The School of Ecosexual Love – A Work in Progress – Welcome!

The School of Ecosexual Love – A Work in Progress – Welcome!

The School of Ecosexual Love is a work-on-progress to which you’re invited to contribute. Are you wanting to expand and evolve your arts of love? This is a good place for you!

Welcome to our tentative description:

The School of Ecosexual Love is a school of love where life on Gaia in all its forms is the teacher, a teacher that inspires others to practice the arts of love in ways that are natural, ecological, sexy, amorous, diverse, and brave in envisioning new alignments between the health of the planet and the health of the world.

The School of Ecosexual Love offers a variety of educational journeys, including courses, retreats, workshops, and more. All journeys are opportunities for alchemic transformation and for evolution toward more symbiotic ways of being and relating. All offerings include practices that help participants maintain a positive energy field within and around themselves, thus enhancing the alignment of health and happiness in one’s personal and one’s ecosystemic realms.

Educational modalities include online, hybrid, and presential.

Existing courses in the curriculum now include:

The Resilience of Love is an online journey that has been activated at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and is currently active, with two parallel editions and weekly appointments, Wednesdays 9-11 PM Central EU time in Italian, and Thursday 9-11 PM Central EU time in English.

The Alchemy of Ecosexual Love is a presential introductory weekend that’s held on a yearly basis at Suncave Garden, a naturist retreat center in Cerveteri, about 30 kilometers from Rome, Italy. This retreat is now scheduled for August 28-30, 2020.

The Symbiosis of Ecosexual Love is a presential advanced course, which will be launched soon, and could have a beta edition at Suncave Garden starting on August 31, 2020.

The following course could become part of this curriculum:

The Humanities and Love, Part # 2, from 1500 to the present is a hybrid course that, in its original editions, was taught part presential and part online at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. It consists of nine one-hour lectures in English on world and planetary history, available online on the Serena Anderlini You Tube channel, and of a series of readings, visual presentations, and tests, available online in the LMS portal called Canvas by Instructure.

As a hybrid, the course was active until 2017, and it could be reactivated as an entirely online course. It could be of interest to universities and other institutions of higher learning open to teaching Western Civilization courses organized around the theme of love.

The School of Ecosexual Love operates under the aegis of the non-profit 3WayKiss. We are evolving and in particular, we are in the process of:

–Developing a full-fledged Mission and Vision for this school
–Connecting the school with other similar schools, academies, and universities
–Presenting its offerings more widely in venues open to its approaches
–Activating more courses
–Developing certificates and awards
–Recruiting and retaining interested collaborators, participants, and assistants
–Connecting w/ possible donors and funders

How does any and all of these areas inspire you? In what ways do you think you can participate and contribute? Please get in touch. We’d love to hear. Thank you!

Do you have friends who would appreciate this opportunity? Don’t hesitate to spread the news! Share this post please. Thanks!

For more information and for scheduling, contact Dr. SerenaGaia asfo,, + 39 3294779406 (whatsapp), Serena Anderlini of Puerto Rico, on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Messenger, @serenagaia on Twitter. Thank you!

aka Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Erstwhile Professor of Humanities and Cinema at UPRM
Convenor of Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium
Author of Multiple Books
Contact:, + 39 329 477 9406. Profile
LinkedIn Profile
Fellow at the Humanities Institute, University of Connecticut, Storrs (2012-13)
Project: “Amorous Visions: Ecosexual Perspectives on Italian Cinema”


The Symbiosis of Ecosexual Love, Rome, August 30-September 5, 2020 – An Alchemic Journey

Welcome to the Symbiosis of Eco-Sexual Love, an Alchemic Journey.


The symbiosis of eco-sexual love is an advanced alchemical laboratory in which we deepen the foundations laid during the introductory weekend of the Alchemy of Ecosexual love.

Note: In this “Covid summer” of 2020, we have simply decided to be open to a possible beta run of it, to start right after the Alchemy weekend (Aug 28-30). For our health and happiness guidelines we refer to Awareness, Safety and Care in Covid Times. Thank you!

