Serena at BiReCon, Bisexuality as Portal to More Sustainable Use of Resources of Love, London, UK, August 26, 2010

How can bisexuality help us humans understand ourselves as resources of love? How can we use these resources more sustainably so as to generate abundance of them?

More about this sustainable use of resources of love in Serena’s avatar of ecosexual theory, Gaia and the New Politics of Love, now available digitally to read in less than one minute and without the waste of a single twig! Million thanks to all those who clicked on big push-up date of September 26.  The title made it to the top of the list in Kindle Store in two specialty areas: AIDS and Feminist Theory! Keep building your paperless library on Kindle for PC!

Peak to exciting Calendar of events in October:
–October 16-17, LuvHub, Santa Monica, CA, Workshop on Conscious Sensuality
–October 19, Sex and Culture Lecture Series, Van Nuys, CA
–October 23, Wedding to the Moon, with Annie Sprinkle, Farnsworth Amphitheater, Altadena, CA
–October 24, First Ever Ecosexuality Symposium, Highway Performace Space, Santa Monica.
Don’t miss these many opportunities to become familiar with Serena’s pioneering work in ecosexuality and theories about the sustaiability and abundance of love.

Reminder: Big Push-Up Date for Gaia on Kindle, September 26, 2010

Hi dear everyone!
     The Big Push-Up Date for Gaia on Kindle has come!  This world wide event starts on Sunday, September 26th, as early as 12:01 AM your time and lasts for the next 24 hours.  It is an ecosexual way to reclaim the power to generate best-seller status for books that offer community-based knowledge, research, and wisdom. You can attend from wherever you are.  When you download your digital copy of Gaia within this timeframe, you get to decide what a best seller feels, looks, reads like!  Also, you start building your own digital library, with streams of ecosexual wisdom flooding your knowledge store without the waste of a single twig!  What could be more ecosexually savvy?  
     Click now to download your digital copy of Gaia and the New Politics of Love
     This book is considered an avatar of ecosexual theory.  A winner of the Nautilus Award for Cosmology and New Science, it already rates quite highly in ‘health. mind, body’ and ‘women’s studies.’  The title just needs that little extra push to make it on the general digital best seller list!  We at 3WayKiss thank you for that little extra push today!  We are a non-profit devoted to spreading knowledge about love as an Earth-saving arts, and will reward you with a discount of up to $ 20 discount on any forthcoming event on our author’s calendar.  

     Keep your receipt as proof of purchase to redeem your  up-to$20 3WayLKiss Reward! 

     Here’s what’s featured for Serena in the October calendar, Los Angeles area:
    —October 16-17th: Gaia and the Wisdom of Love, author’s Special Appearance in Conscious Sensuality experiential workshop with SaRina and Robert Silber.  Hosted by LuvHub in Santa Monica, Ca. Sign up now for weekend and enjoy this special feature, among others.  Only $ 225 for weekend.  Learn how to witness love, how to share and multiply the amorous resources of your life.  Click here for details and to sign up!
    October 19th, 8:00 PMReading from Gaia and the New Politics of Love in Sex and Culture Lecture Series, hosted by Leanna Wolfe in Van Nuys, Los Angeles area, Ca. Don’t miss this fabulous Casa de Pensamiento Libre Production.  $ 10 Donation.  For details and address, go to Ask Leanna.
    —October 23rd, 6-9:00 PM: Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens‘s Purple Wedding to the Moon performance ceremony, produced by Love Art Lab. Officiated by Reverend Billy and the Church of Life After Shopping Choir.  At Farnsworth Park Amphitheater in Altadena, Los Angeles area.  This event is free of charge and open to the public. Serena is featured for special announcement.  Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with the ecosexual community and be inspired! For details, donations, volunteering, click Purple Wedding to the Moon.
     —October 24th, 3-6:00PM: Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens‘s Ecosex Symposium HoneyMOON.  Not to be missed!  First ever event of its kind!  Moderator Veronica Hart.  Panels, presentations, discussion.  Serena featured in Ecosex Panel as expert on GaiaHighways Performance Space, Santa Monica, Ca.  $ 15 charge. Can’t be sure to comp you to redeem your 3WayKiss Reward but sliding scale at door might apply. For details and to sign up click Ecosexuality Symposium.
    More events to be announced in the next few months.  More ways to reward your participation in the Big Push-Up!  Do keep your proof of purchase to redeem your reward! 
     In addition, as you read Gaia, don’t forget to go back to the Kindle Store webpage and post a Customer Review!  You’ve decided to be at cause in the making of best-seller status: your perspective is ever so valuable. Thank you! 
     Finally, the free software Kindle for PC is also available to get you started on a digital library:  For detail and to download click Kindle for PC.
     Thanks for your contribution to the Big Push-UP.  We at 3WayKiss are absolutely proud of you!  Please spread the word as widely as possible to all interested parties.  And, don’t forget to become a follower of PolyPlanetGAIA!
     With love and wishes for a juicy, healthy, hospitable ecosexual planet!
     Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
     Author of Gaia and the New Politics of Love, a 2010 Winner for the Nautilus Book   Awards, and many other fabulous books
     Professor of Humanities at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

