Playa Azul I Love You
La prospettiva unica di Dr. SerenaGaia ti desta CURIOSITÀ?
La ricchezza della sua ricerca a tutto campo e olistica ti ISPIRA?
La sua devozione per le conoscenza nuove e sperimentali ti COMMUOVE?
I nuovi sentieri aperti dalla sua devozione ti EMOZIONANO?
La nuova saggezza che è evoluta con lei ti INCORAGGIA?
Questo film racconta la storia dell’amore per una spiaggia durato sedici anni, e lo sposalizio d’amore ecosessuale che ne è seguito.
Dedica i prossimi 30 minuti a Playa Azul I Love You, un documentario sulla vita, opere, ispirazioni e co-creazioni di Dr. SerenaGaia.
Attenzione: Sottotitoli in italiano? Clicca sulla rotellina in basso a destra del video, scegli “subtitles,” poi scegli ‘Italian.” Enjoy!
Questo è ciò che ci entusiasma. La pubblicazione pressochè simultanea di due libri di Dr. SerenaGaia, ciascuno in due lingue, inglese e italiano. La nuova edizione di EROS è fonte di ispirazione. È anche la prima edizione in assoluto di questo libro di memorie in italiano. Alchimie dell’Amore Ecosessuale è un libro stimolante di dialoghi con le forze della natura canalizzati direttamente da Gaia.
EROS: The Wisdom of Love / EROS, La saggezza dell’Amore
BUONE NOTIZIE! Il libro EROS: La Saggezza dell’Amore è disponibile
Curios* della dottoressa SerenaGaia?
Ti chiedi quale ispirazione possano offrirti i suoi viaggi di vita?
EROS risuona degli aspetti essenziali dell’esperienza umana. E puoi usarlo in molti modi, come manuale per l’utente, come libro di memorie, come roman-à-clef e come lettura di ispirazione!
Ci auguriamo che questa offerta ti ispiri ad aprire orizzonti e possibilità per inventare la tua vita come opera d’arte dell’amore e per avere le chiavi della saggezza in evoluzione di cui il mondo ha bisogno.

Unisciti all’ EROS Book Club per tutti gli aggiornamenti sul progetto e per i nostri inviti.
Unisciti al Podcast di 3WayKiss e ascolta la lettura dell’ Introduzione di EROS.
ALCHEMIES of Ecosexual Love / ALCHIMIE dell’Amore Ecosessuale
Che cos’è? A cosa serve? Per chi è?
Alchimie dell’Amore Ecosessuale: Trasmissioni da Gaia, Fase 1, è un viaggio che supporta chi legge nel deprogrammarsi dal praticare l’amore come modalità di acquisizione, competizione e conquista, come spesso promosso dalle culture moderne, per accedere nuovamente al dono naturale che ogni essere ha di connettersi ad altri esseri e amare in modi sostenibili, simbiotici ed ecologici.
Il libro è canalizzato attraverso la voce di Gaia, l’antica dea della terra e il nome dato a una delle ipotesi scientifiche postmoderne più coraggiose, l’Ipotesi Gaia.
L’opera della dottoressa SerenaGaia come autrice e studiosa offre una straordinaria ricchezza di ricerca olistica in scritti personali, filosofici, erotici e accademici. È autrice ed editrice di una serie di volumi significativi, inclusi i suoi libri d’autore e le collezioni peer-reviewed in cui ha ospitato il lavoro di molte altre voci. Sei benvenut* a dare un’occhiata ai suoi titoli, la maggior parte dei quali sono disponibili in vari formati, compresi quelli digitali. Benvenuti nella libreria della Dott.ssa SerenaGaia!
Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love
Available! Amazon, all markets
$ 16.50 paper
$ 3.99 kindle
Is Eros the untapped renewable energy of our time?
The first world wide collection of writings on this topic, Ecosexuality explores the relationship between sex, ecology and social change. It integrates seductive, inspiring and practical approaches to creating a loved-based, sustainable culture. Ecosexuality brings together the voices of 30 visionaries and practitioners to converge the multiple energies of the ecosexual movement, its versatility of styles and diversity of genres convey a compelling variety of perspectives on this emerging social movement.
Can we make love the ecology of life? Can we treat the Earth as the revered lover we all share? Can we truly create a love-based, sustainable culture?
Ecosexuality addresses these and other engaging questions in this first collection that gives voice to the ecosexual awakening.
What others are saying about Ecosexuality:
“A sumptuous feast.” –Dr. Susan M. Block, Author, The Bonobo Way, Los Angeles, California.
“The blueprint the world needs.” –Robyn Vogel, MA, Intimacy Coach, Montreal, Canada.
“Truly Inspiring.” –Dr. Anya Trahan, Author, Opening Love.