The elements of Tao, Tantra, amorous inclusiveness and sexual fluidity will be the basis for going deeply into the path that leads to the practice of love as an ecology of life traced by the voice of Gaia, the Earth or partner we all already always share.

When we interpret symbiosis as an evolutionary principle we realize how essential it is to practice sharing resources of love, and how much this symbiotic alchemy can enrich our existence with joy, vitality, and abundance.

This advanced alchemical laboratory will be org
anized around the six conversations with Gaia channeled by SerenaGaia through a connection trance with this mythological figure and Earth goddess. Gaia is also the name given to one of the most significant scientific theories of the paradigmatic shift we now face as we enter the age of Aquarius.

If we are ecosystems activated by symbiotic parts that collaborate, interconnected with the other ecosystems with whom we coexist, it follows that we are already always included in a relational system whose morphogenetic fields vibrate with the energies that we activate them with.

In the laboratory we will study these fields, activating them through our choral reading of the Conversations with Gaia and the practices related to each of the themes treated therein.

Every day we will face a conversation and the transmissions from Gaia that it will bring to us. We will comment, practice and allow these transmissions to sediment in our vibrational field. The magical context in which we will move will be the Suncave Gardens ecosystem, which will host us exclusively for the duration of the journey, including its verdant meadows, the suggestive caves (where we hope a tantric space with jacuzzi will be active), the tantric temple tent, the naturist pool, the loggia and dining space, the various accommodations and services, and so on.

Six transmissions for six days, from Sunday to Friday, closing on Saturday after lunch.

The entrance to the caves with the Jacuzzi inside.




Are you considering our proposal? The value of the course is € 397. Our early bird offer is open. An in depth course for a full week now at only € 247! And our gratitude for joining in the core group.

TO SIGN UP CLICK HERE: [wpecpp name=”SEL-EarlyBird-2020″ price=”247″ align=”center”]

Bank transfer to Serena Anderlini – IBAN: DE97 7001 1110 6052 5144 00 – BIC/SWIFT DEKTDE7GXXX – Adddress: Handelsbank, Elsenheimer Str. 41, Munchen 80687 Germany.

Refunds?  Until July 28, 100 percent guaranteed. After that date: please ask us and we’ll do our best. Thanks!

The alchemical journey of each day will be integrated by the areas and activities dedicated to the Garden of Pleasures. There, in the afternoons, participants and our healers will offer a wide range of group and private sessions at special prices for the exclusive use of participants. Given the extreme opening of the moment when they go to practice, these sessions can open significant new paths in the lives of those who take advantage of them.

The naturist swimming pool will be available for those who want to enjoy it in their free hours. The evenings will be open to both guided and free practices that Gaia’s transmissions will inspire in us, in spaces designated as tantric temples. Click here for ACCOMMODATIONS AND BOOKINGS. Thank you!

This advanced course is available only to those who have already participated at least once in the intensive introductory weekend called Alchemy of Ecosexual Love.

A copy of the book Alchemies of Ecosexual Love will be offered as a tribute to participants. It contains the conversations channeled from Gaia, and ideas for activities with which to continue practicing and expanding your alchemical connections and your communities.


Sunday August 30th:

Afternoon: Opening Circle

Reading, The Alchemy of Ecosexual Love, “Introduction and Transmission 1.”

What is this Alchemy? How can we go deeper into it? What themes does it introduce us? How are these themes related? In this way do the elements of the Alchemy of Ecosexual Love integrate into Gaia’s evolutionary symbiosis?


The Wheel of Consent: How to live a life of agreement and negotiation (from the research of Betty Martin)

Monday August 31st:

Morning: Consent According to Gaia

What happens when the Earth becomes the companion that we all already share anyway? How does Gaia tell us, or does Gaia say no? How can we question it, listen to it? What awareness does this bring us with respect to our relational morphogenetic fields?

