Caribbean Season of Ecosexual Love: West PR Symposium and Wedding – Press Release




                    A 4-WAY PANEL on the ARTS of ECOSEXUAL LOVE




January 16, 2017
Contact: serena.anderlini@gmail. com, Tel 787 538 1680
Dear Earthlings–


This season of Caribbean balms we offer a beautiful calendar of events of #EcosexualLove.  We welcome all interested parties.  There is no charge.  Why?  We want to seed the Area Oeste with the inspiring energies of #EcosexualLove.  Join us!

Event # 1:

Dates: Feb 2-3.  Practices of Ecosexuality and Sex-Positive Education: A Symposium.  Time: 10 AM to 6:30 PM.  Where: UPRM (Colegio), Salon Tarzan (Anexo a la Cafeteria).  Free of charge and open to the public.

Description: This symposium is designed to educate participants about the role of ecosexuality in helping humans to reconnect our metabolism to the partner we all share: the Earth, and design unscripted amorous lives that appreciate the beauty and health of natural surroundings.  The symposium also focuses on the skills people use in communicating their desires to others, in negotiating partnership that all participants enjoy, and in agreeing upon practices of love that are totally consensual and appreciated by all parties.

The events includes over 20 guest speakers, presenters, facilitators.  Guests are coming from far away locations including the ancient Mediterranean island of Malta, Montreal, Canada, and Portland, Oregon, and from numerous locations in Puerto Rico, including the Area Metro and the Area Oeste.
They are activists, students, professionals, teachers, practitioners, poets, professors, artists, and much more.


View and download the complete Program here.
View and download the Program-at-a-Glance here.

Event # 2:

Date: Feb 4.  Te Amo Playa Azul I Love You Three.  A Plural Wedding of Ecosexual Love.  Time: 10:30 AM – & PM.  Playa Azul, on the tip of Punta Arenas, Carr 102, Km 11.6, Joyuda, Cab Rojo.

Description: This Plural Wedding celebrates the natural ecosystems of Puerto Rico or any other Caribbean island for what they are: Loving partners in the fruition of people’s amorous lives.  The event is designed to support participants in making love the ecology of their lives.  The program consists of three workshops, designed to help participants to connect 1) with their own personal ecosystem, 2) with the partner we all share, the Earth, and her elements water, fire, air, earth,  and, 3) with those who share this partner with us.   In between we rise the energy of #EcosexualLove with oxytocin group hugs.  The event culminates in a simple ceremony at dusk when participants symbolically marry the beach, and become its “spice.”

Nota: Ambos eventos son bilingues y participativos.  Los y las participantes estan invitadxs a expresarse en su idioma de preferencia.

Contact for both events: Dr. Serena Gaia, email:, also on Facebook as Serena Anderlini of Puerto Rico, on Google, and on Messenger and WhatsApp at + 1 787 538 1680.

Event # 1: Facebook Page

Event # 2: Facebook Page
Share the news with your friends and beloveds.  It’s always good to experience something new with company you enjoy.
Send it as a Press Release to papers you like.
Let us know if there are any questions we can answer.
Thank you!
Enjoy the Caribbean breezes this early 2017.
Blessings and abundant #EcosexualLove.


aka Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD

Professor of Humanities and Cinema
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR 00681-9264 (USA)
of Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium at UPRM
Fellow at the Humanities Institute, University of Connecticut, Storrs (2012-13)
Project: “Amorous Visions: Ecosexual Perspectives on Italian Cinema”

Drumming Toward an Ecosexual Zeitgeist

Dear Earthlings-

We know you’re stressed out around this thing that has happened and that is the unnameable of our time.

We at #Ecosexuality encourage you to look at the wider horizon.  We asked ourselves:  What kind of transformations may this bring about, what new zeitgeist is emanating out of us, together?

Here we share our answer:

Toward and Ecosexual Zeitgeist: Transforming Fear into Courage

Diversity is the nature of being.

All nature, human and non human, is an aggregate of interconnected ecosystems.

