Practices of Ecosexuality: Invitation and Program, UPRM, Jan 28-29, 2016


Dear colleagues, students, administrators, community members:

It’s a joy to announce the keynote speaker for Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium, Jan 28-29, 2016.

Dr. Susan Block, a renown sexologist and specialist of Bonobo life, cultural practices, and communities, joins us from Los Angeles to keynote on this theme:PES-P1-2

The Bonobo Way: An Ecosexual Paradigm for Humanity.

Her key question is: Can we learn to make peace through pleasure from our great ape cousins?

The keynote is scheduled for 10:30-11:45 AM on Thursday, Jan 28, in the Teatro Figueroa Chapel. It will include live videos from her Bonobo research, and much more.PES-P3-4

We write to invite all of you to attend the keynote and strongly encourage all your students to do so as well. If you’re a professor, please include it in your syllabus. Giving students an incentive to attend and assigning a report on the theme is a great idea. Thank you!

PES-P5-6Considering the multiple crises that afflict the world and the island of Puerto Rico, no theme could be more timely or urgent. Please don’t miss it! Thank you!

It is a unique opportunity made possible by the program Islas Maravillas: Ecosexuality Education and Extensive Research at UPRM. It’s also an effect of the gift economy, since, with no budget to speak of, Dr. Susan Block elected to visit us and bring her expertise to our region. What a great way to turn a crisis into an opportunity for change!

Here I want to express gratitude to administrators who have made it possible. It is a joy to deliver on this promise to you and to the UPRM community. It’s also a joy to welcome our amazing and generous keynote speaker!

The Keynote Banner Dr. Susan Block posted on her website has more details, also about her recent book, The Bonobo Way, as well as a Press Release about the Symposium as a whole. Please find it as this link:

The complete Program for the Symposium can be downloaded at this link and is announced in the images posted here.  A Program-at-a-Glance summary can be downloaded here.  We have a total of 10 diverse speakers and facilitators joining us from Oregon, California, Washington State, and our region.  A great way to introduce Ecosexuaity as a theme of our cultural discourse and practice.  A gift-economy abundance!

As a reminder, the Symposium can also be taken as a course, for one credit. The code is Huma 4996-001.

To make enrollment easier, students can access the Huma pre-signed authorization sheet at this link.

They can download, print, fill out, and take it directly to their department to make the ajuste de la matricula.  it works well. Enjoy!

We look forward to the Symposium: Practices of Ecosexuality.  Please join us in welcoming our amazing and generous speakers!  Please let me know if I can answer any questions at  Thank you!

Enjoy this early 2016!


Holiday Ecosexual Joy Campaign – Step 2: Get Discount Copies for Your Loved Ones

Beloved Visitor:

You’re on the right track.  That’s GREAT!  Here’s your CreateSpace DISCOUNT CODE


When you click on THIS LINK you get to the CreateSpace BOOK BUY page.

EcosexCardYou are just a few STEPS away.

1. Click on ADD TO CART

2. Insert your QUANTITY

TIP.  Take advantage of the offer to order some extra copies.  They will come handy when you make new friends and when your happy beloveds ask you for copies to give their new friends and beloveds!

3. Scroll down a bit and INSERT the CODE into the APPLY DISCOUNT box.  REMEMBER, it’s EWMBLB2D.

4. Your price will drop dramatically, as you are getting $ 6.00 off each copy.  Woooow!

5. You can now click on CHECK OUT.

6. The system will require that you choose a type of shipping and a form of payment.

7A. If you’re a customer at CreateSpace, you can sign in now, and finish your order.

7B. If you’re not a customer yet, this is the time to become one.  In a few quick steps, the system will set you up with your email address and password.  Enjoy your new membership.

8. Now you’re ready to place your order.

YOUR ORDER WILL BE ON ITS WAY!  Tell your friends and beloveds you have a special gift this season: the gift of ecosexual joy!

9. Make a note of your password so you can check check and track your order online. Our experience is orders often arrive within three to four days.

10.  Enjoy your gift and make sure to offer it to your friends and beloved in joyful way!

“No message is more timely or urgent,” says Christopher Ryan of our offer.   You bet!  With Ecosexuality you get the voices of over 30 leaders in the movement.  Eager for more information?  Check details in brochure below!

We are very happy to give up the vast majority of our royalties so more and more copies of Ecosexuality can circulate.  We really believe in the spirit of the gift economy and trust that giving this book will reverberate a lot of joy in the lives it impacts.  Its transformative power is beyond estimation.  Enjoy!

For those who order over 10 of these super discounted copies, we have an amazing bonus.  You can pick one of SerenaGaia’s authored books from her author’s page and she will send a copy to you in the mail.  Write SerenaGaia at  She’ll be delighted to hear from you!  Thanks!