“Initiations, Transmission 2”

Why are initiations important? What kind of awareness can we derive from it? How do they help us connect with our inner landscape, with that of and of other people, forms of life, biospheres, entities?

Afternoon: Introduction to Posture, with Bruno Fogliano, Introduction to Holistic Self Care with Adi Ananda

Evening: Temple night

Tuesday September 1st:

Morning: “The Pleasure of the Other, Transmission 3”

How can we experience the pleasure of the person we are loving? How can we allow this person to live our pleasure? What happens when everyone experiences the other person’s pleasure? How do we turn jealousy and possessiveness into compassion, or joy into the joy of the people we love even when the source is themselves or others? How can we generate shared ecstasy in this exchange?

Afternoon: Introduction to Pelvic-Heart Integration, with Tanya Rozenthal

Evening: Temple night, private sessions

Wednesday September 2nd:

Morning: “Beyond Monogamy and Monosexuality, Transmission 4”

How can we open up beyond the limitations imposed by the ideologies of monogamy and monosexuality? What is the meaning of exclusivity and inclusiveness as chosen practices? How can we love the person and not the gender in which he incarnated?

Afternoon: Private sessions, leisure time at pool

Evening: Temple night, private sessions

Thursday September 3rd:

Mornning: “Romance, Sexuality, and Exclusivity, Transmission 5”

How are these elements of love connected in the inner landscape of each of us? How did these connections occur? Do we need these connection modes? Do they help us? We like them? How else could these elements connect? How can we deprogram the ways that we don’t need and create those that instead support us in generating health, abundance, and vitality in our ecosystems and those of people, life forms, and host spaces that we love?

Afternoon: Private sessions, leisure time at pool

Temple night

Friday September 4th:

Morning: “Compersion, the Spirit of Polyamory, Transmission 6”

What is compersion and how can we introduce this emotion into our inner landscape? What relationship can we establish between our compassion and that of the Earth, Gaia, the companion we already all share? How can compersion bring about our health and that of the beings we love?

Afternoon: Private sessions

Evening: Temple night

Saturday September 5th:

Integration and closing circle, goodbyes. What do i take home? What changed within me? What morphogenetic fields are active in me and around me?


WHERE? The amazing location for this intensive weekend is Suncave Gardens, a beautiful Casa Vacanze and retreat center in the verdant hills of the Roman countryside. Click here for ACCOMMODATIONS AND BOOKINGS. Thank you!

PROGRAM. Find all details about the Alchemy program and schedule.

FACILITATION TEAM. Who is on the facilitation team, what qualifications and experiences can they offer you?

JARDIN DES PLAISIRS. Discover here what this Garden of Pleasures is and what it can offer to you.

#alchemyoflove-gay #alchemyofecosexuallove #drserenagaia

Can we answer any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to serving you in your journey of #EcosexualLove. Enjoy!

aka Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Erstwhile Professor of Humanities and Cinema at UPRM Convenor of Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium
Author of Multiple Books Website Contact:, + 39 329 477 9406. Teacher of Humanities Online Series – Modern History for the Humanities and Love ResearchGate Profile Profile
LinkedIn Profile
Fellow at the Humanities Institute, University of Connecticut, Storrs (2012-13) Project: “Amorous Visions: Ecosexual Perspectives on Italian Cinema”
#alchimiadellamoreecosessuale  #alchemyofecosexuallove  #drserenagaia


The GARDEN OF DELIGHTS is a space for healing reserved for participants in the journeys of Ecosexual Love, including Alchemy and Symbiosis.

Love is a powerful medicine and this garden integrates its practice with a range of offers for one’s ecosystemic health. Integration is especially powerful when our energetic bodies are vibrant and activated.

During the August 28-30 weekend, the Garden of Delights will be open in off-program hours, and will possibly stay open longer, until September 5 at the very latest

Il GIARDINO DEI PIACERI è uno spazio di guarigione riservato a chi partecipa ai percorsi dell’Amore Ecosessuale, inclusi l’Alchimia e la Simbiosi.

