of sexual freedom, including polyamory.
The interview was posted on April 9th, 2010, and runs about two hours. It’s roughly divided in three sections.
The interview begins with a discussion of the science of Gaia, including its implications for human life, planetary ecology, and world peace. This section continues with a discussion of the new paradigm for knowledge that Gaia science proposes, why this paradigm represents the only possible sustainable future for humanity and why it is still considered dissident.
The subsequent section focuses on the Gaian principle that we humans, like all other parts of the biota, are already always related. A relationships can therefore be considered a simple actualization of the potential implied in a given relatedness. The challenge of creating healthy relationships is that of actualizing this potential with balance and authenticity.
The final section discusses Gaia science in the context of other scientific theories that are still met with disagreement because they oppose common beliefs, including interpretations of AIDS that emphasize the ecosystemic aspects of the disease. The section emphasizes the need to verify the accuracy of a scientific hypothesis before using it as a basis for legislation and regulation of behavior. It concludes with a perspective on social spaces where one can experience practices of love that involve multiple participants in safe, positive, and self-empowering ways.
Whether you agree with yours truly’s views or not, don’t miss this interview! It opens up vistas for significant interconnections from both scientific and humanistic viewpoints. Hardin does a terrific job of plugging in all the main references, including scientists James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis, humanists like Gore Vidal, Deborah Anapol, and Suzann Robins, organizations like World Polyamory Association and others.
The most curious and brightest of you will want to know more about what Gaia means for polyamory and sexual freedom in general. The book upon which the interview based is Gaia and the New Politics of Love. Rush to get your own copy while it’s still on discount!
If interested in the holistic health aspects of Gaia science and theory, you can check a recent edition of The Gary Null Show where yours truly is a guest speaker. The segment starts at the 45th minute.
Last but not least, stay tuned for more information about upcoming events and features. Please post your comments too. It’s unmonitored and free! Yours truly is very active and energized by all the new connections her work is generating.
In faith,