SACRED ECOSEX: Teorema, Il Sessantotto and Pasolini’s Math/Map of Sexual Fluidity and Amorous Inclusiveness

Dear Fellow Earthlings–

Here’s one more event coming up for me.  Sacred Ecosex.  Wonder what it is?  Join us!  It will be fun.  And you’ll get a sense of what that famous year of 1968 really represented for Italy and Europe, from one of the most unconventional film directors of Italy, Pier Paolo Pasolini.

Where:  UPRM, Celis 116

When: Tuesday, March 28, 2017, Hora Universal-10:30-11:45 AM


SACRED ECOSEX: Teorema, Il Sessantotto and Pasolini’s Math/Map of Sexual Fluidity and Amorous Inclusiveness


This study applies the art of analytical observation to Teorema, by Pierpaolo Pasolini.  This classic of Italian cinema was released in 1968.  This year of paradigm shift, also known as il sessantotto in Italy, beheld a cultural revolution that attacked the malady of the Oedipal Syndrome.  The film captures the zeitgeist of the new era and connects the pervasive effects of this syndrome to the abuse of the partner we all share by the extractive industries.  The movie places a bisexual, polyamorous visitor at the center of the diegetic structure, where he initates members of a nuclear family who are victims of the Oedipal Syndrome into the practices of ecosexual love.  With this prophetic movie, education to sacred ecosex begins.  The film taps into the director’s familiarity with the Roman male sex-trade scene to sacralize sex as the magic encounter of two human ecosystems.  When Pasolini moved to Rome from his native Friuli, his sexual life became organized around this scene.  The film maps the way the sessantotto experience flipped both the filmmaker’s consciousness and the conventions of amorous expression of the era.  The desert represents the force of ecosexual love: the Earth appears naked in the segments that suture the different consciousness explored in the film.  Paolo, the father, connects with the Earth’s metabolism when his heart beats next to it.  Emilia, the housemaid, occupies the soil of the periferia to save its fertility from pervasive concrete.  As “desert,” the partner we all share enters the equation of Pasolini’s theorem.

The Presenter:

Dr. SerenaGaia, aka Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD, is a cultural theorist and founder of 3WayKiss.  Her prophetic books have inspired readers around the world, including Gaia (2009), Eros (2006), and Ecosexuality (2015), the first collection on this topic.  Dr. SerenaGaia is a professor of humanities and cinema at UPRM, a renown scholar and public speaker.  This presentation comes from Amorous Visions, her book-in-progress on ecosexuality and Italian cinema.  The research for this study has been externally funded by UCHI, and has been generously supported by Arts and Sciences at UPRM.

It will be a 40-minute presentation with film stills and clips.  Followed by an open active learning session with Questions and Answer.  Many students will be in attendance, including groups from courses in cinema, humanities, and literature.  Everyone is welcome to join from the campus, area, and communities.  To download a flier, go to this link.  We look forward to welcoming you!

Thank you!


aka Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD

Professor of Humanities and Cinema
Convenor of Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium
Fellow at the Humanities Institute, University of Connecticut, Storrs (2012-13)
Project: “Amorous Visions: Ecosexual Perspectives on Italian Cinema”


Dear fellow educators, colleagues, students, film buffs, lovers of cinema:

Friday Noon Colloquium is the new research-in-progress series hosted by Michael Huffmaster, in the German Studies program, Humanities at UPRM.

The series begins at noon on Friday, October 18 in the lobby area (Sala de Conferencias) of the OF-Edificio de Profesores building at UPRM.  It’s wonderful to have this space to share for those of us active in the humanistic and cultural studies research arena.  Check the series flier here.

What’s the topic of this inaugural event, you may ask?

The presentation of Amorous Visions, a book proposal for a study of Italian cinema from an ecosexual and Deleuzian perspective.  Look above or download the descriptive flier here.


This is the project that took me to Connecticut some years ago, when I won the external fellowship of the University of Connecticut Humanities Institute and also received support from the College of Arts and Sciences at UPRM to use it.