L’amore è una potente medicina e questo giardino integra la sua pratica con una gamma di opzioni per la salute del nostro ecosistema. L’integrazione è particolarmente potente quando i nostri corpi energetici sono vibranti ed attivati.

Durante il fine settimana 28-30 agosto, il Giardino dei Piaceri sarà aperto nelle ore fuori programma, e possibilmente rimarrà aperto piu a lungo, fino, al piu tardi, al 5 settembre.

Some of our participants are practitioners and healers, and, alongside our courses, they are excited to introduce their specialties. They are encouraged to offer small group and private sessions at very special rates for other participants. These unique moments expand one’s potential for healing pain and overcoming inner conflicts.

Alcun* dei e delle nostre partecipanti sono professionist* della guarigione, e, nello svolgersi dei nostri corsi, sono entusiast* di presentarele loro specialità. Li e le incoraggiamo a offrire sessioni private e per piccoli gruppo a prezzi veramente speciali per i e le partecipanti. Questi momenti unici espandono il nostro potenziale per superare dolore e conflitti interni.

The afternoons, beginning with Sunday, August 30, will give us more time to share. We will create a space of peace and harmony within which we will be able to ask questions, practice, expose doubts and share experiences, while sipping some good tea. This is the time when, for those who wish, it will be possible to organize small group and private sessions with the operators of the Team:

I pomeriggi, a partire da domenica 30 agosto, ci offriranno del tempo dedicato alla condivisione. Ricaveremo uno spazio di pace e armonia entro il quale si potranno porre domande, fare pratiche, esporre dubbi e condividere esperienze, sorseggiando del buon the. Questo è il momento in cui, per chi lo desidera, sarà possibile organizzare sessioni per piccoli gruppi e sessioni private con gli operatori e le operatrici del Team:

Adi Ananda offrirà Massaggio di De-armouring, Rilascio Emotivo dei Traumi, Guarigione Sessuale Tantrica, purificazioni Shamaniche ed Energetiche. She will De-armoring Massage, Emotional -Trauma Release, Tantric Sexual Healing, Shamanic and Energetic purifications. Reservations: WhatsApp: +971 528780610 – calls +971 3208529201.

Tanya Rosenthal offrirà sessioni di Pelvic Heart Integration, che combinano una vasta gamma di tecniche per allineare le energie del cuore con quelle dell’area pelvica.  She will offer sessions of Pelvic Heart Integration, combining a wide range of techniques to help align heart and pelvic energies. Reservations + 31618531446.

SerenaGaia offrirà sessioni di Bonobo Coaching per chi desidera relazioni piú aperte e fluide. She will offer sessions of Bonobo Coaching, for those who desire more open and fluid relationships. Reservations: + 39 329 4779406.

Bruno Fogliano offrirà sessioni di valutazione posturale e dinamico-funzionale nel quadro della cura del sé di tipo olistico. He will offer postural and dynamic-functional assessment sessions in the context of holistic self-care. Reservations: + 347 3910761.Prenotazioni: + 347 3910761. 

Descrizioni, orari, costi, contattiDescriptions, times, costs, contacts: CLICCATE QUI.

Are your considering our August 28-30J weekend proposal? The value of the course is € 197. Our early bird offer is open. An intensive course for a full weekend now at only € 127! And you get our gratitude for joining in the core group.

TO SIGN UP CLICK HERE: [wpecpp name=”AEL2020EarlyBird” price=”127″ align=”center”]

Bank Transfer to Serena Anderlini – IBAN: DE97 7001 1110 6052 5144 00 – BIC/SWIFT DEKTDE7GXXX – Adddress: Handelsbank, Elsenheimer Str. 41, Munchen 80687 Germany

Did you participate in a 2018 or 2019 edition of this weekend course? We offer the course at no tuition charge if you assist us in making it happen. Assistant seats are limited. Confirm and save yours now here!

Stai considerando la nostra proposta? Il valore del corso e di € 197. La nostra offerta scontata è aperta. Un  corso intensivo di un fine settimana pieno a soli € 127! Con la nostra gratitudine per aderire al gruppo iniziale.