Difference and repetition are the fractals that mirror the world of life where symbiosis drives evolution.

Respecting those different from us is a way to get to know ourselves more deeply, more fully.

It is done by practicing open mindedness and good listening.  It leads to a wider and deeper truth.

A way to embrace diversity in all its enchantment, beauty, resilience, joy, sustainability, collaborativeness is to practice ecosexual love:

What is #EcosexualLove?  The love that reaches beyond genders, and race, and ages, and origins, and species, and biological realms, to embrace all of life as a partner with important and enduring rights.

ecosex-frontcover-revised2Now that the illusion of “American exceptionalism” is shattered is the time to act.

There are a million ways to practice #EcosexualLove.  Find yours in #Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love.

 Here we offer a special one: “Transformation,” by Saffire Bouchellion, where he evokes the divine magic of the sea in Yemaya.

Transform fear into courage through Yemaya.  This divine force so long denied is resurging.

She is the liquid element of Gaia.    screen-shot-2016-10-09-at-5-51-11-pm

We urge you to get inspired and energized!

Contribute to Practices of Ecosexuality and Sex-Positive Education.

Call open till November 30.  pes2017-studentsbottom4-copy

Blessings and enduring ecosexual love.

Dr. SerenaGaia and Lindsay Hagemen




Dear fellow educators, colleagues, students, film buffs, lovers of cinema:

In the spirit of challenge and renewal at UPRM and in Puerto Rico, the current course in Italian Cinema opens its doors to invite you for a CLASE ABIERTA event.

Please join us on Tuesday, November 1st at 5:30-7:00 PM in Chardon 226, for a presentation from the research project Amorous Visions, followed by a bilingual Questions and Answers period.  Look above or download the descriptive flier here.

The course in Italian cinema has been an inspiration to me and to many groups of students over  pazzathe years.   What does it mean to appreciate, participate, enjoy, observe, learn from, and think about the art of the 20th century that studies the relation of “time, space and movement,” as Gilles Deleuze put it?   Students have been my most valuable teachers.  From them I’ve learned to look at cinema anew.  My study of ecosexual perspectives on Italian cinema is a direct emanation from this experience, and has evolved with multiple support from internal and external sources.  It is time to share about it with our local and regional intellectual community.

Italian cinema is a particularly fertile terrain for this epistemic inquiry.  So many “sheets of the past” emerge from the mise-en-scene of art cinema from Italy.  So many personal, intimate scenes invite a reflection on how our amorous lives are impacted by the ecosystems that we live in.

pinkdressIn this invitation, we will present a study of two classics of Italian cinema from the 1970s.  Remember The Conformist and The Night Porter?  Very ecosexual.  Very Deleuzian.  Right?  If you’re a cinephile, you cannot have missed them.  If not, this is a perfect time to meet these two majestic films.  Students in the current Italian Cinema group are quite advanced in Deleuzian and ecosexual approaches to cinema.  They are excited to welcome visitors and other participants for this special CLASE ABIERTA EVENING.   Many of them will surprise you with their participatory questions and observations.

Join us in animating the evening.  Participate and invite your own students.  Below please find more information about the event.

Thank you!

# # # # # # #


Ecologies of Love and Toxic Ecosystems:

Lessons from the Holocaust in Cavani and Bertolucci


This study analyzes two classics of Italian cinema from an ecosexual perspective.  Bertolucci’s The Conformist (1970) and Cavani’s The Night Porter (1974) share a theme:  the 20th century Holocaust in Europe where circumstances are extreme and the ecosystems that host people’s lives are replete with toxicity.  The study integrates elements of Deleuzian and film theory, political history, the history of cinema, and cultural discourses about fluid and inclusive practices of love like bisexuality and polyamory.  It focuses on the relationship between mise-en-scène, or representation of the physical, emotional, interpersonal, and political ecosystems where characters’ lives unfold, and the styles of sexual and amorous expression they deploy in their intimate scenes.  Its approach is unique.  It empowers a vision of how the energy of love behaves in toxic ecosystems, surviving as love for love or erotophilia.  When the auteurs explore the inner landscapes of the films’ protagonists via Deleuzian time-image sequences, the sexual fluidity and amorous inclusiveness present therein become visible as a way to save love for love in the midst of extreme ecological toxicity.  In Bertolucci the fear of love prevails:  Marcello kills the woman who inspired love in him.  In Cavani this expansive sense of love manifests the imagination of a world where “it is safe to live because it is safe to love.”  The author claims that Cavani succeeds because her diegetic structure is organized rhizomatically.   The inner landscapes of multiple interconnected consciousnesses are made visible in the interlocked time-image sequences of her dyad Max and Lucia.


The article that corresponds to this presentation will be published in Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledges, an open-source peer-reviewed journal.   It uses numerous series of stills from both films.  The conference presentation uses a series of clips.  The latter will be presented in a 60-minute format, followed by Q & A sessions.


Stay tuned:  In the Spring of 2017 we also plan a more formally organized event about Amorous Visions.  It will be widely announced and open to the wider Arts and Sciences community at UPRM, and beyond.

About the Author

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD, is the author, editor and co-editor of Women and Bisexuality (2003), Plural Loves (2005), Eros (2006), Gaia (2009), Bisexuality and Queer Theory (2010), and BiTopia (2011).  Her articles have appeared in DisClosure, New Cinemas, Rhizomes, Nebula, WSIF, and VIA.  She is the author of The ‘Weak’ Subject (1998), and the co-translator of In Spite of Plato, by Adriana Cavarero (1995).  Anderlini-D’Onofrio has spoken about polyamory on Italian public television.

More recently, Anderlini-D’Onofrio has adopted the sacred name of Dr. SerenaGaia.  At the helm of the ecosexual movement, she has keynoted at various symposia, and is co-editor of  Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love (2015), the first collection on this topic.  Dr. SerenaGaia is the convenor of Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium at UPRM, and is at work Amorous Visions, a study of Italian cinema from an ecosexual perspective.

News and project updates at

Essential Filmography and Bibliography

Anapol, Deborah.  Polyamory in the 21st Century.  New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2010.

Anapol, Deborah.  Polyamory: The New Love without Limits.  San Rafael, CA.: IntiNet Resource Center, 1997.

Anderlini-D’Onofrio, Serena.  Gaia and the New Politics of Love: Notes for a Poly Planet.  Berkeley: North Atlantic Books, 2009.

Anderlini-D’Onofrio, SerenaGaia and Lindsay Hagamen, eds.  Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love.  Puerto Rico: 3WayKiss, 2015.

Bertolucci, Bernardo.  Il conformista/The Conformist.  Rome: Green Film, 1970.

Cavani, Liliana.  The Night Porter.  Rome, Italy: Ital-Noleggio, 1974

Deleuze, Gilles.  Cinema I: The Movement Image.  (Original appeared in 1983.)  Hugh Tomlinson tr. University of Minnesota Press, 1986.

______  .  Cinema II: The Time-Image.  (Original appeared in 1985.)  Hugh Tomlinson tr.  University of Minnesota Press, 1989.

Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari.  A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia.  Tr Brian Massumi.  University of Minnesota Press, 1987.

______.  Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia.  New York: Penguin, 2009.

Anderlini/Ecologies of Love/Abstract, 3

Diamond, Lisa.  Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women’s Love and Desire.  Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2008.

Kline, Jefferson.  Bertolucci’s Dream Room: A Psychoanalytic Study of Cinema.  Amherst: University of Massachusetts, 1981

Marrone-Puglia, Gaetana.  The Gaze and the Labyrinth: The Cinema of Liliana Cavani.  Princeton University Press, 2000.

Moravia, Alberto.  The Conformist.  London: Steerforth, 1999.  (Originally published as Il conformista in 1951.)