This is ALSO, and very significantly, a project that has emanated from the course in Italian cinema that I have been teaching at UPRM over the years, beginning in and around the year 2000.  This course has been an inspiration to me and to many groups of students over  the years.   What does it mean to appreciate, participate, enjoy, observe, learn from, and think about the art of the 20th century that studies the relation of “time, space and movement,” as Gilles Deleuze put it?   Students have been my most valuable teachers.  From them I’ve learned to look at cinema anew.  My study of ecosexual perspectives on Italian cinema is a direct emanation from this experience.  It is time to share about it with our local and regional intellectual community.

What is an ecosexual perspective in the study, practice, creation, and appreciation of cinema?  How can this kind of perspective relate to Deleuze’s cinema theories?  Italian cinema is a particularly fertile terrain for this epistemic inquiry.  So many “sheets of the past” emerge from the mise-en-scene of art cinema from Italy.  So many personal, intimate scenes invite a reflection on how our amorous lives are impacted by the ecosystems that we live in.

My project has evolved alongside with my contributions to the vibrant ecosexuality movement.  In estedadele2015 i was privileged in c-editing the first collection of writings on this topic, an arena of emerging knowledges where nature inspires humans to practice the arts of love.  It encourages our amorous expressions to sustain the health and well being of our own and our surrounding ecosystems.  A change in metaphors is due.  When we treat the Earth as a lover, we become aware of how much we need the blessings of this partner we all share.

We have successfully hosted the first symposium on this topic in the Caribbean last year, and plan a new edition in 2017.

In this presentation, I will outline how my book project on Italian cinema evolved alongside my participation in the ecosexual movement while I also evolved as a a professor and scholar of cinema.

Join us in animating the event.  Participate and invite your own students.  Below please find more information about the event.

Thank you!

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Amorous Visions: Ecosexual Perspectives on Italian Cinema

Presenting a Book Proposal

This presentation traces the evolution of the book proposal Amorous Visions from the idea of teaching a course in Italian cinema from a philosophical perspective while attending the desire of UPRM students to explore the direct connections between a film’s mise-en-scène and its erotic/amorous scenes.  The proposal is organized around the philosophy of Deleuze and his study of cinema, as well as the cultural discourses of sexual fluidity and amorous inclusiveness.  The proposal benefits from the in-depth study made possible by externally funded research also sponsored by Arts and Sciences at the RUM.

The presentation will be a 20-minute plus 10 minutes for a Q & A session.

It will be done on a laptop with stills and clips.

The format is suitable for a small audience.

About the Author

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD, is the author, editor and co-editor of Women and Bisexuality (2003), Plural Loves (2005), Eros (2006), Gaia (2009), Bisexuality and Queer Theory (2010), and BiTopia (2011).  Her articles have appeared in DisClosure, New Cinemas, Rhizomes, Nebula, WSIF, and VIA.  She is the author of The ‘Weak’ Subject (1998), and the co-translator of In Spite of Plato, by Adriana Cavarero (1995).  Anderlini-D’Onofrio has spoken about polyamory on Italian public television.

More recently, Anderlini-D’Onofrio has adopted the sacred name of Dr. SerenaGaia.  At the helm of the ecosexual movement, she has keynoted at various symposia, and is co-editor of  Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love (2015), the first collection on this topic.  Dr. SerenaGaia is the convenor of Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium at UPRM, and is at work Amorous Visions, a study of Italian cinema from an ecosexual perspective.

News and project updates at

Thank you!




Dear fellow educators, colleagues, students, film buffs, lovers of cinema:

In the spirit of challenge and renewal at UPRM and in Puerto Rico, the current course in Italian Cinema opens its doors to invite you for a CLASE ABIERTA event.

Please join us on Tuesday, November 1st at 5:30-7:00 PM in Chardon 226, for a presentation from the research project Amorous Visions, followed by a bilingual Questions and Answers period.  Look above or download the descriptive flier here.