PER ISCRIVERVI CLICCATE QUI: [wpecpp name=”AEL2020EarlyBird” price=”127″ align=”center”]

Bonifico a Serena Anderlini – IBAN: DE97 7001 1110 6052 5144 00 – BIC/SWIFT DEKTDE7GXXX – Adddress: Handelsbank, Elsenheimer Str. 41, Munchen 80687 Germany

Hai partecipato a un’edizione del 2018 o 2019 di questo corso di fine settimana? Ti offriamo il corso gratis se ci assisti nel realizzarlo. I posti per chi assiste sono limitati. Conferma e riserva il tuo quì!

Nota: Per coloro che scelgono di soggiornare al Suncave Garden dopo il 30, potrebbero darsi delle sessioni private in base alla disponibilità dei praticanti. Per favore contattali ora! Grazie! Potrebbe anche esserci la possibilità di sperimentare il beta test del corso di Simbiosi che prevediamo di lanciare nel prossimo futuro. Le splendide colline e giardini, la piscina naturista e la jacuzzi, i cibi sani saranno lì per goderteli, per la tua felicità e salute, e per condividerli con gli e le altre! Speriamo che molt* di voi facciano questa scelta con noi. Si applicheranno le stesse tariffe giornaliere previste per il fine settimana. Fateci sapere al più presto il vostro interesse per questa opzione, in modo che la nostra padrona di casa possa riservare un posto per voi. Grazie!

Note: For those who choose to stay at Suncave Garden after the 30th, private sessions might be possible based on practitioners’ availability. Please contact them now! Thank you! There may also be a chance to experiment with beta testing the Symbiosis course we plan to launch in the near future. The beautiful hills and gardens, the naturist pool and jacuzzi, the healthy foods will be there to enjoy for your happiness and health and share with others! We hope many of you will make that choice with us. The same daily rates as for the weekend will apply. Please do let us know of your interest in this option asap, so that our hostess may save a seat for you. Thank you!


WELCOME. Find out what this Alchemy program is all about and if at this time it is right for you.

WHERE? The amazing location for this intensive weekend is Suncave Gardens, a beautiful retreat center in the verdant hills of the Roman countryside.

PROGRAM. Find all details about the program’s content and schedule here.

FACILITATION TEAM. Who is on the facilitation team, what qualifications and experiences can they offer you?

# # # # #


BENVENUT*. Scopri che cos’è questo programma di Alchimia e se fa per te a questo punto.

DOVE? La località per questo weekend intensivo è stupenda, si tratta di un centro situato nelle verdeggianti colline della campagna romana, Suncave Gardens.

PROGRAMMA. Tutti i dettagli sul contenuto del percorso e gli orari qui.

EQUIPE DI CONDUZIONE. Chi c’è nell’equipe di conduzione e che qualifiche ed esperienze hanno da offrirti?

Rimborsi? Fino al 28 luglio: 100 percento garantito. Dopo quella data: chiedeteci e faremo del nostro meglio. Grazie!

Refunds? Until July 28th: 100 percent guaranteed. After that date: please ask us and we will do our best.

Can we answer any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to serving you in your journey of #EcosexualLove. Enjoy!

Ci sono domande a cui possiamo rispondere? Non esitate a contattarci. Ci rallegriamo di servirvi nel vostro percorso dell’ #amoreecosessuale. Godetevelo!

aka Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD
Erstwhile Professor of Humanities and Cinema at UPRM
Convenor of Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium

Author of Multiple Books

Contact:, + 39 329 477 9406.

Teacher of Humanities Online Series – Modern History for the Humanities and Love ResearchGate Profile Profile
LinkedIn Profile
Fellow at the Humanities Institute, University of Connecticut, Storrs (2012-13)
Project: “Amorous Visions: Ecosexual Perspectives on Italian Cinema”
#alchimiadellamoreecosessuale  #alchemyofecosexuallove  #drserenagaia