‘The potential to define a new era for humanity.” –Christiane Pelmas, MSW, Author, Women’s Wisdom, Founder of The Rewilding.
“Epic, a classic.” Dr. Martha Tara Lee, Clinical Sexologist, Singapore.
“Ecosexuality reclaims sexuality’s right relationship with Nature and the Cosmos.” –Kelly Bryson, MFT, Founder of The Language of Compassion.
“Sexual energy and global health. A must read for a sustainable world.” –Baba Dez Nicholls, Founder of ISTA.
“Sensitively, artfully compiled and edited, Ecosexuality delivers the goods with grace and passion.” –Randy Ralston, Sexologist, Coach, Bodyworker, Ireland.
Bisexuality and Queer Theory: Intersections, Connections and Challenges
Available from Amazon.com
Best option: rental on Kindle, $ 11.85
What is sexuality? What does it mean to have a sexual identity or orientation? What is the relationship between sexuality as a knowledge construct, on one hand, and the often messy flows of desire and practices of love, on the other? How and why are some sexual, erotic, and intimate practices normalized and others marginalized?
Queer Theory has emerged in the West as one of the most provocative analytical tools in the humanities and social sciences. It scrutinizes identity and social structures that take heteronormativity for granted – that do not question the social construction of heterosexuality as normative in relation to its oppositional binary, homosexuality. At the same time, bisexuality is a practice, identity, and orientation that challenges the binary logic around which cultural notions of sexuality are organized. It is a portal to the imagination of a world of amorous expression beyond that divide.
This provocative collection presents bisexuality and queer theory as two parallel thought collectives that have made significant contributions to cultural discourses about sexual and amorous practices since the onset of the AIDS era, and explores the ideas that circulate in these thought collectives today. We learn much about the construction and experience of sexuality, and the power it still holds throughout the contemporary Western world to shape identities and practices. This volume challenges our understanding of what it means to be sexual, to have a sexual identity, and to practice the arts of loving.
Gaia and the New Politics of Love
Available! Amazon, all markets
$ 16.50 paper
$ 6.99 kindle
Gaia theory argues that the flora and fauna of the planet operate in a self-regulating web that keeps the world livable. According to the theory, humankind is the most powerful species in this web and also its biggest threat. This provocative book explores ways to minimize and ultimately eliminate this threat with love and intimacy. Dr. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio has authored the first global ecology study based on an analysis of human health. Anderlini-D’Onofrio identifies her remedy within the context of Gaia theory, re-envisioning it as a more inclusive philosophy that positively impacts not only relationships, but world ecology under duress. The author links human sexuality to the global ecosystem, claiming that freedom from fear will stimulate a holistic health movement powerful enough to heal relationships and restore planetary balance.
Gaia and the New Politics of Love is bracing in its range, weaving together issues of human and global health; the relationship of politics, sexuality, and ecology; practices and styles of love; the changing roles of eroticism and gender in our lives; and polyamory, bisexuality, and the AIDS reappraisal movement.
Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves
Out of print! Will be out soon again in new editions, for English and Italian!
This poignant memoir that explores the evolution of erotic love through the international and transcultural journeys of an extraordinary woman. This captivating book chronicles the life of polyamorous advocate and postmodern nomad Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, whose skillful prose takes readers along the bold twists and turns of her life, and her irreverent critiques of society, education, and sexuality.
In Eros, Anderlini-D’Onofrio describes her formative years in the politically charged Italy of the 1960s and 1970 as well as her development as an independent woman and single mother in America.
From her educational beginnings to her love of nudity and freedom from bodily inhibitions, the author reveals her innermost thoughts and shares the wisdom life has blessed her with. She candidly narrates both her journey over the treacherous path from graduate student to educator in California, and from a straight and monogamous young adulthood to an alternative and fulfilling lifestyle.
An extraordinary read for those who want to expand their horizons, Eros is an engaging and honest testimony of a passage into unconventional realms of growth, self-discovery, the erotic, and the many possibilities for love. Follow the emergence of this exceptional woman who’s made a career of defying convention for the sake of integrity–a woman well worth getting to know!
Plural Loves: Designs for Bi and Poly Living
Available from Amazon.com
Best option: rental on Kindle, $ 9.59
What are the intersections between polyamory and bisexuality? How do people in these communities relate to each other? What is beautiful, empowering, and inspiring about their practices? How are these tropes present in the arts, cinema, and literature? This holistic research collection includes historical and theoretical perspectives, testimonials, reports from the field, and creative writing, Plural Loves: Designs for Bi and Poly Living examines group marriage, polyfidelity, cheating, solo-sex (and group solo-sex), utopian communities, tantric expression and sacred eroticism, transculturalization, and much more. Editor Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio even includes a candid chapter recounting her erotic experiences with a Catholic priest from Africa—and their meaning in the context of bisexual polyamory.