The course in Italian cinema has been an inspiration to me and to many groups of students over  pazzathe years.   What does it mean to appreciate, participate, enjoy, observe, learn from, and think about the art of the 20th century that studies the relation of “time, space and movement,” as Gilles Deleuze put it?   Students have been my most valuable teachers.  From them I’ve learned to look at cinema anew.  My study of ecosexual perspectives on Italian cinema is a direct emanation from this experience, and has evolved with multiple support from internal and external sources.  It is time to share about it with our local and regional intellectual community.

Italian cinema is a particularly fertile terrain for this epistemic inquiry.  So many “sheets of the past” emerge from the mise-en-scene of art cinema from Italy.  So many personal, intimate scenes invite a reflection on how our amorous lives are impacted by the ecosystems that we live in.

pinkdressIn this invitation, we will present a study of two classics of Italian cinema from the 1970s.  Remember The Conformist and The Night Porter?  Very ecosexual.  Very Deleuzian.  Right?  If you’re a cinephile, you cannot have missed them.  If not, this is a perfect time to meet these two majestic films.  Students in the current Italian Cinema group are quite advanced in Deleuzian and ecosexual approaches to cinema.  They are excited to welcome visitors and other participants for this special CLASE ABIERTA EVENING.   Many of them will surprise you with their participatory questions and observations.

Join us in animating the evening.  Participate and invite your own students.  Below please find more information about the event.

Thank you!

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Ecologies of Love and Toxic Ecosystems:

Lessons from the Holocaust in Cavani and Bertolucci


This study analyzes two classics of Italian cinema from an ecosexual perspective.  Bertolucci’s The Conformist (1970) and Cavani’s The Night Porter (1974) share a theme:  the 20th century Holocaust in Europe where circumstances are extreme and the ecosystems that host people’s lives are replete with toxicity.  The study integrates elements of Deleuzian and film theory, political history, the history of cinema, and cultural discourses about fluid and inclusive practices of love like bisexuality and polyamory.  It focuses on the relationship between mise-en-scène, or representation of the physical, emotional, interpersonal, and political ecosystems where characters’ lives unfold, and the styles of sexual and amorous expression they deploy in their intimate scenes.  Its approach is unique.  It empowers a vision of how the energy of love behaves in toxic ecosystems, surviving as love for love or erotophilia.  When the auteurs explore the inner landscapes of the films’ protagonists via Deleuzian time-image sequences, the sexual fluidity and amorous inclusiveness present therein become visible as a way to save love for love in the midst of extreme ecological toxicity.  In Bertolucci the fear of love prevails:  Marcello kills the woman who inspired love in him.  In Cavani this expansive sense of love manifests the imagination of a world where “it is safe to live because it is safe to love.”  The author claims that Cavani succeeds because her diegetic structure is organized rhizomatically.   The inner landscapes of multiple interconnected consciousnesses are made visible in the interlocked time-image sequences of her dyad Max and Lucia.


The article that corresponds to this presentation will be published in Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledges, an open-source peer-reviewed journal.   It uses numerous series of stills from both films.  The conference presentation uses a series of clips.  The latter will be presented in a 60-minute format, followed by Q & A sessions.


Stay tuned:  In the Spring of 2017 we also plan a more formally organized event about Amorous Visions.  It will be widely announced and open to the wider Arts and Sciences community at UPRM, and beyond.

About the Author

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD, is the author, editor and co-editor of Women and Bisexuality (2003), Plural Loves (2005), Eros (2006), Gaia (2009), Bisexuality and Queer Theory (2010), and BiTopia (2011).  Her articles have appeared in DisClosure, New Cinemas, Rhizomes, Nebula, WSIF, and VIA.  She is the author of The ‘Weak’ Subject (1998), and the co-translator of In Spite of Plato, by Adriana Cavarero (1995).  Anderlini-D’Onofrio has spoken about polyamory on Italian public television.