Veaux, Franklin and Eve Rickert.  More than Two: A Practical Guide to Ethical Polyamory. Thorntree Press, 2014.


Practices of Ecosexuality and Sex-Positive Education at UPRM: Symposium Too



I am the convenor of #PracticesOfEosexuality@UPRM, the first symposium on this topic in the Caribbean (Jan 2016 at the RUM).  I am happy to release the Call for Proposals for the second edition of this event, #Practices OfEcosexuality@UPRM Too, Feb 1-3, 2017.  The theme is Ecosex and Sex-Positive Education.  Serving the people of Puerto Rico and co-creating opportunities with sex-positive educators and ecosexual activists around the world.  Check the CALL image below.  Closes Nov 30.  I’m inviting your contributions and input.  Download the CALL for Proposals in pdf.

If you’re from the Northern Hemisphere, here’s a chance to break the winter with the paradise of Puerto Rico’s mild spring temperatures of the dry season.  The caressing waves of the Caribbean are awaiting you on the shore of Playa Azul.  Choose to bring your sex-positive energies to this island in crisis.  When ecosexual love is more abundant, more young professionals will choose to stay and co-create a sustainable future. 

Respond in your preferred language. 



Sexual Freedom in the Age of Ecosexual Love

Sexual Freedom in the Era of Ecosexual Love

The new sexual freedom we need to invent is the freedom of Ecosexual Love. This freedom is predicated on a shift from fear to love. Sex-positive education is key. And it needs to understand itself as something wider, more powerful, more planetary, and more significant than the fears of infection it was born to assuage. Sex-positive education is a wonderful way to bring joy to people as they reinvent the arts of love in the aura of the divine feminine and its infinite capacity for pleasure. It’s a great way to invite men and people of all genders to embrace the divine feminine within as their Kundalini awakens. In the Era of Ecosexual Love, sexual freedom will also be a way to honor long-term HIV + survivors as heroes of self-love. Allopathic and holistic practices of health manifest love in different ways. These perspectives can unite people today in a process of societal healing that brings the human family back to love. The ecosexual movement is an inspiration to practice sexual freedom as we share in natural, fluid, and inclusive practices of ecosexual love.

I practice safer sex and recommend that it be practiced to the extent that is required to ensure full consent from all those involved. I also educate people in my circles about barriers, risks, and the exchange of fluids. I include awareness of multiple theories of sexual health and reports about long-term survivors of STIs. But not as an excuse to overlook risks. Rather, as a way to instill hope in a future where people may enjoy sexual freedom more fully some day. I am not a “victim” of conspiratorial thinking. I am a responsible amorous player with a wider perspective of ecosexual health. I trust in the love of the partner we all share: the Earth. And I believe in empowering amorous players to be in charge of their own health in natural, intuitive, holistic, and time-tested ways. I have been successful in exporting the health and beauty of ecosexual practices of love to communities in the Hispanic world. In most areas of the world, people have their own time-tested medicine styles and practices of health. Their participation in the digital sphere is limited, yet they do long for sex-positive education. For example, in the Hispanic world, Conquistador behavior has produced machismo, and many women’s groins still clench in fear. Wherever I bring my wisdom, I invite respect for dissent and am excited about the infinite and abundant ways to practice ecosexual love that are virtually risk free. Expressing appreciation for dissent is compassionate and inclusive. This inclusiveness empowers those who have overcome fear with self-love and is a great contribution to sexual freedom and the science of love.

If we want sex-positive education to be relevant, to expand, to reach out to world-wide communities, we need to model respect for a diversity of perspectives and points of view on what health is. We need understanding for a wider spectrum of modalities of health that people can access from their communities. We need good listening for people options to be communicators and participants in the digital sphere. And we need compassion for people and the ability to embrace them where they are at in their evolution.

The world is on the verge of an Ecosexual ReLOVEution and this ReLOVeution is a way to reinvent the freedom of ecosexual love.

