Dear Earthlings:
The year of wonders is what 2012 is supposed to be.  Yours truly offers snippets of her favorite books.  All on yesterday’s forbidden themes.  Let’s see if their mysteries are revealed.
Eros is a story that staved the loneliness of her first years in the Caribbean, when she was missing her former Matrias,  California and Italy.  
What does knowledge in the feminine fee like?  Is it ecological?  Sustainable?  That’s one of the main themes.  Since time immemorial, women know each other independently of men.  We love each other independently of men.  Yet the very topic has become taboo.  Why?  Women’s knowledge has been regarded as ignorance for too long.  Women produce knowledge when they produce love.  Isn’t that a win-win?  A world that reveres women’s knowledge is a world that reveres love.
Here are yours truly’s reflections back in 2007.  Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves, has the full story. 
Eros Cover“Sara and I were positioned at the edge of a university system which treated women’s knowledge as ignorance.  Knowledge was modeled on war, an invasion of the field or body to be searched or conquered by the knowing mind.  But our presence brought in our sense of economy as subsistence, of ecology as balance in the energy field between beings.  We were a site of resistance to the mechanistic concepts of learning, justice, and well being generated by the prevalent masculine epistemology.  I remember Sara being always happy, healthy, and full of energy.  She had very few toys but was always busy.  Later on . . . I kept thinking back to this blessed time when ecological frugality was the measure of a child’s freedom and happiness” (20)
The narrative continues as Sara follows her destiny to become an Italian girl raised by her dad. Oh blessed be! 

Dear Earthlings:

Education is the heart of democracy.  And that includes education to love.  It comes in many forms.  Including learning about Eros and journeys of multiple loves.

Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves was a Lambda Finalist in 2007.  It is now being considered for translation in to Spanish by a press in Madrid.  Access to this memoir would be a great gift to Spanish speakers across the globe.  If you agree, leave a comment and we will let the publisher know.  Gracias!  

Did you enjoy the post?  Let us know!  Yours truly appreciates your attention.  The comments box is open.

Come back!  And stay tuned for more wonders.

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Gilf Gaia Extraordinaire
Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love
Professor of Humanities

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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