More recently, Anderlini-D’Onofrio has adopted the sacred name of Dr. SerenaGaia.  At the helm of the ecosexual movement, she has keynoted at various symposia, and is co-editor of  Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love (2015), the first collection on this topic.  Dr. SerenaGaia is the convenor of Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium at UPRM, and is at work Amorous Visions, a study of Italian cinema from an ecosexual perspective.

News and project updates at

Essential Filmography and Bibliography

Anapol, Deborah.  Polyamory in the 21st Century.  New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2010.

Anapol, Deborah.  Polyamory: The New Love without Limits.  San Rafael, CA.: IntiNet Resource Center, 1997.

Anderlini-D’Onofrio, Serena.  Gaia and the New Politics of Love: Notes for a Poly Planet.  Berkeley: North Atlantic Books, 2009.

Anderlini-D’Onofrio, SerenaGaia and Lindsay Hagamen, eds.  Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love.  Puerto Rico: 3WayKiss, 2015.

Bertolucci, Bernardo.  Il conformista/The Conformist.  Rome: Green Film, 1970.

Cavani, Liliana.  The Night Porter.  Rome, Italy: Ital-Noleggio, 1974

Deleuze, Gilles.  Cinema I: The Movement Image.  (Original appeared in 1983.)  Hugh Tomlinson tr. University of Minnesota Press, 1986.

______  .  Cinema II: The Time-Image.  (Original appeared in 1985.)  Hugh Tomlinson tr.  University of Minnesota Press, 1989.

Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari.  A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia.  Tr Brian Massumi.  University of Minnesota Press, 1987.

______.  Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia.  New York: Penguin, 2009.

Anderlini/Ecologies of Love/Abstract, 3

Diamond, Lisa.  Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women’s Love and Desire.  Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2008.

Kline, Jefferson.  Bertolucci’s Dream Room: A Psychoanalytic Study of Cinema.  Amherst: University of Massachusetts, 1981

Marrone-Puglia, Gaetana.  The Gaze and the Labyrinth: The Cinema of Liliana Cavani.  Princeton University Press, 2000.

Moravia, Alberto.  The Conformist.  London: Steerforth, 1999.  (Originally published as Il conformista in 1951.)

Veaux, Franklin and Eve Rickert.  More than Two: A Practical Guide to Ethical Polyamory. Thorntree Press, 2014.


Plural Wedding of Ecosexual Love Sets Hearts on Fire – An Amorous Visions Calendar: Feb 22-March 6, 2014 in California

Dear Planet Lovers,

It’s the night before the flight that starts a traveling period of about five months over several countries.  I only have a short time and I don’t want to take off without the promised follow up to my newsletter announcements back in December.

Oh well . . . . where do I start?

The wedding: we did it!  The first plural wedding of ecosexual love in the Caribbean.  It really happened!  iI’s done.  And it was a success. More: it was magic.  With everyone in the group listening to the invocation ministered by Heather Anne Trahan, and taking the vows to be Playa Azul‘s “spice.” Wooow!  We were so amazingly diverse, yet united by this declaration of love for an ecosystem that I sincerely call my nurse, doctor, and lover.  She is very compersive and not at all jealous.  And now that we all share this lover we are all “metamours.”  Lovers of a partner we share.  And since that day the shift in the energetic field all in and around the beach itself, ourselves, and those who come to enjoy nature, is just momentous.  We all share a lover, so we are all collaborative.  We were completely spontaneous and everyone was eager to be on camera. 
For me, and others I hear, emotions were high: to experience a “wedding” as freedom, peace, inclusion. When all feel part of it: more people, more “spice.”  What a turn around!  Marriage? It’s for everyone, ecosexual style.  Puralizing this institution: making it open, fluid, vibrant.  Acknowledging ecosystems as equals: as partners.  Thank you Playa Azul for choosing me 16 years ago and for keeping me safe, healthy, happy, at ease, and vibrant.  As an added bonus, when in the throes of this template production, an amazing team jelled up.  Our director, Shaison Ouseph, was on his first visit to Puerto Rico from Mumbai.  He learned all about us and got really enthralled, as you can see from the trailer he put out.  Many others pitched in, acknowledged with gratitude.  If you like what you see, let us know.  You can also join the conversation on the FB event page.  We are ready for the next episode in the series Hearts on Fire.  And we can bring the Hearts on Fire right where you are.  We we’re taking calls and getting booked up! 
If you can’t wait to hear more about Hearts on Fire, we have something coming up.  On Saturday, February 22, Hearts on Fire officially invites to a preview of Te Amo Playa Azul I Love You, at the International Conference on the Future of Monogamy and Non-Monogamy.  we start at 4 PM, at the Clark Kerr Center, Building 14, UCB, 2601 Warring St, Berkeley, CA, 94720.  It’s a unique opportunity to preview and discuss the ecosexual art movie that will document the first plural wedding of ecosexual love in the Caribbean.  We’re happy to present the project, share more trailers and photographs, and take questions.  Including: “how do I bring this healthy, and safe, and happy, and easy practice of ecosexual love to my families, my ecosystems, my communities?”  We look forward to being with you there.  Share with friends and invite.  Thank you!