Want to make sure we get in touch with you for more good offers?  Great time to sign up for our list.  The box is on the right column.  Welcome!

Let us know what you think of our Holiday Ecosexual Joy Campaign.

  1. Did it create more joy in your life?

2. Did it help you get thru the Holiday blues?

3. Did it bring new friends and beloveds to your ecosystem?

4. What could we do better next time to help you manifest these effects?

We look forward to your suggestions and feedback.  Thank you!




In Shock and Awe: Bliss to the Passing of Deborah Taj Anapol

 Dear Taj–

I am in shock and awe of the news while here in India, the home of conscious death. I respect anDeborahFace2d feel your energy coming within me. I am not accepting yet, but maybe I will. I will miss you, the world seems empty with a wider vortex without you. I felt a very deep affinity for you. You were someone I could confide in even the most personal secrets. When in a dilemma about an important decision, I could go to you. You were open, present, and intimate at alSerenaTajOpenSecret6-22-10l times, while respectful and sincere. Generous with your things. Thanks for all the beautiful gifts the world is blessed with from you.

Thanks also for your beautiful gift to Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires The Arts Of Love.  Is the Earth a he, or a she? Your prosody rich with warm emotion and intellectual brilliance resonates within me, as you leave these open questions with us.

Your hosts in England, Marta an Robert, write that you were ecstatic all day. That you showed them a video about “ecstatic death” before going to sleep.  Was it conscious, was it ecstatic, was it orgasmic? What kind of death was it. I’m not sure. While in Auroville, India, about ten years ago, I heard of conscious death in reference to Sri Aurobindo, avatar of a yoga of doing. People said he passed consciously to enable the foundation of the intentional community named after him, the City of Dawn, or Auroville. Perhaps there is a city we are meant to found after your passing, Taj? Please help me, I’m confused. Thank you!

Thanks to those who delivered the news with grace and awe, KamalaDevi MacClure and Annie Sprinkle.

These mDebSerenaPantheonemories are too recent to even think I’ve lost your company, at least in live existence. With Deborah Taj Anapol , at Open Secret Bookstore in San Rafael, California, summer 2010, and at Piazza del Pantheon, Rome, Italy, summer 2014.


Sent Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Warmest greetings from the Caribbean. Here at 3WayKiss we have good news. Is nature inspiring the arts of love in your life and amorous communities? Are you making love the ecology of your life? Ecosexuality is SerenaGaia’s latest collaborative project. Its release is very recent. It is in this joyful occasion that we reconnect with you. Welcome to more spicy news from the Ecosexual Movement and the beautiful “spice” that have transformed our beloved ecosystem, Playa Azul. Stay tuned for special buy dates and click here to get your copies immediately. We are very excited about the book’s release. Thank you!

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Dr. SerenaGaia on DrSuzy.Tv

Ecosexuality Dr Suzy TV

June 13, 2015 10:30PM (California Time)

Ecosexual RƎVO˩ution” with Dr. SerenaGaia on DrSuzy.Tv

Ecosexuality Dr Suzy TV

Tune in to The Dr. Susan Block Show Dr Susan Block will be exploring the burgeoning field of ecosexuality. Joining international sexologist and Bonobo Way author Dr. Susan Block in-studio live will be Ecosexuality Movement Leader and co-editor of the forthcoming collection, Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love, Dr. SerenaGaia Anderlini D’Onofrio. Lindsay HagamenEcosexuality‘s other co-editor will join the show remotely.

Surrender: The Ecosex Convergence


June 17-21, 2015

“The Wild is an immense being of unimaginable depth who manifests as the many patterns and forms of the world but is beneath, between, and beyond the physical world that we see.”— Seda Joseph Saine


Join Surrender: The Ecosex Convergence,
coming up on June 17-21 at Windward Community, in Whakiacus, WA.

Only a few days left for the Early Bird discount.

A great place to experience Ecosexuality, meet ecosexuals, and network with others in the ecosexual community.

Surrender is an annual 5-day gathering in the Pacific Northwest, USA bringing together wild souls who express a love for Life by stewarding and merging with the Earth through the whole of their bodies, minds and spirits.

Over the course of the convergence, participants co-create a space for deep grounding with the land in the sacred sensual prayer of life; opening their hearts to the Earth and to each other, they grieve, support, connect, celebrate, listen, learn, inspire, imagine and create.

Surrender was initially envisioned and birthed through the combined effort of Rev. Teri Ciacchi and Lindsay Hagamen.

Check out the list of Presenters this year.

Also, featured in the Program, a Special Feature: Panel with Authors of Ecosexuality.

Celebrate Summer Solstice with your favorite lover, Earth and all those who revere her with you!