Dr. SerenaGaia – aka Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio

Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, June 23, 2016


Biographical Note

Dr. SerenaGaia is the sacred name of Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD, editor and author of, most recently, Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love. Dr. SerenaGaia believes that “love is the ecology of life.” Her prophetic books, including Gaia (2009) and Eros (2006) have inspired readers around the world to open up to the glories of our amorous life on “wide-bosomed Gaia.” Artfully weaving together ecology and eroticism, Dr. SerenaGaia revives the vibrant, prehistoric connection between nurturing Gaia and mischievous Eros, envisioned as a primal force that “blows the breath of life into all beings.” She is the author/editor of many books about Love, including Bisexuality and Queer Theory (2011), Plural Loves (2005), Women and Bisexuality (2003). A renown public speaker, Dr. SerenaGaia teaches Humanities and Cinema at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. She convened the first academic symposium on Ecosexuality in 2016, and was a 2012-13 Fellow for “Amorous Visions” at U Conn’s Humanities Institute. She is working on exciting new books.

It’s a GO – First Hybrid/Blended Sections of The Humanities and Love at UPRM

Dear world–

The proposal below was approved in April 14th, 2016.  It is for a hybrid/blended edition of the course Humanities 3112, thematically organized as The Humanities from the Point of View of Love.

Two sections of H-Humanities 3112 have been opened for the August 2016, offering.  They filled up quickly.  A third section was opened later, and it filled out as well.  This makes me feel they respond to a need and I’m very happy.

20160818_151641The Fall 2016 semester just started and I feel very happy that students in my courses can actively choose a hybrid/blended modality.  They are very excited to study the Humanities from the Point of View of Love.  My intent for the semester is that in the context of the new modality, the theme and the experience of being in the course align in more effective ways.

It is great to have one’s academic freedom returned.  It makes me love my job again.

I am also very happy about the new administrative stability the department has found under the directorship of Hector Huyke and Jeffrey Herlihy.  This happy resolution and new homeostatic balance was the work of a considerate and tactful colleague, Roberta Orlandini.  I am very grateful to her as well.

Proposal’s Documents–

My Proposal for a Hybrid Edition of an Existing Humanities Course at UPRM is coming up for evaluation.

It required the preparation of a Proposal Package composed of documents and online course materials.

It is the first time that a proposal like this is on the table.  Therefore I am making the whole package accessible here.

Proposal for a Hybrid Edition of Humanities  3112 at this link.

Hybrid Humanities 3112 – Template Syllabus at this link.

Conventional Humanities 3112 – Template Syllabus at this link.

Narrative Comparing Hybrid and Conventional Editions at this link.

Letter of Collaboration from CREAD at this link.

Online Course Content: Nine One-Hour Lectures on Early Modern and Modern History at this link.


A Final Comment–Let’s Stop Discrimination against Bisexual People

This process started three years ago.   I believe it took so long to get this approval because my department and university are aware of my bisexual orientation (from my research) but not aware of how bisexual people are discriminated in the workplace.  So inadvertently they treated me differently from non-bisexual people.

An article I published in BiTopia (2011) indicates very clearly how bisexual people are typically treated in the workplace.  This type of discrimination is very different from that experienced by most monosexual people, for example, gays and lesbians, who are often oblivious to it, if not inadvertently complicitous.

In most workplaces where awareness of this kind of discrimination is not present, bisexual people are typically considered both “unpromotable” and “unreliable” because they are interpreted as people in-transition, confused, and unstable.  No matter how inconsistent that interpretation may be with reality, bisexual people are discriminated accordingly.  Bisexual people are the largest group in the LGBT spectrum.  We are a large group made to suffer in silence a lot.

I wish this kind of discrimination to stop, for all those it might affect, including myself.  Therefore I am making this article accessible in its pdf form here.

The research was conducted by Heidi Bruins Greens, Nicholas Payne, and Jamison Green.  Blessings to their efforts!

If you’re not aware of discrimination patterns against bisexual people, here’s a great opportunity to educate yourself.

Thank you.


Revised August 22, 2016