This big wave of ecosexual love also helped congeal the energy of “Amorous Visions,” the cinema studies project that brought me to Connecticut last year.  With her warm sunshine, caressing waves, clear waters, and blue horizon, it was easy for Playa Azul to attract, in one
day, some 15 “spice” (plural for the word “spouse,” poly style).  No wonder she’s an ecosystem conducive of such abundance.  We make movies about ecosexual love.  What if we interpret cinema as a study of ecosexual love?  Turns out the motion camera can really find out what happens to the energy of love in ecosystems toxic with fear.  The health and vitality of ecosystems does affect the quality of human relationships.  And yet, even when fear is rampant, love finds a way to survive.  Love for love: the code for this energy encapsulated in a virus, surviving for a better time.  This became the focus for UC Irvine and UC RiversideAmorous Visions: Sex, Genders, and Ecosystems of Love in Bertolucci and Cavani.  Talks are asfo.  Monday, March 3, at 2-3:15 PM at UCR.  Room HMNSS 2212 (English Department Conference Room), hosted by John Ganim for the auspices of the English Department and Queer Lab.  Wednesday, March 5, at 2:30-5:00 PM at UCI.  Room HG 101, hosted by Jonathan Alexander, with auspices from the Writign Center and the Gender and Sexuality Program.  These are al free univrsity event, and they are fun.  I promise.  All details and directions on the FB events page.  Join us.  We want to take your questions and practice inclusive democracy, ecosexuality style.


Speaking of which, UCSD choose a talk on Ecosexuality, and that’s happening on Thursday, March 6, at 4:3-6:00 PMEcosexuality: Notes for an Orgasmic Earth, is the title for the in-the-works collection about ecosexuality I’m co-editing with Lindsay Hagamen.  We will be announcing this amazing collection of writings, and introducing the
Elizabeth Stephens and Annie Sprinkle’s Ecosexual Wedding
online platform for the book launch.  Teamwork here too. Go to to find out who all is in the line up.  We will also introduce ecosexuality as the practice, theory, art, and activist that reveres the Earth as a lover and acknowledges her ecosystems as partners with significant and enduring rights.  We will focus on the practice of ecosexual weddings to ecosystems and forces of nature, as initiated by Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens in the seven-year project LoveArtLab.  We will explain the relatednes of ecosexuality and modern Tantra.  A don’t miss.  Room: LGBT Center at UC San Diego.  Hosted by Pasquale Verdicchio, with auspices by the Literature Department and the LGBT Center.  All details and directions on the FB event page.  From wherever you are, this is worth a trip to La Jolla, San Diego.  Join us!