3 of 3: The Initiatory Magic of Franca Rame

Dear Earthlings:
Have you enjoyed visit one and visit two?  We sure hope you have.  Here goes the third one: 
The Initiatory Magic of Franca Rame, cont’d
On this third visit the gifts are more magical, the lessons are deeper, and the threads come together in an interwoven tapestry.  Now I have a vast experience in the interdependent dynamics of co-creativity in a wider horizon of amorously inclusive collaborative alliances where dyads, albeit open, still count.  As a sexigenarian, I’ve

explored a vast array of relational possibilities in my life.  I have learned to love the person beyond gender because I have satisfied all my cravings for same-gender love.  I’ve come to the age of wisdom when one is at peace with premature recycling.  And I’ve organized my emotions around entire networks of interwoven relational tapestries where fluidity abounds, negotiation is an art, and safety keeps people in balance.  I also have a vast experience in collaborative writing, with men, with women, in same-age groups and dyads, and across generations.  I would not be where I am if Franca had not opened her door to me in that far back 1984. 

I do know why Franca Rame inspired me to explore the co-creative dynamics of her dyadic relationship with Dario, and why her initiatory power brought magic to my life. 
It was a very wise decision indeed.  I pledge to honor her magic and am humbled by her initiatory power. 
SerenaGaia, a.k.a. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Playa Azul, Puerto Rico, 2014
Works Cited and Consulted
Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio.   “Franca Rame: Her Life and Works.”  1985.  Theater: 17: 1: 32-39.
______  .  “Franca Rame donna e attrice.”  (Translation.) 1990.  Il Ponte: 65: 6: 99-110.

______  .  “When Is a Woman’s Work Her Own?  An Interview with Franca Rame.”  (Translated by Tracy Barrett.) 1991.  Feminist Issues: 11: 1: 22-52.
______  .  “From The Lady Is to be Disposed ofto An Open Couple: The Theater Partnership of Franca Rame and Dario Fo.”  Atenea: 20: 1: 31-52.  Republished in Walter Valeri ed. Franca Rame: A Woman on Stage.  West Lafayette, Indiana: Bordighera Press, 2000.  (183-221.)

______  .  “Holistic (Dis)Organizations: Gaia at Alcatraz, Italy.”  2005.  Rhizomes: 10 (Spring)  Also in Utopia Matters: Theory, Politics, Literature and the Arts.  Vieira, Fatima and Marinela Freitas eds.  Editora da Universidad de Porto.

Note: To read and download more of SerenaGaia’s scholar activist work, visit here page on

Dear Earthlings:

This is the end of the article.  It’s been a joy to be back on this blog site.  Thanks for staying with us.  Now we have much more to come as our teamwork book on Ecosexuality goes into production.  All about this amazing collection at these links: 

Enjoy the love of the universe and all dear ones.  Stay tuned and check our social media websites.

All good wishes for a joyful Holiday Season.  



Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD

Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love 
Professor of Humanities, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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2 of 3: The Initiatory Magic of Franca Rame

Hi again dear Earthlings:

as promised, here goes the second visit of my mentor and initiator Franca Rame.


The Initiatory Magic of Franca Rame
The second visit was on the occasion of the Nobel Prize in Literature to Dario, in 1997.  His awareness of his wife’s talent and lack of embarrassment at publically recognizing it turned on my interest in them again.  I never had the shadow of a doubt that the Prize was deserved.  I just realized how often collaborative efforts are overlooked in the arts and humanities.  And was

impressed with his eagerness to redress this.  I thought, “well, perhaps now he knows his wife is an author, and they’ve co-evolved as a dyad to feel comfortable about it.”  This compelled my attention for an article on the integration of their respective creative energies in works that neither could have managed without the other.  The result was the article “From The Lady Is to Be Disposed of to An Open Couple: Franca Rame and Dario Fo’s Theater Partnership.”  In Open Couple, I felt an affinity for Franca’s character, and her obsessions with her partner’s affair-persons.  Their pheromones were in the air, and “pussies” were hiding everywhere: in a shoe, on the soap bar.  She sensed their sadness and felt called to rescue them, as I also have in my early experiences of amorous inclusiveness.  This guided me to appreciate the rhetoric of polyamory, a responsible form of non-monogamy that assuages competition and rivalry.  The lovers of one’s lovers are called “metamours,” or lovers by interposed person. 

In the interim period between then and now, I became interested in the creative output of their son Jacopo Fo.  I designed a research project around the intentional community 

of Alcatraz, visited repeatedly and wrote about it.  I was curious: “how would someone growing up in a theater family handle communal life?”  As I found out, Jacopo invented Alcatraz as the answer.  It combined the joy of living in nature with the expanded sense of “family” that theater companies are organized around.  It offered education in the arts of loving and sexual expression within a closed dyad.  And training in the arts of keeping one’s personal ecosystem healthy and well balanced.  It was for me a step in the path of exploring forms of sexual fluidity and amorous inclusiveness that respect the integrity of dyadic relationships, and their respective cultural variants.  That resulted in the article “Holistic (Dis)Organizations: Gaia at Alcatraz, Italy,” in the open-source journal Rhyzomes, 2005.  All of this helped me assess a cross-cultural understanding of intentional and open lifestyles and eventually coalesced in my overarching interest in Ecosexuality.