     Credits: Image of Earth as Lover by Cindy Baker

New Paradigms # 8: Gaia and Ecosex, or, Our Planet, Ourselves

What’s ecosex? A new buzz word people use to describe their sexual orientation in personals. A new way to look at Eros, the force of love, as part of planetary consciousness? Would you describe yourself as ‘ecosexual’? Yes, no, why?

You’ve watched Segment 8 of 8 from Keynote Address at the 2010 World Polyamory Association Conference, Harbin Hot Springs, California, June 25th, 2010.  Leave a comment on the blog and let us know what you think!
For the gracious auspices of Janet and Kira Lessin, conference organizers extraordinaire. Video and clips courtesy of Steve Hoffman, of Healing Greens, Oakland, videomaker extraordinaire.

The Kindle edition of Gaia and the New Politics of Love will be available soon.  Ecovillages and intentional communities are adopting this book as a model of holistic living in the realm of personal and amorous relationships. Now you can get your copy without wasting a milligram of wood from a single tree!  We welcome your contribution to generating bestsellers for the people and by the people: September 26th is the official date for massive buying of this new, paperless edition (or the paper one).

If we get to be 100th or higher in rank, we can say to have reclaimed bestsellers as creative people’s activism rather than a corporate initiative.  Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 26th, and hop to the link to make your purchase.  If you choose not to spend money on a Kindle, we completely approve and suggest you download the FREE Kindle for PCs software here.

Oh, and if you’re ready to find out how it did happen that my life became the experiment from which came the theory, don’t hesitate to get all the juicy details from the memoir Eros.

a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
author of Eros, A Journey of Multiple Loves
and many other books

New Paradigms # 7: Gaia and the Commons, or, Supporting Public Education…

When we invest in prisons, we produce criminals, when we invest in public education we produce people with college degrees. What practice will yield the best pay off? As Schwarzenegger, governor of California. Students at the University of Puerto Rico also seem to know: they have defended the UPR system in a two-month strike that saw all the 11 campuses united in a sustainable effort to protect public education from Fortuno, a governor that wants to auction public assets off. Regenerating the commons is part of the effort to generate abundance out of scarcity by sharing resources. Resources of knowledge, or, in gnosis, resources of love.


You’ve watched Segment 7 of 8 from Keynote Address at the 2010 World Polyamory Association Conference, Harbin Hot Springs, California, June 25th, 2010.  Leave a comment on the blog and let us know what you think!
For the gracious auspices of Janet and Kira Lessin, conference organizers extraordinaire. Video and clips courtesy of Steve Hoffman, of Healing Greens, Oakland, videomaker extraordinaire.

The Kindle edition of Gaia and the New Politics of Love will be available soon.  Ecovillages and intentional communities are adopting this book as a model of holistic living in the realm of personal and amorous relationships. Now you can get your copy without wasting a milligram of wood from a single tree!  We welcome your contribution to generating bestsellers for the people and by the people: September 26th is the official date for massive buying of this new, paperless edition (or the paper one).

If we get to be 100th or higher in rank, we can say to have reclaimed bestsellers as creative people’s activism rather than a corporate initiative.  Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 26th, and hop to the link to make your purchase.  If you choose not to spend money on a Kindle, we completely approve and suggest you download the FREE Kindle for PCs software here.

Oh, and if you’re ready to find out how it did happen that my life became the experiment from which came the theory, don’t hesitate to get all the juicy details from the memoir Eros.

a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
author of Eros, A Journey of Multiple Loves
and many other books

New Paradigm # 6: Gaia and Amorous Resources, or, Poly Planetary Consci…

When we share amorous resources we generate abundance from scarcity in the realm of love. Why isn’t there enough to go around in the ways of love? That’s because we appropriate lovers, we turn them into our private resources when we enforce monogamy. Spontaneous, organic monogamy is just a version, an instance of polyamory. When we share ourselves more, we make ourselves available as amorous resources, resources of love. That creates abundance of what Gaia, our gracious hostess, needs most.