Finally, after March 6th, time for a break comes.  Here it’s time for acknowledgements to all those who contribute to this calendar.  My hostess in Oakland, Spring Friedlander, with her

healthy, amorous, and inclusive community house.  My host in San Diego, Adam Paulman, whose inclusive amorous gifts are well recognized.  All the auspices and organizers, 

including my Deans, Manuel Valdez Pizzini and Felix Fernandez.  the administrative assistants at UPR Mayaguez who spent endless hours “comprobando” (=corroborating the evidence for) expenses and funds.  The teams of Te Amo Playa Azul, including film director Shaison Ouspeh, production coordinator Lloyd Sparks, emcee slash translator Maria Virginia Sanchez, liaisons with campus and organic farms Paola Pagan and Ricardo.  High priestess Heather Anne Trahan, who invoked the natural forces on the speaking of the vows.  All the “guests” and participants in the three workshops who were eager to be filmed as spontaneously as they came long.  And who embraced together the shared spouse.  All the inspiring minds in the 2012-13 Fellows group at UCHI, and its Director, Sharon Harris.  The students in Ecosexuality, including Adam Kocurek and Alexandra Mayer, and the WGSS Chair, Nancy Naples.  Please please please help spread word of upcoming events and invite your friends.  Thank you! 
If you want to catch up with me or invite me in and around the West Coast and the Bay Area, April is your chance.  My calendar is open.  Travel plans proceed with visits and rest in May, plus getting to team up more deeply in view of future plans.  Alessio, my oldest grandchild, turns 10 on May 15th.  He’s an amazing student.  Thanks Paola Coda for bringing him up.  And we plan to spend it together with family and friends in Rome.  Visits to Cap d’Agde, France, in late June, and guests from Portland, Oregon, at PostaHouse in early July.  For all these programs, there is a place set at our table, if you choose to join us.  We have extra rooms in the chalets and camping room in the garden.  space is limited so let us know in advance.

More announcements coming as projects evolve.  They have a life of their own, and I, the “inspiring force,” am only the conduit ever rushing to catch up with them.  So I hope you will forgive if this letter reads a bit rushed.  Oh well, I have a flight to catch.

Sending much love and all good wishes to all of you and your loved ones.  Thanks you for listening and opening up.  Stay tuned for more coming.  With all good wishes for a happy end of winter, spring, and summer.  Thank you!



Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD

Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love 
Professor of Humanities, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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UCHI, Feb 28, 4PM – Amorous Visions: The Gaze of Love for Love, or Erotophilia, in Cavani and Bertolucci

Dear Earthlings, 

The presentation of the year is coming up for me soon.   You’re invited.   I can’t wait to see you!

The Night Porter
What guides a director’s gaze into the web of memories shared by lovers whose circumstances were extreme?  Does the fear of love dissipate when an auteur looks whose sense of sexuality is fluid and style of love inclusive?  This presentation will discuss cinematic techniques of memory retrieval in two Holocaust-themed art films of the 1970s produced in Italy: Bernardo Bertolucci, in The Conformist (1970), and Liliana Cavani, in The Night Porter(1974).  Each presents a gendered perspective on what happens when a species acts against its own best interest–when it becomes self-destructive.  How can this behavior be exorcised?  Can love for love prevail over the pall of fear? These are, I claim, the main questions the films posit for 21st century viewers.

Amorous Visions:  The Gaze of Love for Love of Erotophilia.   
The Conformist
Presented by Serena Anderlini, PhD, and Research Fellow at U Conn’s Humanities Institute.
Where: UCHI, CLAS/Austin Building # 301.  215 Glenbrook Road, Unit 4234.  Storrs, CT 06269.
When: Thursday, February 28h, at 4:00-5:30 PM.
Free of charge and open to the public.
For more information call: 860 486 9057

Note: The presentation will be enhanced by numerous selected clips from the movies under discussion.

Bernardo Berolucci, director of The Conformist, Last Tango in Paris, and many other films, including, recently, The Dreamers.  

Liliana Cavani, director of The Night Porter, Beyond Good and Evil, and The Berlin Affair, known collectively as The European Trilogy, and many other films. 

Note: The presentation will be followed by an open questions and answers period. 