To be continued a week from now.  Come back for the “second visit” on December 2, 2014. 


Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD

Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love 
Professor of Humanities, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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1 of 3: The Initiatory Magic of Franca Rame

Hi dear Earthlings:
“Long time no see,” as the sage said.  Yes, I’m back and I bring you news of one of my

mentors and initiators: late actress, writer, activist, and senator Franca Rame, much missed, also wife and lifetime collaborator of Nobel Prize winner Dario Fo, who dedicated the prize to her.  

This article was a request by fellow Italianist Donato Santeramo, for the first (of many i hope) collection of writings about Franca Rame.  I accepted.  It was also the third time she visited my life.  She’s welcome back any time, and the article will appear in three “visits” here too.  Enjoy the first one!
Thanks for your patience.  I am well and happy to be back.  Much more good and exciting news to come.  Namaste.
The Initiatory Magic of Franca Rame
Franca Rame is coming back into my life.  For the past three decades, she has inhabited my imagination in one way or another, as we shared the same living planet.  As a young woman, I looked upon Franca and Dario as an enviable dyad: two people with equally magnanimous souls and talents, yet differentiated enough to grow together as they grew apart.  It was difficult for me to behold that.  I felt the danger of flying too close to the sun, as the daughter of a successful and honest politician whose first wife imploded in their relationship as a conventional couple.  I was searching for alternatives, and, as a young woman and mother, Franca represented a role model for me when I was healing from my own mother’s early death from cancer.  Later, I learned to diversify my emotional investments and overcome the fear of same-sex love.  As a happy sexigenarian, I welcome this visit.  I remember feeling the void the day from Facebook I realized the ultimate recycling had happened for Franca.  May this first in-absentia volume initiated by younger colleagues be the time for me to reflect, in my wisdom years, on the wisdom of engaging with Franca when my career started.  
I am grateful to the collection for hosting my 1984 interview with Franca Rame, a long- winded “confession,” oral-history style.  It may be a measure of the divine feminine manifesting its power to

know that, in late life, Franca became a senator.  I imagine her ambling the halls of Palazzo Madama where I felt intimidated when I was young.  It is sad that she felt compelled to resign, in the same way that my father had felt compelled to reject executive positions in his own time.  I’m happy to write this introductory reflection as I’ve become more cognizant of Franca’s initiatory role in my life.  Aside from the sadness of parting, this third visit is an occasion to confirm Franca Rame’s legacy as initiatory and magic.  

The first visit came about three decades ago, in the mid eighties, when my focus was separating Franca’s work from Dario’s, for recognition of hers, in a gender dynamic infected with male dominance as a cultural standard.  I wanted her to admit she was an author and she wouldn’t.  “Why did I do it?”  I’ve often wondered.  It was dissertation time, and I felt called to something that far exceeded my comprehension.  I didn’t dare to presume I could interview Franca.  And yet she wanted it.  I was healing from my family tragedy, as the beautiful and auspicious couple my parents formed had imploded with my mother’s demise.  I was exorcizing her destiny as I removed myself from the position of emotional recipient for, and physical obstacle to my father’s healing from that trauma.  At 27, with a young child of my own, I had picked up the pieces of my life and moved from Rome to Riverside, California to get my doctorate.  As dissertation time came about, a grant funded my trip to Florence for the appointment with Franca.  My blended family at the time was composed of my young Italian daughter and the fellow student who was my French partner.  They were waiting for me back at UCR.  In retrospect, I was moved by my own path of seeking a place of co-creativity out of the masculine shadow of patriarchal domination and fear of inadequacy. 
The train from Rome to Florence ran in the dark night.  I was alone in the compartment when my mother visited.  The apparition was very tangible.  I kept my cool even as it occurred to me I was probably hallucinating.  She said: “this is what you were meant to do.  Go for it!  It will save your life.”  I’ve rarely talked about it.  Yet it was this visit that summoned my strength as I met Franca.  I’m now 5 years older than Franca was at the time, and 12 years older than my mother ever was.  The results of that moment of meeting were the article on Theaterthat acknowledged Franca’s entity as a co-author, the interview in Italian on Leggere Donna, and its translation into English on Feminist Issues.
To be continued a week from now.  Come back for the “second visit” on November 25, 2014. 


Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD

Author of Gaia, Eros, and many other books about love 
Professor of Humanities, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

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