You’ve watched Segment 5 of 8 from Keynote Address at the 2010 World Polyamory Association Conference, Harbin Hot Springs, California, June 25th, 2010.  Leave a comment on the blog and let us know what you think!
For the gracious auspices of Janet and Kira Lessin, conference organizers extraordinaire. Video and clips courtesy of Steve Hoffman, of Healing Greens, Oakland, videomaker extraordinaire.

The Kindle edition of Gaia and the New Politics of Love will be available soon.  Ecovillages and intentional communities are adopting this book as a model of holistic living in the realm of personal and amorous relationships. Now you can get your copy without wasting a milligram of wood from a single tree!  We welcome your contribution to generating bestsellers for the people and by the people: September 26th is the official date for massive buying of this new, paperless edition (or the paper one).

If we get to be 100th or higher in rank, we can say to have reclaimed bestsellers as creative people’s activism rather than a corporate initiative.  Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 26th, and hop to the link to make your purchase.  If you choose not to spend money on a Kindle, we completely approve and suggest you download the FREE Kindle for PCs software here.

Oh, and if you’re ready to find out how it did happen that my life became the experiment from which came the theory, don’t hesitate to get all the juicy details from the memoir Eros.

a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
author of Eros, A Journey of Multiple Loves
and many other books

New Paradigms # 5: Gaia and Paganism, or, Making Nature Sacred

With Paganism, the sacred is pluralized again. We create many deities. Why were we ever taught that monotheism is superior? When we become polytheistic again, we relearn to respect all the forces and elements that these deities represent. And if monotheism is not more evolved than polytheism, where is the evidence that monogamy is superior to polyamory?


You’ve watched Segment 4 of 8 from Keynote Address at the 2010 World Polyamory Association Conference, Harbin Hot Springs, California, June 25th, 2010.  Leave a comment on the blog and let us know what you think!
For the gracious auspices of Janet and Kira Lessin, conference organizers extraordinaire. Video and clips courtesy of Steve Hoffman, of Healing Greens, Oakland, videomaker extraordinaire.

The Kindle edition of Gaia and the New Politics of Love will be available soon.  Ecovillages and intentional communities are adopting this book as a model of holistic living in the realm of personal and amorous relationships. Now you can get your copy without wasting a milligram of wood from a single tree!  We welcome your contribution to generating bestsellers for the people and by the people: September 26th is the official date for massive buying of this new, paperless edition (or the paper one).

If we get to be 100th or higher in rank, we can say to have reclaimed bestsellers as creative people’s activism rather than a corporate initiative.  Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 26th, and hop to the link to make your purchase.  If you choose not to spend money on a Kindle, we completely approve and suggest you download the FREE Kindle for PCs software here.

Oh, and if you’re ready to find out how it did happen that my life became the experiment from which came the theory, don’t hesitate to get all the juicy details from the memoir Eros.

a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
author of Eros, A Journey of Multiple Loves
and many other books

New Paradigms # 4: Gaia, the Sacred and the Material

When we separate the sacred from the material, we come to delude ourselves that matter is inert, that it won’t react against our tyranny, our abuse, that we won’t be held accountable for disrespecting it. But is matter really inert? Hasn’t science taught us that matter is energy in a different form?

You’ve watched Segment 4 of 8 from Keynote Address at the 2010 World Polyamory Association Conference, Harbin Hot Springs, California, June 25th, 2010.  Leave a comment on the blog and let us know what you think!
For the gracious auspices of Janet and Kira Lessin, conference organizers extraordinaire. Video and clips courtesy of Steve Hoffman, of Healing Greens, Oakland, videomaker extraordinaire. 
The Kindle edition of Gaia and the New Politics of Love will be available soon.  Ecovillages and intentional communities are adopting this book as a model of holistic living in the realm of personal and amorous relationships. Now you can get your copy without wasting a milligram of wood from a single tree!  We welcome your contribution to generating bestsellers for the people and by the people: September 26th is the official date for massive buying of this new, paperless edition (or the paper one).

If we get to be 100th or higher in rank, we can say to have reclaimed bestsellers as creative people’s activism rather than a corporate initiative.  Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 26th, and hop to the link to make your purchase.  If you choose not to spend money on a Kindle, we completely approve and suggest you download the FREE Kindle for PCs software here.