About the Presenter:
Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, Ph.D, is a Professor of Humanities, Italian, and Cinema at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez.  She is a current Research Fellow at UCHI.  A UCR graduate, she is the author and editor of numerous award-winning books, including Gaia (2009), Eros (2006), BiTopia(2011), Bisexuality and Queer Theory(2011), Plural Loves (2005), Women and Bisexuality (2003), and The ‘Weak’ Subject (1998).  She has charted new fields, including ecosexuality and the arts of loving sustainably and inclusively.  Her new work includes a study of sustainable practices of love and a collection of writings on ecosexuality.

Find out more about UCHI’s presentations, programs, and activities:  UCHI

As a comment: I feel an immense gratitude for this Fellowship research year.  My spirit feels rejuvenated and revitalized by the inspiration and creativity that it’s been immersed in.  It has been a wonderful gift to be in the company of fellow Fellows and their projects, and to have access to the abundant research resources of U Conn, Storrs.  Also, it’s lovely to be immersed in discourses across disciplines and a campus abundant with Centers and Institutes where these conversations flourish.  

This is the most important presentation in my Fellowship year.  It’s a public presentation designed to offer the pulse of where my project is at and where it’s headed to.  It’s been a pleasure to prepare it, with abundant technical assistance at the Institute.  And I hope it will be well received and inspire a generous amount of questions and genuine debate.

Thank you, U Conn.  Thank you, UCHI.
Photo by Mina Bast
Education is the heart of democracy, education to love.  
We offer a seminar this summer:  Ecosexuality: Becoming 
a Resource of Love. Join us in Portland, OR, July 17-21, 
for this amazing experience.  It’s still early-bird time for 
those interested.  Register now here!
Come back for more wonders. 


Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD

Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire

Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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Press Release: Senior UPRM Faculty Awarded Humanities Fellowship at U Conn, 2012-13

Press Release: Senior UPRM Faculty Awarded Humanities Fellowship at U Conn, 2012-13
Contact: Serena Anderlini, 787 538 1680

Dear Office of the Press:

It is a pleasure to release the news that the University of Connecticut notified me this week of the offer of a research award of major significance in the humanities, a one-year Fellowship at the University of Connecticut Humanities Institute, UCHI.  The Institute is one of the few of its kind in the US system, with fellowship awards comparable to the National Humanities Center in North Carolina and the Guggenheim Foundation in New York City. 

Here is the project’s basic information: 

Title: Amorous Visions: Fluid Sexual Moments in Italian Cinema
Anna and Giulia in The Conformist, 1970
Summary: This study articulates a new interpretation of pivotal scenes in selected classics of Italian cinema based on the cultural constructs of “amorous inclusiveness” and “sexual fluidity” elaborated in recent cultural analyses of human sexual, erotic, and amorous behavior (Ryan and Jetha 2010, Diamond 2009). These classics include Pasolini’s Teorema (1968), where a mysterious guest awakens the erotic libido of all members in a nuclear family, and Bertolucci’s The Conformist (1970), where a charming hostess similarly awakens both members of a newlywed couple. Based on these new interpretive paradigms, these scenes acquire a new meaning that discloses the bisexual and polyamorous content therein. This enables more positive and complete understandings of the films as projects that artistically express love for love, or erotophilia. As an experienced scholar who charted new research fields that study love as the art of crossing beyond sexual divides and exclusivity (BiTopia, 2011), I am uniquely prepared to articulate these interpretations.

I am a senior faculty in the Department of Humanities with many research achievements to my credit, including books that have received prizes and charted new fields of knowledge.  I recognize UPRM as an institution where the originality of my research has been honored and nurtured.  This external funding award is a deserved reward for the many years of internal funding from which my works have benefited. 

I imagine you’d like to publicize the happy news in a online piece.  That would be wonderful!  I’d be happy to send more information and am available to interview.  Please feel free to contact me.  I look forward to hearing from you.  Please let me know if I can answer any questions. 


Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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Book a vacation at Gateway to Gaia, Playa Azul, Puerto Rico