Hi lovely Earthlings!
This is one of the most beautiful of Alice’s poems I’ve read. It is so simple and chiseled to perfection. How do we overcome a rough patch? Where does it register within that one has arrived? And what source do we tap into to get past the storm? Her religion helps. Another way Alice shares her experience with posterity.
Storms approaching, fears I dread
Times are changing, so it’s said
Tears of sadness in my head.
Like the Phoenix from the ashes
As the waves of torment passes
God declares a new beginning
New life in Jesus I am winning.
April 26, 1998
From the poetry collection of Alice E. Van Pelt, published here with permission from her descendants, gratefully acknowledged.
Dear Earthlings:
Did you notice the beauty of this poem? The words dance in the short verses and the rhymes kiss each other at the end. The tone and theme are in lockstep. When you feel you want to react to the monotheism, remember it’s an instance of polytheism, only with just one deity. People invent the belief systems they need. And this one seems to work for Alice E. Van Pelt.
More poems from Alice coming. Stay tuned for next. We will post every Monday at noon.
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Come back! And stay tuned for more wonders.
Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love and many other books
Professor of Humanities
Professor of Humanities
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
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