Oh, and if you’re ready to find out how it did happen that my life became the experiment from which came the theory, don’t hesitate to get all the juicy details from the memoir Eros.

a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
author of Eros, A Journey of Multiple Loves
and many other books

Keynote – BiReCon, London, UK, August 26, 2010

BiReCon, London, UK, 1:30 PM, August 26, 2010, Univ of East London, Dockland Campus
Keynote Address
Gaia & the New Politics of Love: Notes for a Bi Planet

In the new politics of love that enables humanity to make peace with our hostess planet Gaia, love is an art, not a science, a cure, not a disease.  Bisexuality is a portal to practicing these arts of loving in a gender inclusive manner.  When we understand love as an art, we feel the affinity between the arts of loving and the arts of healing.  The practice, awareness, and theory of bisexuality are key to the paradigm shift that will usher in this new global culture.  The world revolutionized by the arts of loving will be a “world where it is safe to live because it is a world where it is safe to love.”

Best opportunity to connect with Bi communities locally and worldwide! 

BiReCon Online Registration 
August 26-30, 2010

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio gave the keynote address at the 2007 Loving More and World Polyamory Association conferences.  She has been interviewed on Italian public TV about her books on practices of love that include bisexuality and polyamory.  She is an academic, an activist, a writer and a healer.  Her numerous books include Gaia and the New Politics of Love (2009), Lambda finalist Eros (2007), Plural Loves (2005), Women and Bisexuality (2005), and Bisexuality and Queer Theory (2010).  She leads workshops on Gaia, Eros, & the SacredShe has been published in and peer-reviews for several journals.  She is a professor of humanities at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, and lives in Cabo Rojo, Western Puerto Rico.

New Paradigms # 3: Gaia is Gay!

Why should anyone believe that nature is heterosexual? Where could this belief possibly come from? The word Gaia means ‘gay’ in Italian. It means cheerful, happy, playful diverse. Isn’t that the way our planet is?

You’ve watched Segment 3 of 8 from Keynote Address at the 2010 World Polyamory Association Conference, Harbin Hot Springs, California, June 25th, 2010.  Leave a comment and let us know what you think!

For the gracious auspices of Janet and Kira Lessin, conference organizers extraordinaire. Video and clips courtesy of Steve Hoffman, of Healing Greens, Oakland, videomaker extraordinaire.

The Kindle edition of Gaia and the New Politics of Love will be available soon.  Ecovillages and intentional communities are adopting this book as a model of holistic living in the realm of personal and amorous relationships. Now you can get your copy without wasting a milligram of wood from a single tree!  We welcome your contribution to generating bestsellers for the people and by the people: September 26th is the official date for massive buying of this new, paperless edition (or the paper one).

If we get to be 100th or higher in rank, we can say to have reclaimed bestsellers as creative people’s activism rather than a corporate initiative.  Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 26th, and hop to the link to make your purchase.  If you choose not to spend money on a Kindle, we completely approve and suggest you download the FREE Kindle for PCs software here.

Oh, and if you’re ready to find out how it did happen that my life became the experiment from which came the theory, don’t hesitate to get all the juicy details from the memoir Eros.

a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
author of Eros, A Journey of Multiple Loves
and many other books

New Paradigms # 2: Gaia as a Force of Nature

Ancient Greek mythology teaches us that certain forces of nature are more powerful than any human can be. Gaia, the earth; Aeolus, the wind; Uranus, the sky; Chronos, time; Eros, the force of love. This power has been in our face with the oil spill in the Gulf. A good time to relearn the lessons of mythology: why fight battles that cannot be won? The mythological aspect of Gaia theory connects us with our own very nature as well. Another good reason to encourage poly and other ecosexual styles of love.

You’ve watched Segment 2 of 8 from Keynote Address at the 2010 World Polyamory Association Conference, Harbin Hot Springs, California, June 25th, 2010.  Leave a comment on the blog and let us know what you think!
For the gracious auspices of Janet and Kira Lessin, conference organizers extraordinaire. Video and clips courtesy of Steve Hoffman, of Healing Greens, Oakland, videomaker extraordinaire.

The Kindle edition of Gaia and the New Politics of Love will be available soon.  Ecovillages and intentional communities are adopting this book as a model of holistic living in the realm of personal and amorous relationships. Now you can get your copy without wasting a milligram of wood from a single tree!  We welcome your contribution to generating bestsellers for the people and by the people: September 26th is the official date for massive buying of this new, paperless edition (or the paper one).

If we get to be 100th or higher in rank, we can say to have reclaimed bestsellers as creative people’s activism rather than a corporate initiative.  Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 26th, and hop to the link to make your purchase.  If you choose not to spend money on a Kindle, we completely approve and suggest you download the FREE Kindle for PCs software here.

Oh, and if you’re ready to find out how it did happen that my life became the experiment from which came the theory, don’t hesitate to get all the juicy details from the memoir Eros.

a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
author of Eros, A Journey of Multiple Loves
and many other books