The Covid Chronicles # 6 – Dr. De Donno: The Courage for Steps Toward a Curable Disease

Here is the page on Giuseppe De Donno and Plasmotherapy. With my heart in my hands I send many positive energies to Dr. De Donno and however many others in the field are working to save lives with the treatment of Plasma, and thus transform Covid into a curable disease, for which a vaccine will be appropriately optional, when one will be found without contraindications. I urge everyone to keep this positive vision in mind, a vision that at this stage of the crisis helps to reassure people, including those in authority, those on the ground, and however many other people may be vulnerable to getting sick at the moment. Thanks!

Ecco la pagina su Giuseppe De Donno e la Plasmoterapia. Con il cuore in mano mando molte energie positive al Dr. De Donno e quanti altri/e sul campo si stiano adoperando per salvare vite con la cura del Plasma, e cosi trasformare il Covid in una malattia curabile, per la quale sara appropriato un vaccino opzionale, quando se ne trovera uno senza controindicazioni. Invito tutti e tutte a mantenere questa visione positiva in mente, che in questa fase della crisi aiuti a tranquillizzare le persone, incluse quelle in autorita, quelle sul campo, e quante altre persone siamo vulnerabili ad ammalarsi in questo momento. Grazie!

The Covid Chronicles # 1, May 4, 2020

This is very good news to me. Apparently, the experimental cure from the Poma Hospital in Mantua has entered about 4000 hospitals in the US too. It’s based on Hyperimmune Plasma from the blood of the healed. It’s experimental, and of course if one is severe with phase three of the disease, it’s compassionate and can help one heal. Woooow! I’m really glad to hear this. I am moved that the work of dedicated doctors in the field is recognized, and that patients who wish so can access the cure. It makes me feel at peace with the system. And i wish everyone health, wealth and longevity, as the Tao say.
I also hope that this eases up the Mantua hospital team, which apparently was investigated by the Italian authorities on the very same day that Bill Gates called Italy’s prime minister about funding research for his vaccine plan w/ Italian taxpayers money. Which i did find, let’s say, unconvincing. And I want to trust that was just a coincidence! Lol! <3
Here i link both articles, the one about the adoption in the USA, and the one about the inspection of the Italian team. Please let’s pray that the team can continue to administer plasma and save people, and that word of the cure being made accessible more widely spreads so that people are aware they can benefit if they so wish.