Women and Bisexuality: A Global Perspective
Available from Amazon.com
Best option: rental on Kindle, $ 9.78
This amazing collection of holistic research reflects the growing contribution bisexuals, and especially bisexual women, make to queer culture on an international level. This unique book presents a collection of thoughtful essays, studies, and reviews that combine to help develop a language that reflects the reality of bisexuality from a feminine/feminist viewpoint. Authors map the inroads made by bisexual studies into conventional disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, health, literature, film, history, and biography, and analyze the situations of bisexual women in areas as diverse as France, North America, Germany, Australia, and Africa.
Dr. SerenaGaia’s team research work follows bisexuality to the crossroads of academics and activism.
It presents a wide scope of refreshing and insightful thought that reflects more than an identity or practice. The diverse mix of ideas is an essential read for anyone interested in literature on sexuality.
A Lake for the Heart, a collection of lyrical poems by Luigi Anderlini, in a bilingual edition with a translation by Dr. SerenaGaia
Out of print! Used copies on Amazon.com go for $ 9.67 and up.
Gaia and the New Politics of Love is bracing in its range, weaving together issues of human and global health; the relationship of politics, sexuality, and ecology; practices and styles of love; the changing roles of eroticism and gender in our lives; and polyamory, bisexuality, and the AIDS reappraisal movement.
The ‘Weak’ Subject: On Modernity, Eros, and Women’s Playwriting
Out of print! We have the rights and plan a new edition. We are looking for volunteers. Let us know if you’d like to help out. This book has also been published in Italian translation.
Focusing on the work of twentieth-century American and European women playwrights, this book recuperates for feminism the notions of realism and mimesis, and proposes new readings of modern women’s plays. It claims that modern women playwrights establish a new form of mimesis. Drawing on theories of French feminist Luce Irigaray, the author calls this dramatic structure “labial mimesis,” marks its difference from the traditional structure based on a male hero, and emphasizes its hospitality to the representation of trust, love, friendship and erotic intimacy among women. She offers a fresh perspective in the lively debate about the viability of realism for feminist writing.
The author’s understanding of feminist realism proceeds from her ethical/political model of the “weak” subject and from her superb delineation of the figure of two-in-one. The desires and interrelatedness of this central pair of female characters are the focus of many women’s plays. The “Weak” Subject proposes a subtle exploration of the erotic energy and creative intelligence that circulate among female writers, producers, actors, and characters, which complements those found in Tina Chanter’s “Ethics of Eros,” Laura Doan’s “The Lesbian Postmodern,” and Terry Castle’s “The Apparitional Lesbian.”
In delineating the possiblity of a bisexual eros that is both feminist and feminine, the author moves the cultural dialogue between the United States and Europe toward a higher awareness of how erotic energy organizes visual, dramatic and narrative representations.
The authors’s own intercultural situatedness, her impressive body of research, and her theoreticl positions lead to a highly compelling new understanding of female subjectivity and sexual agency, and open new horizons in the debates on gender, performativity, democracy, and civil society in the post-Cold war era.
Visit Dr. SerenaGaia’s Author Page on Amazon.com
Ricerca con Metodo Olistico Pubblicata in Riviste Accademiche di Tipo Peer-Reviewed
La vita e la carriera accademica della dottoressa SerenaGaia sono state dedicate a progetti straordinari basati sulla ricerca olistica nelle arti dell’amore, della guarigione e della vita, inclusi argomenti come la fluidità sessuale, l’inclusività amorosa, l’amore ecosessuale, le comunità intenzionali, l’arte del cinema, la teoria di Gaia, e molti altri.
La sua ricerca è ampiamente apprezzata nelle comunità accademiche. I suoi profili in portali di ricerca come sono visitati frequentemente da studiose e studiosi, da studenti e studentesse, e da ricercatori e ricercatrici del sapere provenienti da tutto il mondo. Il suo profilo su Academia.edu è ora completo di tutte le sue pubblicazioni accademiche. Lei è felicissima di mettere il suo lavoro a disposizione di tutte le persone interessate, indipendentemente dall’affiliazione istituzionale.
Benvenuti e benvenute al patromonio di ricerca accademica prodotto da Dr. SerenaGaia!
Of the Virus Party: Uno studio che incoraggia l’apprezzo per la ricerca con base comunitaria in relazione alla salute pubblica e a quella personale.
Esplora Profilo e Progetti della Dott.ssa SerenaGaia su ResearchGate
Vai alla sessione “Peer Reviewed Articles” del Profilo su Academia.edu.
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Benvenut* ad esplorare il Curriculum Vitae di Dr. SerenaGaia.
Benvenut* a scaricare la nota biografica di Dr. SerenaGaia.
Benvenut* a ritornare alle aree PERCHÉ e CHE COSA PUOI TROVARE.